How Can I Pass Data From Primary Table To Another Table?
Apr 13, 2008
ok , i have a primary table that have a field of "job", then i create another table that have a field of "job" too , then how can i do this task?
Whatever i type a data into the primary table("Job" field) i want it to duplicate the data into the another table("Job" field) . is it possible to do this? can anyone guild me to do ?
First off I have to say I'm not an Access Guru by any means. I can make a very very basic database in access but beyond that I'm toast.
So I've just started working on a project that is in it's second year. The project was started last year by a student and she created, what seems to me, to be an adequate small database for the project. I've noticed however that when entering data, some of it has to be entered twice. This has been made easier through the use of the look up tab in the field definition (?). However, I worked with a student before who created a database where the primary key value of a "parent?" table was automatically forwarded to the corresponding field in the "child?" table.
So here's a hypothetical, let's say you have a restaurant, and one restaurant can have ummmm many tables, and then one table can have manyyyy chairs! There's a unique restaurant id created in the restaurant table, which is say needed with a table number to create a unique table id in the table table, which is in turn needed with a chair number to create a unique chair id in the chair table? So you basically have 3 tables where unique ids are being created. So then lets say you have a chair description table that has fields in it to contain all the ids made previously, as well as some of the information entered to create the unique fields (i.e. table number, chair number). My question is..if I've already entered this data in previous parent tables then why is it that the data doesn't carry forward to these fields? Is it because these fields are not primary key fields in this last table? If that's the case then is there a way to set this up? Right now there's a select statement used in the look up reference option that has something to the effect "select table.table_name from table;". So I know what it's doing and when I enter data I can select the table id I need. It just seems a bit redundant data entry wise to enter yet again values I entered the table before, or values that were generated for me in the table before.
Is there a way to have these fields automatically populate with the corresponding data that was entered to get to this table? Does it involve modifying the select statement to involve a where clause (terminology? clause?). Any ideas would be very much appreciated! Thanks.
I have code that will create an email and prepare it for sending.It will create a table inside the email and fill it in with some text and underscore characters to be replaced by data from the database. So far the data has to be done manually. I would like to know if it is possible to use the values from some fields inside the select record in the current form. So, if Me.Status would be "New" it should pass this to the table in the email.So far I have the below code:
Code: Private Sub Command280_Click() 'send email with table Dim objItem As Object Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem Set oMail = objItem Dim oApp As Object
I am new to access 2010. I need to change the primary key in a table ("stations", Primary key is "station number"), because future entries will result in double entries for this primary key.
I have another table ("species&stations") which has records of Species for each "station number".
So I created a new Primary key for the "stations" table, now called "species id", being a bit better in defining a unique station (as it contains the year and the species number, i.e. "451_2010")
Now the table "species&stations" references/(is in relationship with) the old primary key, identifying a station number for each record.
How do I get it to recognise the new primary key from the "stations" table, and keeping the records (over 1000...) with all there info.
Approach so far: I tried to create a new field in "species&stations", which should look up the new primary key from "stations" and then autofill the field. i did not manage this though
I attached a screenshot to make the relationships more clear!
I have a database that will register the emails coming in and what time, also the time, date out and person.
I have a form with the fields to be filled in and a submit button. There are some fields that are automatically filled in and others need manually fill in.
below that part is a sheet (subform in the form of sheet) that should be filled in with the above data. Once it is there, it should empty the fields so they are ready to be filled in again. If I fill new data and press the submit button, it should go to the next available row.
I have a table for a multiple parents linked to a child table. I need to figure out a way to only allow 1 parent to be coded as primary, 1 as secondary, and then the rest as other... I thought about making Primary/Secondary/Other a primary key. But then I can only have 1 other. I would have to make a finite number of parents that could be entered and I want an infinite number.... My end goal is to have a report that only has a primary and second parent on it, but the rest of the parents still exist in the table...
Is it possible for the primary key of one table to act as the foreign key in another table for more than one columns? What I'm trying to do is create a table for a Committee which will have 1 student and 5 professors! So Can I import the faculty ID for each of the 5 faculty members?When I try creating the second relationship, access automatically creates a new Faculty table for the relationship!
I've been developing an Access database to keep track of my company's ongoing projects. There's also a form to browse the history of users actions within the program. It's based on table tbHistory that stores actions and parameters as numbers (for example eventId = 1 is "logged in" and eventId = 2 is "logged out"). I've been using a query to translate those numbers to text with a syntax like:
Code: IIf([tbEvents].[EventId]=1 Or [tbEvents].[EventId]=2;[tbEvents].[EventDesc];IIf([tbEvents].[EventId]=5 Or [tbEvents].[EventId]=6;...
It worked fine but eventually the expression within expression builder has grown to the level that exceeded allowed limit and I couldn't develop my statement any more.. I decided to develop a vba function that would take eventId as a parameter and would retrieve a string, here it is:
Code: Public Function translateHistory(eventId As Long) As String Select Case eventId Case 1 To 2 translateHistory = ""[tbEvents].[EventDesc]"" Case 6 translateHistory = "[tbEvents].[EventDesc] & "" <b>"" & [tbFormDesc].[FormName] & ""</b>"""
[Code] ....
And in my query I replaced that extremely long expression with just translateHistory([tbHistory].[eventId]). It seems to work, but the result it brings is a pure string with table names and fields - in other words, the query doesn't recognize it should be replaced with appropriate value. Here's the output I get:
Of course I'd like "[tbEvents].[EventDesc]" to be replaced with appropriate value of field "EventDesc" from table "tbEvents" as it used to be.
I want update a table (in Access 2010) based on the results from a pass-through query that pulls data from an old Fox Pro database.
With the following query I push data into my access table (everything works fine):
INSERT INTO Bolle ( esercizio, numero_documento, ...) SELECT Bolle_Arca.[esercizio], Bolle_Arca.[numero_documento], Bolle_Arca.[testata_codice], ... FROM Bolle_Arca WHERE Bolle_Arca.[testata_codice] NOT IN (SELECT Bolle.testata_codice FROM Bolle)
When I try to update the same table using the same pass-through query:
Code: UPDATE Bolle INNER JOIN Bolle_Arca ON Bolle.riga_codice = Bolle_Arca.riga_codice SET Bolle.esercizio = Bolle_Arca.esercizio , Bolle.numero_documento = Bolle_Arca.numero_documento, ... WHERE Bolle.spedito = False and Bolle.data_invio_mail_spedito is null and (Bolle.tracking is null or Bolle.tracking = '') and Bolle.testata_codice = Bolle_Arca.testata_codice;
I get this error: "Operation must use an updatable query"
I have a form, frmSub, that contains the combo box comProducts. I also have two tables, Products and PurchaseDetail. Both tables have the field ProductID.
I want comProducts to create a new record in the Products table, using the input in a field called Product and then to use the value of ProductID to create a new record in the PurchaseDetail table. Ie, so the PurchaseDetail table has a record that links to another record in the Products table via the feild ProductID.
So what I have created is a form with 4 combo boxes which filters a subform with a click button by running a sql query.It was working great yesterday but then when I made the subform a pass through query it seems to no longer run (or just runs so slow it takes a large amount of time to query). To get a better sense of what I'm talking about I basically have a button and inside of the button it takes this query template:
SQL = "SELECT * FROM queryname WHERE 1=1"
concats with if statements to the end of the Where clause with the values in the combo box and then sets
subFormName.Form.RecordSource = SQL
how I can get this table to query...Also, for my second question, is it possible to make this pass through table editable after I filter it?
I use the following code to delete from a table all records except those meeting the WHERE criteria:
Code: DELETE tblABC.*, tblABC.SubjectID FROM tblABC WHERE (((tblABC.SubjectID)<>99 And (tblABC.SubjectID)<>432));
I'd like to run this exact same query, but on many other tables, all of which are stored in tblTablesToClean (TableID, TableName).
Any good way to have Access loop through the list of tables in tblTablesToClean, each time passing the name of the table into the DELETE code and running the code, until all tables have been processed?
In the form is the table tbAssembleias, but I want to put from the other table which is not present in the form:
1. a control that count how many are present (= yes)Ex: Appearances 22. a control that sum the votes of those presentEx: Votes 9I already have a query that count how many are in the meeting, but cant realize how to pass the information to the field in the form..This is the SQL view of the query with the real field names - and working: SELECT Count(tbEntidades.tbAssPresente) AS ContaPresentes, tbEntidades.tbAssPresente FROM tbEntidades GROUP BY tbEntidades.tbAssPresente HAVING (((Count(tbEntidades.tbAssPresente))=True) AND ((tbEntidades.tbAssPresente)=True));
I am accessing a SQL database using Access but its not letting me view the table in design so I can set a primary or letting me change the table names.
I am able to do this from my home PC but not at work. Is there something in options or ODBC settings on the work the PC that I need to change.
I'm still new in ADP development and need some advices and helps from you who has already expert on it. Fyi, I used Ms. Access 2007 and SQL Express 2005. I found a problem when working with my project. Here is the problems :
I'm using form wizard to create master/detail form but why I can't insert record in the detail section (the navigation button also became disable) ? The detail table doesn't have primary key only have foreign key that related to the master table. Should a table must have a primary key if we use ADP ? As attached is my relationship diagram.
I did some BAD planning before I started creating my database and I set a text field ("field1") of a table ("table1") as primary key, then I linked this field to a field in another table ("table2", one-to-many relationship). Now I wan't to change some values in table1 in "field1" defined as primary, but I can't (Access refuses to do so...).
Because I have a lot of data entered allready I would like to know if there is any way for me to change values in "table1"/"field1" and that all the linked fields in other tables ("table2") would change correspondingly??????
I am setting up an access frontend to an excel worksheet. I am creating linked tables using the excel input fields. I find when I have created the tables I can't create a primary key as access won't allow modifications to the linked table. Has anyone any suggestions as to how I can set a primary key on these tables. Thankyou
Hello, I want to have a table linked with an excel doc (which is easy to do with the wizard) but I want this linked table to have a primary key (which the wizard does not allow) because this table will be in a one-to-many relationship
Hello I have another prob. I need to be able to take a new ID from the topics table and insert it into the messages table after a form has been posted. I haven't got a clue on how to do this.
Its for a message board where a new topic is inserted. Two tables need to have records inserted, the topics table and messages table. The Topic_ID from the topics table is an autonumber and needs to go into the TopicID field in the messages table. Here's my insert query:
I have attached a screenshot of the relationships in (a section of) a database I am working on. Would anyone please be willing to view it and offer any suggestions as to whether is fully normalized or not? Here is the description:
An account [table, Account] consists of some money. That money is split-up and invested into several different places. The funds that are available as choices are in Fund; the funds that are chosen are in InvestmentInstance. Different, unaffiliated accounts can invest in the same fund. I would like to keep track of when an account begins to invest in a fund and when it stops investing there (“InceptionDate” and “CloseDate”). The generic, account-independent performance of a fund is kept in Price, where the values come from Yahoo! Finance or something like that. Similar to Price, MarketValue stores the dollar-amount of an investment, specific to an account.
I think I have most of it set OK, but my main concern is about the relationship between InvestmentInstance and MarketValue. As the picture shows, I use InvestmentInstance’s “Id”* as the “one” in the one-to-many relationship, but “Id” is not a primary key. To get it to work, it was necessary to set the Index option to, “Yes (No Duplicates),” so that it was a unique index. Is this a bad practice? Should I just include “Id” as part of the compound primary key? I didn’t think making it part of the compound key was a good idea because then it would defeat the purpose of having “FundId” and “AccountId” control the uniqueness of records. Am I missing something important?
In other words, how can I correctly create a one-to-many relationship that begins in a juntion table (InvestmentInstance) and connects to a new table that was not involved in the normalized many-to-many relationship (MarketValue)?
Thank you!
* I know many like to include the table name in the ID, like, “InvestmentInstanceId,” and it is only my preference to keep it just as “Id” for a local key for simplicity, but add the table name when it becomes a foreign key. I feel “Id” is good enough for my purposes and it’s table location is usually clear from the context.
My database tracks all of the staff development sessions provided for the past ten years, thus we have thousands of records. Our school district wants all departments to move away from using an employee's Social Security number to a number assigned by the district. Each employee has been assigned a unique six digit number.
In my staff development database, the employees data (Social Security number, campus, job description, etc.) are in a table, "EmployeesTbl", with the primary key being the Social Security Number. Classes data are in a table, "ClassesTbl" with some of the fields being ClassNum (an autonumber), class name, class description, etc., with the ClassNum being the primary key in this table.
A third table, "AttendTbl", links the two and shows each class (staff development session) each employee has taken. This table has a a foreign key, "SocNum", that links it to the EmployeesTbl, and another foreign key, "ClassNum", that links it to the ClassesTbl.
I have added the EmpNum field to the EmployeesTbl, and all of the the district assigned employees' numbers have been entered. I have also added this field to the AttendTbl. Is there a means of using a query to fill in the employees number in this table. Is so, I'll then change the primary key in the EmployeesTbl to be the employee number and the foreign key in the AttendTbl to be the same. If not, we face the task of having to key in 18,000 records!
tblShops have an ID, an adress, bussines name, owner name, etc every Shop can be inspected many times. A inspection can be futile if the store is closed. If the store is open, the inspection is made, and as result with can have “with irregularities” “without irregularities”. Two or more inspections can be made the same day (if the n – 1 time the store was close).
So, here is the basic select:
SELECT tblBusiness.idBusiness, tblBusiness.BussinessName, tblInspection.InspectionDate, tblnspeccion.InspeccionTime, tblInspection.Open, tblInspection.Irregularity FROM tblBusiness INNER JOIN tblInspection ON tblBusiness.idBusiness = tblInspection.idBusiness;
What I need is to get the LAST inspection where the bussines was open and with irregularies. One inspection per Business, but of all business. Ah, and if there ir a newer inspection but the business was close, it doesn´t count.
I tried “Group by MAX” with InspectionDate, but it just didn´t work. For example, it showed me two inspection of the same business, not “the last” of that bussiness (it was easy to filter the Open field and the Irregularity field).
I suspect that what I need to solve this is to use two or more SQL stament, two in one., something like that. But I´m in a hurry and I just can seem to get it right.
I hope you can help me with this. Thanks for reading anyway.
P.S.: the fact that there can be more than one inspection per day can be a bitch =(
but there is a "InspectionTime" that can save that". Mmm the problem is that one inspection can be made 1 july around 20:00, but the seccond on 2 july 01:00. But we store the two inspections in 1 july... so... that mens problem.
But that issue is not so important as the previous problem up there (well, in order to solve the seccond I need to solve the firts...)