How Do I Build This?

Aug 8, 2006

How do I build a form which will pull only certain work orders from my table [Work Orders], filter it through a query, [Payroll] which gives me only those work orders which match a certain repID#, for only certain Invoice Dates, and and then display a talley of the total number of times a certain product appears in the field [ProductSold] on the query [Payroll]?

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Build Function

Feb 23, 2007

I can't find anything in the archive relating to this...

Can someone tell me how to enable the "Build" feature in the Visual Basic screen in 2003, please?

I recently upgraded from 97 and can only find the "Build" feature in Query Design.

In 97 it was available by right clicking the screen and selecting "Build". I have no such option when right clicking in 2003.


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Help With Table Build

Dec 4, 2006

Can anybody help me build the last table in my database? I have taught myself Access – and can usually get by with a little help from this forum. I have been trying for days to try and solve this !!!

The database is designed to manage feedback questionnaires from attendees of training courses.

I have attached the relationship diagram.

- A course may run for several days. The details of the course are held in the table ‘Courses’. During a course, attendees may be asked to fill in several Questionnaires
- An Attendee is a Person that attends a Course. Attendees are held in the table ‘Attendees’ and their details are held in the table ‘Person’.
- There is a ‘Library’ of questions that sit in the table ‘Questions’
- The questions can be assembled into “Standard Questionnaires”. These sit in the table called “Questdesign” which is a junction table. Assembling a Standard Questionnaire involves using a form to pick questions and give them an order (Qnumber). I HAVE DONE THIS.
- A specific “Questionnaire” is a “Standard Questionnaire” that is used on a specific course. The list of Questionnaires is held in the table “Questionnaire”
- Scoresheet is the junction table between Attendee and Questionnaire (an Attendee on a course may fill in several Questionnaires and a Questionnaire may be filled in by lots of Attendees.)

I now need a table (Scores) in which to put all the scores to the questions (in other words, the scores of the questions on the Questionnaires that are completed by the Attendees on a Course.)

At the end of the day I am aiming to have a form in which:

The Attendee number is entered and all the person’s details are filled in automatically) – I HAVE DONE THIS
The Questionnaire number is entered and all the course details are filled in automatically – I HAVE DONE THIS
A Scoresheet ID is filled in (Autonumber) - I HAVE DONE THIS
A subform appears which shows the right set of questions and question numbers for the appropriate Questionnaire – with a blank column so that the user can fill in the scores which get stored in the Scores Table. - I CAN'T DO THIS !!!

I cannot work out where to link my Scores table and how to build a query that drives the correct behaviour of the subform

I hope I have explained this clearly. I would be so grateful for any help. This Forum is fabulous.

Many thanks


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Needs Help To Build Query

Aug 28, 2007

I have some database with columns 'Number', 'Mfr Name' and 'Mfr Part Number'.
Number - internal catalogue item of a company.
Mfr Name - name of a manufacturer where from we purchase the item
Mfr Part Number - part number of a manufacturer where from we purchase the item
Each item may have one or more Mfr Name & Mfr Part Numbers.
I need to build a following query:
Input gets part of Mfr Part Number and output is all Mfr Name & Mfr Part Number of match item.

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Newbie Trying To Build 1st Database

May 26, 2006

I have attacked quite a few guides ( Dummies & Absolute Beginners ) on how to build a database of my gardening clients, but have run into a problem that they can't seem to resolve. Is there anyone out there who can help me with "referential integrity" and trying to link relationships between the various tables I have created.

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How To Build Sliding Bar Displays?

Jan 8, 2007

Hello All

Does anyone know how you might build sliding bar displays as an input device for scores into an Access database? I am building an application that could really use something like this.

Here is an example. First go to the 'Chelsea tab', slide the bars, submit the results, and see the results on the "Results" tab

Very impressive


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Build A Temporary Table

Apr 22, 2006



i have sql query in a string


how to create temporary table with the result of this query?


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Build A Date In A Query

Oct 7, 2005

How can I build a date in a query that is used for filtering purposes? The data is in the records in two fields - Month and Year. In our query we have an expression that builds a date - DateRange: [Month]/1/[Year] in order to qualify the record with the criteria Between FromDate and ThruDate. DateRange as it is shown here returns a date of 12/30/1899 for all records. DateRange: #[Month]/1/[Year]# is invalid syntax. DateRange: [Month] & "/" & 1 & "/" & [Year] is not recognized as a date.

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Build Expression For Query

Jul 5, 2006

Hi all, I have a field that stores software versions as text. The version numbers can be simple (4.0, 5.0) or unknown or more complicated (4.5.200512, etc). The user wants to be able view data in a pivotChart without seeing interim versions- so 4.5.200512 would not show up but its data would be counted as part of 4.5. Anybody know how I can do this?

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Help Needed To Build My Query!!!

Oct 26, 2006

Hi everybody,

Let's say that I've got the following tables:
- tblCustomers(IDCust,NameCust)
- tblEmployees(IDEmpl,NameEmpl)
- tblProjects(IDProj,IDCust,IDEmpl,Duration)

My query:
SELECT tblCustomers.NameCust, tblProjects.IDProj, tblProjects.Duration, tblEmployees.NameEmpl, Sum(tblProjects.Duration) AS SumOfDuration
FROM (tblProjects INNER JOIN tblEmployees ON tblProjects.IDEmpl = tblEmployees.IDEmpl) INNER JOIN tblCustomers ON tblProjects.IDCust = tblCustomers.IDCust
GROUP BY tblCustomers.NameCust, tblProjects.IDProj, tblProjects.Duration, tblEmployees.NameEmpl
ORDER BY tblCustomers.NameCust;

What I'd like get when running my query is:

NameCust ------ IDProj - Duration ----- NameEmpl ------- ?????????
CUST1 ---------- 1 ------ 3 ------------ EMPL3 ---------- 7
CUST1 ---------- 2 ----- 10 ------------ EMPL4 --------- 10
CUST1 ---------- 9 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL3 ---------- 7
CUST1 --------- 11 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL3 ---------- 7
CUST1 --------- 13 ------ 8 ------------ EMPL1 ---------- 9
CUST1 --------- 18 ------ 1 ------------ EMPL1 ---------- 9
CUST2 ---------- 3 ----- 20 ------------ EMPL1 --------- 20
CUST2 ---------- 4 ----- 12 ------------ EMPL3 --------- 17
CUST2 ---------- 5 ------ 3 ------------ EMPL2 ---------- 4
CUST2 --------- 10 ------ 5 ------------ EMPL3 --------- 17
CUST2 --------- 17 ------ 1 ------------ EMPL2 ---------- 4
CUST3 ---------- 6 ----- 25 ------------ EMPL4 --------- 27
CUST3 --------- 14 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL1 --------- 14
CUST3 --------- 15 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL4 --------- 27
CUST3 --------- 16 ----- 12 ------------ EMPL1 --------- 14
CUST3 --------- 19 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL2 ---------- 2

where ???????? (manually done) = the sum of the Employee duration for ONE Customer !!!

But what I get instead:

NameCust ------ IDProj - Duration ----- NameEmpl ------- SumOfDuration
CUST1 ---------- 1 ------ 3 ------------ EMPL3 ---------- 3
CUST1 ---------- 2 ----- 10 ------------ EMPL4 --------- 10
CUST1 ---------- 9 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL3 ---------- 2
CUST1 --------- 11 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL3 ---------- 2
CUST1 --------- 13 ------ 8 ------------ EMPL1 ---------- 8
CUST1 --------- 18 ------ 1 ------------ EMPL1 ---------- 1
CUST2 ---------- 3 ----- 20 ------------ EMPL1 --------- 20
CUST2 ---------- 4 ----- 12 ------------ EMPL3 --------- 12
CUST2 ---------- 5 ------ 3 ------------ EMPL2 ---------- 3
CUST2 --------- 10 ------ 5 ------------ EMPL3 ---------- 5
CUST2 --------- 17 ------ 1 ------------ EMPL2 ---------- 1
CUST3 ---------- 6 ----- 25 ------------ EMPL4 --------- 25
CUST3 --------- 14 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL1 ---------- 2
CUST3 --------- 15 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL4 ---------- 2
CUST3 --------- 16 ----- 12 ------------ EMPL1 --------- 12
CUST3 --------- 19 ------ 2 ------------ EMPL2 ---------- 2

Any suggestion to build this Query ??
Thanks in advance

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Form To Build Web Address

Feb 9, 2006

Hi all.

I have been given a simple task, but i have no idea how to do it! I need a form to do the following:

User types in a reference, for example TEST1

We have a standard link along the lines of

We need access to append the "TEST/1" (or whatever the user has entered) to the end of the link, so the result would be:

I would be extremely greateful of someone could let me know the best way of getting this done.

Kind Regards

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How I Can Build Forms For This Question

Dec 25, 2006


I 'm new at this Forum and also I'm new programmer in Access.

I 'm trying to answer project called (Cerulean Bee) ,which is attachment down

I do the table and forms but I don't know how I can let them as it the question (Artwork Order-Employee Work Log-Print Order-Project Cost Analysis).

Her my file

Please help me to find ant error I do , and to get best answer for my question.

I'm realy need your help

Thank you all

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Help Me Build Simple SQL Query!

Feb 11, 2006

(Dear Admin, don't be mad I posted this post elsewhere but had no luck with answers)

Please guys, I just forgot how to do this:

I have a table with primary key (id) and sort of secondary key (id1). Several rows can have same id1.

id id1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 3
6 3
7 4
8 4
9 4

I need to count the id1 - how many different id1 values are there.

This doesn't work:
this also doesn't work:

As I recall, it was something about DISTINCT function or something like that...?

Please help, I'm sure it's totally simple, but I'm stuck.

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How Would I Build This Query? Where/MAX Dates

Mar 21, 2006

select student from tbl_TableName where max(date_borrowed) <= dateadd("d",-730,Date())
group by student

??? How do I set this up? and do the max date_borrowed?


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Dummy- How To Build A Fast Form

Mar 17, 2006

Hi, I'm new to Access.
I'm trying to do a very simple thing but I can't.
Let's say I sell a lot of cars, every day so I need a database only to collect info about selling. I need a table (SoldCars) which need refers (read: field) to 2 other tables: 1.Constructor and 2.Model, or only to Model (because Construvctor could be redundant). Anyway, when I register a new sold car, I want a menu in which I can find a Model but not after having chosne the Constructor, so when I choose "Ferrari" then I can only find "Testarossa" and "GTO" and choose one of them. Stored field can be Model, because Constructor is implicit. But I need this tip because let's say I sell thousands of cars per day and I want it to be very quick. Please help or I'll die under piles of cars!

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Build A Table Of Search Results

Mar 28, 2006

Using Access 2000 is it possible to specify a starting location ie (c:) and using VBA search every sub folder from this point for files ending .mdb or .xls?

I want to be able to build a table with an record showing the file name and directory for each file found.

Any help most appreciated.



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Build A Table Of Database Structure

Apr 7, 2006

Access 2000: How can I populate a two field table (1. Table Name 2. Field Name) with the name of ever field within every table in my database using VBA code?



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How Do I Build An Expression Between A Subform And A Table

Feb 7, 2007

I have been building my DB and learning everything from scratch. If anybody could give me any advice as to where I may be going astray, it would be much appreciated as I feel like I've hit a brick wall. I run a building firm and need a DB to look after customer information, write estimates, invoices and ultimately do the accounts.

I think my DB needs are very basic to start with and I'm guessing the system only needs to be fairly simple and straightforward. So far my DB has:-

•Customer form with an in-built Estimate subform - this form gives me a brief outline of the customer and how many estimates I have for him.
•If you then double click on an estimate number (in the Estimate subform) this takes you to my Items form (when I create an estimate normally in Word, I have to break jobs down into their components and price each item individually, hence I made an Items table). Each item has an Item Cost.
•I then run the report “Estimate” and have set up a total calculation box on the report ready to print it out for the customer.

My problem is that I would like to know how I can get the Estimate Total to appear in my Estimates Table and Estimates Subform. So far I have achieved making a crosstab query to calculate the Estimate Total (Amount) for each specific Estimate ID, but I cannot get the Total from the Crosstab Query into the Estimate Table, from which I would probably be able to get it into the Estimate Subform. I have a suspicion I need to build an expression in the Estimate Subform - but.....

Once I am over this problem I will want to turn Estimates into Invoices and have that data displayed in my Estimate Subform too, although I think I have got a good idea of how to do this, I would again be open to comments/advice if offered.

Thanks Steve

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Build Multiple Drop-down Menus

Aug 9, 2007

I've tried to build a second Drop menu, copying the code from the first. When i run it im getting an error 91 (i didnt understand much of what google said on it) the code is as follows:

I tried changing it to btnInput1, but that hasnt helped :( the menu gets built, but the button does not.

Sub BuildAdminMenu()
Dim mnuInput As CommandBarPopup
Dim btnInput As CommandBarButton
Dim btnInput1 As CommandBarButton

Set mnuInput = Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True)
mnuInput.Caption = "&Options (beta)"
mnuInput.BeginGroup = True
mnuInput.Visible = True
mnuInput.Tag = "Build XML Files Menu"

Set btnInput = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput.FaceId = 2761
btnInput.OnAction = "openForm"
btnInput.Caption = "New PR/IEWO"
btnInput.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

Set btnInput = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput.FaceId = 2761
btnInput.OnAction = "openSearch"
btnInput.Caption = "Search Entries"
btnInput.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

Set mnuInput = Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True)
mnuInput.Caption = "&AdminOptions (beta)"
mnuInput.BeginGroup = True
mnuInput.Visible = True
mnuInput.Tag = "Build XML Files Menu"
Set mnuInput = Nothing

Set btnInput1 = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput1.FaceId = 2761
btnInput1.OnAction = "openAddUser"
btnInput1.Caption = "Add User"
btnInput1.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

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How To Build A Table Based On Another, Using Modulus?

Sep 7, 2006

Hello!I have a table, with quantities in a field that I need to split in batches of 25, to build a new table. Example:object price qtyblah1 1.00 144blah2 2.00 76My results need to look like this:object price qtyblah1 25.00 25blah1 25.00 25blah1 25.00 25blah1 25.00 25blah1 25.00 25blah1 19.00 19 (5x25+19=144)blah2 50.00 25blah2 50.00 25blah2 50.00 25blah2 2.00 1 (3x25+1=76)I've been able to build a new table based on these values of 25 etc using MOD, but it's making columns. How can I build a new table and make new RECORDS using MODULUS (or another?) technique instead?? I hope this makes sense, and I hope someone can help.Cheers

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Build A Dimensional Fieldname In A Query

Feb 20, 2008

As example, I have a table with an Item number, introduction year and a number of historical and future Sales periods set per year, these sales columns are listed Y1990, Y1991, Y1992....... Y2015.

Based on each items introduction year, I want to list the first 5 years of sales.

I wanted to create a dimensional fieldname eg: FirstYear: "Y"&[introduction year] to get the value of that respective year. (I currently just get a text saying "Y1995", and not the content )

Any help is appreciated!:)

(Note: I can't transpose the data in the tables for other reason)

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Tables :: Build A Table Relationships

Jan 2, 2015

I am attempting to build a table relationship, however when I enforce referential integrity, I keep receiving the message: "No unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table".

I checked and I have no duplicates in the primary table or secondary table.I will set up the two tables as thus: 1. Master table - People Who Eat 2. Secondary table - a table for all people who eat pizza.

I am trying to link my pizza table to the Poeple Who Eat table. I have created my own primary key for each table (an account number). My secondary table is much smaller in population than the People Who Eat table (which would include data from other subgroups). I am trying to get the 'yes'/'no'/'uncertain' from the secondary table into the primary table without manual entry.

I have searched all over the web and have not been able to find why the tables will not link. I am new to Access, so there may be something I am overlooking. Is there a way to get this information from the other table other than building a relationship?

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Modules & VBA :: Build Loop Into A Variable

Jul 19, 2014

I am relatively new to VBA and have this loop (see below) was wondering if it was possible to build it into a variable, so I could call upon it within an IF statement.

Set ctl = Me.listSeeAllAssets
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected
rs1!AssetNo = ctl.ItemData(varItem)
rs1!DateOfService = Me.DateOfService

[Code] .....

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Forms :: How To Build A SetFocus Command

Mar 8, 2014

How can I build a SetFocus command on the fly? I am creating a Find form where the user can select their options. I am building the listing of options for the user to select from based on which form opened the Find form. All forms are set as Modal and PopUp so I have to set the focus to the form and field to be searched before I call the FindRecord command from the Find form. I am stuck on how to build the SetFocus statement when concatenating the pieces together for the obvious is not working.This is what normally works.


This is how I am trying to build the statement without success. How can I do this?

"Forms![frmClients]!" & Me.cboSearchField.Column(1) & ".SetFocus"

Me.cboSearchField.Column(1) = txtStreetAddress1

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Build Database Based On XML Schema?

May 16, 2012

I have a xml schema which defines all things necessary (tables, field names, relationships, etc) to build a database in access. The question is whether Access could decode xml schema and build the database (create all tables, fields and relationships) automatically by macro or something else. I have tried to load xml schema by using external data in Access. However Access can only recognize some tables, not everything.

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Find Unique Products To Specific Build ID's

Dec 14, 2006

I have a table with 5 fields:

Build ID Process Product Product_De Operation_

What I am trying to accomplish is as follows:

Each Product can be in the table mulitiple times depending on how many Build ID's it has. So if Product 123456 has Build ID's G004, E818, N005, F813, D024, C879 it will show up one time each for each Build ID. What I want to query is unique Products that are for Build ID's D024 & C879 only and not for G004, E818, N005, & F813.

How can I accomplish this with a query. I am sure I am making this harder than it is but I sure need help.

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