How Can I Check For Duplicates - But Allow Them

Feb 6, 2006

I have a database called "Main" containing customer details and interactions.

One of the fields is the "Customer Number", whilst I know I can index the field to stop duplicates, is there a way to check for duplicates when entering the customer numbers into the form and display a warning message as opposed to just rejecting the entry? There are occassions I need to create multiple entries but would like to be notified.

Here's hoping....:confused:

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Check For Duplicates

Feb 14, 2006

Hello everyone,
This is code with which I choose records from one table and I put them to another table (OdabranaOprema),
can I add code with which I can stop choosing the same record twice?
I would like in that case have possibility to change the quantity of the record which is selected twice,


Private Sub cmdOdaberi_Click()

On Error GoTo Handler

Dim strRedak As String
Dim strOdabranaReferenca As String
Dim rsPonudjenaOprema As Recordset
Dim rsOdabranaOprema As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim intRedak As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQLOdabir As String


Set db = CurrentDb

strSQL = " SELECT Napajanje.Referenca As Referenca, Napajanje.Opis as Opis, Napajanje.Visina " & _
" FROM Napajanje " & _
" WHERE (((Napajanje.PickFlag)= True))"

strSQLOdabir = "Select OdabranaOprema.Referenca, OdabranaOprema.Opis, OdabranaOprema.Kolicina, OdabranaOPrema.Visina " & _
"From OdabranaOprema"

Set rsPonudjenaOprema = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly)

Set rsOdabranaOprema = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLOdabir)

Do Until rsPonudjenaOprema.EOF


rsOdabranaOprema.Fields("Referenca").Value = rsPonudjenaOprema.Fields("Referenca").Value
rsOdabranaOprema.Fields("Opis").Value = rsPonudjenaOprema.Fields("Opis").Value
rsOdabranaOprema.Fields("Visina").Value = rsPonudjenaOprema.Fields("Visina").Value
rsOdabranaOprema.Fields("Kolicina").Value = txtNapajanje.Value



Set rsPonudjenaOprema = Nothing
Set rsOdabranaOprema = Nothing

Set db = Nothing


End Sub

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Forms :: Check For Duplicates Based On Name

Aug 7, 2015

I have a form (MemberDetails) and I want it to check if the member I'm adding has already been added, or at least give me a warning that the member might be a duplicate. I have a FName field and LName field that I would like checked (together). I know it's possible because I've seen it done on the Address Book template, but they have it set up to where the First & Last name are saved as one field in another table.

Expression used in the template, here it is.

=IIf(DCount("*","[Contacts Extended]","[ENV_NUM]<>" & Nz([ENV_NUM],0) & " And [Contact Name] = '" & Replace(Nz([Contact Name]),"'","''") & "'")>0,"Possible Duplicate","")

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Copy Data From One Table To Another & Check For Duplicates

Aug 8, 2005

hi, I have 2 Tables: tablea & tableb. The field names in both tables are: user_id, firstname, lastname, from these i have 2 querys (querya & queryb) both of which just look at the fields from the repective tables, & from this i have 1 form (entry form) that pics up the fields from querya. I would like to be able to enter details (records) into the entry form which puts all the data into tablea then automatically copies all the information into tableb, then automatically checks to make sure there are no duplicate records in tableb and finally deletes all the records out of tablea (probably after the form closes). This might sound a bit strange why i want to do this but I hope if its possible it could be used in a larger database.

I think i need to do querys but not sure what I need to do, Any advise would be very helpful.

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Forms :: Check For Duplicates In Real Time

Apr 2, 2013

I have a form which im using to store records about companies that I have mailings with. The company name is my unique field as no two companies should have the same name. This form is accessed by several different people and data is input so I dont want duplicates of the company name being produced. Currently, the form wont save a record if it is duplicated but by then I would have filled out the entire form and wasted my time. Is there a way to do the following:

As I enter the company name it would look up exisitng company names. eg if i wanted to enter a new company called 'Dans Plumbing', I would type 'D' and below the text box would display a load of existing records starting with D. after that when I type 'Da' it would only display records starting with Da and so on. All being well, when I have finished typing the company name there should be nothing underneath so that I instantly know its not a duplicate and vice versa.

The possible duplicate doesn't have to be underneath it could auto complete IN the text box a bit like the address bar on a web browser.

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Please Check My Insert Query (avoid Inserting Duplicates)

Nov 28, 2007

I want to insert data into a table where a symbol does not already exist for that date. I am not sure what i am doing anymore :( So please help me verify that this won't insert duplicates? Am i using the correct logic? :confused:

"INSERT INTO StocksData (Symbol, [Security Name], [Market Category], " & _
"[Reg SHO Threshold Flag], FileDate) " & _
"SELECT DISTINCT Symbol, [Security Name], [Market Category], " & _
"[Reg SHO Threshold Flag], '" & fileDate & "'" & _
"FROM " & sTableName & _
" WHERE ((Symbol Not In (select Symbol from StocksData)) AND (" & _
fileDate & " Not In (select FileDate from StocksData)));"

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Modules & VBA :: Check For Duplicates When Importing Multiple Records Into Datasheet View Form

Aug 15, 2014

I am using the following code to check for duplicate tickets when importing multiple records into a datasheet view form by using the paste append function.

Private Sub Ticket_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If DLookup("Ticket_Number", "Record_Store", "Ticket_Number= '" & Me.Ticket_Number.Value & "'") > 0 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "There were import errors, please open View Import Errors above."
End If
End Sub

The form is used to insert multiple records into the database at a single time.

That codes works to check for duplicates. And if there are none there are no popup messages.

If there are duplicates though it gives a popup for every single Ticket_Number that is a duplicate.

I am wondering if there is a way for it to give only a single popup once it completes checking all the records to be imported for duplicates.

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Find Duplicates And Create Table With Dates Of Duplicates

Feb 12, 2008

Hi this is my first post... so hi all :)

ok what i have is a table with contact details 900k plus

there are about 90k of which are duplicates.

this is the basic feilds that are important in this case.

Id, data_source, data_recived, data_code,

what i want is to have a table with unique records (no dups in data_code)

this table will look like this...

Id, data_code, Num_dups, dup1_source, dup1_date, daysbtw_Dup1_dup2, dup2_source, dup2_date, daysbtw_Dup2_dup3 ,dup3_source, dup3_date, daysbtw_Dup3_dup4 ,dup4_source, dup4_date,

I know there is no more than 4 dups of each record.

what i want from this is a table that will give me a record of how many dups for each record then all the dates that they were added and the date between each record entry.

if anyone can help it would be great .

thanks in advance.

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Find Duplicates Different Than Duplicates Deleted

Dec 8, 2005

Hey, all! Thanks for helping, here is my situation.

I have a table with about 70,000 records that have duplicate Address field values. The rest of the field values for those records are different. When I do a find duplicate querry I get the result that 17,000 records have the same address. However, when I do the append qurrey as instructed here: I get a total of only 600 records in the new table. I have tried deleting all of the indexes for both the new and old table, with no luck.

I'm using Access 2000 on XP Pro.

If anyone could help with this I would greatly appreciate it!



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Changing From Duplicates OK To No Duplicates

Nov 1, 2014

I have an Access table with an indexed key that is currently set to duplicates OK. There are not supposed to be any duplicates in that field. But it is possible than a small number have crept through.

Two questions:

1. What would happen to those duplicate records if I changed the setting from duplicates OK to no duplicates?

2. Is there any way to ferret out those duplicate records first and change them manually? The table currently has 48000 records so it would be a pain to go through them page by page. (I know how to export them to Excel, where the dups can easily be found; I was just wondering if something could do it within Access.)

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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Access Application For Check-in/check-out

Mar 19, 2007

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm in need a of a check-in/check-out application for my company. We have about 550-600 employees at any given time and our turnover is about 20-30% per year. Our check-in/check-out process requires our employees to personally visit between 30-40 areas in our company (personnel, safety, credentials, parking, insurance, etc) within the first month of employment. This is currently done manually and is a huge drain on labor, especially when check-in sheets are lost, misplaced or, in some cases, forged.

I'm looking to build a database that would be intranet based, password secure (by check-in area) that would allow the new employee to present at a particular check-in, check-out site, complete that portion of the check-in/out process and then allow the person responsible for the check-in/out to enter the status into the database. At any point in the process, I would want to know the status of the person checking in/out (how long they've been checking in/out and what portion of the process have they completed).

Can this be done in ACCESS?


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Spell Check Contents Works , Need To Suppress The Spell Check Complete Msg Box

Apr 25, 2005

I have sendkey "{f7}" on loss focus.
this works great as a spell check but then I get the mesage box that spell check is complete.
How do I stop this box from occuring?

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Odd Duplicates

Jul 5, 2007

Hi. I have two tables, of which i have run a duplicate query, removed the duplicates by doing an "is null" criteria, and keeping that new table.
I know though there are still more duplicates but the names may not be exactly the same, say barclays and barclays plc. so i run another query on both tables to show me the first five letters of table 1 and table 2. I can run another "is null" criteria query to find the non duplicates there. these are the unique values.

But even if there are duplicates up to the first five letters the next letter may change, for instance barcleys tractors and barclays bank. So these arent duplicates.
So can anyone come up with a way of taking the duplicate ones according to the first five letters, and maybe duplicate ones up to 10 letters, and working out which ones are the unique ones. my brain is frying.


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Jul 14, 2005


I have imported a 1 column table from an external source for the sole purpose of deleting duplicates. There are over 400,000 rows. What do i need to do to identify the duplicates?


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Please Help With Duplicates

Apr 11, 2007

I work at a hospital and deal with several thousand account numbers a day. I am working on an Access database that will handle some of my workload. Here is what I am facing. Lets say on some of the tables that I import there are duplicate account numbers with different totals in the end...

acct info info info amount
123456 xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 5.50
123456 xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 17.50
123456 xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 900.00
753951 xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx

and so on...

is there a way that i can only show one account number but the total of the amount for the account? please help...this is desperately needed.


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Several Pk's And Duplicates Ok?? WHAT??

Oct 9, 2007

Hey All, i'm looking for some help from one of the heavy hitters in the Access Forum. (Keep in mind i'm self-taught in access..never picked up a book on the stuff) So far i have done ok. I'v made many databases and in my opinion i have a firm grasp on the fundamentals.

I have come accross a database that I did not create which i am suppose to work on. I can do the work just find but i'm a little confused on the structure. when i looked at the relationships i noticed that many of the field names in several tables were bold (showing they were set as a primary key) So i looked at the design view of a few of these tables and noted that the primary key was set on 3 different fields. i also noticed that each field allowed duplication. Furthermore i noticed that on at least one of the tables, in the relationship window there was a relationship using the ID field which was a 1 to many. however there was a relationship on the other side of that table still using the ID field that was a many to one. How can a field have a one to many relationship and a many to one?? it can either be duplicated or it can't...right???
Anyways i also tried to duplicate this in a test database and found that when you make a table and then right click at the side of the field you wish to make as Primary key, that works fine, but doing it on another field simply switches the primary key to that field and takes it off the first one.

(as a side the only way to search this forum to go manually through all the threads to see if you can find what you need? search tools?? or did i just miss them?):confused:

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Aug 11, 2006

I have a table that has country_code, Mfr_num, Item_num, catalog_code, mfr_obsolete_code. the key is on country_code, mfr_num, and item_num. I need to find duplicates of mfr_num and catalog_code. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this?

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Jan 22, 2007

I have the data from a membership DB which has quiet a few duplicated Names and addresses (though they may have a 'type' field which is different)

I have identified these using the find duplicates wizard. Is it possible to use this query to delete the duplicated entries and leave one record.


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Duplicates - PLEASE HELP

Jun 8, 2007

:confused: Duplicates

I have all my master data in my table which has a lot of duplicates (700 entries). I ran the find duplicate query offered by access, but exported the data to excel to delete all the duplicates.

My question is how do I import that updated excel list back into the duplicates query so that it updates my master data in my table?


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Sep 6, 2007

I do not understand why this is happening but I am getting some, not all, records duplicated in the Select query on two tables. (see attached)

Can anyone explain why AND how I can make it return without duplicates.


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No Duplicates...

Oct 31, 2006


I have got a table that has following fields display on a form:

ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity

The Table CLASSES has got many records which are duplicate. Mostly ClassNo is duplicated. I could have stopped duplication by restricting table not to accept duplicate values, but my requirement is such that i dont want to stop the table from accepting duplicate values. When i display the same table data on the form, all the duplicate entries are displayed.

All i need is to find a way to stop the FORM showing duplicate ClassNo Field. The Duplication restriction i wish to set only on ClassNo. If there are more than one ClassNo reptition than it should show that entry only once. For example the form looks like this:

ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity
1 12-12-2006 A 12-01-2007 Ok 10
2 20-10-2006 A 20-11-2006 Ok 100

I wish to see the form this way:

ClassNo Class Date ClassType ExecutionDate Order Quantity
1 12-12-2006 A 12-01-2007 Ok 10
2 20-10-2006 A 20-11-2006 Ok 100



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Preventing Duplicates

Jun 27, 2005


I have a form and within that form there is two combo boxes and one text box. When one choses a value from one combo box, and then chooses a value for the other combo box and then enters the value into the textbox I don't want the user to be able to enter the same arrangement. That is I want to prevent duplicates on that combination. Also if they do this I want a Message Box to appear saying that that this combination already exists

I was thinking of using a multiple field index to prevent the duplicates, but I don't know if this is a wise thing to do. Can someone give me some help to see how I can prevent duplicates or offer another solution to prevent duplicates on the combination of the values.


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Query Help, Duplicates

Aug 23, 2005

I have a table in a healthcare patient database that stores Admitting Number, Scan Number, Last Name, and some other fields detailing the scan. Each patient can have multiple scans and I'm trying to design a query that lists how many scans each patient has had by finding all the duplicate admitting numbers. I'm using this SQL statement:

SELECT MultScans.Admitting_Number, Count(MultScans.Admitting_Number) AS Num_Of_Scans
FROM MultScans
GROUP BY MultScans.Admitting_Number
HAVING (((Count(MultScans.Admitting_Number))>1));

which works fine but I can't figure out how to also print out the last name, scan number and the other fields in this query. If I add the field to the select part it says I can't because the expression is not part of the aggregate function and if I add the expression to the 'group by' the query runs but displays all the duplicates. Thanks for any help.

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Need To Allow Foreign Key Duplicates

Nov 28, 2005


i have a form with a sub-form on it. each has is bound to a table. the main form's table has a one to many relationship with the sub-form table, and the sub-form table has the PK of the main table as a FK.

every time i try to add a second record to the sub form, it gives me an error saying i cant have duplicate foreign keys.

i cant figure out what to do. i am using access 2003 and microsoft sql server version 8. i need to enable duplicate foreign keys so that each record of the main table can have more than one record in the sub table.

Please help!

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Preventing Duplicates

Jun 13, 2007

Hi, How do you normally prevent duplicates being inputted into you forms.My Idea is thisThe input text box doubles up as a dropdownlist of current values held in the database for that field.So when you access the organisation form and go to the first text box as you enter the 'I' for IBM All the orgs with 'I' appear. When you see that the organisation your inputting already exists you will stop and move on to the next form.I dont know how to do this, so currently I have set the field OrgName as Indexed: Yes (No duplicates) but this isnt really any good as the user enters all the other details and clicks submit before the error message comes up.I have attached my file for you to understand this better.

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