How To Design/Link Tables - Logic Braindead

Jan 9, 2006

Ok, here it goes:

Got these tables:

CompanyID (PK)
NAICS1(this is a standard industrial code, a 6 digit number telling about their product/service)
NAICS...6 (company can have 1-6 NAICS codes)

A layman has no clue what these NAICS code are, so each and one of them has a descriptive title, like NAICS 32330 = Canned Vegetables Manufacturing
For this puropse, I designed a second table:

ProductTitle (PK)

Purpose:1. Be able to query by ProductTitle and get all companies with that profile.
2. Be able to retrieve Company ID with all its NAICS code/s and corresponding ProductTitle/s.
Now one company can have up to 6 NAICS codes and one NAICS code can appear under the descirption of multiple companies. So a many-to-many relationship. But how? A third table, probably....But how?

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Braindead Moment

Sep 6, 2007

OK, I really shouldn't be asking for help with this but I'd be greatful if you could get this tidied up quickly. :o

OK, I'm working on a database of people's daily activities. The main form I use is based off various tables including an acivity table. How do I add a new entry to the activity table?

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Tables :: Splitting Database - Front End Does Not Link To All Tables In Back End

May 28, 2013

I am splitting a database and have created the Back end already. When I create the front end and link to the tables on the back end... The front end does not link to all the tables in the back end. The list that comes up when creating the linkings does not show all the tables in the back end. What would cause this?

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Cannot Link Tables

Dec 24, 2005

Hi There

i am trying to link some more tables to my access front end from the sql server back end

when i select 'ODBC Databases' from the link pop up box, the pop up box just closes

any ideas why, or work arounds would be appreciated

Happy Christmas

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Link Tables

Jun 20, 2006

Does anyone know how to link tables automatically/VBA?

I'm trying to import files from our DB2 database in which one file is created monthly and instead of manually importing / linking the files manually, I'm looking to have access link to the new file automatically.

The file names are structured as so..

ITM01 (Jan)
ITM02 (Feb)
ITM03 (March)


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Link Between Tables

Mar 3, 2007

Hi All

I enter data in a form "WIP" that is based on a table named "WIP" in the form I have a command button. When I activate the command button it takes me into another form "Materials" which is based on a table named "Materials".

The data that I enter into "Materials" is not linked to the data ie Customer details which I have entered into "WIP".

My aim is to be able to report the materials used.

I have tried variations of relationships but am obviously missing something.

Thanks in Advance


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How Do I Link These Tables

Oct 12, 2005

I have a database with software

ID: autonumber
Name: text
Version: text (some say Beta etc)

Possibly 200 pieces of software

I have a database of computers

ID: autonumber
RoomName: text
ComputerName: text
Description: text

I want to link them so a computer can have up to 200 pieces of software in it or just one piece.
I dont want a table with 200 boolean fields although thats how i will end up doing it if i cant any other way.

Chances are each computer will have about 20 - 30 bits of software installed and therefore the table shouldnt need to be huge.
Anyone have any ideas how i can link these and keep the second table small. Surely i can say Computer [2] has software installed [2, 4, 5, 28, 224] but i dont know how to.

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Cannot Link Tables

Mar 21, 2006

I have a spilt database and both ends sit on a server. The front end has a short cut on the desktop from five machines.

On one machine I can access the backend but it i try and relink the tables, the linked table manager is empty and i cannot and the "always prompt for new location" option is not available so i cannot even do it individually that way.

Any suggestions of why this would be? Is it a security user issue (though i haven't specifically set up any user or workgroup securities)

I have even tried holding down the Shift key and that doesn't work!!


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Help On Sql And Logic

Jun 14, 2006

Have this table

ID | NAME | Progresscomplete | Release
1 | a | 20% | July
2 | b | 65% | July
3 | c | 33% | July
4 | h | 15% | Sept
5 | i | 30% | Sept
6 | r | 5% | Dec
7 | s | 50% | Dec
8 | t | 15% | Dec
9 | u | 20% | Dec

now I want to create a query that shows the Progresscomplete for each task as a percentage for a Release

so the total progress for each release is
July 300%
Sept 200%
Dec 400%

and the current level of progress for each release is
July 39.33% (118/300*100)
Sept 22.5 % (45/200*100)
Dec 22.5 % (90/400*100)

thus the current level of progress for each task within a release is
1 | a | 16.9% (20/118*100) | July
2 | b | 55% (65/118*100) | July
3 | c | 28% (33/118*100) | July
4 | h | 33% (15/45*100) | Sept
5 | i | 66% (30/45*100) | Sept
6 | r | 5% (5/90*100) | Dec
7 | s | 55% (50/90*100) | Dec
8 | t | 16.6% (15/90*100) | Dec
9 | u | 22% (20/90*100) | Dec

I have queries for the first two not sure about the last also
not sure if i should have the base of the last output be the current level of progress for each release or the total progress for each release

I have tried this for the last output

SELECT ID, NAME, ((Progresscomplete/Count(Progresscomplete))*100) AS currentprogresslevel, Release
GROUP BY Release;

but get an error "tried to execute a query that does not include specified expression... as part of an aggregate function.

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Link Tables Programatically

Apr 21, 2006

Is it possible to unlink and link to tables in a back end using VBA in the front end?

I need to do this or something similar because when I send updates of the front end out I may have added an extra table and thus want to be able to get the user to run an update module to link any new tables.

Not sure if this is at all possible???

Any ideas???

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How To Link 2 2 Fields On Different Tables

May 29, 2006

Anyone can help me how to link fields in different tables. Im creating a databse that has an ID. and that ID will be same with the ID on the other table.

Table 1
ID = 123

Table 2
ID = link to (Table 1 ID) and when i input characters on the Table 1 ID field it will appear or inputed also at Table 2 ID field.

Hope some ideas. Thanks


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Link Tables From Another Access Db

Nov 9, 2004

Is it possible to retrieve table information from an external Access db. Then append chosen tables to the current access db by linking them?

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How To Link Tables That Are Not In The Same Workgroup

Feb 6, 2006

I would like to link to a table that is not in the same workgroup as the database I am working in.
Both databases are from different departments - I only want read rights to the linked table to run queries against some data in my database. I have access to the database I am trying to link to - but have not been able to figure out a way to do this?

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Link Tables Via Code

Feb 7, 2007

Hey everyone I'm new here but pretty familiar with Access etc. I am extrememl;y stumped on this and I have never attempted this so any answers and details would be helpful. As we all know this is a learn new things as you develop type of application or at least for me.

I have a database that exists in one building and is functionnig fine using linked tables (File/Get External Data/Link Tables) but I now need to make this same application work for multiple locations which each have its own tables that are seperate from each other location. I was thinking a Main form that opens with radio buttons and based on the one you select would determine which tables it would be linked to when it opens. I figured Radio1 be SEDC, Radio2 be SWDC.

I have a database I have setup as a storage database for just the tables for each location that are on different servers in each location to increase traffic speeds.


SEDC (RadioButton1)
SEDC Database is located on a erver with 50 different tables in it "//sedc1/data/shared/warehouse/SEDC Warehouse.mdb"

SWDC (RadioButton2)
SWDC Database is located on server with same tables in it but different data for that location "//swdc1/data/shared/warehouse/SWDC Warehouse.mdb"

So on So on...

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Link Tables To SQL Server

Nov 27, 2007


I have build system DSN for SQL Server.I want to link table to the DSN.

But I can not select the DSN when I start the 'lined table Manager",I only can select files.why?

Please let me know how to link table to system DSN.



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Using Like Operator To Link Tables

Nov 28, 2007

I have 2 tables, an Oracle source table and an Access table. The data in the Oracle table has Item names, however they tend to end with month and date and other misc info. I set up the Access table with the cleaned up versions of the Item names (took out the excess crap) to be able to set up a query that would pull in data from the Oracle table that had Item descriptions Like the descriptions in the Access table. That is working great, however, i would also like to pull in another field from the Access table to categorize these items in to groups. Once I do this, each record shows up 4 times (the number of categories that exist). How do I link these tables to allow me to do this? None of the standard link types work since the fields are not equal but are Like each other.

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Link More Tables To The Same Form

Mar 21, 2006

Hi there,

I have a question: Is it possible to link more than one table to the same Form in order to keep previous data?

Thanks a lot

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How Do I Link 2 Tables To Act As One Table?

Nov 23, 2004

What I need is a table that will hold a primary key field and 16 text fields at 255 characters per field. (NO memo fields) This will total about 4,080 characters but Access 2000 limits the record size to 2,000 characters.

I have two tables with 9 fields in each table in a one to one relationship as follows:

Table1: Primary Key = MyKey = autonumber field.
Table1: 8 fields = text at 255 characters each field.
(i.e. Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Data8)

Table2: Primary Key = MyKey = number field.
Table2: 8 fields = text at 255 characters each field
(i.e. Data9, Data10, Data11, Data12, Data13, Data14, Data15, Data16)

The problem is I want all the fields to act as though they are from a single table and to be on a single form. I don’t know how to go about the LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields without using a SubForm. A SubForm don’t work because it expects the second table to have many records.

Thanks Stan

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I Need To Link Fields In Different Tables

Nov 7, 2005


Can you tell me if the following is possible and if so how to do it.

I have several different tables which require a date to be entered.
99% of the time this date is the same ie
(Table 1) Visit Date = (Table 2) Scan date 1
(Table 1) Visit Date = (Table 3) Scan date 2 etc.....

However in some cases Scan date 1 and/or Scan date 2 may not be the same as Visit date so the input does need to be editable.

Is there anyway I can link the information in Table 1 to automatically be displayed and stored in Table 2/3 and to be able to edit Tables 2/3 if the scan date is different to the visit date which it could be for a small number of records.

Is this possible or is it simply impossible to do this.

Thanks for any advice.

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Link Columns In Two Tables??

Apr 19, 2007

I have been able to link column A1 in Table A to Column B1 in Table B.
But I want to link Columns A2,A3,A4 to Columns in table B using A1 and B1 as the relationship. Can this be done??

I want to end up with a Table that would be automaticly updated with the columns.


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Sum Logic For Report

Dec 19, 2005

I have a report that takes money values form several records and sums them up in various category's making a list of departments with the total amount of balance for each (positive and negative numbers). I need to categorize the positive values form the negative and calculate the totals of each and the grand final total (invoice style)

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Don't Understand The Logic

Jan 28, 2006

I created a db, tested it with dummy info and all was fine. I then imported live data from another db. When I came to add new records, discovered that, in the table design, a default value of 0 (zero) has been entered for fields where a look up table is used (where I had used Autonumber for the ID). Solved that easily enough, but later I amended a text box to a combo box and the same thing happened. Why does it do this?

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Please Help With Query Logic

Oct 18, 2006

Access is making my brain hurt - can anybody please help?

Here's what I have and what I am trying to get it to do...

I have a table, maba_registrations, into which students are entered according to which course they are doing in which semester - eg -

autonumber student_id course_code semester year
1 1 A123 1 2006
2 2 A124 1 2006
3 2 A124 2 2006
4 2 A126 1 2006
5 3 A132 1 2006

What I need to do is to pull four subsets of data out of this table -

1) A unique list of courses that student x is taking in semester 1 (only) of a given year
2) A unique list of courses that student x is taking in semester 2 (only) of a given year
3) A unique list of courses that student x is taking over 2 semesters (both semester 1 and semester 2 of a given year)
4) A unique list of courses that student x is taking over 2 semesters (semester 2 of a given year and semester 1 of the following year)

Obviously there should be no overlap... and that's where I get a bit stuck

I can craft a simple query that will show me the courses a student is taking in semester 1 of a given year, but I cannot figure out how to get it to exclude those courses which are also still being taken in semester 2. In the above example, the query pulls out records 2 and 4 for student 2; I only want record 4.

I think what I need is to have 2 queries -

a) pulls out all courses for student x in semester 1 for the current year
b) pulls out all courses for student x in semester 2 for the current year

- and then subtract the results of query (b) from query (a) (ie remove the rows that are matched). Is there any way to do something like that?

Or is there a simple part of query syntax that I can use to make a query that just says "pull out all the courses for student x where semester=1 and there is no row for this course and this student where semester=2"?

Any ideas would be hugely appreciated!

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How To Link 4 Databases To Shared Tables?

May 19, 2006

I have 4 databases that share 3 tables.

Each database is used for different purposes and other tables which do not relate to the other databases.

My question is: how do I set up the back ends so each database can retrieve and enter data into the 3 shared tables without conflicts??

I know how to split each of the databases to front and back ends but how would I link them all to the 3 tables they share? Should I create one back end with only the 3 shared tables and link the separate back ends for each database???

Any help much appreciated!

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Insert And Delete Link Tables Using Vba

Jul 11, 2007

I have two table which is c:db1.mdb; c:db2.mdb

The user is currently using c:main.mdb
In main.mdb, I have a form, and have a combobox with two value, which is db1.mdb and db2.mdb.

If the user choose db2.mdb, delete all the current db1.mdb link tables(if there is any), and import all the tables from db2.mdb as link table
If the user choose db1.mdb, delete all the current db2.mdb link tables(if there is any), and import all the tables from db1.mdb as link table

And I need to perform some vba on the afterUpdate event of combobox.

My question is, how to
1)delete all link tables using vba
2)Import all tables from a certain mdb file as linked table using vba?

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Link Two Seperate Database Tables

Mar 9, 2005

Is it possible to create a database and link this to a form and another database? What i want to do is link a network database with a local database on a client machine?

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