How Can I Update A Table Each Time I Run A Query?

Dec 5, 2007

Hello Everyone!

I am new here and this is my first post.

I have a table with two fields: ID and Date. The ID is set to autoincrement. How can I update a table with the next ID and date to current, each time a query is run.


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Update Records In A Table Same Time

Oct 12, 2004

Hi all,

I had a table which had a yes/no check box. Is there any way to update all the checkboxes
in the table based on a value in a field same time?????


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Queries :: Auto Update One Table To Another Each Time New Record Added To Form

Jul 3, 2013

I am trying to automatically update one table to another each time a new record is added to my form, I have tried using the Update and the Append Query is there another way to do this without using code?

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Update Query For Capturing Log Out Time Of User

May 18, 2006

I have done some searching to find a method for logging & timestamping when users log in and out. I have no problems with capturing the Log IN information my problem lies with the log out portion where I am trying to use a Update query to update when the user logs out of the database:

I can get the update query to do what I want, but for some reason it is creating a duplicate record (exactly the same as the last record updated)

Here is the code I am using:

UPDATE LogInTable SET LogInTable.LogOutTime = Time()
WHERE (((LogInTable.LogOutTime) Is Null) AND ((LogInTable.UserName)=LogUserName()));

Basically I am trying to tell the Query to ONLY update records where the "LogOutTime" is Null AND where the UserName field in the table = the username of the person trying to run the update query.

Please help I can't figure out how to prevent these duplicates. :(

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Update And Delete Query Of A Record By Date At The Same Time..

Oct 9, 2006

I have two tables. PreOrder and Order Tables. When our customer actually order a product, I want all information of that product to move from PreOrder table and append it to Order table. Currently, my user has to run an append query to add the record from PreOrder and add it to Order table. After that, she has to run a delete query to delete the record from PreOrder table. Since our query is setup to run by date, and order number..My user has to type the same thing twice. Is there anyone out there know the easy way? Thanks in advance..

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Queries :: Run Append Query And Update A Field At Same Time

Nov 7, 2013

is possible to run an Append Query and update a field at the sametime?

i.e. I would like the MealDate field to be incremented by 1, just not sure how to write the code within the query!!!

This is what I have so far!!! not working

MealDate: ([MealDate](Date()+1))

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Queries :: Change Time Portion Of Datetime Field In Update Query?

Sep 12, 2013

I have some incorrect time entries in a column that I need to fix with an update query.

So, 04/11/2013 08:00:00 needs to be changed to 04/11/2013 09:00:00

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Forms :: Update Time Portion Of Date / Time Field

Aug 29, 2013

I have a date/time text field on a form with the General Date format and a combo box next to it that has sequencial times as the row source (IE. 12:45 AM, 1:00 AM, 1:15 AM, 1:30 AM, ETC.) When the user chooses a time in the combo box, I want the time portion of the text box to be updated with the chosen time in the combo. I have tried a few things but cant seem to get it right.

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Modules & VBA :: Set Datatype As Date / Time In The Form - Update Table With Null Date

Mar 12, 2014

I have a form with Date of Death (DOD) field. I would like update DOD from a table dbo_patient into Z_Patients table.

I have set the datatype as Date/Time in the form for Date of Death.

Private Sub Update_DOD()
Dim rcMain As New ADODB.Recordset, rcLocalDOD As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim DOD As String
rcMain.Open "select distinct PatientKey from Z_Patients", CurrentProject.Connection

[Code] ....

However I am getting some error Run-time error '-2147217913 Date type mismatch in criteria expression in section below.

CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "update Z_MAIN_Processed_Patients set DateOfDeath = '" & rcLocalDOD!date_of_death & "' where PatientKey = " & !PatientKey

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Queries :: Update Query (table To Table) Not Updating All Records

Nov 26, 2013

I'm using an UPDATE query to update records in one table (tblMain) from another table (tblTemp)

Here is my SQL :


UPDATE [tblMain]
INNER JOIN [tblTemp] ON [tblMain].[MainField1] = [tblTemp].[TempField1]
SET [tblMain].[MainField2] = [tblTemp].[TempField2];

I only want to update the records in tblMain which have a corresponding record in tblTemp (linked by MainField1 / TempField1)

If any record doesn't appear in tblTemp, I want tblMain to retain the existing value for that record.

However, it appears that in such situations, the record in tblMain has it's MainField2 value set to null / ZLS.

I've tried using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and also tried WHERE clauses but the result is the same every time.

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Short Time Not Working In Make Table Query

Mar 8, 2006

I've set up a query to calculate the difference between 2 time fields. I set the property to short time.

The thing is - when I run the query in a Select query, the times in the column which contains the difference, appear correctly : ie hh:mm, but when I run the same query in as a make table query, the time difference field (although I have set the property to short time) appear something like this:


Can somebody please tell me how to make it that the time difference results field in my make table query appears as hh:mm??

Thanks in advance - nelld

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Query To Automatically Get Updated Each Time A Table Is Added

Jun 2, 2014

Is it possible for a query to automatically get updated each time a table is added. For example I am looking at prices and each month a new table of information is added for that month and I use a query to view each month next to each other. Is there a way that each time I add a table the query will automatically update?

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Update Table Query

Oct 3, 2006

I have a table (ANSWERS) that has the following fields:
CASE_ID, E1, E2, E3, E4. The ANSWERS table is based on the CASE_ID's in the OBLIGATION TABLE and the CASE_ID field is the only field populated.

Then I have two other tables:
OBLIGATIONS table and WAGE table and each has only one field, CASE_ID.

The WAGE table has only CASE_ID's where there is a wage assignment in place.

What I want to do is populate the E1 field in the ANSWERS table with YES for all the CASE_ID'S in the OBLIGATIONS table that that match the CASE_ID's in the WAGE table. Can someone tell me or show me how to do this?

Either I'm stupid or this is hard to explain...sorry.

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Update Query For One Table

Oct 11, 2006

Hi all..

I have what I think is a very simple solution but I can't figure it out..

I have a table that has jobdescription and currentbadgetype as two of the fields. I want to do this:

if jobdescription=ASD 1 then currentbadgetype=Civilian Badge...

table name is ID_DATA.. I have backed up my data but I don't know how to go about writing an sql statement or creating an update query. I would appreciate any help...

Thanks again

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Update Table From A Query

May 26, 2015

How to update a table from a query. I have a database that tracks overtime, if an employee calls in sick, he is unable to work overtime for 2 weeks. I have a freeze table that tracks the employee, the date they are frozen, to the date they are available to work again.

I would like a query that when ran, will look at the Available to work Again field and if the date they can work again matches todays date, it then edit the employee table turning the freeze field from Frozen (Yes), to Unfrozen (No).

I am using two table

tblemployee and


the tblemployee has the overtime Frozen field

and the tblFrozenOvertime table had the Available to work again field which is also on a frmFrozenOvertime.

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Update Table From Query Field

Apr 3, 2006

I have a query that does calculations in the expression builder field. Is it possible to update/populate a field in a table with the calculated field/answer from the query? Thank you.


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Update Table From Query Field

Apr 3, 2006

I have a query that does calculations in the expression builder field. Is it possible to update/populate a field in a table with the calculated field/answer from the query? Thank you.


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How Do Perform An Update Query From One Table To Another?

Apr 4, 2006

Hi there.
Does anyone know how to use an update query to copy some records from one table into another?
I have table1 which has all the contact details and what I would like to do is work out a process for importing records from an excel spreadsheet.
What I have so far is as follows:

1. In access go into the queries tab and select update query
2. Open both table1 and table2
3. Drag the fields to be updated (table1)
4. In Update to select [table2].[table2 column name]

When i run this nothing appears to happen. 0 records are appended.
Does anyone now how to go around this with another solution or should I be using other SQL methods?

All comments much appreciated

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Can You Update A Table Value Based On Query?

Apr 27, 2006

Hi all,

Simple question...I think. Is it possible to update values in a table, based on the results of a query?

For example, I have tblPRR and qryProcessed.

When I run qryProcessed, I would like the field "Status" in 'tblPRR' to update from 'No' to 'Yes'.

Could anyone advise if this is possible?



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UPDATE Table From Query Results?

Jun 9, 2006

Alright, i'm almost sure this isn't the best way of doing this,

But i wanna build a scoring system out of three criteria. cost, delivery, and qaulity. I have those tables built along with a contact table where there over all score will be tallied up. Each contact can have more than one entry in the criteria.

So what I did was i built a query to make a new table for each contact to generate the score and the contact id, then using that ID, i update it to the contact table using the UPDATE function...however wheni have 3 criteria, and 400 contacts..this obviously becomes painfully slow.

The question is, is there a way to directly pull the sql query results (summing the total of each contacts score for each criteria), then storing it into the contact table without making a new table in the process?

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Query Data To Update Table

Aug 10, 2006

I would like to run a query and then be able to edit that information. I want the data I change to be put into the table the info was gathered from. Right now when I edit the query data it only saves it there, not on the other table. I tried to do the copy to table but the original table was going to be erased and then written over. What should I do? thanks

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Update Query From 2 Forms To A Table

May 25, 2007

Problem Solved!!!!!!!!!

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How To Use An Append Query To Update A Table?

Jul 26, 2007

Could someone please try to give me a step by step method for using an append query to update a table. Gary gave me a ton of help before but im still a little stuck. Thanks in advance. :)

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Queries :: Update Query From One Table To Another

Jul 2, 2014

I have 2 tables that hold similar data. In one table tblMultiSchedule I have a few blank columns. I want to update each column(ActualCost*) with the correct data which is stored in tblOrdersItems. the corresponding fields in each tbl are


I've been trying all day to have an update query to input the actual cost data into the tblMultiSchedule.

I know the rules regarding duplicate data but this is the only way i can do this.

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Queries :: Cannot Update A Table Via A Query

Aug 14, 2014

I have created the tables I need for my Access Web App.I would like to create queries.I cannot update fields that show in the query (fields have a grey frame and cannot be edited) . I have even created a completely new app with only 1 table (no relationships whatsoever in case this may influence). It is still not possible to edit any field in a query (that would update the underlying table). Are there any general settings in Access I need to enable? Is there a setting in Sharepoint I need to enable?

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Added A Table To My Query, Now My Query Will Not Let Me Update It.

May 2, 2007

Okay I have two tables in a query.tblMain and tblStatestblStates has a control number and a state name.tblMain has the same control number as well as a bunch of customer info.The query is simply tblMain.* and then the state name from tblStates.It pulls the information correctly when I link the control number. However, I cannot update the information.If it just has the tblMain table in the query then I can update everything. As soon as I add the tblStates I can't update anything, even if I don't link the two together. Can someone help me figure out what is going on?The reason I have to have a seperate table is that this is for pulling a contracted state which can be different than the customers state, and the only way it is listed in our system is by number so it has to use this number as a reference and then pull up the state name.

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