How Can I Valid A Compound Key With Dlookup Function

Jul 5, 2006

In a form named PRODUCTION there are 3 text box for invoice data: xtype, xserie, xnumber

I need valid this data from the INVOICE table, where its key is a compound key (TPINV+SERINV+NUMINV)

I tried with:

Private Sub xnumber_AfterUpdate()
Dim searchinv as string
searchinv=Dlookup("*","[Invoice]", [tpinv]="& Forms![production].[xtype] and [xserie]= &Forms![production].[xnumber] and "&Forms![xnumber]
If searchinv ="" then
MsgBox ("Invoice doesn't exist'")
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

... but it doesnt work.

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Compound In A DLookUp Function?

May 26, 2015

In these three formulas for the Ceil tutorial found here:


one of the formulas is:

=IIf(IsNull([RoomNumber]),"",DLookUp("RoomType","Rooms","RoomNumber= '" & [RoomNumber] & "'"))

If one were interested in BedType or Rate then simply substitute that term for RoomType.

Now I am somewhat familiar with how DLookUp works. In other words get RoomType from a table Rooms where there is a given RoomNumber.

Where I get confused is the last clause:

"RoomNumber = '" & [RoomNumber] & ""

I realize it is a compound statement hence the &, but it uses two &s and more.

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Forms :: DLookup - Not Valid Prompt

Jun 10, 2013

Is it possible in Access 2010 to have a prompt "Not Valid" in a dlookup?

If =DLookUp("[Lot]","tblBarcode","[Inuse] = -1") is No, then the message appears.

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DLookup Function

Dec 3, 2007

Hi guys! Would appreciate any suggestions that people have for my problem. How do you perform calculations in queries between tables? Do you use the DLookup function to update the values in the query, if not how so? I've heard from somewhere it may be useful to use the DLookup function, but i'm not really sure what this is!

Please help!

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Dlookup Function

Jul 12, 2005

I am trying to default a value in a field using the DLOOKUP function. I have attached the database. The Form is FrmDailySalesInput and the field is Trailer. I have set the default value as follows =DLookUp("[Trailer]","TblStoreInfo","[Store]=[TblStoreInfo]! [Store Location]"). I have seen alot of different syntax on this forum for DLOOKUP. I am using Access 2000 presently.

Also I want to default the value in but be able to change it if necessary.

Any Help would be appreciated.

Thank you

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DLookup Function

Sep 13, 2007

I am receiving #Error in my unbound textbox where I am trying to use the DLookup Function to lookup the value that corresponds with "ADPCompany" and "Location Number" fields. Here is what my DLookup Function looks like:
' =DLookup("BranchNo","tblAllADPCoCodes","ADPCompany=" & Forms![frmMarthaPerPayPeriodDeduction]![ADPCompany])&","& DLookup("BranchNo","tblAllADPCoCodes","LocationNumber=" & Forms![frmMarthaPerPayPeriodDeduction]![LocationNo]) '

I'm not sure if I have the right syntax to include to things in the criteria.

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IFF With DLookup Function Produced #Name?

Apr 30, 2008

I was wondering if someone could point out what I'm doing wrong...

I have a (parent) form with 2 subforms. I would like the field in one subform to look at the value in the other subform... if that value is null I would like the field to display "N/A" otherwise I want it to perform a DLOOKUP....

I have the following but I'm not sure if I'm referencing the subform field correctly... I keep getting the #Name? when viewing the field from the parent form's display.

=IIf(IsNull(subfrmPROPOSALSetup.Form!LaborCategory 1),"N/A",DLookUp("LaborCategory1","LABOR","ProposalID=" & Forms!frmPROPOSALSetup!ProposalID))

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DLookup Function Issues

Sep 13, 2007

I am receiving #Error in my unbound textbox where I am trying to use the DLookup Function to lookup the value that corresponds with "ADPCompany" and "Location Number" fields. Here is what my DLookup Function looks like:

=DLookup("BranchNo","tblAllADPCoCodes","ADPCompany='" & Forms![frmMarthaPerPayPeriodDeduction]![ADPCompany]')&","& DLookup("BranchNo","tblAllADPCoCodes","LocationNumber='" & Forms![frmMarthaPerPayPeriodDeduction]![LocationNo]')

I'm not sure if I have the right syntax to include to things in the criteria.

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HELP: Undefined Function 'DLookup' In Expression

Jul 6, 2005

i am trying to executed q query which has a Nz function. this works fine when exceuted from access. but when i try to executed the same from Vb i get an exception

"Undefined function 'Nz' in expression"

can anyone point out why this is happening? and wts the solution?

thanks in advance

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Forms Problem -PLEASE HELP -DLookup Function

Jun 26, 2007


I am having a problem with computation of monthly actual generated from the Amount column which is in a purchase order table..... The monthly budget amount is generated in a query named category query... I have computed like Jan Feb Mar till Dec the column fields in the query.... A form named PO form has been created with the category item combo box ....

The problem is when a user selects a combox box he or she is presented with the monthly actual textbox that shows the amount computed( on a fiscal basis(not calendar days)) and that is done by looking up at the date converting into a month and then computing the amount for that particular category item selected...sum done if there was the same category item like repairs and maintenance done for this amount on the same month different date...I need a way to look up at the date convert into a month and then show the sum in the field textbox using the Dlookup function ..>Can this be done??)

Monthly budget I cant figure a way to get the monthly budget by looking up at the date and show the computed amount on a "fiscal basis" since the monthly budget for different months jan feb mar is computed seperately in seperate fields in the query

Please help me!!! this is URGENt!!!

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Forms :: Using Parameters With Dlookup Function

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to use parameters for my dlookup =DLookUp("[jan]","[ctbDailySegments1]","[PCC]='0hq'")

How can I replace [jan] with a prameter to pick from a text field formated as date. and 0hq from a combobox cmbPCC.

The function works perfectly as I change the jan and 0hq.

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DLookup Function Using Two Combo Boxes As Criteria

Oct 10, 2007

I have a form where I am using two combo boxes the second combo box fields are being based on what is selected from the first comb box. When I enter the DLookup criteria into the text box I am trying to lookup based on the selection of the combo boxes it returns nothing. Here is what my DLookup looks like:
DLookup("[BranchNumber]", "[tblAllADPCoCodes]", "[ADPCompany]= '" & [cboADPCompany] & "' And [LocationNumber]= '" & [cboLocationNo] & "'")

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Forms :: DLookup Multiple Criteria Function

Jan 31, 2015

I can't seem to get past this expression/criteria problem.

[Actual] is my field I want to grab data from
[L3-4-5] is my main table
[CDATE] is a form control where the user enters a date
[Quarter] is a number field and want it to equal 1
[Partname] is a text field and string it to equal 1

My current expression is:

=DLookUp("ACTUAL","L3-4-5","ID=" & [CDATE] And "[QUARTER]=1" And "[PARTNAME]='1'")

Although my other expression on another form works.In my if code statement I have


So I think I don't understand the multiple criteria part.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup In Custom Function Not Returning Values

Sep 13, 2013

I made a custom function to look certain value from table based on couple of criteria that it gets from query where I want to use it. Function's code is below:

Public Function PotteryWeights(strLocusID As Long, nrPotSubID As Long) As Variant
Dim priSubID As Long
Dim priLocusID As Long
Dim priResult As Variant
priSubID = nrPotSubID

[Code] ...

However, when I use it in query it only returns Case else - option and everything else is empty.

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Forms :: How To Save Result Of DLookup Function (used In Unbound Text Box) In A Table

Oct 17, 2014

I have a form based on query. On form i am retrieving data from another table using DLookup in a unbound text box. So I want to save the result of DLookup function in another field/table on same form.

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How Do I Make A Compound Key?

Jan 31, 2007

Howdy all,

I'm attempting to set up a junction table.

The help for junctions says to make a compound key in the junction table, but I don't understand the intructions for this. Do they mean make all three of ID's the junction table PK's or is there a literal "Make a Compound Key"
button somewhere?

Currently, the table has an AutoIncrementing field as the PK and the two FK's copied in from the Primaries (converted from Auto to Number). As a result, I can only make one-to-one relationships to the junction table.

Please let me know what it is I am missing here.


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Referential Intergrity On Tables With Compound Key

Mar 3, 2008

I am trying to enforce referential integrity on tables where a compound key is implemented.

I want to enforce integrity on the DETAIL table so that it can only use an SOR_ID from the SOR table that has a corresponding PhaseID in the HEADER table. Here is my current diagram:

The only solution i can think of at the moment is to build two queries. One which concatenates SOR.PhaseID & SOR.SOR_ID, and another which concatenates HEADER.PhaseID & DETAIL.SOR_ID... and then create a relationship between the two queries.

There must be a much nicer way of doing this though?

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Reports :: Format Line In Compound Chart

Mar 27, 2014

When you create a column chart and then change one of the series to a line, how can you then apply formatting to that line? I've attached a stripped down database showing what I'm trying to do. Series 1 shows individual monthly values (percentages) and series 2 shows the target which is 80% for each month.

The problem is that although I can apply formatting to the column series, I can't see any way of selecting the line series so I can set the formatting I want. I'm using Access 2003, on Win XP Professional, in case that's important.

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Modules & VBA :: Determine If Field Is Primary Or Compound Key Using ADO

May 2, 2014

How to determine if a field within a table is a primary key or part of a compound key using ADO?

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Compound Interest Form With Loops?

Nov 22, 2014

I'm trying to create a compound interest form using loops and the following formula:

TotalVariable = TotalVariable + (TotalVariable * (RateVariable / 100 / 12))

I'm not sure whats wrong with my code and it's not working!

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DB Design To Eliminate Duplicates While Avoiding Compound Key Fields

Nov 10, 2013

I'm getting back into Access after retiring and about 10 years of isolation (from Access). I have 2010 version and know that one should avoid duplicate entries and a way to do this is make those fields unique key fields. I have a Customers table and have bounced back between CusID (AutoNumber) and Compound Keys (CusFName and CusLName) as the key fields. The compound keys prevent duplicates but become very hard to work with later in code and expressions. The CusID is preferable from that standpoint, but can't prevent inadvertent entry of duplicate names.

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DLookup Function To Load Information From Table To Another Table Using Subform

Mar 22, 2013

I have 3 table table; Invoice table, Product table and Sale_product table. Sale product table records all sale from the product table

Invoice table has these fields

Product table has


and Sale_Product table has these

I did main form from Invoice table and sub form from Sale_product table. I want to use DLOOKUP function to load the name and price, quantity and calculate subtotal automatically from the product table based on the product code entered. i have being trying hard and i keep on getting "Name? error"

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Modules & VBA :: Total Based On Combination Of Criteria - Compound If Statement

Aug 15, 2013

I'm trying to get a total based a combination of criteria. Here's my issue:

If ([Vendor Billed Amount] > 650 $ and $ [Excess Fee Approved] = "Yes") then
[Payment to Vendor] = [Vendor Billed Amount]
If ([Vendor Billed Amount] < 650 $ and $ [Excess Fee Approved] <> "Yes") then
[Payment to Vendor] = [Vendor Billed Amount]

I think I'm missing an argument with the nested If statement.

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Value Isn't Valid Error

Dec 4, 2005

I have a sub form in a tabbed control that collects client income data. A subform of that [Tax table calc frm] calculates the tax payable and the following code displays the result in the [c1TaxMedi] and [c2taxmedi] fields on the income form.
Private Sub Command122_Click()
'Calculate taxation on income
[Tax Table Calc Frm].Form.Refresh
Me.C1TaxMedi = Form![Tax Table Calc Frm].Form![Text58]
Me.C2TaxMedi = Form![Tax Table Calc Frm].Form![Text70]
End Sub

The problem is that when I put data in the clients wages field then click the command button I get an error message "Run-Time error-2147352567(80020009) The value you entered isn't valid for this field.
When I go into debug the line Me.C1TaxMedi = Form![Tax Table Calc Frm].Form![Text58] is highlighted. If I don't do anything except close the debug window and return to the form the currency is display correctly in wages and if I press the command button again I get the tax to display without any errors.
I cannot fathom what is wrong with this code to get this effect.

Help appreciated Thanks.

Ooops realised I've posted in wrong category, don't know how to move it.M apologies.

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Not Valid Path

Feb 3, 2004

I have transfered an MS Access file to my PC from another, but when i try to open the forms in the database, an error occurs.It states that the path is not valid.

How can i correct the path?
Do i have to define the path for each form, report an etc seperately?

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Shortcut Target Not Valid

Dec 3, 2005

Trying to make a shortcut to join the workgroup and open a Db.

I made a shortcut for a Db, the shortcut defalt target was:

I edited the target line to:
/wrkgrp ”X:RC-OfficeRC_OFFICdatabaseMS Access Workgroup.mdw” “X:RC-OfficeRC_OFFICdatabaseProjects.mdb”

I get wrkgrp not vaid target. I put the mdb file path first, I get not vaid target for the path to the Db.
I would rather not put in the whole MS Access program file. This is on a server that I don't know much about. Not sure I would get the program file right.

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