How Do I Inject/dump The Data From A Recordset Into An Existing Table Via VBA?

Nov 13, 2004

Say I have a table [tbl1] and a recordset [rst1].
The fields in both items are the same. Now, how do I copy/dump/inject (what's the correct term?) the data from the recordset into the table?

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Forms :: How To Set Recordset Or Count To Determine Existing Record In Table

Dec 28, 2014

I am very new to VBA and I have been self-learning VBA from two month and have been assigned to new project Work Authorization & Lock Out Tag Out.I have table called tblWA & tblLOTO.Basically most of the LOTO/s are associated with WA #, following example

WA # in tblWA
Associated LOTO/s in tblLOTOs

However, both tables are in relationship right now..I have form called WA Switch Board where I have Datasheet View form with all WA records, fields are WA#, WAStatus, WAIssuedDate, IssuedBy, CompletionDate and etc but I have dropdown with with WAStatus with (In Field Today, On-Hold, In Approval, Cancelled, Close).Now from the main switch board when authorized people try to change the status of permit to Closed I want recordset or count to loop through tblLOTO and give me a message box if associated LOTO/s status not equal to Close.In other word, if the associated LOTO/s are not close then the selected WA # in WA Switch Board cant close.Here is the code I have been playing with no success

Private Sub PermitStatus_AfterUpdate()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb


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Dump Table Properties To A File

Feb 8, 2008

Is there a way to write the properties of a table out to a text file or excel sheet?

I'd like to be able to get the Field Name, Data Type, Field Size, and format for each field in my table.


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Queries :: Take Content Of Two Fields From One Table And Dump Into Other Table

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to take the content of two fields from one table and dump them into the other table, I created an Append Query pulling up just the main table and appending to the destination table but it doesn't copy the info when I run it. I also pulled in both the tables (and yes they are joined) doing the same as above and still it doesn't do anything when I run it.

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Add New Field To Existing Table And Populate New Field With Existing Data

Apr 23, 2014

-Microsoft Access 2010

-Existing Access Database contains tables with 1-2 million records

I would like to add a field[dol] to an existing table[rei]. I need this new field[rei].[dol] to be populated with existing data from another table[main] based on the associated field[main].[account1] or [main].[account2] or [main].[account3].



In the [main] table. There is always data in [dol]. But there is NOT always data in the [account] fields. Sometimes there is multiple account numbers per [dol] but not always.

Customers will ALWAYS have at least 1 [account] number and [dol]. Some will have multiple [account] numbers and [dol]. Sometimes these [account] numbers are the same in multiple fields[account1] [account2] [account3].I just need to do a lookup or something to find the [account#] and pull in its [dol] from the [main] table and populate it in [rei].[dol].

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Setting Data Import To Overwrite Data On An Existing Table

Aug 1, 2007

I have a database that I import data from an excel spreadsheet into multiple times daily. The table that this data is imported into has several key fields that if the data already exisits in the table, and I attempt to import data that is the same except for one or more of the key fields is different. At this time the database it creates a different record. I am trying to get the database to overwrite the data in the database.

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General :: Possible To Have Data From Linked Table Automatically Update Into Existing Table?

Aug 17, 2012

I have one DB that is used for creating/storing customer ID's, and another DB that is used for creating/storing job information for customers.I have linked the table from the customer DB to the job DB.

There is a table in the job database that holds customer name and ID, and some VBA that generates unique job codes.

Is it possible to have the data from the linked table automatically update into the existing table?

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Tables :: Normalize Existing Table Containing Data And Copying PK Value To FK In New Table

Nov 21, 2014

I am working from an existing database which is just two table. The main table has a massive amount of redundancy and duplication and needs splitting into, at first glance, 5 tables.

After I have run my various make table queries and added a Primary Key and FK field to the new tables how do I populate the FK with the Parent PK.

I thought I could simply add all the fields from the new table and then create an adhoc join in an update query to populate the PK to the FK. When I do this however I get "You are about to update 0 records"

I have tried the table analyzer but it doesn't give the correct options to split the table the way I need.

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Modules & VBA :: Appending To Existing Excel File From Recordset

Apr 18, 2014

I'm spinning my wheels on this. Trying to copy a recordset into an existing excel file.

Private Sub cmdExport_Click()

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim conn2 As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strConnection2 As String
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet


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Adding New Data To Existing Table

Mar 27, 2007

Please bear with me, first post, trying to get to grips with Access for work!

We (a primary school) had a "bespoke" database set up using MS Access by someone who has long left the area and now we need to make changes and I, as the most computer literate person on site, have been volunteered to make these changes.

My level is beginner (for now) and my first job is to add some new options to a "Titles" table, four columns, six records. Column1 = ID#, Column2 = Male Titles, Column3 = Female Titles, whilst Column4 seems to hold items from Columns 2 & 3.

If I add a futher option, I get the error "Can't perform cascading operation: Entry must be one of the Titles as featured in the drop-down box or in the Titles table.

Now, as far as I can tell, I HAVE added the new option to the Titles table, and they DO show in the drop down box in the main spreadsheet display, BUT the error comes back as soon as I try to confirm the new title.

Any ideas please?

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How Do I Append To An Existing Table Without Overwriting Data

Feb 3, 2005


I have a table that contains a notes field. What i would like to do is to append to this field in table with some more data (notes), however i dont want to over write the existing data. I would just like to add to it.

the current notes are added through the access front end, but in this instance i have a particular note that needs to be added to various enteries without overwriting existing data. I know this is to be done via an append query, any help would be great


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Forms :: Add Field Data To Existing Table Row?

Dec 21, 2014

I have a form (frmCompany) which has two combo boxes (cmbCompany and cmbCity) which is used to add field data into a table (tblCompany). The Company field is the only required field the other is optional.

In some cases I may wish to add a City, at a later date, to an existing Company using frmCompany. I now select the company from the cmbCompany combo box then add the city to cmbCity. The problem is that when I close the form I get two companies in the table with same name, one has a city and one does not.

How can I add a new City to an existing Company, using the form, without adding a new Company?

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Modules & VBA :: Run-time Error 3021 While Updating Existing Record In DAO Recordset

Jun 16, 2014

I have a linked table to a DB2 database. this table contains key-pair values and has about 140k records.

I use a Sub to update the value of a specific record.

The sub starts by opening the needed DAO recordset
Then it uses the rs.Findfirst method
It checks if rs.Nomatch is not true (so the records exists!)
Then it starts updating the record with
rs!value1 = myvalue1,
rs!value2 = myvalue 2
There is where I get the '3021 No current record' error

I use the same sub on the same table to update to different parts. One part works the other gives me the error.

I have checked for typos.

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Update/Change Existing Data To New Table With Query?

Feb 17, 2008

i'm a Access novice. I have tables with existing data in numerical form, and would like to know how I can use Queries or VBA code to update these values into a new format in a new table. for example the original data might be of race type:

1 - caucasian
2 - african american
3 - hispanic 1
4 - hispanic 2
5 - hispanic 3
6 - other

and i want to regroup these into less types, eg:

1 - caucasian
2 - african american
3 - hispanic
4 - other

how can i achieve this in Access? i know how i can do this conceptually with "if" and "case" statements, but I have no idea how i can do this in Access. I don't want to mess with the original data, so please help with CODE or QUERY examples.


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Modules & VBA :: Automate Importing Xml Data Into Existing Table

May 22, 2014

what is the best way to import the data from the XML file into an access database table. The database I am working with has one large main table where all of the main record data is stored. There is a somewhat complex string of queries and reports based off this table that I am concerned about preserving. The problem is that the XML file is not structured in the same way the table is. The headings are named different, aren't in the same order, etc. I cannot use the import method and simply append it to the main table.After much searching around I have found two options:

1) Use the built in XML import method that access provides to create a secondary table. Then find a way to take data from individual fields in the second table and map and insert it into a new record in the main table.I already have the import part of this option working. The only part I can't seem to understand is how to take data from the second table and get it into a new record in the main table under the correct headings

2) Read the data from the XML file all at once and then map and insert it into the main table.I have not attempted this yet. I was having a hard time understanding how to retrieve the data from the XML file in the first place.

So.. which would be better/easiest to automate (most likely via button click on a form)? I only have a small understanding of VBA and even less understanding of anything XML.

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Queries :: Data Validation Of A Field In Existing Table

Aug 13, 2015

I'm trying to write a query that will validate a field in an existing table. I want the query to show where any of the 412,000 records fail this strict validation:


...where A is any letter A-Z and n is a digit 0-9

Clearly I can use the LEN function to check for invalid lengths (anything <>9), but I'm looking for a simple neat expression I can use that will check the format. Does an existing function already exist before I resort to writing my own function in VBA (again)?

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Import Excel Data Into Existing Access Table With Foreign Key Fields

Apr 25, 2015

I used to import excel data into access successfully, many times but now I have to import excel data into an existing Access table with foreign key fields, which makes me problems.

Its just doesn't work...and Im sure the forien key fields are the prob cause, the other fields are going well ...

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Modules & VBA :: How To Insert Data Recordset Into Table

Jun 4, 2013

I`m currently having the problem to export data from an SQL server into a table. I managed to open a recordset but I`m incapable of adding the recordset to an existing table. I found similar threads but I am still not able to generate functioning code.

Function fDAOServerRecordset()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim dblcl As DAO.Database
Dim rssql As DAO.Recordset


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How To Populate Data Field With Specific Date To Existing Table In Access 2010

Jun 14, 2013

I have a table with more than a million records. I want to add a new column with date equals to e.g.3/14/2012 for all the records. I am using update query, but it is super slow (taking more than a hour) there any other way to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Continuous Form With Data From Table - Populating Listbox From Recordset

Nov 28, 2013

I'm trying to populate a listbox from a recordset. I will explain what I'm trying to achieve.

I have a (continuous) form with some data from a table. On the form header I have a listbox, showing all (distinct) customers from that form.

The user is able to do some filtering. That all works great. But I want to populate the listbox with ONLY the customers on the form AFTER filtering.

One way I thought might me the solution was using RecordClone. But I'm stuck there. It must be something simple for an expert. I'm not entirely a newbie, at least not to VBA. Is there an easy way to refer the listbox' recordset to the actual recordset on the form?

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Brain Dump

Dec 6, 2005

I have a lookup form that is basically one combo box that holds my user names (Combo0). I need to use the afterupdate event to open my form (frm_tc1) and filter that users records. If no records are found I need it to prompt me to add a record. If yes is selected I need it to open frm_tc1 in add format, and if no is selected I need it to go back to the switchboard menu.

Here is the code that I have so far:

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
'On Error GoTo Err_combo0

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
DoCmd.FindRecord Me![Combo0], , True, , True
If MsgBox("User Record Not Found. Do you want to add a new record?", 4) = 6 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_tc1", acViewNormal, , , acFormAdd, acWindowNormal
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_tc1"

End If

End Sub

What am I missing? It is always prompting me to enter a new record, even if there is already one in the db.


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Forms :: Display Existing Data On Data Entry Form

Sep 28, 2014

My db has multiple linked tables. As time passes and work on a project continues data needs to be added to a separate table that is linked to the first table to be populated.

i.e., Initial design data is entered first, when drilling is complete more data is added to a linked table, when drilling is surveyed yet more data is added to the second table.

What I want to be able to do is to query for a particular set of existing design data, display this on a form and on the same line enable data entry to other fields from other tables which are linked to the existing design data.

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HELP!! Trying To Nomalize Existing Data By Updating Data Into New Fields

Dec 19, 2006

Hello Tech gurus,

I have a database with existing data, that is not normalized, :eek: and all the data is in one field... This what I am dealing with:

As you notice the first row of data in field1 C10A CHOLEST&TRIGLY has 3 spaces to the right the next row ALTORVASTIN has five spaces to the right, the next line LIPITOR has 7 spaces to the right, and so forth, hopefully you get at what I am trying to do, I just looked at the data and it is not showing up in view of the leading spaces, but I am trying to move the data based ONLY on the position of leading spaces, example all data that has 3 leading spaces would go into its own separate column, and all data that has 7 leading spaces would go into a separate column, I have tried to use the left, mid, len functions but I cannot figure out how to move the text and keep it whole only by data position of spaces.

Thanks so much for your help... :confused:

Nana :D

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Records Existing In Main Table Not Found In Temp Table

Apr 11, 2007

Hoping someone can help me with this DELETE query. I have a Main table that's being updated by a Temp table that's an exact copy of the Main table but with a subset of records.

1) Insert records from Temp table NOT found in the Main table - this query I have worked out below - not tested, but the results look correct.

Need Help Here...
2) Delete Records from the Main that are not found in Temp table with an exception...only DELETE records where certain key fields are matching. i.e. If S.CAD_NAME, lngStoreNumber are a match to what's in the Main table. While
Temp table:
lngStoreNumber - CAD_NAME - lngcomponentSerial
1 - "CHK" - a
1 - "STK" - a
2 - "CHK" - a

Main table
lngStoreNumber - CAD_NAME - lngcomponentSerial
1 - "CHK" - a - LEAVE (EXISTS In Both Tables)
1 - "CHK" - b - DELETE (lngStoreNumber & CAD_NAME composite Found /lngcomponentSerial NOT Found in Temp)
1 - "STK" - a - LEAVE (EXISTS In Both Tables)
1 - "RMM" - a - LEAVE (lngStoreNumber & CAD_NAME NOT Found in Temp)
2 - "STK" - a - LEAVE (lngStoreNumber & CAD_NAME NOT Found in Temp)
2 - "CHK" - b - DELETE (lngStoreNumber & CAD_NAME composite Found/lngcomponentSerial NOT Found in Temp)
3 - "CHK" - a - LEAVE (lngStoreNumber = 3 Not in Temp table Subset)

Rule: Only delete the records for a particular CAD_NAME and lngStoreNumber from the Main table leaving all other CAD_NAME/lngStoreNumbers.

I'm running these updates in batches of lngStoreNumber. So the Temp table will only contain subsets of what's to be deleted from the Main table thus the need to link on the key fields only NOT to delete a Subset of lngStoreNumber/CAD_NAME. I think I've tried every possible query that doesn't work.

Here is query #1 to insert records missing from the Main table that exist in the Temp table. I think what I need is a variation of this???
FROM Main AS S RIGHT JOIN Temp AS D ON (S.CAD_NAME=D.CAD_NAME) AND (S.lngcomponentSerial=D.lngcomponentSerial) AND (S.lngStoreNumber=D.lngStoreNumber)
WHERE S.lngcomponentSerial is null AND S.CAD_NAME is null AND S.lngStoreNumber is null;


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How To Add Data To A Column Of Existing Data

Aug 1, 2014

I need to categorize 35,000 cells of data in a column into 3 different groups (A,B, and C). Each cell will have something like "G00001" or "G00525" in it, but depending on when it was added, I want to change it to "G00001A" or "G00525C". I created a select query to show only the G0000's column and the column that indicates AB or C, but i don't know how to add the letters at the end of my G0000's. Do I need to use an update query or can I do something more simple? Also, if I need to use an update query, how would I build it to do what I need to get done?

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Creating Fields From Existing Data

Aug 10, 2006

I am not sure that I am in the Correct Section for this question but I am sure I can be forgiven for that :

I am attempting to build a db for a friend who has all his data in one table. During normalisation I have seperated the various threads of data into various tables of usable information. My problem is that I need to seperate his clients fullname into First & Surname i.e. Fullname: Mick Burke to FirstName: Mick and Surname: Burke - in other words make two fields from one.

Any help in doing this would be well appreciated.

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