Hi, I have a database in Access. I have a form that is accessed by several users on a network. There is one field called the Employee ID. Whenever this field is changed, I should receive an email that says that the field has changed. We have Lotus Notes installed on the network. Can someone help me out thru this? Any help whether this can be done or not is also appreciated.
I am completely new to Access and I'm trying to make a Birthday auto email type thing.
I want the program to email people to say Happy Birthday on the day of their birthday but I haven't a clue where to start and the Microsoft website confuses even more.
I have used the database template Mailing List with the First Name Last Name Address Email Address & Date of birth.
hello i wish to trigger some VBA code when the user jumps from the present record to some other record on the form. there is the On Current event but that only applies to the record you are jumping to. i wish to process the information on the present record if u choose to jump to some other. BTW my form my form only shows one record at a time. Please help me out here. :confused:
im working on an access report and would like a little vba script to run on when the page prints out the next record (mostly just need to hide/unhide a few objects and change the value of a variable on the report when it prints the next record)how i can trigger this (as there seems to be no onNextRecord event handler)
edit: upon a better inspection of the reports record source i realized that on next record doesnt actually work (i could force it to by adding a few new fields to queries and forcing endless loops), what i needs actually a lil more complicated
my report has a header, in the header is a field called productionNo, the record source has multiple instances of prodno's with countless duplicates, what i need is a function to trigger when the productionno changes, there will probably be a few pages with the same production number (theyd be grouped together though), so it should only trigger when the value changes, not when it stays the same
I have set up an access database and want to collect data using the e-mail feature. I can use the feature but the form it sends to fill out is very basic and not that user friendly. I want to put in directions to the form, is there a way to change the style of the form?
My company recently upgraded our MS Office from 2007 to 2010 (except for Access).
Previously, when I had Access 2007 and Outlook 2007, I had a process that generated 50+ dynamic emails from an Outlook template file (.oft).
The code would loop through a listbox and replace the template's default text to a string of text specific to the selection in the listbox by utilizing the Replace() function on the MailItem .HTMLBody.
Since the upgrade to Outlook 2010, the code is able to run, however, the Replace() function is no longer working; Instead, each email that is generated maintains the template's default text.
The only thing that is not working is the Replace() function, all other aspects of the code work fine.
I've provided a simplified version of the code below:
Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application Dim objMailMessage As MailItem Dim stBody As String Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application Set objMailMessage = myOlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:UsersDesktop emplate.oft")
[Code] .....
I've recreated the template file in Outlook 2010, thinking that the template created with Outlook 2007 would be the culprit, but to no avail.
What could have changed from Outlook 2007 to Outlook 2010 that would render my previously valid code ineffective?
Are there certain references I need to enable in both Access and Outlook to allow VBA in Access modify the content in an Outlook email?
I'm not sure if this is the proper forum for this post. I have a database in access in which i need to mimick a trigger like behavior. As far as I know access does not support triggers. When a user updates a record I need a LastModified date field to be updated with the current date automatically.
I've seen several examples of how to accomplish this using forms, however, the users of this database do not use forms. They are editing the records by hand by opening up the table and simply typing.
I am creating a student database in Access. I have connected a number of tables through primary keys with RI.
When I create a new record in the student table, I need to insert the student id manually in the grade table.
In SQL Server, I would use an insert trigger to do this automatically. How about in Access?
I need to get this new student id in a number of similar tables: scores, assessments, terms.
I have been populating the student table with data, exporting to access, importing as a new table, adding the id field, creating the relationship, then populating the table with the missing data, which is very labor intensive.
I have a lot more data to enter.
An easier way to do this in Access would be greatly appreciated.
I use access database for a website. I would like to run a trigger in a specific table when updating a record.
Is it possible to create table level triggers in Access at all, if it is, pls. give me short direction. (as far as I know there are lot of events, but this events occur only in native access application only, and can not be handled outside of access, am I right?)
i'm writing a function to send an email with the option of attachements This is the code i'm using, it works fine but i need to be able to sne mulitple attachments. What would be the best way of doing this?
code: Public Function SendEmail(strTo As String, strSubject As String, strBody As String, Optional strCC As String, Optional strAttached As String) Dim olkapps As Outlook.Application Dim olknamespaces As Outlook.Namespace Dim objmailitems As Outlook.MailItem Set olkapps = New Outlook.Application Set olknamespaces = GetNamespace("MAPI") Set objmailitems = olkapps.CreateItem(olMailItem) With objmailitems .To = strTo If IsNull(strCC) = False Then .CC = strCC End If .Subject = strSubject .Body = strBody If IsNull(strAttached) = False Then .Attachments.Add strAttached End If .Send End With Set objmailitems = Nothing Set olknamespaces = Nothing Set olkapps = Nothing End Function
Only 1 field between INV, MSP and SMS in any record will be >0 What I need to do is that if the value in these 3 fields are > then populate TRIGGER with the correct name
Hi i am trying to create a query for reporting purposes that will run automatically on say a monthly or weekly basis. please help. I dont want it to run off a macro or button but for the report to be generated automatically and stored after a given time period.
Hi im going to make an update query to deduct the quantity purchased of a product from the stock amounts but i need it to run the query automatically everytime a new record is added to the table
When the close button on the top right of the form is pressed I want the following code to be run:
Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim preview As Boolean Dim checkForOldBooks Dim count As Integer
preview = False
count = DCount("*", "tblOldItems")
If count > 0 Then Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rOldBooks", "oldBooks", preview) Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rBarCodeList", "BarcodesScanned", preview) Else Call saveAndOutput_Reports("rBarCodeList", "BarcodesScanned", preview) End If
End Sub
I put this code in the Form_Close trigger because I want it to execute everytime the form is closed. The problem I'm having is when I run the form and press the close button the code does not seem to execute. However if I put a breakpoint in the trigger, run the form and press the close button, the program does go into the trigger and the code executes as it should when I step through it.
To troubleshoot I also created a button and added the above code, when the form is run and the button is pressed the code executes as it should it just does'nt work in the close_form trigger.
Thanks to S.baxter I have used some code to loop through a recordset and select each record in turn in a form that uses the recordset as the Rowsource of a combo box. However, there is an After_Update event attached to the combo box which is not being triggered.
MS Help says :- "If you move to another record or save the record, the form's BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events do occur." I have tried this but can't get it to work. Would it work if I could move the focus to another control on the form and if so how do I do that?
I am new to MS Access, and I am wondering if there is a way for Access to automatically send an email to a defined address everytime a record is added to a specific table? I have created an escalated issue table and I would need an employees manager to be notified automatically when a new record has been added to it.
I'm working on a project where I'm migrating the tables from an Access database to a SQL Server database. A few of the Access tables contain fields with validation rules. I'd like to keep this validation and I've read that the best way to do this is to create a trigger in SQL Server. Can someone give me a clue as to how to do this? Here's an example of a field and validation rule I need to convert:
Field Name: StatusCode Data Type: Text Field Size: 1 Validation Rule: "A" Or "B" Or "C" Or "" Validation Text: Needs to be A, B or C
I have a main order form with a subform for order datails (products, quantity, extended price, etc..). The default way of calculating a selling price is by using the cost plus a profit margin (the margin is a percentage defined on the main form)
But sometimes we want to define the selling price differently, bu using the List price instead, on which I can apply a discount. So what I did is put a checkbox field on my subform, and when the checkbox is "true" the selling price is now the list price field from the products table instead of the "cost plus" calculated field.
So far everything works perfectly as described. The only that I am now left to do is to be able to "ask" for the desired discount when the checkbox is selected. What I mean is that when the checkbox is clicked (true), I would like for a dialog box to pop-up and ask for the discount that should be applied to that record in the subform...Is there a way to do that with a "msgbox" or should I make a small form with only one field on it?...
The main reason why I want to do it this way is that I dont want to put the "discount" field on my subform as it would be on every item line and it is used only rarely because 90% of the pricing are bases on "cost plus".
I am new to MS access. I have to delete records from the 2 tables, when the parent record gets deleted. I have a delete button in my form wherein the user deletes the particular record from the parent table.
When the delete button is pressed, the parent record gets deleted from the table. But I need to write a after delete trigger on the parent table to be able to delete the relevant records from the other two child tables, based on the current parent id.
what code should I write ? and should I locate the records in the before delete trigger and then write the code to delete the child record in after delete trigger ?
How I would accomplish the following scenario in Access 2010. I have created a data base for a funeral home. One of my tables includes the date of death of the individual (DOD) (i.e. 04/16/2014). From that date I want to trigger a reminder to follow up with a family letter 6 months from that date. Would I do this with a macro or would I do this with VBA Script?
Hello, This is the first time I am join this web & forum. My name is Angie. I have face some problem for Ms Access. I would like combo box to be auto change when date due. Eg: combo box name: Status. Inside have info such as Expired, Active, Ignore. This info will base on the text box name txtenddate. When the date is due, (eg:today:09 May 06), combo box will auto change the status from Active to Expired.
I have about 4 combo boxes with a list value of dates in them, combo1 is the 'main control'. When a date from combo1 is chosen and a button is clicked, the other 3 combo boxes receive a default value that closely matches combo1. In fact the default value each of the 3 combo boxes receive exists in that combo box. For example, if I gave combo2 default value "2013/01/01", it actually has that date in its list. What I want to do is trigger a OnChange even after combo2,3,4 receive their values. Other things happen after the OnChage trigger is fired.
I have a main Part form and a Spec subform linked via Part key.
I need to add 6 Spec records automatically when a new Part is added so user can select desired Specs (default value is "n/a" for al 6 entries).
Right now I have the Spec entries added in AfterInsert for Part form, but I have to navigate out and back into record to trigger Part insert. I cannot add the Spec entries until the Part entry is added.
Is a command button my only option? Or is there another way?
AfterInsert is too late, and BeforeInsert is too early; that gets triggered as soon as the first character is typed in Part name.