How Do I Link To Backend Db Without Using Mapped Drive Letter

May 16, 2005


I have a front-end and back-end database.
Front end is at //fserv/database
back end is at //fserv/database/administration

I have sent front end path to users and they can bookmark it to find front-end. When I linked to the backend in the administration folder I had the path mapped to drive T:

Problem is the users do not have this same mapping to drive T: They may have other paths already mapped to that drive.

The users are getting the message:"t: est.mdb is not a valid path. Make sure the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides."

Is there anyway to link the the backend tables using just a path like:

Thanks in Advance!


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Access DB Not Opening If Specific Drive Letter Not Mapped

Mar 25, 2015

I've inherited a few Access DB monstrosities. One of which had ODBC credentials hard coded in the MDE which I had to recently update due to some server updates. I found an unsplit version of the Access DB on a development drive (j:db...) and updated the credentials hard coded in VB and updated the linked tables from the J drive path (dev) to the K drive path (prod). I then split the DB and the MDE worked fine for me. I quickly found out that it only works fine because I had J mapped still. End users do not have the J drive mapped (development) only the K (production). Without the J drive mapped to the actual dev path the Access DB simply doesn't load. No errors.

I then tried to find any references to J in VB and fix those. At this point I can't seem to find anything else that could be referencing the J drive but still the DB will not open without J mapped.

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Modules & VBA :: Temporarily Map A Drive / Copy A File Then Remove Mapped Drive

Aug 29, 2014

My workaround was to temporarily map the URL to a vacant drive letter on the local machine, then copy the file over, then drop the mapped drive again. A bit clunky but doesn't incorporate much of a delay and this download only has to happen once per day.

The good news is, the file download / copy now works every time. The bad news is that removing the temporarily mapped drive after the copy has taken place, doesn't and I can't figure out why.

Here are the functions I use to map / unmap the drive :


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Const RESOURCETYPE_ANY = &H0&
Private Const RESOURCE_CONNECTED As Long = &H1&

[Code] .....

I have separate functions to check existing drive mappings on the local machine and thus determine an appropriate vacant letter to use for the temporary mapping - they work fine.

Unfortunately the UnMapDrive function returns False (even though I switch the active drive to C: and force the connection to be cancelled with the fForce flag) So the mapping always remains on the users profile.

I don't want to permanently map drives on the users' profiles, just briefly for the purposes of this daily file download.

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Mapped Drive Converted To UNC Is Slower

Nov 23, 2005

I have my database connected to a network of ten computers. I recently switched my linked tables from a Mapped Network Drive to using the actual UNC path \computerfolderdatabase.mdb

My users have started to notice it takes longer for the database to connect in order to log in. Once they have established the connection, the data transfer speed seems to be normal.

Is this to be expected? Any suggestions to speed things up for login? Or is this the downside to using UNC?


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Database Does Not Open Via Mapped Drive

Oct 30, 2007

As the thread title suggests, my problem is that I have a database that will not open via the mapped drive. There are other databases stored on this drive that open fine so it is only the one database that is causing me a headache.

Any suggestions as to why only this one database would be having this problem and any ideas on how to resolve it would be greatly appricated.


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Modules & VBA :: How To Hide Mapped Drive With Code

Nov 3, 2014

So I do map drive on this way and it is successful ...

Dim FSO As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Dim objFileS As Object
Dim WshNet As Object
persistent = false
set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "driveletter:", "serversharename", persistent, "username", "password"

But I need to have mapped drive hidden from the client users So I red that i might be possible if put $ after the share folder

objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "driveletter:", "serversharename$", persistent, "username", "password
but it does not work.. the other way is to set values in win registry, but I don't like that way...

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Linking A Table Using Server Name Instead Of Mapped Network Drive

May 20, 2013

I am attempting to link a table in one database to another database using the server name designation (ie.//2sxfprinff01Group) instead of the mapped network name (ie. G:). I tried relinking using the Access Link Manager. Right click on the linked table. But it does not let you edit the link.

Access 2007 does not allow this and reverts links to the G: drive. There are situations where the the IT department have set the mappings to this shared location as an H: for some of the employees. In those cases, the employee gets an error message telling them that Access cannot locate the G: drive.

An obvious solution is to get the employees remapped to the G: drive. However, one would think that MS would have allowed for mapping to the designated location and not an alias.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting A Drive Letter?

Aug 19, 2014

I have an MS Access database that sits in the users local area e.g. C:Users....

I have the following code which will open a user guide on a server shared by all users.

strFilename = GetUNCPath("T:") & "19_InformaticsInternal Offer Transfers" & "Utility User Guide.doc"

Users have different drive letters for the server name. In my case it's "T:" but for others it may be"S:".

Is there any code which would determine what drive letter each user has? The server name is


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Access 2003 Backend On Shared Network Drive.

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all...

I have an ACCESS 2003 application with front end in the local machine and backend on the shared network drive. I mapped this drive to E: in my computer and all my linked tables show the E:folernameDatabasename.mdb as the source.

When I install this application in an other computer where they have mapped the same drive to F: , I am getting error that says "E:foldernameDatabasename.mdb" not found. How can use absolute network drive(like \cscrd eamfoldernamedatabasename.mdb) name to link the tables?

Thanks in advance.

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Link To A PDF File In Another Drive

Feb 8, 2006

What I have is a bunch of files located in another Drive (PDF). I would like to link to them by id number from access.

Is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Browse For A File On Shared Drive And Link It To Record

Feb 24, 2015

I have a form displaying records. I would like the user to be able to select a button, browse for a file on a shared drive and link it to that record.

I have been exploring hyperlinking, which works for the most part, although I need it to display the share name rather than the drive assignment for that user. Such as drive1folder rather than C:folder.

Hyperlinking also unfortunatly requires the user to right click on a field select edit hyperlink then browse.

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Link To Both Oracle Tables & Access Backend

Nov 30, 2006

Is it possible in access to link to both oracle AND access tables in the same
access application?

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Locating A Backend And Automatically Creating The Links For Link Tables

Aug 25, 2006

Is there a way to just select like through a find dialog box, the location of a databases backend location and just automatically create all the links for the link tables...

The reason Im asking, is my boss wants the database to be on his laptop in the event that the network is down, and also so that he can work away from the company's location but I was showing him the implications of having it installed locally on his machine should his laptop go down....

So now I'm wondering if i could

1. do some automation that allows him to just choose the location of the databases backend that he would be working from, be it on the network or on his machine


2. using both backends to update or overwrite each other depending on which he was working from or did updates to..

Really would love all the help and input I can get on this... Im willing to work on developing a sample for this if nothing is exactly already out there so that it can be reposted cause i think this would be very useful to everyone's database applications.

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Storing The First Letter Of First Name, First Letter Of Last Name And Data Of Birth

Feb 19, 2006


I'm designing a database in which the primary key is a combination of the first letter of first name, the first letter of last name and the date of birth.

How can I do that?


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Letter By Letter Search Through A Table

Aug 21, 2005

ok here is what i want.. imagine a search box, just an empty text box that allows the user to type things into it...

there will be a simple table from the database behind it, here is the typical structure of a record


in this table there will be say a 1000 of these records...
my user is going to have to quickly search through these records while on the phone to a customer, and quote one of the relevant prices associated with that country

what i would like is this most convenient system..
as the user types in the letter 'P' just below all the records with countries that begin with 'P' are displayed (with a scroll down arrow if needed) well as the 3 relevant prices with that record

if they then type an 'O' into the box (which will now hold 'Po') all the records with countries beginin with 'Po' will be displayed (eg Poland)

if they delete the 'o'. once again the displayed records below the box will return to just the countries begginin with 'p'

all that is needed is for the records to be displayed, thats it.. but the adding and deleting of the letters within the text search box will need to instantly manipulate this list..

i have posted on other forums, and have been told this can be acheived in access, is it hard?

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Modules & VBA :: Users With Different Mapped Network Drives

May 13, 2015

I need to make sure that all users on the network can access a specific network drive folder.

Most users don't have a problem but some users have the network drive mapped differently so when running the feature required their system can't find the file at that specified location.

I have the location of the files hard wired into the VBA code.


The location is outside of the project address.

I need to be able to make sure the address of the folder is the same for all users.

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Thumb Drive

Jul 8, 2005

Does anyone know if I could put the runtime and an mdb on a thumb drive and run it from anywhere? Or does install stuff have to happen... :confused:

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Shared Drive

Oct 23, 2007


I have an exrternal shared drive "E:"where I put my be files (which are constantly accessed by users with fe's from different terminals). Everytime
I reboot the computer that I am working on (where the external drive is), I have to set up the permissions of the shared drive "E:" all over again, otherwise other computers have no access to E. Is there a way that I could
fix this and not having to set permissions every time I reboot my computer?
For some reason, the permissions are lost.

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DB On Network Drive?

Jan 3, 2008

I have a db on a network drive and the performance is terrible, it runs fine on my local machine. How can I make it run better? The db is only 2 megs so I figured it would be ok, but since my forms have numerous queries within them, performance stinks.

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Drive List

Jun 21, 2005


Does anyone know if Access has a built-in control that allows users to scan the directory structure of their PC? Similar to the DriveListBox and DirListBox controls in VB6? If so, how might I get access to it?



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Drive Verification OnOpen

Oct 19, 2005

Is there a way to verify the drive that an FE is opening from and then close if it is not where is should be?

I have a frontend that gets copied to each users C: drive by a .bat file. However, some just don't care about rules and proceedures and continue to open the frontend on the network drive. Since they map their drive to a specific letter drive for the BE that is where they are opening the FE from.


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How To Execute Query From C Drive ?

Sep 27, 2005

Can I keep my queries in the C drive and execute it against tables that are in the LAN network drive ? Right now the queries are also in the netowrk drive. So each time when I refresh the data into C drive, I have to import the queries too.

Is it possible to keep the queries in the C drive and execute against data in the netowrk ? Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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Different Paths For Shared Drive

Feb 2, 2006

Hello all:

I have the following code to retrieve doucments:

strPath = "G:CorpCustomer Files"

Application.FollowHyperlink strPath & "" & textbox1 & "-" & textbox2 & ".doc"

This works fine from my computer because the shared drive on my computer is saved on the G drive.

I tried using the code from a coworker's computer, but got an error because her shared drive is : "X:CorpCustomer Files"

Basically anyone can access the Corp server through any drive depends on how it was mapped.

How do I get around this so that it works from any computer as long as the user has the Corp share drive?

Thanks much.

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Copy From A Drive To A Folder

Feb 27, 2006

I have been searching previous threads and the help file and got half way, but have got stuck.

I want to copy all files from a floppy disk to a drive on a directory on a server. I can check to make sure the directory exists and if not, can make it. All I want to do is copy all the files from the floppy disk drive (A drive) to the direcory I have just created.

I got this from the help in access:-

FileSystemObject.CopyFolder "c:mydocumentsletters*", "c: empfolder"

but can't get it to this the way I want to go?

Can anyone help?



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Max Users On A Network Drive

Oct 23, 2014

I was just wondering how many users Access would be able to handle on a split frontend and backend database? The backend will be on a network drive and the frontend will be installed on each workstation. My database is pretty simple with no relationships if that matters. Also using Win7 and some users will have Office 2010 and others will have 2013.

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Runtime Access97 On Thumb Drive?

Dec 2, 2005

does anyone know if it's possible to "install" the runtime version of access 97 (we do have developer's edition, so can distribute the run-time version) to a thumb drive so that it would run without having to install it on each computer that one was going to use the thumb drive on - is there any add'l software that would make this possible/ - the application is for figure skating clubs - with distribution of up to 1000 copies - the idea is to distribute them to member clubs and various officers could use the application and exchange up-to-date data by passing on the thumb drive - this also would hpefully avoid all installation problems with pc's having various versions of access already installed, etc. - thanks for any suggestions- jim

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