How Do I Set Control Height To 0 So That There Won't Be Any Space Between Printed Lin

Sep 21, 2004

How do I make the blank line disappear after the control is no longer visible? I tried to set the Height property to 0 in the OnPrint Event but I got an error message 2191, you can’t set height property after printing has started.

Thank you,


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Reports :: Automatically Adjusting Height Of A Control

Aug 18, 2014

I have a report that prints lab tests. One section has 4 columns that are framed. Only the first control (STest) expands to more than one line. The Can Grow works on this control and subsequently the section expands. I need a code that expands the height of the other three controls to match that of STest. I am using office 2010.

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Make Popup Form (Dialog)'s Height As Same As Window/Montior/Screen Height

May 7, 2008


When the user click the button, then it will give out a popup form to the screen, but I want to make the popup form's height as same as the screen/window/monitor's height, because the popup form's height is larger than the screen's height, and every user's monitor's height is different. So, I have to make it flexiable change of the height of the popup form.
How can I check the screen/window height by VBA function?
In Excel, it has Application.Height to check. In MS Access Form, I cannot find one for doing that.

Please let me know if you have one.

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Forms :: Custom Bar Chart Using Rectangles - Control Height Change Direction

Feb 10, 2014

I am trying to make something like custom bar chart on a form using rectangles. I made 4 rectangles (BarBZ, BarBA, BarKI and BarMA) and have the following code:


Dim PctBZ As Double
Dim PctBA As Double
Dim PctKI As Double
Dim PctMA As Double
PctBZ = Me.BZ / (Me.BZ + Me.BA + Me.KI + Me.MA)

[Code] ....

It works perfectly except... the rectangles grow/shrink downwards and not upwards. As a result the bars are aligned to top, while I would like to have them aligned to bottom.

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Modules & VBA :: Control Height Of Multiple SubReports With Varying Content On Report

Jul 8, 2013

I am working on a report that will have 16 sub-reports, one right below the other. Because of the complex nature of the calculations in the groupings it seemed easier to "build" the report using vba rather than using the report's built-in grouping ability. The issue I am running into is that there seems to be no simple way to control the height of the sub-reports. I had hoped that setting "can grow" to yes would change the height of the sub reports and move all subsequent sub reports down (Allas)

As an alternative I thought too that I might be able to set the height of the sub-report control, which would make for a tricky but not impossible bit of programming, but (Again allas) I can't seem to find a reasonable way to determine the required height of the sub-report's control.

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Fields Printed

Dec 2, 2004

Hello all

Can I print out a list of the fields in a table??



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Form Height

Oct 26, 2004

I've many items to be put on a form. However, I can't expand the height of the form. The max height I can get is 55.873cm. Could anyone please teach me to expand it?

Many thanks.

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Applications Width And Height

Jan 20, 2006

Does anyone know how to set the application's width and height? I have an access application and I want to resize the applicatoins' with and height, NOT the forms!
is this possible?


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Height Of Window For Form?

Jun 5, 2006


Is there anyone can help me?

how to create a form that automatically can make the form longer when user click a button?

thank you..

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Check Report Printed

Aug 20, 2007

Other than a check box, is there any way to check if a user has printed a report when they open it to view and give them a reminder on close?



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Query Title When Printed

Apr 23, 2008

I have a cross_tab query, that users print on a monthly basis.

The user selects whether they want to include data for one or all of three products. So the query could show data for example for Salmon only.

I need to be able to show on the printed query, what products it is displaying for. At the moment the query is called "TotalxProccessor_Product". Once the query is printed there is no way to tell if it is for Mussels, Salmon, Oysters or all three products.

Is there an easy way to manipulate the title the query prints our with?

Or do I have to go through a report to have control?

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Message If Report Has Already Been Printed

Mar 13, 2006

Dear all, im trying to display a message to the user if a particular report has already been printed.

I have an unbound form with 2 (unbound) combo boxes one named “shift name” the other “shift date” and a button that prints a report (runs a print macro) based on what the user selects in these 2 combo boxes. I have a table (named “Table_shiftdates”) which stores all the shift names & shift dates + I have created a new Yes/no field named “printed?”.

(I’ve attached a pic, which may help explain what I currently have)

I believe I need to somehow set the yes/no field in this table too yes (or true) when a particular shift name and shift date has been printed.

Then do a check when the user clicks on the print button in this form to see if the yes/no field is set to true for the shift + date they select in the form, if it is true display a message such as: “Warning this report has already been printed”

Other than that I’m stumped and not what I need to do from here, anyone please help me out?

Cheers, Jim

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All The Records Are Being Printed From The Form...Not Only The One

Jul 26, 2006

:confused: Hi,
I have a form that loads from a menu option. The form has two subforms. All the specs are divided in groups within the forms and subforms. The forms depend on 3 queries that have all the tables correctly gathered. So, every title has a little print button next to it if the user wants to only print that group; if he or she wants to print the entire form, there is a button for that at the end of the form. I am currently having problems with the groups printing. Given that they mostly depend on a separate table and not the general one, every time I click any of the little buttons, I end up printing all the records in that table. I would like to be able to print only the info seen at the moment on the form.:(

Here is the code of one of the groups:

Private Sub Print_OperatingMechanism_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Print_OperatingMechanism_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "OperatingMechanism"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Print_OperatingMechanism_Click

End Sub

Thanks in advance...

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Subform Height Problem

Oct 10, 2006

Hi everyone, have a problem which is probably very easy to fix but i cannot for the life of me figure out why it is happening. I'm hoping someone with more experience than me knows what this is and how to sort it. I have a form with controls at the top then a subform and then a series of buttons below the subform. I have recently added another control above the subform and moved the subform down, but this has caused the subform to appear partially covering the buttons appearing below it. Seems simple....shrink the subform. It doesn't work. In the design view the subform only has a height of 5cm but in the front end it seems to grow with the form as that increases in size. can grow has been set to no on the subform and the details section. Nothing i do seems to stop the subform from making it's own mind up about it's height!!!

Thanks in advance for any help


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Continuos Forms Height

Dec 5, 2006

I have a form which is set to display continuous forms - just like a table but a bit nicer to look at! is it possible to make the forms height vary depending on how many records there are?

thanks in advance!

Dave C

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Flag Record When Printed

Apr 26, 2005

I print a certificate for each person attending my class by sending the form (StudentForm) to a report . To save time I print and sign certificates for all preregistered students then during class I enter all students that enroll the day of class. What I would like to do is flag each preprinted record so when I select the print button after all students are entered into the database all certificates except the preprinted records will be printed. Any ideas on how to flag a printed record?

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Controlling Height Of Section In VBA

Mar 27, 2008

My report has the Section's Footer.
Each time the section runs, it will take up a different amount of space.
I have already run all the code, to move all the different controls to the top (and be invisible) when they are not needed.
So to the best of my knowledge, I have no controls sitting in the lower part of the section.
The last thing I run is:
Code: Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300
s123 is the name of the Footer SEctions. The idea is that it gets progressively smaller.
This is all running in:
Code:Private Sub S123_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

All the other things work.
Here is a sample of it all..
Code:If Me.txt2 = 0 Then Me.a2.Visible = False Me.b2.Visible = False Me.a2.Top = 0 Me.b2.Top = 0 = - 300 Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300End IfIf Me.txt2 <> 0 Then Me.a2.Visible = True Me.b2.Visible = TrueEnd IfIf Me.txt3 = 0 Then Me.a3.Visible = False Me.b3.Visible = False Me.a3.Top = 0 Me.b3.Top = 0 = - 300 Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300End If

This runs through 8 different numbers.
as I said, all the other things operate properly. They get hidden and move.

Any thoughts?


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Modules & VBA :: How To Know If PDF Is Printed From Access

May 7, 2015

I have a hyperlink for a pdf document in my access form.

The user will enter his id and then he access to this form

I want to know when he opens the hyperlink if he will print the pdf file or not

I want to save the name of the pdf file in a table if the user prints the hyperlink document from the form.

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Forms :: Set Pop Up Form To Be Height X Always

Apr 18, 2014

I have a pop up form that likes to change it's height after I enter design view among other things. I've searched the webs, but can't find out strictly how to set my pop up form to be height X and ALWAYS be height X no matter what.

The best answer I've found so far: [URL] ....

But as soon as I went back into the form in Design View the changes were lost.

Is there some VBA code I can use to resize the form every time it's opened?

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Missing Data When Printed To PDF

Oct 18, 2012

I am a beginner using Access 2007. The custom written program that I am using has a minor glitch. The report has a subform inside the main report. In this subform is a form header, detail, form footer. The information that is entered into the main report that transfers to the form header, detail, and form footer works and that data is saved with no problems. When I go to create a pdf file from this report all the data transfers to the printed pdf except the information in the form footer. I have looked at the property pages and compared all the properties and they are all identical.

Below is a screen shot of the report in the design view. The areas circled in red are the data that is missing from the pdf when printed. The area in green prints correctly as well as the main body of the report. We insert comments in the comment section and also type initials in the signature section but this do not show up when printed in the pdf. The database saves the information that is input but does not print it. Not everything in the company has access to the database so this is the reasoning for generating a pdf so that it is placed on the company drive for everyone to see.

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Printed Version Is Different Than Preview

Jul 25, 2012

I have a database programmed by someone which has different section spattered by rectangles/ boxes ..

When I do print preview everything looks good but when I print the document, the rectangles/boxes disappears. Why and what can I do ..

Click on the image to see how it looks on preview..

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Close A Form After All Report Have Printed

Jan 12, 2006

Hello all,

I have a form that takes info from another form and then adds some from it's own data and then it proceeds to print a bunch of reports based on what tests were done etc. When I just print them (With preview) I have a function in the first report that prints (in its Close event) to close the form. No problem. I have a new slick little pdf thing that automatically names the files and puts them in the right spot etc. With this, after the first report is printed it closes thereby closing the form which needs to be open for the rest of the reports to open. Just put the close event on the last report that prints you say? I don't always know which report will be that last, it depends on the tests.

How can I check to see when all the reports have been printed and then close the form. Is there some way to have the form close itself after a certain time? Am I going to have to make the users close the form themselves?
Let me know if this is confusing. Upon reading over this it does sound a bit confusing. Thank you for your help and patience.


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Caption Height In Datasheet View

Apr 28, 2006

I have a caption named original investment.

I want it to be displayed as


at the column head not as

original investment

how do I do this?


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Marking Records After Reports Printed.

Jan 18, 2005

I will try to explain briefly my problem.

My database is for our job card analysis.
The problem being sometimes a job card invoiced for the previous month
is only entered in the DB after reports have been generated/printed.

My thought was that if I could put a true/false check box in the record table
to somehow mark it as true after printing month end reports.
Hence late entries will reflect in the following months reports.

Is there a way of marking all the records as "reported" (True) after printing the report?

Maybe I am thinking along the wrong lines. Any suggestions?

Many thanks,

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Reports :: Changing Row Height For All Fields In A Row

Jun 11, 2013

I have an existing report with a number of fields arranged horizontally in a tabular fashion in the detail section. The first field is an identifying line of text and the remaining fields are numerical calculations. The report is basically a simple profitability estimate report for a number of different products.

Behind the fields of data is another text box that is blank, which stretches across all the horizontal fields, and which changes background color using conditional formatting. When printing, this colors the whole row according to that criteria (it changes color based on the relative profitability of each product in the report).

The problem I'm having is that the first line of identifying text can sometimes overflow.

I've set the Can Grow property to Yes for this and all other controls in the Detail section. But the result is sometimes some funny-looking formatting. The identifier (like "Product XYZ with a really long description") will word-wrap, but every other field in that row maintains their own height. In particular, this makes the coloring of the conditionally formatted row look off, because it provides only one line's worth of color, even though the product description has wrapped to two lines.

How I can resize all the controls in the Detail section based on the height of the tallest control, and keep the whole thing dynamic?

Things I've tried: I've tried putting some VBA in either the OnFormat or the OnPrint events that iterates through the controls in the section and resets their heights. In the "OnFormat" event, nothing happens (no errors and no apparent changes in the appearance of the report). In the "OnPrint" event, I get an error that says the height property cannot be changed during a print or print preview.

The VBA I tried using was as follows:

Dim ctlIt As Control
Dim lngMaxHeight As Long
For Each ctlIt In Me.Controls
If ctlIt.ControlType = acTextBox Then

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Fixing Height Of Pop-up Form

Mar 10, 2015

Since many years I "fight" with pop-up forms, as in endless view I cannot figure out HOW to fix the height.

Some forms keep a height which was set by the System and it is suitable others have the full height of the Screen and I cannot find any Setting which can influence them.

How to define or to fix the height.

It only works when I set the border to "changeable", but not when I want to fix a height by Setting the border to "Dialog" ....

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