Hide Toolbar When Program Runs

Jul 20, 2006

I have create my first program. When you click on the program it runs (I am an expert now!) But when I want it to run, I want it to hide the toolbars on the top so no one can alter it. Any suggestion?

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Modules & VBA :: Create Single Master Control Program That Runs Each Individual Application

Dec 23, 2014

I have a series of 7 separate Access 2010 programs that are designed to run under the control of a scheduler, and they must always finish. Errors are trapped and logged but mustn't stop the processes completing.

What I'm trying to do now is to create a single master control program that runs each individual application, one after the other, in order. And each individual app cannot start until the previous one is finished.how to call a separate Access program and know when it has finished.

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Hide Toolbar

Jul 20, 2006

I have create my first program. When you click on the program it runs (I am an expert now!) But when I want it to run, I want it to hide the toolbars on the top so no one can alter it. Any suggestion?

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Hide Toolbar

Dec 27, 2006

I am trying to hide some toolbars and have noticed that with the following command:

DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Design View", acToolbarNo

I get an error message. Is there a way I can avoid this toolbar to show whenever I issue an updated file? Thanks.

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Query Runs All Day

Feb 28, 2007

Dear pro,
I am having difficulties running a simple query that it runs all day and I have to kill it at the end of my date because it does not finish. Here is the statement that I would like some suggestions on how to improve it for faster results:
SELECT code, acct nbr, date, user, sum(amt)
FROM Tbl a
AND date BETWEEN TO_DATE ('20070101', 'YYYYMMDD')
AND TO_DATE ('20070131', 'YYYYMMDD')
group by code,acc nbr,date,user

thank you...in advance for all your help..


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Aug 13, 2006

Hi all
I have a toolbar called companies.
How can I add menus to it??

Any attempt to help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advanse


Mark K.

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DB Runs Slow Over Network

Sep 18, 2006

I have a 16Mb DB. The intention is for users to access this over the network without copying onto their local machines.

At present, many of the forms are located on 1 master form and they are all subforms on tabs. There are a lot of calculated control boxes on the forms, and these seem to be very slow to bring back the data over the network whereas on my local machine, the data is displayed in a couple of seconds.

COuld this be sped up somehow? Maybe using queries or other methods?

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Query Runs Slowly

Aug 8, 2006

I have a table with a rotating work order number (from 1 to 9999 then starts over) and because there may be more than one record with the same work order number I need to find the most recent one. Here's the query I'm using the find the most recent record for each work order number:
SELECT * FROM [Work Orders] AS wk1
SELECT * FROM [Work Orders] AS wk2
WHERE wk1.[Work Order #] = wk2.[Work Order #] AND
wk1.[Call In Date] < wk2.[Call In Date]

Right now the table has a litttle over 10000 records and it takes anywhere from 10 seconds to 60 seconds to return the results. Is there a way I could possibly speed up this query?

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Toolbar Buttons

Jun 18, 2005

I have created a floating toolbox much like the floating toolbox you see when you design a form. I want my buttons to stay depressed the same way they do in a real toolbox. It must be possible... I just have no idea how..

any info is greatly appreciated

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Custom Toolbar

Mar 29, 2006

HI all, I have recently created my own custom toolbar for my database which works fine on my computer, but when the database is transfered to another computer via a memory stick (needs to be done as it is going to be used on remote laptops away from the main network), the custom toolbar does not carry over. Instead of the custom toolbar being shown, the normal, main toolbars are reset to the default ones shown.

Is there a way of stopping the toolbars reseting when transfering the database so that my custom toolbar is the default toolbar?

Thanks for the help!

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Custom Toolbar

Jul 13, 2006

I have a custom toolbar in my application. However, it isn't visible at the top of the application window and when I try to make it so - via View - Toolbars - it doesn't appear on the list of available bars.

I had assumed that I had somehow deleted it, but I know it's still present somewhere, as when I try to recreate it, I get a message saying so.

How can I get the toolbar to be displayed? :confused:

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Create My Own Toolbar

Jul 22, 2006

Is there any way of adding export fuction to the toolbar using modules or macro

or how I can build my own toolbar when will appear in all workstation in the company

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Custom Toolbar

Mar 6, 2007

Hi folks:

when I create a custom toolbar on my db, would that custom toolbar be carried to other copies of my db? I'm hiding all toolbars using code and I need to display only one.


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Combo Box On Toolbar

Oct 2, 2007

After several nights of reading through the documentation on the ability to add a combo box to a toolbar, I have not been able to create a combo box with more than one column and hide the key column.

Here's my goal (I think that many people would want to do the same):

In any database that deals with a client table, a good way to access a client's record is by putting a combo box on the client screen with (at least) 2 columns, one is the client's ID and the other is a Last, First field. (I usually put another column with phone number as well). The user selects the client and the value of the combo box is set to the (hidden) ID field and the AfterUpdate event pulls up the appropriate recordf.

My idea is to put this combo box right on the toolbar for easier access. You may want to call up a client even if the client screen happens not to be open.

The combo box on toolbars seem to work with indexes rather than allowing you to hide (or size) a column, making this seemingly impossible.

Another issue I found is updating the contents of the combo box.

Since Access doesn't refresh the contents of a combo box, I always set mine to have no rowsource. In the OnGotFocus event of the combo box, I assign the rowsource programatically to the client list (or whatever list the combo box is meant for) so you always get up to the minute results. The amount of time that it takes to load 10,000 names into there even over a LAN is so fast that the user doesn't notice that it's loading.

I'm not sure what would happen if I had to do the same with the toolbar combo box. First of all, I'm not aware of any OnGotFocus event so you'd literally have to keep refreshing the contents every time someone changed, added or deleted a client from the client table. To refresh the contents, it seems that you can't just set the rowsource to a SQL recordsource. (The way I did it was to have a loop go through my database using DAO and using the AddNew command for each client). You would actually have to loop through, clearing out every item and then adding them back in each time someone updated the client database.

All the above is based on what I was able to derive from the documentation that Microsoft has provided for this feature. I do see that there are many events, styles and properties of the combobox that have scant explanation and I'm hoping that someone with more knowledge can help me out here with the problems I'm having. I think this can be a wonderful and much-overlooked tool for many Access developers if it can be used as I want to.



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Customizing A Toolbar

Jun 28, 2006

I was trying to customize a toolbar by adding the "size to shortest", "size to narrowest", etc., stuff from the format menu. The first item, "size to tallest", I just clicked and dragged from the format menu onto my toolbar, and that worked fine....except that it disappeared from the format menu. Then, I tried to drag "size to tallest" back to the format menu; Now it has disappeared totally from both my toolbar AND my format menu. How do I get it back???:confused:

BTW, I found out if I ctl-drag items from the format menu to my toolbar, they stay on the format menu but also appear on my toolbar. Wish I had known that before ....

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Toolbar On Forms

Dec 3, 2006

Is it possible to remove/hide the combo on the forms' Main Menu toolbar which says - 'Type a question for help'?


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Printing Report Re-runs All Queries

Jan 31, 2008

I have a report with several subreports which run agains a very large table. If I decide to print the report after examining it, all of the underlying queries must run again. Is there any way around this to avoid this delay, other than exporting as rtf or snp?



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Multi Combo Boxes, Which One Runs

Oct 20, 2005

I have 6 combo boxes on a form, which call a report based on a query. The idea is that the user can query data 6 different way. How do I/ or the user know which one is actually running first. Would the order left to right make a difference? (None have sort ascending or descending)

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Calculate Number Of Animals & Runs

May 4, 2006

I own a kennel and was wondering if there is a way to put in 2 different dates and get totals of animals during that time and totals of kennel runs?

Sorry, my reservation table includes Kind, New (y/n), Owner's Name, Pet's Name, Date In, Date out, Price, # of Units needed, and # of dogs. I need to put in dates ie: 5-10-06 to 5-25-06 and get a total of dogs and a total of units so we don't overbook. When I made this program I have little idea of how to do it and now years later I'm trying to tweak it. Thanks again

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A2003 Query Runs Under XP, Not Vista

Feb 26, 2008

I apologize up front for how long this is, but the queries involved are a bit complex.

I developed a database in Access 2003 running on XP sp2 to score events for our dog club. Everything works. I recently had to migrate to Vista. I installed Access without a problem. No changes to the database were made. Almost everything works except for a few queries. I continually get the error "Object invalid or no longer set." This is not running on a network - it is local on the hard drive. Setting XP compatibility mode and runing as administrator do not help.

The query that is actually causing the problem is the third in a chain, meaning it queries a dataset produced by another query, which in turn queries a dataset produced by a third query. This all works under XP.

I have narrowed the problem down to the ORDER BY statement in the query (I prefer to work in SQL). If I remove one of the sort criteria, everything works, except the results are displayed in the wrong order. It does not matter if I click the "run query" button on my form, or simply execute the query from the list of queries, the same error occurs. This is where I'm stuck.

Here is the chain. This query pulls data out of multiple tables and performs some point total calculations. This one is rather complex, but works fine. It produces a blob dataset of all entries for all events and sets points for each entry.

SELECT tblResults.Event_ID, tblEvents.Event_Name, tblClass.Class, tblDogs.Dog_Name, tblDogs.ID, tblDogs.Owner, tblDogs.Sex, tblResults.Dog_Wt, tblResults.Cert, tblResults.Ex, tblResults.Cplt_Wt, tblResults.Time, tblResults.Final_Wt, tblResults.Dist, tblResults.Place, IIf(tblResults!Cplt_Wt<400,0,5) AS Bonus, IIf([Bonus]=0,0,IIf(tblClass!Class="D",(tblEvents!D_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus]),IIf(tblClass!Class="C",(tblEvents!C_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus]),IIf(tblClass!Class="B",(tblEvents!B_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus]),IIf(tblClass!Class="A",(tblEvents!A_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus]),(tblEvents!O_Count-(tblResults!Place-1)+[Bonus])))))) AS Points, Round(tblResults!Cplt_Wt/tblResults!Dog_Wt,2) AS xbdywt
FROM tblClass INNER JOIN (tblEvents INNER JOIN (tblDogs INNER JOIN tblResults ON tblDogs.ID=tblResults.Dog_ID) ON tblEvents.Event_ID=tblResults.Event_ID) ON tblClass.Weight=tblResults.Dog_Wt;

That resulting dataset feeds the next query, which also works fine. This one sums the points for each entrant by class for the season, only selecting entrants that have been in 3 or more events.

SELECT DISTINCTROW qryAll_Results.Class, qryAll_Results.Dog_Name, qryAll_Results.Owner, Sum(qryAll_Results.Points) AS Points
FROM qryAll_Results INNER JOIN qryPulls_Entered ON qryAll_Results.ID=qryPulls_Entered.ID
WHERE qryPulls_Entered.CountOfID>3
GROUP BY qryAll_Results.Class, qryAll_Results.Dog_Name, qryAll_Results.Owner, qryAll_Results.ID;

This last query is the one causing the headache. This one pulls the 10 entrants with the most points for a class, sorts them by points, then assigns 1st-10th place.

SELECT TOP 10 qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Dog_Name, qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Owner, qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Points, ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes AS T WHERE T.Class = "A" AND T.Points > qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Points)+1) AS Place
FROM qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes
WHERE (((qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Class)="A"))
ORDER BY qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Class, qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Points DESC;

If you remove 'qryOverall_Totals_All_Classes.Points DESC' from the ORDER BY statement, the query runs. If you leave it in, it generates the error "Object invalid or no longer set". I've tried using the alias, but that didn't work either.

Any thoughts? I can post the database somewhere if someone needs to see the whole thing.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Msg Box That Runs A Code

May 29, 2014

I have a little problem in creating a msg box that then activate a code. How can I do? I was doing

Private Sub Chiusura_Pratica_Click()
MsgBox "Bla Bla Bla " _
If Response = vbYes Then
Me.Stato.Value = "A Scadere"
Me.Assegnato_a.Value = ""
MyString = "No"
End If
End Sub

But it doesn't work...

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Forms :: Create A Form That Runs Only Once When Db First Run For Name?

May 27, 2013

is it possible to create a form that runs only once when db first run for name etc. And then once saved cannot be changed by end user.

The last bit I can do its just the making it run once as a popup.

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Every Acces Screen Has Its One Toolbar Btn

Dec 21, 2005

I only want the active screen on the toolbar. and all other screens like the DB screen and forms that are not active to be hidden on the toolbar.

I hope you can understand it. else i wil make a screendump of what i want.

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Custom Toolbar & Parameters

Jul 18, 2006

Hi all,

I'd like to create a custom toolbar where each button would call the same generic module function, passing it a parameter.
I see how to create the toolbar, but I can't figure out how to call my function and how to pass it parameters.

Also, I can't find any explaination on what this "Parameter" box of the Custom Toolbar is. I thought that would pass parameter to the command in the "on action" but I can't seem to be able to retreive it...

Any help appreciated,

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How To Copy Toolbar And Menubar

Oct 22, 2006


I want to copy my Toolbar and Menubar in another .mdb, can any one help me?


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Disable Button On Toolbar

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all,

This has to be simple, but the solution eludes me.

I have a database that works really weel, but I need to do some tweaking to the toolbars to "grey out" the "sort ascending" and "sort descending" icons so that hte users do not mess with those and change how the recoerds display.

There has to be an easy way to disable those two buttons or an alternate way to ensure that the form basically ignores them.



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