How Do You Sync An Unmanaged Replica?
Mar 14, 2008
I need the same database as managed and unmanaged in repl manager, I think.
My replica set got scrwd up and now I need to re add an unmanaged replica.
Previously the map displayed a scheduled synchronization line to the replica not managed by synchronizer.
I can add the unmanaged replica, but how do I add the synchronization line?
Do I need the same replica added to the map 2x? 1 managed and the other unmanaged?
i tried uploading 2 bmp files to show the way it was and is now but i dont see them, how do u add bmps to post?
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Jan 14, 2006
Hi All,
With the help of many people on this forum, my database is coming along well (Thank you!). My DB will end up on a server where it will be accessed. My question is; should I use the replica function, or back up the file every day or so.
The database I am replacing has been a replica and it always looses data. I am not sure it is because its a replica or not.
Any thoughts?
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Jul 21, 2005
I am still new to Access and am loving the learning process. I am stuck on a problem though. I have serached the forums here and various other places and haven't found the info I am looking for. I was wondering if there is a way to have a relpica (or a seperate database that can syncronize) that has a modied design. I want the main one to have everything on it, reports/forms/ add/delete/ect, but I want another one that is simply a data entry form, with only the option to input data. I would love to do this and avoid system security measures with usernames and passwords. From my reading it doesn't seem like I can do this, but I still hold in my heart a glimmer of hope. Please help, and if you can explain the process to me, all the better (its how I'm learning).
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Feb 4, 2008
Am using a replica set in order to distribute a school reporting system around teaching staff.
Everything works fine apart from one thing. A marking system (basically 1 to 6 list) is stored in a linked table. Before replication this appears in the correct order. Once the database has been replicated however the list is placed in a random order and I cannot rectify this.
With only 6 items this is not much of a problem but I also want to use a much longer list and the same problem appears.
Can anyone explain why this happens and if there is a simple way to get around it?
Am really only an Access novice and I really appreciate any help that you could give me.
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Apr 21, 2006
I know how to setup a Replica's Priority, but where do I go if I want to change it afterwards? I have searched everywhere, or am I just supposed to create another replica and set it then?
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Aug 4, 2005
Love this forum! It orginally helped me build a database to manage customers back in 2002 (using Access 2002). Becuase of our slow server, I was forced to spilt the database and it's been great for years (some glitches). Recently one of the users upgraded to Access 2003. When he sync's to the master file, the master has problems. "...contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'OWC10.DLL' version 1.1" I reviewed the references and it's looking for Microsoft Outlook 11, instead of 10. When other users sync, everyone now inherits this problem. Do you have any ideas for a solution so I don't have to fix reference problems? All users will eventually be on Access 2003 so having him stop using it would only be a temporary solution. Is there a patch or upgrade to fix this problem? Any help? thanks in advance....
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Nov 28, 2005
I currently have a database thats A Replica which I need to Convert Back to a Normal Data file, Is there a simple way of doing this other than creating a new db with tables then using Querys to add the data from the replica.
I'm using 2002 and the replica if sized around 470Mb with over 200 Tables.
also does anybody know if the file size for assess 2002 was incresed from access 2000's 2Gb.
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May 2, 2008
I am getting this error on a access 97 database that we have been using for years. the message just started popping. use are still able to access the database, yet this message will not got away.
this member of the replica set has expired because it hasn't been syncronized with another m ember of the replica set.
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Aug 21, 2013
Using access 2003 my replica set tables in both the master and replicas seems to have lost the key field! The data and field itself are simply missing from every table. When I look at the data in the tables the key field called 'UID' is not visible but I can still see it in the relationships view and in certain forms and queries. If I try to re join any of the two tables the UID field comes up as an option to join the two with but it's still not visible in any of the tables.
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Apr 14, 2007
I recently was asked to update a client's BE & FE database.
It seems the client only has a replicated version of the database. I don't have the original Design Master.
Problems with negative autonumbers (it seems are due to replication), made me want to remove all need for replication from the database sets.
I attempted to modify some of the Tables in the BE and keep receiving the same error when I try to save it:
ERROR: "You cannot make changes to the design of the database at this replica"
I haven't found a solution on the forum yet. Any ideas?
I found the Replication part of this Microsoft KB article somewhat helpful:
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May 15, 2006
Hello I have a perplexing problem …
I have been using replication successfully for years. Recently the PC where my Design Master resided crashed taking the hard drive with it. No problems I thought, I used a replica to recover the design master and placed it on the new hard drive (the OS and Access was upgraded from 2000 to XP, however the Access 2000 file format was retained – there are still a couple of laptops with only W2000 software). I understand that moving the path of replicas or design masters is no no, so I proceeded to start from scratch and create a complete new batch of replicas based from the new design master.
Everything was going to plan UNTIL a replica was routinely synchronized with the design master. The design master reverted back to a replica. I recovered the design master again, everything looking fine until again a synchronization causes the design master revert to replica.
Next plan of attack to hopefully fix a potential corruption problem: create a new blank database, import all (non-system) tables, compact and repair, and create a new replica from scratch. From the design master, I created the complementing replicas and sure enough the Design Master again reverted to a Replica after a routine synchronization.
I repeated this “start from scratch” procedure, and the same results prevailed. I am at a loss especially since I verified that the hidden system MSysReplicas table had only two entries after the Design Master and Replica were first created.
I would greatly appreciate any ideas of where to go next with this problem.
Thanking you for your time.
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Sep 11, 2014
I have a replica at work, 1 copy on the network, 1 local.. I need to add a column to the main table, getting "Operation is not supported for this type of object".... I have users that use the database but was given a change to the form/report which requires a column addition. What is the simplest way to get around this??? I'm trying not to get into major problems.
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Feb 23, 2005
I am really stuck - I have a form of companies with a subform of contacts.
In the DB (SQL) the tables are related one to many CoKey to ContactCoKey.
How do I synch these so any new contact record automatically gets a "new" ContactKey as well as the related ContactCoKey?
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May 31, 2005
Hi Gang,
I am using Access 2000.
I have a Main form that displays a sub-form. On the sub-form is a image box that displays a jpeg associated with the current record. The jpegs are stored outside of the db as links and the links are stored in a table in a field called Image1Lrg_Path. Due to the GUI design the image box is a set size = 4cms X 5cms.
On the sub-form I have a cmd button that when clicked should open a seperate pop-up form that *should* display a large version of what ever jpeg is being displayed on the sub-form. The user would then have to close this pop-up to return to the db in order to continue scrolling through the records as normal.
Main Form = frmPlant_Main
Sub-Form = frmPlant_Sub1
Sub-Form Control = Garden_Sub
Image Box = Image1
pop-up form = frmLargeImage1
pop-up Image Box = Image1Lrg
Here's my problem:
If I set the pop-up form up a normal form and have a linked control on it (to display the image) and a text box (in which to type in the image path and name) and a cmd button that, when clicked, sets the image box to the value of the text box. Then this all works great, what ever jpeg file name I type in the text box, providing it exists of course, is displayed when I click the command button. Iset it up this way first as a test to see if I could get the image displayed OK.
Just for reference, here is the code I use for the command button;
-------------------------Code Start---------------------------
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click
Me!Image1Lrg.Picture = Me!Image1Lrg_Path.Value
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command1_Click
End Sub
----------------------Code End--------------------------------
Now, if I try to link the pop-up to the image being displayed in the sub-form Access throws up "Can't find the form" errors.Just while I set this up, I am using the cmb button to set the path but in the final db I will want the pop-up form to select what ever jpeg is being displayed on the sub-form as its path.
Can any one suggest how I can get this to work?
Again, for reference, here is the code that I am trying to use when linking the image in the pop-up with that shown on the sub-form;
-------------------------Code Start---------------------------
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click
Me!Image1Lrg.Picture = Forms![frmPlant_Main]![Garden_Sub].Form![Image1_Path].Value
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command1_Click
End Sub
----------------------Code End--------------------------------
My grateful thanks in advance,
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Jan 18, 2006
My question there any way to get Access to work out the actual day of the week from a date entered into the computer? The reason for this is...I am designing and implimenting a bookings data base for a village hall, and I wish access to automatically store what day of the week it will be on the specified date, in a field called 'Day'. I need this field to produce a report for the week ahead, showing exactly what is in on which day of the week. Is there any way this can be done? Or do the days just have to be typed in manually, i.e. check a calendar and type them in? I would appreciate it if anyone could give me info...on ANY way this can be it store the dates in a table or use a giant Iif statement or whatever! And the tags necessary would be helpful,
Thank-you for your help in advance, and i apologise for such a lengthy post!
Please get in touch directly through or alternatively post the answer here.
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Oct 13, 2005
Could someone help with showing me how to sync a DSUM to a record as i am currently summing all the records instead of the ones i need?
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Mar 16, 2006
Does anyone have any idea how to sync two forms so that I can create one record in a table from the pair of them.
I have a form which is so big that I have had to place a continuation to a new form on it. However, when I move to the new form, the data is placed into a new record instead of continuing on from where it left off.
Someone please help
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Aug 27, 2006
I have a table with fields ID, NAME, ITEM, QUANTITY and DATE_IN. I have a query "qry_Logged_In" based on the table. I then have a form based on the query.
I created a combo box as a "go to record" selector and used the following Row Source:
SELECT DISTINCTROW qry_Logged_In.ID, qry_Logged_In.NAME, qry_Logged_In.ITEM, qry_Logged_In.QUANTITY, qry_Logged_In.DATE_IN FROM qry_Logged_In ORDER BY [ID];
On the After Update proceudre I have the following code:
Sub Combo135_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[ID] = " & Me![Combo135]
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
End Sub
It works fine, but one thing I would like is that as I toggle through records using the record selector (forward/backward) buttons, I would like for the record number in my combo box to also change keeping in sync with the record number. Unfortunately, it currently stays to the number I last selected in the combo box.
Any suggestions on how to make the record number showing in my combo box to change with the record number?
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Feb 25, 2008
I have a Tabbed form where one of the tabs shows about 20 rows of a table. Another tab shows a single record from that table with all the fields for that record.
I want to be able to move from tab to tab and and stay on the same record (hopefully that's clear).
What is the cleanest approach... any suggestions?
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Feb 23, 2006
I have written a application that uses an Access database. I have a table that displays the following information.
Customer Name
Customer Phone
Customer Address
Shipping status
Now in my application I am displaying these 4 things in a data grid. But here is the problem. The shipping team updates their database daily with the new Shipping status. So to get the latest shipping status I created a linked table, lets call is link_shipping. Now All I have to do is somehow get the shipping status field from link_shipping and update the respective table in my database with this info.
To do this I created a query. but now I am having to manually go into my database and run this query to make sure the shipping dates sync up. How can I do this in a better way. The only thing I can think of is to find some way to automate the running of this query every day. But I dont know how to do this. Can anyone suggest anything here.
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Jun 25, 2014
Yesterday my work's IT department moved a network drive to another location. The old location still worked as read-only. I have two Access databases: One contains the tables and the other contains the forms and queries, and has links to the tables in the other files. In order to avoid having to use the linked table manager every time I move the databases, I use the networkaddress notation instead of drive letters, such that the database with the linked tables was pointing to the old, read-only location. I deleted the linked tables and relinked to them using the new location, and noticed that there was a discrepancy of 30 records I had entered through the forms not showing up once I linked to the tables in the new location.
It was clear that the database I use to enter data never actually inserted those records into the linked tables, but still acted as though it had in that it showed all records. Once I deleted the linked tables and linked to them again, those records completely disappeared. What's odd to me is that I'd entered these data into the database over a week ago. Why does Access take so long to synchronize the data between the linked tables and the actual tables? Are there any settings I can change to make sure the data are synchronized when I exit the application? Is it the ODBC refresh interval? If the default is 25 minutes (1500 seconds), does it mean that the data are never synchronized if I don't keep the database open for at least that long?? This is really puzzling.
I was able to go back to the old network location and get the old database showing all the records it's supposed to have. I had it import the linked tables as local tables and it looks like the local tables contain all records. This is not an ideal solution, but at least it seems like I recovered all the data.
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May 7, 2015
I have an application that is using SQL Express as a backend and syncing to a SQL database through SQL web synchronization. This all works great and my clients have my custom application to interface with their local database and do work and it syncs back to the corporate database and I've got it scheduled to run in Windows every minute. What I would like to do is have a button or on event set of code that forces that sync pairing to run and I'm not exactly sure how to do that.
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Nov 24, 2012
I want to make a database on my company server. There will be two tables. "Customers", and "Visit to customers".
There are 5 sales managers in my company and i want them to collect information about customers on the field.
My question is:
How to sync Customers and Visit tables from laptops with Customers and Visit tables on the server?
Can i do it over internet or i can make a button that will sync tables when sales managers come to the office and connect to lan?
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Dec 11, 2014
I am creating an application that is using Access as the front-end for data entry, some manipulation, etc. In the example, my guys will get a ticket and then stamp that ticket with times of when things are done. The way I'm doing it now is that I have a second Access application that is working as the synchronizer. It just sits in the background and syncs the data.
The issue I'm having is that the guys are on mobile devices so if/when they lose connection to the database (they are constantly moving in trucks), Access doesn't do a great job of reconnecting to the tables, even if you drop the tables and re-add them. I've attempted to close the sync app from the main app and then re-open it but this just results in the sync app being in the foreground and I need something that sits in the background and is hidden.
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Oct 15, 2014
I have a normal Access table. The first column is ID and is the primary key. The second column is a text. The table consists of two records and is sorted in ascending order. First comes the data set with the ID 1.
Sub test()
Set rs_access = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tab1")
MsgBox (rs_access.Fields("id").Value)
End Sub
The message box shows 1. So everything is fine. Now I sort the table descending. But I get the same message. Why? Appearently the recordset doesn't know that the table was modified. The recordset should register that the table is modified.
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Jul 14, 2006
Hey Guys,
I'm looking to create a "Same As Billing Address" check box that would automatically udpate the address in an order to reflect the customer's billing address.
I understand how to sync a combo box to an option group ( -- great article by the way)
I Guess what I'm looking to do is:
1. Sync a "Same As" Checkbox to multiple text boxes in the form (Unit, StreetAddress, City, Province, Postal) such that these fields are UPDATED (writen to) with the same information as the billing address
2. [U]IF the "Same As" Option is selected, I need the updated fields to lock, allowing no further update... but must by unlocked if the "Same As" option is NOT selected.
Please help me out with this one guys.. I really need it.
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