How To Count Column A, If Criteria B Is Met?

Nov 20, 2006


I am new to Access and was trying to figure out a simple Count. What I want to do is Count Column A if Column B has "".

I have looked around and am sure this is easy, can anyone point me in the right direction. I use this for another item but dont know what to add to make it work like I would want.


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Select Those In A Column That Meets Character Count Criteria

Nov 4, 2005

Hey, I know this is probably a simple thing to do, but I couldn't find it anywhere on the web so hopefully someone here can help.

I have a column of UPC codes which are a bunch of #'s. I need to find the ones that have more than or less than 12 characters.


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Count Records With The Same Value In Column B

Jun 24, 2005

Yes i'm having trouble with a Count problem, don't laugh at me.

I've got a query with 200000 plus records. Each record has an equipment ID number (its not the primary key) in column B. I just want to count up the number of records that have each equipment ID code, but im not sure how to do it.

Please help

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Queries :: Count On One Column

Jan 5, 2015

I have one table with one column that I am trying to extract data from.What I would like to do with the Column is split it into a few counts. The Column has numbers in it with KB usage. What i'm trying to do is count the amount of users that use say 0. Then have a column next to it that count say 500 >= 2000 and so on. This is completely baffling me as to why I can't seem to do this. I've even redesigned the database to see if I could fix this problem, but no luck I can build a query for this to be done sepearetly, but can't seem to find a way to put it into one query.

SELECT Count([test Usage].StaffPhoneID) AS CountOfStaffPhoneID, [test Usage].[Nov-14], [test Usage].[Nov-14], Count([test Usage].StaffPhoneID) AS CountOfStaffPhoneID1
FROM [test Usage]
GROUP BY [test Usage].[Nov-14], [test Usage].[Nov-14]
HAVING ((([test Usage].[Nov-14])=0) AND (([test Usage].[Nov-14])>=500));

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Modules & VBA :: Count Items In Column

Jul 29, 2013

I'm stuck on this one part of my code where I am trying to count values in a column called 'ItemQty' in table 'dbo_Item'. I only want to count the values with the associated values in column 'OrderNumber'. I am getting the values of 'OrderNumber' from an array. Here is my code...(it doesn't work though. When I put a Msgbox to print out what the ItemQuantity value ends up to be, it only prints my code back to me.)


For Each Order In q
MsgBox "Order = '" & Order & "'"
ItemQuantity = ItemQuantity + ("count(ItemQty) Where OrderNumber LIKE '*" & Order & "'")
Next Order

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Queries :: Records Count In New Column

Oct 21, 2013

I have a bunch of records in 1 table. Some records could have 1 duplicate field. What I am trying to do is create a query that produces the total or count in a new column. For example:


If account appears more than once, I would like a new column to count the number of times in total that record appears. Then use this in a report afterwards.

Is this possible?

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Queries :: Count More Than One Column In A Table?

Aug 25, 2014

I have attached a file with Table, Current Result & Desired Result.

I have a table with Month, A, B to G with True or False check box inputs, what i need is on every month, in each category what is the total False;

In the past, i created a count query for each category like A to G and then finally link it. So i want to simplify it and i used below SQL but its giving me the result but not in a good format

SQL used

SELECT Tbl_DateMonth.[Month], Count(*) AS A, '' as DA_FIEPending, '' as B,'' as DA_PFMEAPending
FROM Tbl_DateMonth LEFT JOIN ([MasterTable_ EngineeringChanges] LEFT JOIN [MHEX Processors Update] ON
FROM Tbl_DateMonth LEFT JOIN ([Table1] LEFT JOIN [Table2] ON [Table1].UniqueID = [Table2].[Unique Id]) ON Tbl_DateMonth.[Effective Month] = [Table1].[Effective Month]

[Code] .....

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Show Field Column Count In A Query

May 11, 2005

In forms, I frequenty use the following expression to get the results needed from a field's column:

However, when I try to use the column function in a query it doesn't like it:

What am I doing something wrong?

Along the same line, if I want to use =EmployeeID.column(1) for an unbound control in a form, why must you put the bound field on the form just to get the info? In this case, I want to do this to display the employee's name - not the primary key - without the scroll bar. Every time I do this, Access performance analyser tells me to use fewer controls, but you can't if you have to have the reference. The same thing seems to be required in queries, i.e. include the unaltered control to get an expression.

Help and advise, as always, will be appreciated!

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Reports :: How To Count A String In A Column And Print It In A Report

Oct 3, 2013

I am migrating a database from Spreadsheets to Access 2010. Everything else is going well but I am stuck at one point. A table has Name, Gender, and Nationality fields. Now, I need a report that will have only Nationality and Gender fields. The nationalities will be in a list and another column should have total count for each nationality. Then, the Grand total should be print at the bottom of the report. Moreover, two other columns should have a count of each gender (male and female) against every nationality.I need Report which will have Four columns i.e. Nationalities, Total, Male, Female... The nationalities column will contain a list of nationalities that are there in the data table [field name: National].. The total column will count and show the sum of each nationality from the data table [same field: national]... The Male and Female columns will do the same i.e. count the occurrence and show the total for Male and Female from the data table.

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Reports :: Count Column Of Dates Older Than A Year

Aug 21, 2013

So I have a report generated, listing all my companies personnel in one column and the next column has the expiration dates of a certian training certificate. My question i would like to add some statistics to the bottom of the report, mainly how many certificates are expired, which is the ones over a year.

I have attempted to use:

=Sum(IIf([AT_LEVEL 1]<"Now()-365",1,0))

previously in excel my spreadsheet counted it like this:


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Count Number Of Times A Value Appears In A Column Using MS Access

Oct 9, 2014

I would like to count the number of times a value appears in a column using Ms Access

Name Count
Mike 2
Paul 1
Mike 2
Peter 1

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Cant Count Criteria!

Feb 2, 2005

This is what i whant to do. (I have read other threds but cant seem to help-myself!)!
Please Help!

I have a field which accepts 1-7 from a combo box called (agency) I want to be able to count the number of times a (number) is selected

example: Record1 = (1)
Record2 = (5)
Record3 = (1)
Record4 = (1)
Record5 = (7)

so a table will count and display the times (1) was answered

Times1Wasanswered = 3
Times2Wasanswered = 0
Times5Wasanswered = 1
Times7Wasanswered = 1

was hopint that could place in Design Mode a Query that counts records , but only those with the criteria = to the number I chose !

How can I do this - ! ???

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Modules & VBA :: Count Incrementally Each Duplicate Column Value In Access Query

May 30, 2014

I have a query where I need to incrementally count the repetition of column values and add that value in a new column.

"Column One" and "RepeatCounter" are fields in a query.

Column OneRepeat Counter
Value 11
Value 21
Value 31
Value 12
Value 13
Value 32

I want to create the outcome in the field "Counter" in an Access Query. I am a novice in Access VBA. I found I can do it in Excel with the formula CountIF. I am unable to do it in Access.

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Count Records In Table With Criteria

Aug 21, 2006


I have a table with many fields and would like to count certain records without having to create queries. I thought there may be some way via vba code or other function.

My table has 5 fields and I would like to create a form on which I will place 5 txtbox controls. Each one will count the number of records according to a specific criteria.


Field Cities. I need to count how many records are showing LONDON as criteria.

Is there a way I can do this? I have tried via Dlookup but it's slow and do not know how to place the criteria function to:


THanks for your help.

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Queries :: Running Count In A Query By Group - Error In Ranking Column Result

Mar 16, 2013

Query is based on 1 table" tblTimeCnv_AgeGroups

AgeGroup Time Ranking
30-& under 11.22 1
30-& under 10.41 2
30-& under 9.22 3
30-39 11.32 1
30-39 9.53 2
30-39 9.34 3
30-39 9.30 4

See attachment

My Ranking field is:
Ranking: DCount("*","[tblTimeCNV_AgeGroups]","[AgeGroup]=" & [AgeGroup] & " and time <= " & [time])

In the Ranking column the result is: #error in the first 3 rows then zeroes

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IIf And Switch Issues With Yes/No Column Criteria

Jan 8, 2008

I have a combo box that selects a record on a form.The combo box is based off of a query and I want to be able to filter a field on the query that the combo box is being populated by.The problem is that it's a yes/no field I want to setup criteria for and I haven't been able to get an IIf or Switch statement to work correctly.The issue is that I want to filter the combo box from either two separate combo boxes and a check box or from a group of radio buttons or a combination of the two.The idea was to have a drop down with a list of enrolled members. The second drop down would requery the first one and would allow you to select a class. The third drop-down would allow you to select, "All", "Students", or "Teachers". The check box would then allow you to view archived members who have a "Yes" in the Graduated column of the query.The class drop-down I have figured out fine on how to filter. The issue lies within the selection of a member type. I tried using radio buttons for "All", "Students" and "Teachers" but the problem was when I built my IIf or Switch statement, I couldn't figure out how to make the "All" values not put any criteria into the query. My statements looked like below:Switch([Forms]![frmHome]![fraFilterSelect]=1,"",[Forms]![frmHome]![fraFilterSelect]=2,No,[Forms]![frmHome]![fraFilterSelect]=3,Yes)IIf([Forms]![frmHome]![fraFilterSelect]=1,"",IIf([Forms]![frmHome]![fraFilterSelect]=2,No,IIf([Forms]![frmHome]![fraFilterSelect]=3,Yes,"")))Neither worked out. Essentially I am trying to set criteria for a Yes/No column, and I can't get it to work correctly.I am requerying after update of the radio button option group and/or the combo box filter.Any ideas?

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If Query Criteria Not Met Do Not Show The Column

May 15, 2006

Hey all I have another one.

When I run a query, whenever the criteria is not met, I want the column header for the row to not show up in the query.

I am running a select query and I have 10 items on the query, I select what I want via check box and then hit OK to run the query.
I want the fields that are not checked to not show up in the query at all.
Right now I still get the column header, any way to get rid of it.
Thanks a lot for any help.

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Count Consecutive Records That Match Criteria

Jan 25, 2006

I want to place a control in a report footer that will return the highest number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. The database has fields named WeekNo and Net. The Net field contains positive values (profit) and negative values (losses). The WeekNo field is an integer from 1 to 52 designating the week number.

For example if the figure in the Net field is a positive number I want the control to count the number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. I know how to get the value of total weeks that a profit was earned; this is not what I am looking for. The control must return the highest number of CONSECUTIVE weeks that a profit was earned over the year.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Queries :: Group And Count On Multiple Criteria

Jun 4, 2015

I have a table similar to the following

area q30 q40 q60
A 2 1 3
B 1 1 3
A 2 1 3
A 1 1 3
C 1 1 3
C 1 1 3
A 1 1 3
A 1 1 3
B 1 1 3
C 1 2 3
A 1 1 3
B 1 2 3

Grouping by the area and using the criteria

(Q30 = 1 AND Q40 = 1 AND (Q60 = 1 OR 2 OR 3))

I would like to see a table similar to the one below counting those which fulfils the criteria mentioned above

A 4
B 2
C 2

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Forms :: Sum And Count On Multiple Form Criteria?

Apr 19, 2013

I have a form lets call it 'Customer' and I have a table called orders how can I write 'Excel like' Countifs and sumifs formulas? I have been trying the IIf functions I believe correctly but am not getting the results expected or rather nothing at all!

What I am wanting to do is for example look at the table 'orders' and count all 'orders' which are for the 'Customer' in the active form this field is imaginatively called 'Customer Number' and 'orders' that are for simplicity 'rocks'

Basically if the client in the active form exists in the orders field count how many times they have placed an order for rocks.

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Queries :: Count Duplicates Based On Set Of Criteria

Aug 27, 2013

want my query to count only records that are not duplicated based on a set of criteria.I have a table with customer IDs and Call dates and the employee ID. I want a count of the call dates for each customer ID for each employee. However I only want to count as one occurrence if multiple calls happened on the same day. For example

Cust_ID Call_Dt
12315 8/1/2013
12315 8/1/2013
12315 8/1/2013
14253 9/1/2013

Customer ID 12315 would only count a 1 call entry instead of 3 for the date of 8/1/2013

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Queries :: Count Records Across Multiple Columns With Certain Criteria

Jun 10, 2013

I've got a table with 23 columns. Column 1 is the ID row which has a unique client ID in it. Then we've got a column called 1st_Reason and one that goes with it called 1st_Transfer_Date. This pair repeats for 2 through 10. Each of the Reason columns can have a set value, for example "First Processor".

What I need to do is create a date with months on the Y axis and the 5 different reasons on the X axis. I need to count the number of "First Processor" across all 10 Reason columns for each month. I would need to repeat that for each other reason type, but if I can get one to work I can simply change the reason type.

I'm pretty new at Access queries so I don't know how to use a count statement to pull from all those queries AND get the corresponding date to be in range.

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Forms :: Restrict Column Records Based On Criteria

Jun 16, 2014

This seem to be simple for single criteria but i am not able to do it multiple. I want to restrict user to customer list they r able to see in form combo box drop down list.

users are in employee TBL
employee group criteria is in tbl_Groups which contains value Admin,Read Only, manager etc
employee r grouped through tbl_AssignUsersToGroups.
customer r grouped in customerType TBL. i.e class1, class2 etc
created EmployeesClassTypeRestriction TBL to store restrictions for employees

Restrictions criteria:

1-employee can view only specific class which includes all customers in that class
2- employee can view only specif customers in a class only.
3-employee can view only specif customers in a ANY class.
4- No criteria No restrictions and can view all customers in all classes( For Admin )

Tried to used Tempvar criteria in customer combo box qry but it works for above point 1 only.

Attached accdb sample also.

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General :: Count Number Of Records Based On Certain Criteria Using DCount

Jun 5, 2014

I have a report that I am trying to complete based on several queries. I am trying to count the number of records based on certain criteria and using the following DCount.

=DCount("[Calculated time]","IPG1","[Calculated Time] <= 0.04" And [Ship-to party] In ("SN00207PJZ","SN09162XXX","SN09324XXX"))

I want to count the number of IPG1 records that are under .04 and have the Ship-to party of the ones listed. I have tried everything that I can think of to get it to work but can's seem to get it to. I figure it's something easy but I don't see it.

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Modules & VBA :: Dlookup With Multiple Criteria - Count Of Callbacks For Day And Time

May 2, 2014

I have this

If Not IsNull(strCount = DLookup("[Number_Of_Records]", "All_Booked_Callbacks ", "[CallBack_Date] =#" & Me.CB_DAte.Value & "#" _
& " And [CallBack_Time] = #" & Me.CB_Time.Value & "#")) Then strCount = DLookup("[Number_Of_Records]", "All_Booked_Callbacks ", "[CallBack_Date] =#" & Me.CB_DAte.Value & "#" _
& " And [CallBack_Time] = #" & Me.CB_Time.Value & "#") Else strCount = "0"

All_Booked_Callbacks is a query which has a date and time columns and count of callbacks for that day and time, this always returns 0

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Queries :: Count And Sort Criteria - Returning On Blank Values

Nov 18, 2013

I have a list of employees and sort criteria. for example


The output I am looking for is a count of the number of times T appears by an employee, BUT is there is no record it would return 0


I can get it to return:

using Count and the criteria Where Criteria="T" but not returning zeros.

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