I have a form where data can be added and it has different tabs. The 3rd tab has idVersion field and Comment field where users can add the version and comment, if needed. When they need to add another version, the blank fields will be added as next row, so on and so forth. The problem is users are adding a lot of versions but not sorted. So for example:
Row 1 of the form: idVersion field is "1" and comment has "Test 1".
Row 2 of the form: idVersion field is "8" and comment has "Test 8".
Row 3 of the form: idVersion field is "2" and comment has "Test 2".
Row 2 of the form: idVersion field is "5" and comment has "Test 5".
So how can I fix it where after they saved the version and comment, when they close the database and re-open it again, the data will show up as:
Row 1 of the form: idVersion field is "1" and comment has "Test 1".
Row 2 of the form: idVersion field is "2" and comment has "Test 2".
Row 3 of the form: idVersion field is "5" and comment has "Test 5".
Row 2 of the form: idVersion field is "8" and comment has "Test 8".
So even if they add a new version and comment (example version "3"), it will be automatically sorted when the database is reopen.
I have a form that has a bunch of project information and scrolling buttons at the bottom to browse by next/last.
Right now the form is sorted by the ID associated with the project, which kinda sucks because they were and are not put in alphabetically.
I discovered if you right click on a field and click "Sort Ascending" or the opposite it works fine but when I open the database it is right back to normal ID sort
I have checked the Data and Other tabs but can't find anything with regards to this as well as I have tried sorting the actual table by name and that changed nothing.
I have developed a database but have had difficulty with sorting data within subform of a main form. The subform displays the related tasks that correspond with main form that has been selected. Within the main form I have also created a text field that defines a particular sorting sequence of the tasks found within the subform which is titled Task Sequence. What I would like to do, is use the Task Sequence field to sort the order of tasks within subform. I have tried: IIf([ID] Is Null, 0, Val([Task Sequence])) within the Advanced filter/sort but either it shows only the first task defined in the Task Sequence or it wants to filter the main form and not the subform.
I have a form I created in the past that auto-fills some of its fields based on the user's selection of a record from a combo box linked to another table. The form has been working perfectly however I recently tried to add a couple of more fields to the form that need to be autofilled. I added the new fields to the source table and added columns to the combobox that should allow my VB code to fill those boxes. However only one of the new fields is filling correctly. After trying a few different things I notice that the problem seems to be with whatever data field becomes the 21st column in the combobox. Is there some sort of limit on the number of columns contained in the data source for such a box?
I have a form (called User_Input)with 2 text boxes, 5 combo boxes and a Submit button, which is bound to a table (called Submssion table) i.e the form submits its entries into the table called Submission.
I want the submit button on the form to work based on this condition:
1. Check current submission of four fields (corresponding to entries from 4 out of the 5 combo boxes on the form) in the table and confirm if the current selection on the form already occurs in the table up to two times. If this is the case, the Message Box should pop up on the form informing user to make another selection as maximum number of entries for that particular selection is already in the Submission table.
2. The checks for the four fields will be done simultaneously as the selection will be done together on the same form.
3. However, if the entries on the Submission table is not up to 2, the entries should be saved to the table and Messagebox should display "Thank you for your Submission"
I need to use Macros for this being a web database which will be published using Sharepoint and VB is incompatible with the web database.
The fields in the form are currently pull downs or manual enrty fields (all based on the columns of the table... "Bound" I think you call it).
I also have fields that I manually brought into my form as text boxes that I am using to populate a series of numbers. I have named them P1, P2, P3 etc. They are unbound fields.
I have a field that I am totalling the unbound fields. It is a column in my table. At one point the control source name was the table coulmn name.
I have changed the control source to read =[p1]+[p2]+[p3]+ etc.
The total does show up in the field on my form
HOWEVER.... When I save the data the total number does not get brought into the table. All of the other fields do.
I created a table by importing data from an Excel spreadsheet. Now I have discovered that I am unable to filter the data, i.e. do an ascending and.or descending sort, in the first field of the table, which is a long text field. It is the only field that has text, all others are yes/no fields. Is there any way to fix this?
Date of Birth (DOB) field etc. in one program are text - how do I make another file with the same data into number fields for Date of Birth field etc? When I copy data to file that has number fields the 09252004 is changed to 9252004. Can I get reports with the correct Date of Birth in them by moving data from text file to number file?
There is data entered monthly in file and formula has been set up for January, February etc as ---quarter: Int(([month]-1)/3)+1. I would like formula for the fiscal year for April to be counted as month 1, May - month 2, June as month 3, July as month 4, August as month 5, Sept as month 6, October as month 7, Nov as month 8, Dec as month 9, Jan as month 10, Feb as month 11 and March as month 12.
I have a form where we fill in information for supply of equipment to employees.
Each item must be signed for on a printed report.
I am encountering problems trying to create enough rows in my report detail for each signature of the items supplied.
For example, on the form I will select the "equipment" - 4 hats supplied and 3 boots. On the report I want the equipment set as the group and the detail to be a number or rows which equals the number of selected items. therefore under the Hats group heading I want 4 blank rows which are made up of 3 text boxes - Print Name, Signature & Date and another group heading for boots but with 3 lines.
I have a access table with 32 columns and 42,000 rows of numbers. I need to find the MIN number in the row and if the MIN number has duplicates then I need them all placed into another column by column name. Example: Starting file DEST,ORIGIN1,ORIGIN2,ORIGIN3,ORIGIN4, ETC 05512,3,2,4,2
I'm trying to get an invoice number field to auto generate the next number, keeping the format as "00000"...this is what I have, which gets the next number but drops the leading 0
Private Sub Customer_AfterUpdate() If Len(Me.[InvoiceNumber] & vbNullString) = 0 Then Me.[InvoiceNumber] = (DMax("[InvoiceNumber]", "[tblInvoiceNumber]") + 1) DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord End If End Sub
invoice numbers are 04024, 04025 etc...how I keep the formatiing?
It all works fine and dandy, but once I set it to sort by this field and run the query, it gives me the parameter prompt, asking me to enter the Parameter Value of FieldA and then for FieldB.
Is there a work-around for this within the query?
The only other solution I have in mind is making another table from this query, and then creating another query just for sorting said table, but that seems inefficient at best.
I am trying to remove a "sort and grouping" field from my report. I delete the field from the menu by using the "backspace" key on my key board. I am getting any error, invalid sort field. When I put something into the field, the error goes away. How do I delete a sorting field I do not want??
I have a query that lists items in locations in our warehouse. Each location is broken down by Aisle-Bay-Level-Position, for example 50-101-01B; or 51-106-02 with all the even Bays on one side and Odd bays on the other side of the aisle. I have the query set up so it separates odd and even so I can go all the way down one side of the aisle then I have to walk back to the beginning of the aisle to check the other side.
What I am trying to do is change the sort based on another field that I have called SORT with a value of AZ or ZA depending on if I need that section to be sorted ASC or DESC. So for example all even bays in aisle 51 need to be sorted DESC while all ODD bays would be ASC. The way our warehouse is laid out it is not always the odd or even side that needs to be sorted DESC, that's why I made the SORT field. The formula I used for the SORT field is as follows:
SORT: IIf(([Aisle]='50' And [OE]='ODD') Or ([Aisle]='51' And [OE]='ODD') Or ([Aisle]='53' And [OE]='ODD') Or ([Aisle]='52' And [OE]='EVEN'),'AZ','ZA')
Is there a way to make it sort the BAY in ASC or DESC based on the value in SORT?
Below is the sql code I have for a CrossTab Query. Total as GrandTotal shows GrandTotal of all weekly columns. Is there anyway I can get the Query Display to sort on the GrandTotal Column?
PARAMETERS [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM]![StartDateTxt] DateTime, [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM]![EndDateTxt] DateTime, [Forms]![Queries_ReportsFRM].[FaultCategory] Text ( 255 ); TRANSFORM Sum([Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Totals) AS SumOfTotals1 SELECT [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].SystemGroup, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].FaultCategory, Sum([Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Totals) AS GrandTotal FROM [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK] GROUP BY [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].SystemGroup, [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].FaultCategory ORDER BY Sum([Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].Totals) PIVOT [Trends-1-3TON-WEEK].YearMonthWeek;
hi i found this code here and it works IF the number comes first and is preceded by a letter 123AA
but it does not work if the letters come first AA123
here's the code
Public Function GetString(WholeString As String) As String Dim i As Integer Dim Temp As String Temp = CStr(WholeString) For i = 1 To Len(WholeString) If InStr(1, "0123456789.", Mid(Temp, i, 1)) = 0 Then GetString = Mid(Temp, i) Exit Function End If Next i GetString = Temp End Function
Public Function GetNumber(WholeString As String) As Double Dim Temp As String Dim i As Integer Temp = CStr(WholeString) For i = 1 To Len(Temp) If InStr(1, "0123456789.", Mid(Temp, i, 1)) = 0 Then GetNumber = Mid(Temp, 1, i - 1) Exit Function End If Next i GetNumber = Temp End Function
the probelm is with this line but i'm not sure what it is
GetNumber = Mid(Temp, 1, i - 1)
(i also get runtime error 13) but my data is in the same format as the example i downloaded.
any ideas anyone?
thanks in advance and thanks to the person who created the code
My table has 3 fields, Employee Number (text), Job Description (text) and Current (yes/no). The table keeps track of the Job Descriptions that an Employee has had along with his current Job Description (actually Title is more appropriate a word but client requested Description) So the table has records such as:
0001 - Floor Sweeping - no 0001 - Ceiling Cleaning - yes 0001 - Dumpster Turning - no
The yes signifies that that is the current Job Description for employee #0001 and the others with no are previous Job Descriptions that the employee #0001 has held.
Now - I created a form to add these records to the table and on that form I want a list box to show the records in the table for this employee but I want to sort it such that the current Job Description is listed first and the rest show up in alphabetical order following. I have the query to list all of the Description, but how can I get the current one to always appear on the top of the list?
When I'm applying a sort and filter in a form, Access is updating the Filter and Order By properties of the form, so that it is possible to re-use in conjunction with Filter on Load and Order By on Load properties. However, a consequence of this is that when the form is closed, it prompts the user whether they want to save the design of the form. I want to circumvent this as I don't want to re-use the sort and filter and I don't want to be prompted to save the design of the form.
Although I can circumvent this by closing the form using a method that doesn't prompt for saving, the additional complication here is that the form in question is in the Navigation subform of a Navigation Control. Hence when I click on a another Navigation button, it (not me) closes my current form and hence prompts me whether I want to save the design of the form (if I have been sorting and/or filtering). I can't see how to circumvent this and the prompting is resulting in unacceptable usability.