I am using Microsoft Developer and wish to email the program to my customer. With Developer, there are tons of files and a few folders, not just one exe. I realize I must zip to send a exe, but the folders are a problem, since WinZip, which is what I have, will not accept the folders, only files. I could ship like that but it would be a mess on my customer's end. Any suggestion would be helpful.
The reason I want to send this way is just for speed. Of course I can copy to CD and send that way.
I am sending out multiple emails to my customers in my customer table manually. As it is time consuming to send to about 100-200 customers daily, I am wondering if it is possible to automate the process in access in such a way that I can load all files from a particular folder and the access application will be able to sort the files in the folder for each company based on their name in the field(e.g.CompanyABC_DailyReport,CompanyDEF_DailyR eport) before sending out.
Can anyone suggest a good program that will handle scheduled emails to people in our Access database? I need to send an email automatically to each of our employees on their birthday. I need the program for much more than that but that is what I am working on at this time.
Ok, I've run into two serious problems in testing, and another question that I'm hoping you guys can help me solve. Below my questions is the code used for making the search query/email program.
Problem #1: In testing, this search program only is working for me for new data. Any data that I had in the database prior to implimenting the program will not move past the search stage. In other words, I will do a search, it will find the emails and bring them up in a box, I hit "OK" and it gets hung up and won't move on to opening up a new Email with the addresses implemented. However if I enter new data in the database, say with a weird name so its only bringing up the new entry and no old entry, it works fine and opens up the new email.
Problem #2: Items I would like to search like check boxes. Say I have a check box "Donor", this is listed in the database as a 1 or 0. I can't have my boss searching 1 or 0. Is there a way to change this to, say, being recorded in the DB as a Yes or No. That way he would check to search "Donor" and type Yes in the search box and this would search the DB "Donor" column for "Yes" and bring up the results.
New Question: My boss and I reviewed the form as it is so far yesterday. He was asking if I could add a Print Labels option in there. I'm wondering instead of adding another seperate search box and all that mess for a labels search print, can I rather add two check boxes, one labeled "Print Labels" and the other labeled "Email". What this would do is depending on the check box you selected it would either run the search and email like we have it, or clicking the other check box would run the search and print labels.
Quote: 'Author: Michael Walts, but use it as you like'Important information! this code requires a reference to the Microsoft DAO object library Option Compare Database Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdEmail_Click()
'will hold the dynamic SQL query Dim strSQL As String
'will hold the WHERE clause portion of our SQL query Dim strWHERE As String
'will hold all the recipients of this message Dim strRecipients As String
'the recordset we will use to get the emails of the records that match our criteria Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'if there is input in the search criteria, then we will run the query and send the e-mail If txtSearch <> "" Then
'if you have more buttons, just add mosr cases (the value of the radio button '= the Case number, so Value of the State radio button is 1, etc.) Select Case opgSearch.Value
Case 1 strWHERE = "WHERE State = '" & txtSearch & "'"
Case 2 strWHERE = "WHERE City = '" & txtSearch & "'" End Select
strSQL = "SELECT EMail FROM tblUser " & strWHERE
'run the query and get the results into the recordset Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
'Loop through the recordset and add all the EMails Do While Not rst.EOF strRecipients = strRecipients & ";" & rst!EMail rst.MoveNext Loop
'remove the first ; from the strRecipients strRecipients = Right(strRecipients, Len(strRecipients) - 1)
'stops a ' entered in the field from breaking the query Private Function SQLSafe(safeMe As String) As String SQLSafe = Replace(safeMe, "'", "''") End Function
I am sending an email using SendObject. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it makes the computer freeze up with no error message. I have tried this with Outlook running or not running, seems to make no difference.
'The sub procedure below sends e-mail in response to a click on the Send button. Private Sub SendMessagesButton_Click()
'For Access, define some object variables and make connections. Dim myConnection As ADODB.Connection Set myConnection = CurrentProject.Connection Dim myRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = myConnection
[Code] ....
I have added some MsgBox () to narrow down where it crashes. It is after 'Five' and Before 'Six'. On the line:
Set appOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add(eMailAddress)
I am mystified as to why it works OK sometimes, and not others. The email address being used is valid.
VBA Code to go in the on double_click event of a name field in a Subform bound to a table. The subform is just a copy of a data table and within the subform view, When the field "employee name" which contains e.g. John is double clicked, I would like access to Lookup and get John's email in the employee table under field "Email" and launch outlook application and insert it into the To field.
I assume hyperlinking the field can also achieve this similar to what excel does but I am fast learning that what is standard functionality in excel is a whole another story in Access..
I have a query (Access 2007) that contains a field named "email" (which contains email addresses, of course). I want to email everyone in the query and they are all going to receive the same message. My email to them doesn't have to be personalized and I don't need to collect data from the recipients. I don't even need a reply to the email I send.
I have a form which has a button to email the data out in a standard email message.
Private Sub Command60_Click() Dim MyDb As dao.Database Dim rsEmail As dao.Recordset Dim sToName As String Dim sSubject As String Dim sMessageBody As String
This works well enough, however, FIELDS 11 through to 16 contain the venue address. This is all we ll and good if every field of the venue address is populated. here are times when not all of the fields are populated, for instance, the address might only be 5 lines.I know I can do this using IIf statements on a report, but how can i achieve the same thing for the email.
I have a database that I can use to create a query, grouping companies by city. I then want to send a specific email I have created in outlook to all of the email addresses in the query.I do not need to include names.
I have made a query with the name "Confirmation" and it is setup like this:
Name trainee Email Training John John@mail.com Tr one Mary Mary@mail.com Tr two
I also made a button in a report with the title "Send Mail" now is my goal that if i press that button automatically multiple e-mail message's will be generated with data from people in that query. So if click on that "Send Email" button i want two different mails messages generated that will be send to John@mail.com and Mary@mail.com with in the mail body their data.
I am currently using vb code to send an email in Access on the click of a button. I want the database user to be able to enter the recipient in a text box [ToEmail] which is on form [GroupStockProfiler]. However, I'm unsure how to put this into my code. I currently have the following which doesn't work (unless I put a specific email after 'To'):
I want to automate an email to include the senders email addres with some text in the body of the email.
Code: Private Sub send_mail_Click() Dim olApp As Object Dim objMail As Object On Error Resume Next 'Keep going if there is an error Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 'See if Outlook is open
I am trying to design a database for the company i work for, and I am wondering what is the best program to use.
My database will be shared on a network, and many different users will be using it at once. Also, I need this database to allow vpn connections so that certain people can access the db from outside of the office. I am not sure if db programs would deny a vpn user access, it might not make a difference how people are accessing info, but i think its worhtwile to mention that.
I appreciate your help, even though you opinions may be just a little biased. but thanks none-the-less.
I have an automated email system (Lotus Notes) in a Access database I have created and am looking for the code needed to add up to 3 c.c addresses into an email prior to sending automatically.
The code I have to send the email to the To: individual is all working but what code I need to add and where for the c.c addresses of which there could be 1, 2 or 3. The control for To address is EmailTo = CustCopyEmail The controls for the 3 c.c emails are cc_EmailAddress, cc_EmailAddress1 and cc_EmailAddress2.
Here's the code I have:
Private Sub SEND_CC_Click() ' Set up the objects required for Automation into Lotus Notes. Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database. Dim Session As Object 'The Lotus Notes session. Dim MailDoc As Object 'The mail document itself. Dim UserName As String 'The current users Lotus Notes name.
I have created a database with auto-archiving features. I have "working tables" that are populated when the product is moved to the correct process, in this case when it reaches the test department. When the product is moved out of the relevant process, the database runs several queries which archive the relevant data and deletes the records from the working table.
There are two working tables in the test department, one for test failures and one for rework activities. The question at hand is WHEN should I populate the working table for rework activities:
Option 1: Populate the table when the product moves to the relevant process. This will create and delete thousands of records from the working table every day. Using this method will cause my table to bloat to 50,000+ records that are constantly updated, appended, and deleted.
Option 2: Populate the table when (and IF) the product fails a test. This will keep the table to a much smaller size (around 2500 records) but requires the database to run several queries in the middle of the data entry process, significantly slowing my program.
So which is the faster/better process: Filtering a table of 50,000+ records or appending the working table when you need the data?
Hi, I have a delimma and am not sure how to proceed. It falls under the "You want what? When?" category. Basically, I have created an Access program with several (13) related tables and numerous forms. This program mimics an interview we are using for research and has a lot of VBA coding behind it with quite a few skip patterns, value checking, etc. During the testing phase, I was asked to allow the user to be able to go back and check a response to any previous answer at any given point in time. I hear numerous clicks of people running away from this question. This one has me frustrated and not too happy. I am wondering if there is some way I can show a copy of any form and the data contained within it for the present ID? IF it is a copy then the data, I presume would be locked and the user would not be able to change it. Also, I would want to bring the user back to the point where they were prior to going backwards. Feel my pain yet? Of course as I ponder this I can envision that they are going to want to change a value, because maybe a respondent "changed their mind" about a previous question. But, I am sure they would not want to work their way back to where they were, but want to jump back (forward), all the while I need to insure that any skip patterns that may have changed due to a change in data are followed and if a question that was answered before is now skipped then that data needs to be cleaned. I am concerned that as I begin to meander through this issue that I will have "duplicate ID" issues because as I move backward, possibly through several forms and tables and then move forward again the DB will think I am adding two items rather than changing the one. I.e., it will think I have two identical IDs because it already has one from the original pass and as it moves forward and runs through the automated saves that the second pass would represent a duplicate ID, thus crashing the program. I know this is a multi-pronged question, but I would like to hear some suggestions as to how others with more experience would handle this. I am grateful for your time in reading this and would be even more so for any responses.
I have a bunch of files where I have to copy one piece of data from a field and paste it into a different field on many records...in sort copy once, paste many times. Currently I use Ctrl C for copy and Ctrl V for paste. I'd write a query to do this for me, but not every record is going to recieve the data.
I'm getting tired of having to press Ctrl V on the appropriate records. Is there way to program a function key to do the Ctrl V thing? That way, I'd only have to press one key as opposed to pressing two keys.
Following program i have written in access. what it does is from the query i have created picks up the sizes of doors. calculates hit1 by qty then it needs to put the value into another table alongside the correct sizes. the problem im facing is how do i update the value into another table. heres the listing.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim Db As Database Dim Rs1 As Recordset Dim Rs2 As Recordset Dim lf, rh, drw1, drw2, drw3, drw4 As String Dim q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, qty As Integer Dim hit1, hit2, hit3, hit4, hit5, hit6 As Integer
Private Sub Command70_Click() Dim rs1fieldcount As Integer Dim counter As Integer ''Assign a mdb ''+++++++++++++++ Set Db = CurrentDb counter = 0 Set Rs1 = Db.OpenRecordset("custdoorsize") Set Rs2 = Db.OpenRecordset("cusdoorsbase", dbOpenDynaset)
rs1fieldcount = Rs1.Fields.Count
If Rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "No record found in query"
Else this is where the value will come from Do Until Rs2.EOF If Rs2.Fields!left_door_size <> Empty Then lf = Rs2.Fields!left_door_size hit1 = 1 q1 = hit1 * Rs2.Fields!qty End If
If Rs2.Fields!Right_door_size <> Empty Then rh = Rs2.Fields!Right_door_size hit2 = 1 q2 = hit2 * Rs2.Fields!qty End If
If Rs2.Fields!draw1_size <> Empty Then drw1 = Rs2.Fields!draw1_size hit1 = 1 q3 = hit3 * Rs2.Fields!qty End If
If Rs2.Fields!draw2_size <> Empty Then drw2 = Rs2.Fields!draw2_size hit4 = 1 q4 = hit4 * Rs2.Fields!qty End If
If Rs2.Fields!draw3_size <> Empty Then drw3 = Rs2.Fields!draw3_size hit5 = 1 q5 = hit5 * Rs2.Fields!qty End If
If Rs2.Fields!draw4_size <> Empty Then drw4 = Rs2.Fields!draw4_size hit6 = 1 q6 = hit6 * Rs2.Fields!qty End If
Do While counter <> rs1fieldcount
This is where it finds the correct sizes where it will display the qty value
If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = lf Then Rs1.Edit Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q1
End If If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = rh Then Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q2 End If If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw1 Then Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q3 End If If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw2 Then Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q4 End If If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw3 Then Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q5 End If If Rs1.Fields(counter).Name = drw4 Then Rs1.Fields(counter).Value = q6 End If counter = counter + 1 Loop
If Rs2.EOF Then Set Rs1 = Nothing Set Rs2 = Nothing Set Db = Nothing MsgBox "Finished ....." Exit Sub Else Rs2.MoveNext
I have a database made in MS Access. It has forms that allow the user to do certain things, such as add to the database, and so on. I only want the user to be able to run a program that will run the one, main form i've created it (as well as any other form that the main for lnks to). how do I do this?
Hello. I have tried using the search function on the board but I cannot find an answer.
Is it possible to create an executable program to run the database?
I would like to have a computer that does not have Access installed, to be able to load and run the user interface that allows them to manipulate the database, as well as write to it. It doesn't matter if the tables are encrypted or not.
Thanks for your time.
EDIT: It appears that after writing this post, I realized I hadn't used the search term "executable." I found an answer here (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showpost.php?p=586646&postcount=2).
whenever i key in some data into a form i will transfer the data into a table. whenever i want to change some data in the form i will delete all the records in the table and re-add all the data from form into the table.
the abv method works. however, i find that it is not effiencent because it every time delete all the records and re-add in records.
how shall i code the program to make it only edit/delete the specific records only instead bulk delete and bulk add?
refer to (program.zip)
Private Sub cmdSaveFltQpi_Click()
Dim Db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim sql As String Dim f As Form Dim i As Integer Dim k As String
Set f = Forms!frmFltQpi Set Db = CurrentDb()
Call DeleteRecords 'delete all the previous records
sql = "SELECT * FROM [tblFltQpiMonthly] Where tblFltYear = " & f.cboFltQpiYear
For i = 1 To 12 'transfer the data from form to table Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset(sql)
If rs.RecordCount >= 0 Then
If IsNull(f("txtTotalJobs" & i) Or f("txtTotalRecurring" & i) Or f("txtTotalAirWC" & i) Or f("txtTotalAF" & i)) = False Then
rs![tblFltYear] = f.cboFltQpiYear rs![tblFltMonth] = i
hi! I'm doing a reminder program this program alerts you if you have things to do each day it has a code that I obtained on the internet wich retrieves the user name. My problem is that when I enter as a user a window shows up say my username and the number of things I have to do but I can't get it to count the number of things to do. I tried a query but it doesn't work (either it shows "#name" or it goes all blank)please help. thanks in advance, newbiepr
I'm just wondering if anyone has made a very advanced budget management program using just access?? I tried to make one for myself but I just want it to advanced for my little knowledge of access. I would love to be able to keep track of all my expenses including everything bought from groceries to hair cuts. I would love to be able to take my receipt from walmart and enter everything bought and the price for each item. Then I would love to be able to at anytime search for soap and thing with soap in the Item name will be displayed with the location and the date and price. This way I can keep track not just what I spend on groceries but what I spend on mountain dew or what i spend on hamburger in a given time. This is just way to complicated for me! I hope someone can help me out here maybe give me a shell and let me try to fill in certain parts or if someone already has one that works kind of like this maybe i could just change a few things to the way i want it! I really appreciate this!!
I'm, pretty sure the answer to this is a resounding NO, but I thought I'd try it anyway. I have an AutoID field that records the record number which I then use as a "CaseNo" in the database to track the progress through the system. Is it possible to program this AutoId to include the year? That is CaseNo 1 would become CaseNo 2005/1. It would also help to start at 1 again for the first case entered in 2006. Thanks for any assistance.
Before I start on this seemingly endless journey of learning Access 2003, I thought it appropriate to ask the question;
Will this program do what I need it to do?
I apologise in advance if this is not the right place to ask the question, I am a complete beginner to Access 2003.
I want to make an electronic log book for the guys at work, there are 5 people of different trades who would need to keep the log.
A typical entry would be as follows
Mon 22/3/06 Alan Smith B Shift
Compressor house (heading) No 1 compressor (plant) Oil pump (component) Filter cleaned (action taken)
Personel (heading) John Jones (personel) Phoned in sick at 15:00hrs, will phone tomorrow to update
Boiler house (heading) No 4 boiler (plant) Water vlave leak (problem) Tightened gland (action taken)
There are many headings, probably hundreds of plant, thousands of components and actions taken
We would need to view events to particular plant or areas between certain dates, some personel would need to enter data, some would only view the data without being able to enter it, few would need to alter the data.
Is Access 2003 capable of this, should I start the journey?