Hi! I Need Help With Summing Fields And Expressions
Dec 18, 2006
Hi! I'm trying to create a query using option groups, i have two options the first one is STOCK and the other is PD.
If i select stock the the query i want to create to introduce it on a form is:
I have 5 fields
If i select stock
then the query is
If (reserva +almacen)<cantidad then on a sub form have to appear the table with all the rows where (reserva +almacen)<cantidad.
but if i select PD only have to select on stmax the rows where value=PD
PLEASE i need help with this....
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May 27, 2014
I am trying to create an expression that determined by text fields. The field is a PASS for FAIL field. The result needs to =PASS if 70% of the total column is PASS.Can this even be done using an expression?
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Jan 9, 2008
Hello, I am a newbie access user, so this might be a stupid question, but here it is:
I have a lot of yes/no fields labeled "10/1", "10/3", "10/5", ... (dates)
They are to record attendance on particular days.
I want to make a query that gives me the sum of a student's attendance and I have no idea to go about that. Any help is much appreciated.
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Aug 23, 2005
Not sure if this is possible (sounds simple hopefully) but I was wondering if there was a way to sum certain fields in a record on a continuous form.
E.g. Field1 and Field2 in record 1.
Is it something simple like summing columns, i.e. Sum(Field1)?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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Nov 12, 2007
I am trying to figure out the best way to design a table. The table is going to contain data concerning checks that have been given to a church. Each check could be broken down into 3 different categories; Tithes, Offering, Other. In other words one check for $100 dollars might be Tithes $40.00, Offering $30.00, Other $30.00. I need to be able to enter these three amounts into the record and then have them totaled in another field.
Is it best to do this all in one record or should I have two tables? If I have two tables how do I get one form to enter the break down into one table and the total in another table. Fyi, if I do this in one record I don't want them to have to enter in the total. I want the total that is entered to be calculated by the three previous fields.
Thanks for any help you can be on this.
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Jun 28, 2006
Is there a way to use a query to sum totals of several fields per record? In the db I have designed, I have 5 seperate fields for estimates from different departments. There is also a field for Total estimates. What I would like to do is have the Total Estimates field autocalculate the total sum of the other 5 estimate fields. Is this possible to do through a query? If so how? If not - is it possible at all?
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Jul 17, 2007
I have 2 fields, Accounts, Accounts CMO. I need those two fields to show in the same table in a new field called Total Accounts. I am summing them, but getting irregular results, some are right, and some are 4 times more than they should be? How would you go about doing this, maybe I am missing something.
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May 1, 2007
I have run into this problem with several databases I have created. I have my tables all set to store my information. I create the form to enter the information. I try to create the field to calculate a total and every time I enter the amount in the form, I get '?name' or '#name'.
With this particular database, I am looking to track expenses. Expense categories on the left, dates across the top, amounts in the middle, totals across the bottom for dates and down the right for categories.
If there was a way to attach a document, I would send the expense report. If you want to look at it, let me know and I will send it. It's a small xls file.
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Mar 1, 2007
Hi all, sorry to bother you all, especially if this has already been answered, but I can't seem to find the solution to it. Assuming that what I've been doing has been correct that is.
I have three (3) tables with the following fields (where PK is primary key);
[tbl Ingred]: IngredID (PK), ProdID_fk, CompCode, IngredName, Weight, Symbol, RP01, RP02, RP03, RP04, RP05, RP06, RP07, RP08, RP09, RP10
[tbl Prod]: ProdID (PK), ProdName, FP, BP, SBU, ProdNotes
[tbl RPCalc]: RPs, RPs_long (PK), Sym, Limit, Sym_1, RP_1, Comp_1, Add, RP_01, RPNotes
[tbl Prod] has a one-to-many relationship with [tbl Ingred]; that is, for one ProdID, there can be many IngredIDs. The tables are designed so that the final user-displayed form is 'user-friendly'.
I've made a qry called [qry Qcalc] used to calculate the the Quotation (Q) of each of the 10 RPs (RP01 - RP10). Which simply for the first one is; QRP01: [Weight]/[tbl RPCalc_1].Limit, where the [tbl Ingred].[RP01] is linked to a corresponding [tbl RPCalc], by the [RPs] field. As for one [RPs] there may be multiple [RPs_long]. The way it is set up is so that the [RPs] and [RPs_long] are mapped correctly, to be used for calculations.
However, I am now stuck with a problem. I need to sum up these QRP values ([QRP01] - [QRP10]), based on (at least?) two conditions. The user can enter in their RPs; e.g. R10, R20, R21 in any of the [RP01] to [RP10]'s, and in any order.
What I need is to be able to obtain a sum of the Q values for each [RPs_long] (e.g. R10, R20, R21), rather than being the sum of the fields [RP01] to [RP10]. Also, each [RPs_long] may or may not be able to be summed up, depending on another field [Add] which has a "Yes" or "No". "Yes" is for it being able to be summed up, and "No" for it not being additive.
So the end result would be; for each [ProdID], there will be multiple [IngredID] where each will have up to ten (10) "RPs" (that being the [RP01] to [RP10] fields). These inputted "RPs" are then related to [tbl RPCalc] to be able to obtain the Q-values. If the Q-Value is not greater or equal to 1 (>= 1), then the sum of the Q-values for each [RPs_long], provided that the [Add] field is "Yes", will then be able to determine what are the final output RPs to be used, i.e. for the sum of the Q-values are greater or equal to 1 (>= 1), that [RPs_long] will be used.
I've been stuck on this for quite some time, and I know that if I change the whole table structure (like having a field for each RPs in the [tbl Ingred]), I might be able to make it much easier for myself. However, by doing so, it will not be able to offer as much flexibility in the calculations, and also, may not make it as 'user-friendly'. Another thought was maybe to create another table with just the [CompCodeID] (based on [tbl Ingred].[CompCode]), [Weight], [RP], but I'm not too sure how this will work either, but I might give it a shot if this current method doesn't work.
I hope that this made sense, as it is all quite complex (and confusing) to me. Any help on this matter will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Jan 29, 2008
I have a number of fields that hold values (scores - either 0,1 or 2) that need to be summed but in some cases the value is 99 (which is recognised by our stats program as a N/A type of anwer- This occurs when a question is optional and the user hasnt answered it. I did not want to value to be null (since its not like the user didnt answer it because they missed out on it by accident but rather they could not) and it couldnt be 0 either since 0 actually means something different in the context of the questionnaire.Lets say I have Q1 which has a value of 0, Q2 has a value of 1, Q3 has a value of 99 and Q4 has a value of 2I want to get the total of Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 for a particular entry but if the value of any or all of the questions are 99 I want access to ignore it and just sum the rest of the values i.e. the sum should read 0+1+2+(99)=3 not 102I want to be able to include this sum function in the expression builder if possible since I am using it for a report. Can someone please help?
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Nov 17, 2006
Would like to create a sum of a field in a sub form. I am using =sum([name of field]) in the footer of the sub form but it only gives me the answer of the first entry in the form. I also created an unbound box in the detail portion =[table1 subform].[form]![name of field]. What am I doing wrong?
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Feb 14, 2014
In the footer of my report I have a field that sums the Transaction Amounts - =Sum([Transaction Amount])
I would also like to break the totals down further by Transaction Type Codes.
Something like =Sum([Transaction Amount]) where Transaction Type Code = AL-Exp-Paid
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Aug 3, 2015
I am involved in centrally managing a project , a part of which involves employees of certain companies being given a weekly subsidy for study on academic courses. I have successfully set up a table for all the learners and a related table for companies.
Each learner will receive a fixed weekly rate subsidy in the first year, and a lower fixed weekly rate subsidy in the second year. Somebody (not me) will need to check their paychecks to ensure that employees have been paid and all is above board. The learners/employees can start on the programme at any time. I need a way to track this (total claimed amounts, where they're up to etc).
My theoretical solution, is to have a field for each week a learner is on the programme (52 first year, 52 second), and instead of entering a currency amount in the field, the check-person can enter the date they saw the evidence and are happy with it. I thought then if I create a query that searches any dates that fall within the current claim period (eg >01/01/2015, <=Date()), and multiplies field count that fall within those parameters by first/second year subsidy rate if they're in that table. I think my logic is sound, I am just not sure how to write the query/expression, or if it's possible, or if there is a much simpler way to do it.
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Apr 1, 2014
[AR&R Hours]+[PTO # of Hours]+[Meeting/Calls # of Hours]+[System Issues # of Hours]+[BAU Training # of Hours]+[Exception Processing Hours]+[AIG Related Activities]+[Admin Work Hours]+[Migration Hours]+[Project Hours]
Need the fastest and easiest way to auto calculate the above in a field on a form. i can get it to calculate in a query but need it to do in the form as well.
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Oct 4, 2013
I have a sales form. The sales form has many Call, Meetings and Emails linked to each sales record. I want to total all the number of calls, meeting and email records related to the sales record to give a total- Touches.I've created 3 queries;
1 - Counts Calls
2 - Counts Emails
3 - Counts Meetings
These all work fine however when I combine them to attempt to count the results it doesn't produce the correct results.I have a second query as well (no pun intended).
I am trying to sum together a column that has values in Time. The results displays as a decimal. How can I have the result display as a Time i.e. 1:20 (1 hour 20 minutes).
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Feb 18, 2014
In my tables i have used calculated fields. one of the fields is to "total expenses." In a report, i need to show the sum of all the "total expenses", the filed populates in the report but the cents are missing. for example if the amount is 6080.40 it shows as 6080. how can i get around this? I have tried changing the decimal point value to 2 at which point the value turns to 6080.00 when it should be 6080.40 (i am a beginner at this i am assuming the answer will probably involve c++ or visual basic's, two concepts i am not familiar with.)
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Mar 4, 2008
I have a table that has questions that require Yes/No answers, simple done, however now for the tricky (or at least for me, VV new to Access) I need one of the fields to add up all the Yes and asign a value so for example:
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Result
Y N Y Y N 3
How do I do this, I asume it is down to the expression for 'Field' Result but what should that expression be and where do I put it?
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Jul 29, 2006
Help me what is wrong with this expression:eek: :
=IIF( [eBay Method] ="Auction",
IIF( [Start up Price] <=.99,.2,
IIF( [Start up Price] < = 9.99,.35,
IIF( [Start up Price] < =24.99,.6,
IIF( [Start up Price] < =49.99,1.2,
IIF( [Start up Price] < =199.99,2.4,
IIF( [Start up Price] < =499.99,3.6,
IIF( [Start up Price] >499.99,4.8," "
IIF( [eBay Method] ="Buy it Now",
IIF( [Start up Price] <=9.99,.05,
IIF( [Start up Price] <=24.99,.1,
IIF( [Start up Price] <=49.99,.2,
IIF( [Start up Price] <=49.99,.25," "
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Jul 13, 2005
I'm using Windows 2K SP4 and have just installed Office 2003. Everytime I open Access I get a message asking if I want to block unsafe expressions (presumably macros). How can I turn this off?
BTW I've downloaded all of the security updates, which are recommended by MS.
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Apr 5, 2007
Can anyone tell me why it is that when i have written a DB on one machine using Access 2003 and then subsequently put that DB on to another machine i get an error relating to unsafe expressions?
why does this happen and is there a away in which can stop this error message from appearing?
I am trying to implement the DB i have written at work but it does not look good when i get a constant error message appearing when ever i open the DB.
Thank you in advace for your help
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Feb 29, 2008
1)I have a list of stock opening prices and closing prices for March. i need an expression or function that will calculate which company's stock price changed most during the month (difference between opening and closing price). 2)In the stock table, I have dates given to me in the following format mm/dd/yyyy. Lets say I want it only to display the date so it only shows the month but not the year of the day. What function will give me this result?Thanks
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Jan 8, 2007
I have a complicated question here. I am currently building a db for career development in my workplace. The main fields that i am having some issues with is the following. I have three fields labelled as the following:
1)Last Review date
2)Next review date ( i have this entered in as an auto generated date-- will add one year from the last review date)
Now here is my question:
I want my status field to auto generate as well-- say if the last review date was in 2005 and the next review date was dec.12/06-- then the status would currently be overdue.
Is there any expression to use to auto generate the status field to say whether it is overdue or completed? or is there any easier way to do this?
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Jul 8, 2005
I’m starting to wonder how I ever made anything work, before I found this place.
I built 2 queries and put them in a query
They share a common field
The join type is all record from Query1 and Matching from Query2
Next I added a count field for each
Then I added a calculated field that subtracts the count from Query1 to Query2.
So far it all works
When I add >0 to the criteria for the calculated field a dialog box pops up asking for the values of the fields expressed the calculated field.
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Jul 19, 2006
i have a master table with various lookup feilds. i want to create a querie that creates a text expression feild called description and it is based on the info provided in the lookup feild. problem is when i create this querie from the location master it provides the id's from the lookup colums and not their text.
any solution
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Aug 1, 2006
Hi experts
I have some problems consists of using Conditions.
I have 4 tables in Access:
tbl1_School names, addresses, ID_Number etc..
tbl2_ School features with Number of Clesses, Number of Students, total Area etc.
tbl3_teaching stuff with names, occcupations, Ages ets. and
tbl4_nonteaching personal with names, occupations. ages, etc.
References is ID_Number of schools
I make Query with relations, but do know how to build Expressions Builder for this:
Question 1.
a)If school have between 300&500 Students there are ig.18 teachers,
b)if schools have between 500&800 Students there are ig.25 teachers and until 1500 Students there are ig. 50 teachers.
Question 2.
c)if school have area until 400 m^2 there are needed ig. 8 nonteaching personel,
d)if school have from 400 till 600 m^2 there are needed ig. 15 nonteaching personel.
Numbers I specified like examples ig. were prescribed bye regulation.
If someone want to help me how can I use Expression Builder or VBA Code it would be appreciated.
It means I should use Condition Commands.
Thank You for help.
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Jul 17, 2007
Is there anyway to use an if statemet to define the criteria for a query?
as in
if forms!RunReport!cboname <> "" then
query all names that equal forms!RunReport!cboname
end if
also is there any way to use a dlookup function (or another similar function)
to define several criteria for my query
i have a table, "modules", with a list of modules, each classified as "digital" or "analog" and i want to view all records containing analog modules from a different table, "info"
thanks for any help in advance
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