How Do I Disable Append/delete/maketable Prompts?
Jul 19, 2006
I am basically making a form to streamline the processes and functionality of my database project, so basically it's just a form that runs queries.
However, whenever it runs an action query, it always brings up a yes or no prompt for whatever action it is doing. Is there any way to disable these prompts (i.e. default yes to everything) or is this just an annoyance I will have to deal with?
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May 18, 2005
On the form for the Addresses I have a Combo Box for picking a Country.
When I hit the Delete button while the cursor is in the box I get a Message saying:
'You cannot assign the Null value to a Variable that is not a Variant data type'
The box has 2 columns, CountryName (Text) and CountryID (number), the second is the bound column.
I tried to Set the Warnings off, catch the error in the After Update Event, but
nothing helps to get rid of the Error Message.
Is there a way to Disable the Delete button, while in he box?
Or is there a better solution?
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Apr 20, 2006
Hello Everyone,
Before I pose my question I would first like to applaud and thank this forum for the excellent and timely help it has provided me so far. The assistance I have received to date, from you as members, and via the search facility has been extremely helpful particularly as I am new to this type of stuff…
My question is this...
I would like to disable users from selecting the 'Edit - Delete Record' facility from my main form upon its load. From searching the various forums I found a method upon which to disable the whole 'Edit' menu but not the specific 'Delete Record' function. Please accept my sincere apologies if this has already been posted but I simply cannot find it readily via a standard/refined 'search'. It might be the fact that I am phrasing the question incorrectly?? I don't want to severely restrict my users by disabling/hiding the whole menu but would rather limit them to accessing this option via a password protected command button?
What I have found so far.
Private Sub Form_Load()
CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls("Edit").Visible = False
End Sub
Any assistance/guidance would be very much appreciated
Kind Regards – Best wishes to all of the registered site members
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Mar 24, 2015
I would like to disable the shortcut, CTRL - which allows a user to delete a record. A user accidentally deleted a record while typing in an email address that had an underscore in the email address. While trying to type it she must have hit the CTRL key instead of the Shift key follow by the -. She noticed the delete confirmation, but not thinking, pressed enter and thus confirmed the deletion of the record.
Other than telling her to pay more attention, how can I disable the shortcut in Access 2013?I tried using the Application.OnKey "^-", "" but I continue getting the error method or data member can not be found
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Dec 27, 2006
Hey everybody,
Admittingly I last did a query like this 4years ago and I know there is a simple way of doing it, but I have completely forgotten!
My problem: I am wanting to create a query which will automatically detect if a customer has NOT made an order in a period of twelve months (a customers details/orders are stored in the database: tables customer and tables order). Those who have not made any orders in 12months can be deleted (the option should be to delete them not automatic deletion.
I want the query to delete (if it is selected) all traces of that customer including their orders.
I tried creating the query and using the date function: <Date()-365, however, I want to make sure it will work.
Thanks and I hope people can help!
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Oct 24, 2006
I need to append some rows into a table, before I add these rows i need to delete all of the old rows.
I can't use a Make Table query because I am updating a linked table in another database.
So how can I (automatically) delete all rows in that table before or during the append process.
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Jul 26, 2007
I am trying to run a query that appends data into a table.. however, the way im setting it up.....lets say i have a table named Accouts, and under accounts there is #1 to 30. When I try to add a new account through a form, and append it to that, it takes the 31 there nwo are after i added one, and adds it to the 30 alraedy there, creating 61 instead of 31. is there anyway i can take into account for duplicates when im creating a query. im new to databasing, just got stuck with this assignment for the summer, and have no idea what im doing :( and i dont have time restart after learning normalization. i wish i did, but i dont. if it works it works, thats the bottom line. thanks everyone.
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Sep 23, 2007
I got these two append and delete queries in my database that i want to run on startup. I was wondering if there is a way to not have the msg that pops up to ask if you are sure you want to append/delete 0 record to table if there isn't any record that matches the condition set. I'm sure there is a way because if there isn't any record that matches the condition set in the queries then i don't want to have to click "No" everytime the database starts.
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Jun 9, 2005
I have 2 databases which are mirror images of each other. one db is named rent and the other is named renthistory. in the db i have 2 tables, tblcustomer and tblradio. i would like a button on my form to append the current record to the renthistory db and then delete the current record. how can i do this?
Thanks in advance!
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Jun 23, 2005
Sorry, I really couldn't think of a solid title for this. I'll try and explain and provide some code as well.
I've got a series of tables, one of which is linked to a Mobile Device. I have a query (herein called Query A) that queries a masterfile, named MasterFileEdit, based on selections the user makes on the front end. Query A then returns the results, sorted by section number. Query B is set up to query based on the same selections, but instead DELETE all of those records from the masterfile. Doing this makes sure that no duplicate work is performed.
Here's the code for Query A.
INSERT INTO [TABLE A1] ( OID, SystemLoc, SystemPN, Location, Part_Number, Qty, Date_n_Time, NL, RCHKL, RCHKP, oddeven, Auditor, upperlower, area, aisle, [section] )
SELECT TOP 100 MasterFileEdit.OID, MasterFileEdit.SystemLoc, MasterFileEdit.SystemPN, MasterFileEdit.Location, MasterFileEdit.Part_Number, MasterFileEdit.Qty, MasterFileEdit.Date_n_Time, MasterFileEdit.NL, MasterFileEdit.RCHKL, MasterFileEdit.RCHKP, MasterFileEdit.oddeven, MasterFileEdit.Auditor, MasterFileEdit.upperlower, MasterFileEdit.area, MasterFileEdit.aisle, MasterFileEdit.section
FROM MasterFileEdit
WHERE (((MasterFileEdit.oddeven) Like "*" & [Forms]![LocationAudit]![oddeven] & "*") AND ((MasterFileEdit.upperlower) Like "*" & [Forms]![LocationAudit]![upperlower]) AND ((MasterFileEdit.area) Like "*" & [Forms]![LocationAudit]![area]) AND ((MasterFileEdit.aisle) Like "*" & [Forms]![LocationAudit]![aisle]))
ORDER BY MasterFileEdit.section;
Everything after the 'FROM MasterFileEdit' after is the user selections that come from a form.
I need help writing the DELETE query. Here's what I've got thus far:
DELETE MasterFileEdit.OID, MasterFileEdit.SystemLoc, MasterFileEdit.SystemPN, MasterFileEdit.Location, MasterFileEdit.Part_Number, MasterFileEdit.Qty, MasterFileEdit.Date_n_Time, MasterFileEdit.NL, MasterFileEdit.RCHKL, MasterFileEdit.RCHKP, MasterFileEdit.oddeven, MasterFileEdit.Auditor, MasterFileEdit.upperlower, MasterFileEdit.area, MasterFileEdit.aisle, MasterFileEdit.section
FROM MasterFileEdit
WHERE (((MasterFileEdit.oddeven) Like "*" & [Forms]![LocationAudit]![oddeven] & "*") AND ((MasterFileEdit.upperlower) Like "*" & [Forms]![LocationAudit]![upperlower]) AND ((MasterFileEdit.area) Like "*" & [Forms]![LocationAudit]![area]) AND ((MasterFileEdit.aisle) Like "*" & [Forms]![LocationAudit]![aisle]));
I can't get the DELETE to sort. The query runs, but doesn't select the records it should. In fact, it doesn't select any of the correct records.
Thoughts: does the TOP 100 modifier work with Deletes?
Is this query even possible?
Thanks in Advance for your Help.
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Feb 8, 2007
I don't know if this is the right place for my post. Since is in regard to queries...
I have data that I want to archive from one table to another table within a press of a button in a single form. The append work fine for me, but i tried adding the code to run the delete query to the same button as the append's one is, but giving me error that MS can't run the delete query because i have the form open exclusively. If I run the delete query with the form closed it work. How can I make the button to excute both append and delete queries at the same time.
Thanks in advance for the help
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Feb 8, 2007
hey guys,
I'm new to this site, I have search a lot in this form regarding Delete and Append query used at the same time and couldn't find answer.
I have data that I want to archive from one table to another table within a press of a button in a single form. The append work fine for me, but i tried adding the code to run the delete query to the same button as the append's one is, but giving me error that MS can't run the delete query because i have the form open exclusively. If I run the delete query with the form closed it work. How can I make the button to excute both append and delete queries at the same time.
Thanks in advance for the help
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Sep 4, 2005
I am accessing an oracle database that has several thousand records in it. I am quering for specific requirements, but would like to save my query results in a local access database for faster searching capabilities. Is there a way for me to set up a query that will go out to my oracle table files, select the records that pertain to my search criteria, and add records to locally stored tables without duplicating itself each time that I run the query? I would appreciate any assistance in this matter. Thanks for your help!
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Jan 16, 2013
I've been creating a simple macro which will append data and then delete data from a table.The criteria for the queries is found in a form, and this is used as a paramter.However, when i run this all as a macro...the append and delete queries somehow can't read the criteria in the form. Rather...i have to type in the criteria again...and then it works.I have attached a copy of my DB.
1. Go to frmArchiveStock
2. Select a stock from the combo box (this the criteria for the append and delete queries)
3. Click the button to run macro mcrStockArchive.
How can i get the queries to pick up the value entered in the form to act as a criteria when they run?
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Mar 27, 2013
I am creating a database where the records of individual students are to be moved to different table depending on where they are in the graduation process. In order to do this, the secretary will enter the student in the "90 Hr Request" table (think of it as the first step), and move them down the line of tables (4 in total) until the final "Completed" table. Each table in the progression has more and more fields. However, a student (with their ID number as the primary key) can only be in one table at a time.
I understand this does not sound like a traditional database, as the data is not normalized. However, this is being used more as a filing system than anything else. Their data is primarily paper based (for legality reasons), but wishes to keep it organized in a database so they can run queries and print reports.
Currently, I am creating a macro that will run specific queries (in an order). I have made an append query that will move the records over, then I used a update (to null) and delete query combo to delete the old individual record. I made the delete + update query work by using a selected criteria.
How to make the append query move only one student's record at a time.
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Apr 11, 2007
why isn't my Access giving me warning before runing the delete, append or update query because usually it warns you that you are about to append, update or delete the following number of records. It must be the settings, can someone help!
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Aug 19, 2004
I have a macro setup that deletes all the records in 2 different tables, then using about 8 queries, appends several records to the two tables where data was deleted. When these macros run, several Yes/No/Cancel dialog boxes come up for each query, first asking you if you are sure you want to do this, that it is going to change data in my table, and then second telling me how many records it's going to append or delete.
Is there a way to make it automatically run Yes to all of these dialog boxes? That would really help out a whole lot. Of instead of that, but maybe some sort of VB code that could do all the deleting and appending without the need of the Macros, and that doesn't require user intervention. I have my Macro's setup on the "On Click" event in a form, so using VB would be no problem at all.
Any Suggestions?
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Apr 3, 2006
I have "unchecked" all the confirm options under tools, but when I run the make table query it still displays "The existing table will be deleted before you run the query, do you wish to contiue? I would like it to just run without this message, or at least give a message of my choosing. Is this possible?
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Oct 25, 2013
I need to reset the autonumber each time I delete/append records in a table. Best way?
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Jul 1, 2015
I have a Table1 served by Form1..It is a list of: UnqID, process, quantity, totaltime(in seconds).I want to click on a record to bring up a filtered Form2 with the chosen record on it.What I want to be able to do is to now split the quantity (and the time) and put these new records back into Table1 and delete the original record
ID1,10,write a report,2400
I want to delete this and replace it with two (or three/four etc) replacements, but still adding up to 10 quantity and 2400 seconds so that the new data could be:
ID2,5,write a report,1200
ID3,5,write a report,1200
My initial thoughts are to create a holding table to:Append filtered data on Form2 to a holding Table1hld (i don't know how to do this) delete data in Table1.then enter the new quantities into a holding Table2 (that I will input myself) and then append (through a series of queries back into Table1).The first problem is how to append (and subsequently delete) the filtered record from Form2 to Table1hld.
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Jun 11, 2014
I have a table called "EquipmentRequired" which is populated by 4 append queries,
5000BaseReq, 6000BaseReq, 6000IFBBReq, EquipmentReq which get some of their information by counting fields in another table but all have the same field names.
The queries contain all data that is initially used to append new records to the table and this works fine.Unless some information changes or a record is added then I would like to add a button to a form and call it "update equipment" behind which would run a vba code firstly to delete all the records in "EquipmentRequired" table then run the 4 queries without the warnings and re-populate the table.
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Feb 21, 2008
I have a recordset with 335000+ rows. The database contains 8 different columns. I have a series of queries that validate each column element. I then use a UNION query to combine the mini queries because the validation results is the same, as well as the query structure. The validation results can either be, "PASSED, FAILED, or DROPPED".
I am trying to create a crosstab query to display the COUNT of each occurence of validation, per query. The problem is, for each query (row) in the cross tab, the total of each query is not the same, and is less than 335000 rows. One query could show 319000, another 323000... I don't know why this is doing it, because if I run each query separately, it says each one contains 335000 rows, and each row has a validation result.
Any suggestions?
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Jul 15, 2006
Hi Guys,
8 posts on the subject over a number of years and the answer seems to have been no, you can't have an auto number field in a maketable query.
Is there any reasonable way to create a sequential count of the records shown in the maketable query, not the underlying records?
I have a maketable query that selects fields from 2 tables which are ordered in a specific way. The sigma button is clicked to reduce this recordset to unique entries and this is what goes into the created table.
This newly created table is a row heading for a pivot table query and I want it ordered by the method used in the query. An autonumber or some method of counting/incrementing the records would do the trick.
I am currently creating the table and then adding the Autonumber field manually, which is hardly a solution at all. :confused:
An afterthought before I post: The reason I want the autonumber field is that the pivot table shows the records in alphabetical order rather than the order the table holds the records. Is there any way of forcing the pivot table to use the records as ordered in the table. A note of caution here, I get very confused when dabbling with pivot tables. :eek:
Any thoughts/solutions welcomed. And if I'm asking the wrong question, let me know! :)
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Jul 2, 2015
All of the types? Including Memo?
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Apr 26, 2007
How do I hide prompts asking the user are they sure they want to update fields, etc?
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May 21, 2007
Can someone give me a good clear example of column prompts.
Is it a prompt where the user can select the columns he wants to see? or else?
Thanks in advance.
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