Right, I recently created a hex colour chooser using 3 ActiveX slider controls. It's kinda interesting, and should provide a good starting point for anyone interested in changing the bqackground or foreground colours of text boxes a good idea of what to do as well.
It was created as part of a simple database that could change the menu items in an asp page, what they linked to, and what colour they would switch to when the mouse hovered over them (looked like the old magic buttons, but was really just a div changing colours in a table, and the div had the hand cursor though css, so it was hard to believe that it was only text)... I can post that code somewhere too if you guys want, works in IE and Mozilla.
Beyond the colour chooser, it also had an open dialog which would create the Reletive URL from the databases location if it was in or beyond that directory. It did some stuff with file input and used the copy API too if anyone wants me to post the whole thing my employer says I can keep all the database code and objects I create so long as I delete any sensitive data.
The coolest part is the colour picker though, which I have posted here
To use it, just do a DoCmd.OpenForm. If you pass it an OpenArgs value that is a hex string (as you would see in a website, so #RRGGBB) then it will start out at that colour, and restore to it as well with the return to original colour button. You should open it up as a dialog really, then check the global variable strColourChosen (declared in the module)
It requires the two functions in the module, the ChangeToHex and ChangeFromHex, to work, and it also requires the global variable strColourChosen.
If you think this is a garbage post, tell me and I'll avoid making them in the future.
do you know where can I get a file sample of ms access database with the following features:
- entry of persons, - entry of projects, - calender of projects, - payement for their work, - print-out of vouchers, - on-line access for persons to DB (with password).
i've looked around the internet and couldn't find anything. I would love to have this just as an example, to build my own on-this-sample-driven database.
i've done something in PHP but since VB and PHP are not similar, i really would love to have an example.
I am on my way to building my first relational DB. Is anyone able to look at the attached sample and tell me if I am on the right track?
The DB is being desined to record Repair information carried out on a machine. (TblRepair)
The DB will also eventually record refurbished machines (TblRefurb) and also many other situations like stock control, etc.(yet to be designed). Before I go on I just want to check:
> Is this roughly correct so far? > If I create a new record in the existing form, why can I not enter both UnitID and EmployeeID? Relationship conflict? > Should I be building forms on a query? (I think the answer is Yes, just need confirmation). > Is it because of a problem with the query I cannot enter details correctly? (as per the above question).
Any pointers would be very welcome. PS Sorry its v.old A97!
I've read-up on getting random records, but I need a little help.
I have a table with 200,000 SSN records. Fields: SSN, Plan Number There are about 100 distinct plans. How can I select a sample (random) SSN for each plan?:confused:
Can someone post a copy of a sample mdw file so that I may observe the design of the database? I am very new to the concept of db security and would like to take a look at how the design is constructed. Thanks!
I checked the sample DB section, but could not find what I am looking for: a anonymous customer satisfaction database. Just a shell I can build upon. Does anyone here have anything similar I might be able to use?
hi i want to develop application in access like inventroy control.But i have no knowlege how to do it.Please guide me.I want some sample or frame to develop application in acess.Thanks in advance.
hi i want to develop application in access like inventroy control.But i have no knowlege how to do it.Please guide me.I want some sample or frame to develop application in acess.Thanks in advance.
I am trying to create an attendance application for my group of 6people, does anyone have or know where i can find any to look at. I don't even know where to begin.
Daily in and out. Keeping tabs of our vacation days/sick days. I just need to know where to begin, or need a sample for ideas in creating this. I have looked high and low. Please show me/tell me if you have any or how you did it, if you have done it before. Thanks friends!
I posted this here but didn't get any response. http://access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=114099
Sorry if this is in the wrong place - I am very new to this site
I have asked this on another forum but have had no replies - hoping someone here can help
I am using Acess 2000 and I am not that good at it
Is there any way to merge two of the sample databases which comes with Access together - I would like to have the Inventory Control and the Order Entry databases as one database - can this be done? There is no data in the databases yet
In the Northwind DB, there is a query of the "Ten Most Expensive Products"
After looking at it, I can't figure out where or how it knows to only pull the 10 highest price products. It's probably right in front of my nose...but it's making me crazy!
I am trying to create an attendance application for my group of 6people, does anyone have or know where i can find any to look at. I don't even know where to begin.
Daily in and out. Keeping tabs of our vacation days/sick days. I just need to know where to begin, or need a sample for ideas in creating this. I have looked high and low. Please show me/tell me if you have any or how you did it, if you have done it before. Thanks friends!
Hi folks, I've got a questionnaire which has about 80 fields in 5 sections. all sections are linked to a person Id - which is the unique identifier.
I'm thinking that a tab form is the way to go in putting this form in Access in order to facilitate data entry. Is this the best way or is there another way to accomplish this task?
Does anyone have a sample form that I can modify to meet my needs?
I am finishing a project at my client, and they said that I could take a copy of the database I created home (i.e. so that I will support them ;) )
I have a table tblPeople, however, the only condition is that I have to change the First- and LastName columns in this table, since it contains personal information. I need to change the names for about 600 people (400 men, 200 women)
I was thinking of adding the First- and Last Names of movie stars, to keep the flair in my DB :) Does anyone maybe have a sample database with (movie star) names that I can use to populate my DB?
I need to customize the sample Contact Management DB (CONTACT) that comes with MS Access 2000.
I removed the field ‘Region’ in the ‘Company’ table, in the ‘Company’ form, and in the ‘ContactAddress’ query, respectively. Now, when I try to access the ‘Enter/View Contacts’ form through the Main Swithboard's button, it shows a small warning windows asking to ‘Enter Parameter Value’, referring to "Company.Region." What did I wrong and/or should I do to correct this problem?
Wow! I just looked at the Access 2007 Northwind database sample and they have revamped it and given it some cool stuff. It is definitely not the "old" Northwind.
. Alexei White (http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexeiwhite) Has a very kindly posted some excellent sample data which you can use in your development. The sample data is downloadable from his blog here: (http://blogs.nitobi.com/alexei/?m=200706)
The data is available in the following formats:
CSV MS Access 2000 SQL Syntax file XML (http://blogs.nitobi.com/alexei/?m=200706)
Alexei White is also on LinkedIn--- Profile Here. (http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexeiwhite)
Thank you Alexei for making this resource available!
Cheers Tony...
MS Access Hints and Tips Club (http://www.ecademy.com/module.php?mod=club&op=join&c=3970)
I'm in over my head with something I've been asked to do at work as my access skills are pretty basic.
I need a sample database containing PRODUCTS and SUPPLIERS, that lets you book IN stock received from the supplier (and adds to the stock level) and lets you book OUT stock issued to staff (and reduces the stock level)
I'll have a go at reorder levels, form design, stuff like that myself, but I'm having trouble with these very basic requirements.
Does anyone know of a sample database that I can download to learn some of this from?
I have successfully imported GHudson's browse forms, table, and modules into my database. I need to import an excel sheet into my database.
I have tried to change the code on the import with different codes I found via this forum.
I have changed the import table name to my import table name which is tblImport I have changed the code to do a spreadsheet but it still isn't working. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am attaching a copy of my database as well as the spreadsheet that I need to import. Any help would be appreciated.
I finally got TreeView to work, by downloading the example database from this (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=80805&highlight=treeview) thread. I haven't had as much luck with ListView, though. Does anyone have a database they could post that has a working listview? I'd greatly appreciate it!!