How Do You Change The Name Or Delete A Databast In 2007

Jan 17, 2008

I'm a newby to this forum and Office/Access 2007. I'm unable to figure out how to change the name of a database or delete it entirely. Can someone help?:confused:

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New Server - How To Change Settings (Ac 2007)?

Jan 24, 2008

I have had a server change and db was moved and I need to change the IP etc. Is there a easy way to do this? I have searched through this forum in vain. :(
Kind Regards

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2007 Upgrade - Change Subdatasheet Property??

May 30, 2007

We just upgraded to Office 2007 and are experiencing very slow access performance. This microsoft article addresses the problem:

It won't let me change Subdatasheet Name property to [NONE].

Even if I am able to change it, will this affect my table links. I have a lot of them.

I am just the part-time Access "programmer" here and am somewhat lost trying to figure this out. Does anyone have a simple explanation and solution? I would appreciate any help so much!!

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Unable To Delete Or Change Name Of Database

Jan 23, 2008

I have tried to rename or delete in MS Explorer, but this just creates confusion. The databases still show up in bits and pieses on various screens. I've purchased 2 additional how to do it books on MS Access 2007 and find nothing on deleting or renaming an entire database and all objects or references to it. Does anyone know the magic bullet?:confused:

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Delete Or Prevent Records After Cbo Change ?

Sep 5, 2006

Hello, I HAVE searched the forums for many days but I could not find a solution. Maybe I'm not sure what to look for...

The MAINFORM_1(single form view) is based on a Query and has a cbo named 'cbo_client'. This cbo is for a field named [client_id]. The AfterUpdate [event] of 'cbo_client' does a requery on a field in the the following SubForm:

In the SUBFORM_1(datasheet) (based on another Query) is another cbo named 'cbo_subclient', with a select statement of 'Select (all the needed fields) FROM tbl_subclient WHERE ((([tbl_subclient].[subclient_id])=[Forms]![mainform_1]![cbo_client])).

Everything (incl. the REQUERY) works fine, and all the tables gets updated with the records the way it should. No problems.

But this is where i get stuck...: Once the user has entered data in the SUBFORM_1 datasheet, and then >changes the 'cbo_client'< on the MAINFORM_1, it requery the subform like it should, BUT the previously entered data in the subform is already written to the table!

So, I need a way to prevent the data in the subform from beiing stored if the user changes the cbo on the mainform (for a second time). OR prevent the cbo on the mainform from beiing changed after the subform is completed.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to do...

Please, just a point in the right direction and i'll battle it out from there.

Thank you.

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Access 2007 Crashes On Excel 2007 Import

Mar 21, 2008

On trying to import an Excel 2007 file into Access 2007 I get the following:

1) Choose "External Data," Import, Exce
2) Select small file in MS Excel 2007 format.
3) Click on Import the source data into a new table ...
4) Choose OK

Immediately get "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." This message never resolves, so I have to click 'Cancel'.

Then I get "Microsoft Office Access is trying to recover your information..." I have to click "Cancel" here as well and then kill MS Access in Task Manager.

Event Viewer gives following message, which is of no help:
"ID: 2, Application Name: Microsoft Office Access, Application Version: 12.0.6211.1000, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6215.1000. This session lasted 710 seconds with 120 seconds of active time. This session ended with a crash."

Trying to import a small Excel 2003 file leads the same result. The same happens with a CSV file.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 as well. I am using Vista Ultimate.

I have turned off DEP.

How can I get MS Access 2007 to import Excel?



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Access 2010 - Delete Form Command Button With A Password To Confirm Delete

May 6, 2014

All I am trying to do is insert to have a form with a "Delete Record" button on it. The problem is I don't want anyone to be able to delete a record, I would like someone to have to insert a password to confirm the delete.

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Query Lets Me Delete But Doesn't Actually Delete...

Apr 2, 2007

I have a query based on two tables, joined on one field (this field is the primary key in Table A. Table B doesn't have a primary key). When working inside this query, it gives me the option to delete records. However, when I try, the row disappears from the query but then if I save and close and either re-open table A or the resulting query, that record is back. It doesn't actually delete. If I go to table A directly and delete it, it's gone for good.

How can I make it so that when I delete the record inside the query it actually deletes? And if that's not an option, can I make it so that it doesn't seem like I can delete records inside the query so that people don't make the mistake?

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How To Delete Record Using Delete Query

May 19, 2011

I have two simple tables. I want to delete the records from Table1 that are on Table2. I've created a select query that gives me what I want but when I change to a delete query, I get this message: "Unable to delete from specified tables"

I think my problem has something to do with security but I can't figure out what to change.

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Access 2007 Runtime Not Visible In Access 2007

Nov 26, 2007

I installed Office Enterprise 2007. Then I installed DEveloper Exrtensions, then Access Runtime 2007. All appear to have installed OK - they appear in Program and Features.
Instructions on runtime packaging tell me that a Developer option should appear in the resulting drop-down when I click the Office button (top-left round thing) when I have a d/b open in Access. It's not there! I have un-installed and re-installed the extensions and the runtime - still nothing!
I do have Runtime 2002 (XP) on the same PC, is that relevant?

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Forms :: Change Button Color After Data Change

Apr 5, 2014

I am trying to change the button color on a subform if a related form data changes.Main form is products with a continuous subform with serial numbers of products i.e, serial number, location, price and a button to add addtional issues if there are any for this particular serial number (this will open up another form related to the serial number so I can add an issues if there are any).The reason I would like the button to be a different color is so I can quickly see if there are any additional notes been added to the serial number. Just in case you may ask why not add the field to the continuos form is that the issues and be quite lengthy and there may be lots of serial numbers on the form

2346 location warehouse price 29.99 (button - green)
2347 location shop price 29.99 (button - red)

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Change One Form Causing Change Other

Jul 2, 2005

I have not done much work in later version of Access. Now I found if I change a design in one form and similar forms (names are different) which are linked to the same tables got changed as well without openning them up and making changes. Is this something new with Access 2003?

Thank you very much for help.

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Access 2007

Mar 18, 2006

I recently heard that Access 2007 ( part of MS Office 2007) can be purchased as a stand alone program. This sort of confirms that : look at pricing breakdown on :

Anyone done this already ?

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Access 2007

Sep 5, 2006

Interesting article. Especially the Macro / Security thing. I saw some pretty extensive demo's last week and the UI was real different...

Link (

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Access 2007

Dec 25, 2006


I have downloaded Access 2007 trial, but I don't know how to use some of its features. When I try to open any of my databases saved as A2000, it displays a security message. "Security Warning: Certain content in the database has been disabled"

Is there any way to disable this message?

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Access 2007

Mar 5, 2007

Hi, I have downloaded the access 2007 trial. Installed and registered it with the trial code. However when I try to install any of the free sample dbs from MS including the northwind db, Access crashes!! I was going to purchase the full version of office, but wanted to test access first. If anyone knows a solution, or can email the northwind 2007 db it would be appreciated.Many ThanksP.S. Screen dump of error is included.

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Access 2007 SP1

Mar 29, 2007

I read this article from Allen Browne Has anyone had any problems with 2007, data, tables, etc. Our company would like to install, but after reading this, just second guessing myself. We have not yet installed the SP1. The company is gang ho about running with 2007.

I just don't know enough about it yet.

Please give me your thoughts.

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Access 2007

Jun 4, 2007


I currently have access 2007 and am wondering if i can run a finished application database window without all the baggage...

The reason is we run a access backend and a vb frontend data base at work its seems to run ok

Ive got the job to take over the database and am new to access and vb.

can i use access and package it like vb?

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Access '95 To 2007

Jul 13, 2007

I have Access '95 and wish to upgrade to Access 2007 (XP).

Will I be able to convert my database directly, or is there some way I can convert it indirectly. ie by converting it to an earlier version first?

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Access 2007 & New Jet DBE ?

Nov 11, 2007

Hello everybody,

I would like to hear your oppinion about new MS Access Jet db engine

I've been working with MS Access still 10 years, since version 2.0. I used to use MS Accesss for companies size of 10 pc users, and for any bigger company, I used MS Access as front end and MS SQL Server as back-end.

I bought recently MS Office 2007, with MS Access 2007. Before that, I read in one computer journal, that new, Access db Engine is completely made from scratch. And that this new engine is so good, that there are no needs to work with , for example MS SQL 2005 express.
Also, I read, that during development phase of MS OFfice 2007, Microsoft development teams SQL Server and MS Access in Redmond, USA, fought among themselves, about is there need for Jet db engine, or not.

Engineers working in MS SQL development team, made a pressure on Microsoft board, to remove Jet engine from Access, as you can take MS SQL express for free, but on the other hand, MS Access dev. team, replied that new Jet is robust at least as MS SQL express 2005.

So, my question is: what do you think about it, is new Jet db engine, really so good and robust in MS ACcess 2007 ?

with regards,

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Access 2007

Jan 10, 2008


in Access 97 you can tinker in code whilst users are in the db
in 2000 & 2003 you can't :(
can you do it in 2007?

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MS Access 2007 - Oh My God !!

Feb 22, 2008

I've been using Access from the beginning, (well v2.0 actually) and felt quite competent. Lots of clients using various versions, still as far back as 97 - but keeping them maintained.

I just got 2007 - and the UI is leaving me totally cold !!

Is there any way that we can have a 'classical view' of menu options etc in 2007 ?
It is taking me ages just to do simple things - as I'm trawling around looking for the options or commands - is there a simple guide to this ?

Also finding a no of things that won't work - again - is there a summary of differences anywhere ?

TIA for any help


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Access 2007 Add-Ins

Mar 11, 2008

Can someone tell me which add-ins are there for Access 2007 and where can I find them?

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Access 2007 And QAT

Apr 6, 2008


I have a few sensitive applications that I am trying to move across to
Access 2007. I want to re-establish the security and in the process I want
the users not to be able to access a few options in the ribbon (Create
table, create forms, create queries and reports, also not allow them to
import data and not allow them to compact and repair the database and view
the back end window) . I tried to do this with this bit of coding on the
Ribbon XML:
<customUI xmlns="">
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab idMso="TabHomeAccess" visible ="true" />
<tab idMso="TabCreate" visible="false" />


This hides the tab 'tabcreate'. But this allows the user to be able to add
the same options through Quick Access Toolbar. Is there not a way of
preventing it from the quick access toolbar as well?
If I have 'startfromscratch' = true, there are no options displayed hrough
Quaick access tool bar (no option to add them).
Is there not a way to give a bit of flexibility by removing access to
certain functions in the database?
Am I missing something here...please help.

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Need Help In Access 2007

Dec 26, 2007

I am a totally a newbie of Access 2007, no experience of any previous versions. Here is only my own project. I want to record NBA (National Basketball Association)‘s scores every day. There are 30 teams in NBA. So I made 30 tables, each table is for each team. Let say today’s game, it is between Miami team Versa Philadelphia team. Philadelphia is home team, favor by 5 and the total is 191. Miami is away and is underdog. The final score is Philadelphia 96 and Miami 85.
Here I have done so far. First I would open Philadelphia table, and input all the data, home team, favor by 5, the total is 191, and the final score Win. Second I open Miami table, and input all the data, away team, underdog by 5, the total is 191, and the final score Lost. If there is only one game today, I have no problem to do this job. But there are usually many games in one day, the task is difficult to open and close, then go to next team’s table.

Question #1
Is there a possible way, or can be done, that I can create a form to control all tables? Meaning that when I input the favor team’s data, it will know go to Philadelphia table. (I searched an answer to this question in Google, I had no luck). Or how would you approach to this problem? Can you give me more specific details please? ‘cause I am a totally newbie.

Question #2
Philadelphia Home Miami -5 / 191 Win
Miami Away Philadelphia 5 / 191 Lost

Because I need to record two teams of a game, so again, can it be done to create a form that when I input Philadelphia, it will auto to fill the word Philadelphia in second line. Same as Miami.
I know I have 2 questions that, I describes the best I could above, may not very clear to all of you, but let me start to say this. Thank you for your times to read my post and input your helps as much as you can.


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Please Help Me, New With Access 2007.

Nov 11, 2007

Hi, how are you.

So, we were given two different tables with some datas and then we are asked to using the quary wizard create a quiery, what does that mean? we are being asked to create a query about some datas which are located in two different tables. As I said, I'm new with access, I don't know nothing about access, I'm guessing I'm supposed to put togueter those datas from both tables which we are supposed to create a query about? I already tried to do that, but I couldn't, I was gonna copy the results I got from one table after using the query wizard and paste them in the other results I got from the other table, but I wasn't allowed to paste.

for the following question, I think it is important for you to know that my instructor uses access 2003 and as I said I use access 2007.
so, my instructor asks me to create a table based on the adresses sample table in the personal category with the following fields, first name, last name, spouse name, address, city, state or province, postal code, email address, homephone, birthate, what I'm supposed to do here?

This is what I have been trying to do.
I go to table templates then I choose "Contacts" is this what I'm supposed to do? then, I get a table but I don't know how to edit some of the fields this table comes with, for example I have to change the order of this table's fields , this table's fields order are: company, last name, first name, etc, and I have to change this order so that it will read as first name, last name, spouse name.
thank you.

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