Is there a way to hide a column in a query that does not have any data in it?
I have tables that are populated with YES/NO boxes and I only want to bring back the information for fields that are YES. Currently, the queries run and bring back all fields.
Each query will only have 1 result as they are limited by the primary key.
Hi Gurus, Here's my situation. I have three columns in Access: Attribute Name, DateValue, CharValue. I wish to create a make table query which does the following: If Attribute Name = 'approved_date' then take the value from DateValue Column and populate it in a New table 'new'. but if the Attribute Name = 'description' the take the value from CharValue column and populate it in the same table 'new' in a different column. Please help, how to achieve this.
I have a table which has a column and some of them are filled and some are blank. I want to fill the blank ones with the previous values, how do I do this. Thanks for any help..
I am making this harder than it has to be i'm sure. I had a previous post of auto-texting a field, well why can't I just take two fields I have, such as the ID field which is an autonumber field and combine that with a type field that I have which is D.
If I could merge this in a query, wouldn't it give me the results as D01, D02, etc?
I couldn't find anything helpful online, one side said do the following.
SELECT receivables2.type+receivables2.ID FROM receivables2;
Only I get errors.
I also tried this.
SELECT merge(receivables2.type; receivables2.ID); FROM receivables2;
I have a table containing about 120 records of 40 fields containing integer values. The values are 0 (for 'no experience'), 1 - 5 (for evaluation of experience) and 9 (for question not answered). I would like to generate a row of averages for the 40 columns.
Access includes the '0's when using the Avg function. (So 1,0,3,0,1,4 yields 1.5 (1+0+3+0+1+4 / 6) rather than the accurate 2.25 (1+0+3+1+4 / 4)). I can tackle this in two ways: I either convert all zero's to NULLs, as Access will not count NULL in an Avg function call, or I can do each column in a seperate query using a WHERE clause. I also have the problem of screening out the 9's. I'm reluctant to create 40 queries and then another to amalgamate the results as this seems a very silly way to solve this problem. I cannot convert both the zeroes AND the 9's to NULL as to do so would lose valuable data.
Can anyone suggest how I can obtain a full row of averages for the 40 fields, ignoring 0's and 9's?
I created a fixed header cross tab query that totals up how many photos of each size there is in an order. I wrote some visual basic code to total up the price (kind of complex with the different packages) but any orders without at least one of every size photo completely locks up Access. The following is the code:
Private Sub Text66_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Dim Units Dim UnitsCache Dim PackagesCache Dim F4x5Cache Dim F5x7Cache Dim E8x10Cache Dim E11x14Cache Dim S16x21Cache Dim T21x24Cache Dim WalletsCache Dim T4x5 Dim T5x7 Dim T8x10 Dim T11x14 Dim T16x21 Dim T21x24 Dim TWallets
If [4x5] = Null Then T4x5 = 1 Else T4x5 = [4x5] End If
If [5x7] = Null Then T5x7 = 1 Else T5x7 = [5x7] End If
If [8x10] = Null Then T8x10 = 1 Else T8x10 = [8x10] End If
If [11x14] = Null Then T11x14 = 1 Else T11x14 = [11x14] End If
If [16x21] = Null Then T16x21 = 1 Else T16x21 = [16x21] End If
If [21x24] = Null Then T21x24 = 1 Else T12x24 = [21x24] End If
If [Wallets] = Null Then TWallets = 1 Else TWallets = [Wallets] End If
RerunPackages: PackagesCache = "x" If [T21x24Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then PackagesCache = "F" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4 [T21x24Cache] = [T21x24Cache] - 1 Text58 = Text58 + 439 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [S16x21Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then PackagesCache = "E" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4 [S16x21Cache] = [S16x21Cache] - 1 Text58 = Text58 + 305 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [E11x14Cache] > 0 And [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 3 Then PackagesCache = "D" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 3 [E11x14Cache] = [E11x14Cache] - 1 Text58 = Text58 + 236 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [WalletsCache] >= 2 And [UnitsCache] >= 4 Then PackagesCache = "C" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 2 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 4 Text58 = Text58 + 169 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 3 Then PackagesCache = "B" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 3 Text58 = Text58 + 127 GoTo FoundOne End If
If [WalletsCache] >= 1 And [UnitsCache] >= 2 Then PackagesCache = "A" [WalletsCache] = [WalletsCache] - 1 [UnitsCache] = [UnitsCache] - 2 Text58 = Text58 + 89 GoTo FoundOne End If
FoundOne: If PackagesCache <> "x" Then If Text56 = " " Then Text56 = PackagesCache GoTo RerunPackages ElseIf Text54 = " " Then Text54 = PackagesCache GoTo RerunPackages ElseIf Text52 = " " Then Text52 = PackagesCache GoTo RerunPackages End If End If
UnitsCache = (T8x10 + T5x7 2 + T4x5 4) - UnitsCache Do If F4x5Cache < 4 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then GoTo Skip4x5 End If F4x5Cache = F4x5Cache - 4 UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1 Loop Skip4x5: Do If F5x7Cache < 2 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then GoTo Skip5x7 End If F5x7Cache = F5x7Cache - 2 UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1 Loop Skip5x7: Do If E8x10Cache < 1 Or UnitsCache = 0 Then GoTo Skip8x10 End If E8x10Cache = E8x10Cache - 1 UnitsCache = UnitsCache - 1 Loop Skip8x10:
Text42 = 0 Redo: If WalletsCache >= 5 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 40 WalletsCache = [WalletsCache] - 5 GoTo Redo End If If WalletsCache = 4 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 37 ElseIf WalletsCache = 3 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 33 ElseIf WalletsCache = 2 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 28 ElseIf WalletsCache = 1 Then Text42 = [Text42] + 18 End If
I have a report that contains 5 graphs, one for each day of the week. I run this report daily. When I run the report on a Monday, only the Monday graph displays data and the other graphs are blank as there is no data for that day just yet. Is it possible to hide these graphs if there is no data? I did find one suggestion to create a text box with the following code
Code: Private Sub Report() If [SumOfWed] = 0 Then Me.Graph24.Visible = False Else Me.Graph24.Visible = True End If
This does't work for me.Graph24 is the name of Wednesdays graph and the row source for the graph is TRANSFORM Sum([Wed]) AS [SumOfWed] SELECT [Machine] FROM [qryShiftDays] GROUP BY [Machine] PIVOT [Shift];
I am creating a database for an ambulance organization to track call history. One of the fields that needs to be populated is patient's last name. I need to show the last name when printing the form for billing purpose. However, I only want to shoe the first three letters of the last name in the table. For example, if the patients last name is Smith. When printing the form I would see the name Smith, but in the table I would only see Smi**.
I am posting a report to the web, in a pdf format. the issue is I have data that is hidden under conditional formating in which if it meet the criteria the font is white and background white. This is great since it shows up blank on pdf. However if a slick person takes the pdf highlights the page and transfers it to a word document, he can highlight that area change the font to black and see the data. Is there a way to hide the data prior to creating a pdf.
I am exporting data from Access to excel, once all the data is exported into multiple sheets. I have one Master Sheet which has formula / reference to other sheets. I want to hide those rows which do not have data but contain formulaes referencing back to another sheet.
How to hide those records has formula but do not have data.
I have a report which contains 3 subreports. Now I require to do the following:
1. Hide the subreport if there is no data. 2. Remove the Blank space created when the data in subreport is null.
I tried to Set Can Grow and Can Shrink to Yes but still the blank space was not removed.
When I reduced the height of the subreports in the design view the blank space was reduced but it was still there.
What can be done so that the complete report auto adjusts itself if any sub-report is null? Something like the whole page auto fits itself in the available space?
The option of reducing the size of sub report in design view to minimum is there but it makes the report very un-handy for future reference.
I have had a look through the forum and I am not sure if this can be done. I have a table. i.e. with columns Decsription 1, Cost 1, Description 2, Cost 2 Description 3, Cost 3 description 4, cost 4 etc.
I am looking to try and gave a combo box show this information as follows. I.e
Goal - Show how many policies (dbo_Policy22.Policy.Number) were cancelled during a certain time period (Invoice Date).
Problem - a policy can be cancelled more than once and I don't want to count it after the initial cancel status (885).
Question - Below is my query. I'm thinking I type "Distinct" somewhere, but I have no idea where.
Please help :) Thank you.
SELECT dbo_Producer22.Number, dbo_Producer22.Name, dbo_Invoice22.Invoice_Date, dbo_Policy22.POLICY_STATUS, dbo_Policy22.Policy_Number FROM dbo_Producer22 INNER JOIN ((dbo_Insured22 INNER JOIN dbo_Invoice22 ON dbo_Insured22.Insured_Key = dbo_Invoice22.Insured_Key) INNER JOIN dbo_Policy22 ON dbo_Insured22.Insured_Key = dbo_Policy22.Insured_Key) ON dbo_Producer22.Producer_Key = dbo_Policy22.Producer_Key GROUP BY dbo_Producer22.Number, dbo_Producer22.Name, dbo_Invoice22.Invoice_Date, dbo_Policy22.POLICY_STATUS, dbo_Policy22.Policy_Number HAVING (((dbo_Invoice22.Invoice_Date) Between [Forms]![PfrmYearToDate]![txtStartDate] And [Forms]![PfrmYearToDate]![txtEndDate]) AND ((dbo_Policy22.POLICY_STATUS)=885));
I was wondering if there is a way to hide 1 record from a query
say I have 3 user accounts and on a form I only want to display 2 of them form the query,so the other record is still present but cant be deleted by accident or viewed
I have a form with various fields, two of these fields are "Date Purchased" and "Lease End Date". When there is no value entered originally, I have made a default value of 12/30/9999.
The problem is that when you open the form and these two fields are next to each other, the user says it confuses them seeing a date even though it is a dummy date.
Is there a way for me to create a expression that will be something like:
Is it possible to just hide a record? My form is based on a query so I know I could remove the record that way but I also have a box that calculates a average time, so the data that is produced by that record still needs to be taken into account. I want to hide some records pureley so the user dosent have to keep scrolling thriugh loads of records. Is it possible to do this?