How Do I Create A Combo Box Of Fields

Mar 21, 2006

Hi everyone, first off, I did a search of "combo box fields" and it turned up some results but after going through them, I still didn't think it answered my question.

I want to create a combo box of fields from a table. After selecting a field, I want to choose from another cbo either "Yes" or "No" to fill out that particular field.

How do I do that? Thanks all.

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Forms :: Create A Form Using Combo Box To Populate Multiple Fields And Tables?

May 26, 2013

I'm trying to create a form using a combo box to populate multiple fields and tables.

I've created a text field to display the added information using this format:


in the text box control source field, and this works for display purposes.However, I need it to populate this data into a field on a table.

For example:

My combo box looks up data that has 2 columns, Part Number and Description.

The control source for the combo box is "Part Number". And that populates the part number in the "Main" table no problem.

The text box I created using the above format in the control source populates the field in the form, but not the "Main" table.

Is there a way for the other (description) field to also populate the "Main" table as well?

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Choosing Fields From Combo Box To Make Fields Visible

Aug 30, 2004

I have a combo box linked to a look-up table. There are 8 fields in the look-up table but only if one of three is chosen do I want additional combo boxes to become visible. Do I put the code in the "after update" or "on change" event of the combo box and how do I express the code-

If TechniqueCombo="caudal" or "spinal" or "epidural" then

(am I close??)


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How To Create Combo Box Filter

Dec 7, 2012

I`m using access 2010 version, i have one table(Customer) which has one-to-many relationship to the table(Order), so the Order table contains many records from one single record in Customer. How to create a combobox that filter and show how many orders the Customer has. Example:

Line 1 - Crystal

Line 1 - Water
Line 2 - Cookies
Line 3 - Pens

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Create Recordset From Combo Choice

Jun 2, 2005

I have a table called Contacts and a form with two combo boxes for searching for records either by name or property name. The following code works fine for finding the first record, but I want to be able to show on the form all (and only) those records which match the combo box entry. Currently rowsource for name box is:
************************************************** *
SELECT [Last Name1] FROM Contacts UNION SELECT [Last Name2] FROM Contacts
ORDER BY Contacts.[Last Name1];
************************************************** *
and code is:
************************************************** *
Private Sub Combo214_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control for Last Name search
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[Last Name1]= '" & Me.[Combo214] & "' OR [Last Name2]= '" & Me.[Combo214] & "'"
rs.FindNext "[Last Name1]= '" & Me.[Combo214] & "' OR [Last Name2]= '" & Me.[Combo214] & "'"
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Combo214.Value = ""
End Sub
************************************************** *
Rowsource for property box is:
************************************************** *
SELECT Contacts.PropertyID, Contacts.PropertyName
FROM Contacts
ORDER BY Contacts.PropertyName;
************************************************** *
and code is:
************************************************** *
Private Sub Combo212_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control for Property Name search
Dim rs As dao.Recordset

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[PropertyID] = " & Str(Nz(Me![Combo212], 0))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Combo212.Value = ""
End Sub
************************************************** **

Any help is appreciated!

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How To Create Date Interval Using Combo Box

Jan 13, 2013

How to create a date interval using combo box?

For example, i have a receipt form consisting of receipt date from 1/1/2012 to 31/06/2012.

But I want to view the receipt form to just show the date from 1/3/2012 (can be changed) onwards or 1/4/2012(can be changed) onwards.

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How To Create Two Of The Same Fields Which Update When One Is Changed

Apr 19, 2007


i have two fields that are the same, but in different tables. can i create a relationship so that when one field (in stock) from the purchases table is selected, the same field in the stock table is the same value as the one from the purchases table... i hope i explained it well enough:)

i know this causes data redundancy, but is there any better way of doing this?


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Concatenate Name Fields To Create Login Name

Jun 5, 2006

Thanks in advance for your help.
I'd like to concatenate 2 name fields being TeacherFName and TeacherLName. No problem with that bit.
The bit I'm not sure on is that I'd like to have just the first 4 letters from the last name and the first 2 from the last, unless the last consists of less than 4 letters then I will fill with the first name. IE Dianne Cox becomes coxdia.
Can anyone help please?

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General :: How To Create Fields Dependent On Each Other

Jun 19, 2012

I am very new to Access and I am not familiar with SQL. How I can create fields that are similar to each other?

Let's say I have 3 fields in my table: Name, State, Area Code.

I want it so that each time I select "Name" the appropriate State and Area Code populate. Anyway I can do this?

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Create A Form Using Selections From Combo Boxes

Jan 24, 2006


I need to create a form or a subform that brings up a list of records based on criteria that a user chooses in multiple list boxes. Is this possible? I am pretty new to Access.



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Forms :: How To Create Cascading Combo Boxes

Jun 10, 2015

how to create the cascading combo boxes that I need. For this, I have three tables:

Locations -- All store locations
Products -- Part Number and DESCRIPTION of any type of item that is available for rent
Serial Numbers -- (Unique) Serial number for each individual product, with its Product ID (foreign key) and Location ID (foreign key)

Each location has its own set of products available for rent, each with their own serial number. There may be more than one of the same TYPE of product at a location, but there will never be a repeated serial number.

I would like to have three (cascading) combo boxes. The first would allow the user to select a LOCATION. The second will have a list of all the types of products available at that location (DESCRIPTION). The third should have the list of SERIAL NUMBERS available at that LOCATION for that type of product (DESCRIPTION).

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Forms :: How To Create Multi Value Field Using Combo Box

Oct 7, 2013

How do you create a Multi-Value Field using a Combo Box on a form?

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Create A Combo To Fetch Record In A Subform

Jan 23, 2012

I Created three tables: 1. students, 2. subjects, 3. Marks. The Students table have a unique code for each student, with field name as StudentID, so the Students table contains fields:

a) StudentID a unique code for each student.

b) The Subjects table will have fields:
SubjectID a unique code for each subject.
Subject full title of the subject

c) The Grades table have just three fields:
StudentID a code that ties this entry to a student in the Students table
SubjectID a code that ties this entry to a subject in the Subjects table
Grade the mark this student achieved in this subject.

After creating the three tables, Margaret needs to create a link between them. In Access 2007 and 2010,

Relationships is on the Database Tools ribbon. In Access 95 - 2003, Relationships is on the Tools menu (or the Edit menu in Access 1 -2.) "Grades" will be the "related table" in relationships with both the other tables.

Now I could enter all the students in the Students table, with the unique StudentID for each. I enter all the subjects in the Subjects table, each with a SubjectID. Then at the end of term when the marks are ready, I could enter them in the Grades table.

To enter marks, I created a form, using the "Form/Subform" wizard: "Subjects" is the source for the main form, and "Grades" is the source for the subform. Now with the appropriate subject in the main form, and adds each StudentID and Grade in the subform.

The grades were entered by subject, However to view them by student. I created another form/subform, with the main form reading its data from the Students table, and the subform from the Grades table. Since I used StudentID when entering grades in the previous form, Access linked this code to the one in the new main form, and automatically displays all the subjects and grades for the student in the main form.

Now I would like to create a combo search field in the Header or anywhere in the main form to find the record based on StudentID in the Subform.

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Create A Table Based On 2 Tables With Different Fields

Apr 17, 2007


I have attached a zipped excel workbook to best describe what I'm trying to do. I have table1 and table2 and I'm trying to write a query in access to get the output as shown in the workbook. I'm having hard time getting this right. I would appreciate your help if possible. Tks


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Create A New Table Or Use Comma Separate Fields

Dec 27, 2007


I have a quick question that could lead into a longer one.

First off, I am trying to associate tests with a course a student is enrolled in. Would it be better to add a column in the courses table and have a comma separated list of all tests associated with each course or would it be better to create a separate table that has a column for the course and another column for the associated test with that course?

If comma separated fields would be better, how would I handle that in forms? How does one parse that field?


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Join Three Fields Together And Create A DATE Field

Feb 20, 2007

I am editing data in a table that was designed by someone else. For some reason, they divided the date into three columns (YR, MON, DAY). I would like to join these three fields together and create a legal DATE field. I have tried the following:

FROM MyTable;

However, it returns an odd result. I think this might be because ACCESS does not know I want a date format.

My question is: is the above QUERY correct and how do I tell ACCESS to put the concatenated data in a date format.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide...

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Reports :: Create Letter Using Fields In Query

Mar 14, 2014

All, using access 2010. I am working with an existing database that have a letter programmed using fields in a query. I have to add to it but having a trouble. Merge in Word was not used. I can't find any examples. The letter is designed in a report design. Using the fields from a query and filtered by "IIF Statements".

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Tables :: Combining Fields To Create Unique ID

Nov 14, 2013

How i would best combine values in a table to produce a 'primary key id number.'

For example: the first letter of a city in the ID and the next number available/auto number - Portsmouth -> P233

I know i can create this in a query however i want it as the unique ID for that record entry in a table. If that doesn't make sense i can try to elaborate some more.

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Create Multiple Records / Fields Simultaneously

Jul 13, 2012

I am extremely handicapped in Access 2010. I am currently trying to create a database for a small company I am interning in. One of the things I would like to do is to update or create multiple fields in different tables simultaneously.

To explain, I have two tables, Production Activity in CY 2012 and Production Activity in $ 2012. Both tables have a field "Date of Activity." In addition to some other fields, Production Activity in CY has a field "Actual Production in CY" and Production Activity in $ has a field "Actual Production in $".

Now I had initially created two forms, each dedicated to one table, however my supervisor wants to use only one form to update both fields.

I also want to know how can I connect/link both of the Date of Activity so that if one changes, the other one changes too. And when I run queries, both "Date of Activity" fields should appear as one (when I want to run query of let's say the maximum or minimum production each month).

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Forms :: Combo Box With Different Column Values To Create A Table

Jan 17, 2014

Am I correct in thinking the only way to have a combo box with different values in each column is to create a table and then bind the combo box to the column you are referring to if you want it to represent a value from another.

For example if I have a combo box with the words January, February etc can that combo box have a corresponding month number value in a separate column (this combo would be derived from a list) or would I need to create a table holding both the month names and numbers and then bind to the name value for selection but use the month number value?

The reason I ask is I wasn't sure if for every type of list I wanted with multiple column values, I would need to create a table.

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Forms :: Include Option In Combo Box To Create A New Item

Jun 20, 2013

I have a form with a combobox whose list items are taken from a table of currencies (called tblCurrencies)

Row Source = SELECT [tblCurrencies].[Ccy] FROM tblCurrencies ORDER BY [Ccy];

Problem is, there may come a time when the currency they want to select is not yet part of the tblCurrencies table, and needs to be added. For simplicity, I'd like to have an additional option in the dropdown (perhaps at the bottom) to specify a new currency.So an additional list item (e.g. 'Add New...') which when selected could prompt a subform where the user could specify the new currency (and any other relevant details specific to that currency) which can be programmatically added to do I get that extra option into the list items for the combobox?...

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Reports :: Create Report By User Between 2 Dates Using Combo Box

Mar 5, 2013

I managed to create a report by user using a combo box. When an user selects a name from the combo box, it generates a report showing all the records by that name.

However, now I need to be able to generate a report as above but between 2 dates. How??

I am having two sets of criteria.
1) by user
2) between 2 dates

Can this be done?

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General :: Create Input Form From Combo Selection?

Jan 15, 2013

I have table(fruit) with 5 fields - apples, pears, grapes, oranges and lemons.

Say i have a shopping list apples -5, grapes -6 and lemons -2.How do i get this into the table.

My idea have combo box that you can select the apples, grapes and lemons from.

Have input form

label(apples) input(5)
label(grapes) input(6)
label(lemons) input(2)

how can i do this.

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Adding Fields In A Table To Create New Field In A Query

Mar 14, 2008

I've got a fields called rev code that contain the following values:

field name: 110 131 250 255 258

field value: 7.49 6 11.25 12.11 78

I'm writing a query that pulls from the first two digits of the rev code and need to round off to the nearest dollar so in my query I'll have a column 11 with a value of 7, a column 13 with a value of 6, then I need to take columns 250 255 and 255 add the values together and round off so I get a column 25 with a value of 101.

How do I do that?

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How Do I Create A Query To Move 2 Fields On The Same Row To Be 2 Rows In One Field

Jun 6, 2007

I have a big table like this:
ID Name Race1 Race2 Race3
-- ---- ----- ----- -----
1 a Asian russian

How do I create a query to be like this (either in query or report)?
I like to combine three fields (race1, race2, race3) in one field (Race), and break any value of races to the 2nd line, 3rd line, if there is a value...
ID Name Race
-- --- ----
1 a Asian

In Oracle and SQL Server, we can combine a few rows to be columns-like, but in Access, is there any way to do that? and how?

Thanks so much!


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Queries :: Create Table Query From Multiple Fields?

Aug 14, 2013

i essentially have 2 table:

1. Table BIC

A list of codes that will be updated monthly, which will be the basis for querying the second table. Approx 100 rows of data.

2. Table Original

A data file obtained from IT where i'll need to sort it to find any codes that are including in Table1. This includes approx ~ 10,000 row of data.

** note, the "BIC" from "Table BIC" can appear in any of the 5 BIC columns in Table Original.

What i need to do is create a query that will:

1. Search the "BIC" from "Table BIC" in all 5 columns of "Table Original".

2. Where it has a hit, it will create new table - for example, the first row of table Original includes the BIC "ABC" in the "BIC 1" column. A query would create table "ABC" and place this whole record (all 8 fields) in new table "ABC". No modification needed.

3. Where two (or more) BIC's from "Table BIC" appear in one record in "Table Original" - the result will only need to be placed in one of the new tables (really doesn't matter which one). For example, Record #4 includes the BIC "ABC" in field "BIC1" and the BIC "DEF" in the field "BIC4". Therefore, a new table would be created (either ABC or DEF) to capture this information.

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