How Do I Display A Certain Value Based On A Table?

Apr 6, 2006

I have a table with three fields, StartDate, EndDate and Holiday Name. What I am trying to do is have a query search this table and determine if a date is between any of the startdate and enddate fields, and if it is have it output "Holiday", and have it output "Non-Holiday" if it does not.

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Modules & VBA :: Label To Display Total Of Column In Table Based On Two Checks

Jul 8, 2013

I am looking to generate a total number of a given column based on two criteria.I would like a label (or textbox if necessary) to display a given total of "Active" devices based on a given month.The table name is "Blackberry" and the specific columns I would like to check would be "Activated?" and "Registration Date". I'm not sure if I should be using a dsum or dcount and the error i keep getting is a type active device would have the text value of "Yes.

Dim advalue As Integer
advalue = DCount("[Activated?]", "Blackberry", "[Activated?]=yes" And "[Registration Date] > #01/01/2000#")
lblad.Caption = advalue

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Display Msg Box Based Upon Query

Jul 28, 2006

I wish to display a message box, only if a query returns results. I would have it on the OlLoad portion of my form. The problem I am having is doing the sql in the vba portion of the would look something like this:

sql = "select * from table"
if results of sql are not blank, then
end if

Can someone help me please?

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Display Fields Based On Number

May 14, 2005

Hi Guys and Girls,

While doing a rabbit DB for the missus I have hit a problem, if one of the does gives birth to 3 babies i wish to have the details entered onto a form (not a problem) but i would like to do this:

if number of babies = 3 then fields to display to enter details is 3 on the form, i have my table setup with up to 10 seperate field for the babies per record but am stuck trying to do this

any help or direction would be great

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Display Subform Based On Selection

Mar 20, 2006

A tricky one this. Searched for answer but cannot find.

Acc 2003.

I have a main menu with 2 subforms.

In the on load event it sets the source object of the first subform, which displays a list of options (menu Style).

When choosing an option from SubForm1, I want SubForm2 to display the form I have coded in.

I currently have within subform 1 in the on click event the following.

Form_MainMenu.subform1.sourceobject = "formtodisplayinsubform2"

When running this from the main menu, nothing at all happens.

When opening just the subform 1 on it's own and clicking the option, it merely opens the main menu form.

Can anyone see what I am missing?

Thanks in advance

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Display Shift Based On Time

Nov 5, 2004

I'm making a dispatch call database that will be sorted at the end of the month based on call types and which shift that call was originated on. Our shifts are 6a-2p, 2p-10p, 10p-6a.

I am figuring that the time would be converted to minutes and then the display would be figured based on which times the minutes occured between. IE: the call origintaed at 0100hrs = 60 minutes. It would figure that 60minutes translates to "Night Shift".

How would I convert time into minutes and how would the if/then be established?

Thanks so much for all your help

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How To Display List Of Value Based On Combo Box

Mar 17, 2015

I want to create a combo box on a form where I can choose between 5 company names, and upon my choice, I want a list box or another combo box to display the departments under the company I chose (each company has different departments), and when I choose the department, I want to another combo box to display the limited job titles under that department.

For example: I choose company A > combo box displays the 5 departments under company A (dept.1,2,3,4) I choose dept. 4 > display job titles under dept. 4

How can I do that? Should I do a table? A query?

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How To Retrieve And Display A Record Based On The Value In Combo Box

Dec 5, 2005

i have a form based on a table.The key column of the table is a combo box in the form , if i select a particular value in the combo box then i have to diaplay the all the fields in the record on the form automatically based on that particular value.

Ofcourse it is a simple task, but today only i am trying my hand in VB for the first time in my life.... so i find it difficult to find the answer.......

please help me.......

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Changing Display Based On Record Selected

Jan 26, 2006

I'm this is a simple issue. I have a combo box which can have the following status's: Not Started, In Progress, Complete. Depending on the value of the combo box i want a different image to show. So if not started is selected i want the user to see a red box. If Complete is chosen, a green box will show. i can do this easily enough but my problem comes in when i go to the next record. The boxes just stay visible regardless of what option is displayed. What event is triggered when you go to the next form?? Form Open / Load doesnt seem to work.

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Using Expressions To Display Value In Txtbox Based On Combo Selection

Aug 2, 2007

hi Guys

I would like to write an expression (i presume) to auto fill a text box based on the selection made from a combobox...can anyone help or point me to a tutorial that deals with this??

Many Thanks,


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Forms :: How To Display Records On A Form Based On Listbox

Jun 5, 2014

I designed a simple form that has a listbox and a subform. I am using Northwind database for testing.

I would like to be able to display on a subform only records based on a value of a list box.

I created a listbox using a wizard and selected an option 'find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my list box'. This kind of works but it does not display all records matching criteria.

Attached print screen 1 shows my table and there are six records for 'Las Vegas' but my sub-form displays only three for Karen Toh (print screen 2) and all records for John Edwards are missing. I am not really sure how to fix this problem.

Ideally I would like to take this a step further and do another list box with Last Name and then filter data even further down so for example if I select Last Vegas and Edwards then the form would show me only matching records.

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Forms :: Display All Records Based On Single Date

Oct 7, 2014

Is there a way to make a form that will display all records based on a single date, at the same time, in the same format each and every time?I have a table which has the following fields:

ID (Autonumber, PK)
Deallocate (yes/no)

Now, I would quite like to keep the form in a style similar to all the others I have, not least as I have to cater for users of all age and abilities, so keeping things as simple. I have attached an image - each row to represent a record basically, I would like the form to open and show the same layout on each day (I would place the textboxes etc in route groups); a null value would not be allowed for at least one field in each record, I could force the records to populate the form in the same way each day?

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Queries :: Query / Count And Display Based On Date?

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to run query on a months worth of dates, have it count based on each day and then display the date and the number?


field1 - field2 - field 3 - Date

I can run a query one day at a time but would like to run it for the month and get this

12/01/2014 - 15
12/02/2014 - 32
12/03/2014 - 0
12/04/2014 - 12

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Forms :: Display TextBox Value Based On Combobox Selections

Jun 5, 2015

I have a form that has 3 combo boxes and a text box that I want to be a lookup. I have a little experience with DLookUp, but I do not think that will work here. The three combo boxes are linked to queries, and Tables. The first combo box is for choosing "Precious" or "Base" metals. The second combo box is filtered from the first and displays the "Metal Names". The third combo box is to choose a "Metal Market". There are currently four options for that. I want the text box to display the "Metal Market Price" based on the second and third combo box selections.

Here is a screenshot of the table with all of the metals and their market prices filled in with dummy values for now:

metals screenshot 1.PNG
Metals screenshot 2.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the relevant Form: Metals form screenshot.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the Table that relates to the relevant form: Metals table design.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the Metal Market table that the Query is based on: Metal Market Table.PNG

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Forms :: Unable To Display Information Based On Data In Another Box

Nov 15, 2013

I am trying to get a form to display certain information based on the data in another box. I have to input some exam results and want to assign a level to them. So, if they score < 13, the result would read "Below Entry 3" if between 13 and 21 "Entry 3" etc If this was a spreadsheet I would use an if function, but I am not sure that I can do this here

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Queries :: Display Date / Time Based On Weekday

Jul 7, 2015

I have a query which is displaying a date/time field a record was input. in my query I'd like to only display the records where the date/time based on what today is i.e. Monday it will display <Friday or yesterday for Tue to Fri.

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Forms :: Display Image Based On A Field Choice

Feb 27, 2014

I am trying to show an image on a form based on a user choice from a drop down box. For example, the user needs to choose a priority for a task. If the user chooses "Immediate" I want an image of an exclamation point to show up to draw attention that this is important.

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General :: Display Record In A Subform Based On Combo Box Value

Oct 11, 2012

I'm creating a database for my inventory. For now, my database have two tables namely tblSupplies and tblDetails. I have a main from (frmMain) and a subform (subDetails). On the main form i have a combobox (cboSupplies) and 5 textboxes, the cboSupplies and the five textboxes are unbound. If I select a value in cboSupplies it will populate the rest of the textboxes-OK.

What I want to accomplish is that when I select a value in cboSupplies it will grab all related records from the tblDetails and populate these records on the subform (subDetails).

SuppliesID was used as the link field from mainform to subform but its not working. Please note that SuppliesID field in tblSupplies and tblDetails has a One-to-Many relationships.

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Display Data On Subform Based On Comboboxes In Main Form?

Jun 25, 2006

Hello, I'm trying to use information based on items selected in a combobox in the main form. Once the user selects the desired info in the comboboxes on the main form, I want the subform to display the data that matches the search criteria in the main form. For instance, if I select a job number, I want everything that matches that job number to be displayed the subform (along with the corresponding job name, version, etc.). I also want to get more specific in a search where I could select a job number, job name, and job version from the comboboxes in the main form to where all the data that matches the search criteria in the main form will be displayed in the subform.

Attached is what I have so far. The form I'm trying to perform this in is the SearchByResults form and the subform is the qryk95 form. I'm trying to populate this using the K95-Template table. I performed a query (qryk95) to select only the fields I want to display in my subform. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Forms :: Display Date And Time Based On When Record Was Created

Jun 30, 2013

I have set up a form and only want to display the date and time that will appear automatically based on when the record was created. I definitely don't know how to do this.

The format that I'm looking for is: 07/24/13 11:45:44pm

From what I can see I would need two separate fields to accomplish this. I would prefer to only use one if possible. I would like to execute the value within the new record as it is entered. That date and time from that point should never change.

I will want to use the date and time in the future for quality control.

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Forms :: Auto Height Of Subform Based On Record Display

Nov 16, 2013

i have a subform name(SUBSAL)in this subform i get reocrds for some employee as select combobox Name(CMBEMP).some employee having 2 record or some having 6 record as their transaction

i have sum of transaction at subform footer field but when only 2 records shows in subform it shows a major gap or blank space in subform detail section.

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Modules & VBA :: Display / Hide Subforms Based On Yes / No Field In The Form

Oct 4, 2013

I have created a form with 3 subforms on. i was just wondering is it possible to display/ hide these subforms based on a Yes/No field in the form. as the subforms would only be valid if the field is ticked as yes.

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Forms :: Display Attachment Image Based On Combo Box Selection

Jul 13, 2013

I'm working on a wine database (for ages now...). I'm currently struggling getting the following to work. I have a form in which one can select the name and vintage of a wine using a combo box, after which also a picture will be shown of that wine. I have the pictures as attachments in a table. One can then press a button to close this form and go to another form in which one can edit all the details of the selected wine. Problem: I can't get the picture to show.

I have a reasonably simple form with a combo box, a text box, a button and an attachment field in which a picture should show.

I made a query to select the id, name and vintage from the wine table. I couldn't select the attachment field for the pic in the wizard, so I added that myself in the Design View. The Query for the combo box now reads:

SELECT Wijn.Id, Wijn.Naam, Wijn.Vintage, Wijn.Plaatje FROM Wijn ORDER BY Wijn.[Naam], Wijn.[Vintage];
(translation: Naam = name | Plaatje = picture)

It neatly shows name and vintage in the drop down list. Once selected it only shows the name of the wine in the combo box and I use VBA to fill the Text Box with the vintage of the selected wine. The VBA I use is:

Private Sub cmbNaamWijn_Change()
Me.txtVintage.Value = Me.cmbNaamWijn.Column(2)
End Sub

All works fine. Also when I pres the button, the wine I selected opens up and can be editted and the select form nicely closes. The only problem is the fact that I cannot get the picture to show!

I inserted an attachment field with the name: attImage. In the VBA code I added the line:

Me.attImage.Picture = Me.cmbNaamWijn.Column(3)

Doesn't work. With debugging I do see it gets the correct value form the table. I get an error message stating "Method or data member not found", so Picture is not available for the attachment object I guess. If I look at what is available, I can't select anything useful. So my next try was adding an image control with the name: ImageWine and the VBA code in the On Change property


Me.ImageWine.Picture = Me.cmbNaamWijn.Column(3)

results in the following: Run-time error '2220'. Microsoft Access can't open the file '[FilenamePicture]'. Logical in a way I guess, since there's no path in there. I also tried the Bound Object Frame, but that resulted in the same problem as the attachment try described above.

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Forms :: Display Data Based On Previous Record But Not All Fields

Jan 22, 2015

There is a form which the user fills in 8 fields and saves it. Once saved, a new record opens.

However, I want to modify the save button to save the previous record and display a new record with only a limited no of fields to display from previous record, say 4 fields display from previous record, and the user fills the remaining 4 and saves it. Thus, the save cmd should continue to display 4 fields from the previous record.Already tried below code for save button but it displays all data of previous record as it is, doesn't display blank space for combo.118 and text2

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Combo118.Text = ""

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Queries :: Display Historic Balance Based On Multiple Fields?

Nov 9, 2014

I have a database that contains details of payments returned to a bank account without sufficient information to identify who the money belongs to.

The DB is used by a team of people to retrieve details of an individual entry and when they have figured out who the money should be sent to they can mark that the payment has been "located". We can only send the refund at certain times of the month, so there is another activity "applied" where we have entered details on internal systems for the refund to be processed. Finally, once a month we physically transfer the money out of the bank account and add a "completed" date to all entries that were "applied" before that date.

My manager would like to be able to look back at a certain date to see what the balance was so he can make charts and whatever else in Excel. The balance will be all payments that were not marked as "completed" on that particular date.

I'm having trouble making a query that will give him the balance for each day in the past.

The important tables/fields here are

TBL_MAIN - dateReceived (date) and amountRefunded (currency)

TLK_LOCATED - appliedDate (date/Time) completedDate (date/Time)

TBL_DATES - activityDate - just a list of dates, which I use for a similar query of the amount we located/applied each day

So I'm looking for a query that will list all dates in tbl_dates against the sum of amountReceived up until that date, with the sum of amountReceived where completedDate is less than the date listed subtracted.

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Using DSUM With Textboxes - Display Total Of Hours Based On Date

Jan 19, 2015

I am having difficulty getting a second textbox to display the correct total of hours based on a date entered into a first textbox.


Table Name: TestTable1
Fields: 'RequestDate' & 'Hours'
Form: 'Form1'
2 Textboxes Unbound: Named 'Date' & 'Total'

What I am trying to accomplish:

Based upon a date entered into the "Date" textbox I want the "Total" textbox to display the total hours associated with that date.

What I have tried:

I have tried using, in the control source property of the "Total" textbox, many iterations of both Sum(IIF & DSum(

I am currently using the following:

=DSum("[Hours]","TestTable1","[RequestDate]='Forms! Form1!'Me.Date'")

I have tried this without the Forms designation; without the "Me" designation; Etc.

Some attempts return the Error or Name error while other efforts return a blank textbox...

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