How To MessageBox Contents Of A Table With A Button

Feb 27, 2007

This may seem a very simple question, but I really don't know how to do it. Basically, I want to MessageBox contents of a table with a button. I have a table called Map, and has two fiels: Column Number and Description. When a button is pressed, then I want a messagebox to come up and show the column number and the description of a single field. Although I know it is very wrong, here is the code I used for this (r![column Number] = 4 is meant to be the forth column number in the table):

Dim d As Database
Set d = CurrentDb
Dim r As Recordset
Set r = d.OpenRecordset("Map")

r![column Number] = 4
MsgBox "Column No: " & r![column Number] & ". Description: " & (r![Description])

By the way, there are seperate buttons for seperate fields. It is DAO as well
Thanx in advance

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Messagebox Help

Sep 26, 2007

I am trying to add an expression into a messagebox but I am not sure how to make access view it as an expression instead of as text (I am new at using the expression builder)

=MsgBox("The current severity rate is: @ «Expr» Reports![File name]![No of Lost Days].RunningSum «Expr» @ ",64,"Severity Rate")

I am sure that i am probably way off with the actual expression as well but I can look at that afterwards. Thanks in advance for any help.

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If With Messagebox

Dec 14, 2006

Hi I am new to Access and I am interested in knowing how can I make a messagebox that will pop up when a user has not put in information in a certain field.

Before the record is save I would like the messagebox to say "You have to put something in such and such before saving record". I don't know if this is hard but any help would be appreciated!

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Messagebox Query

Feb 27, 2007

I was wondering if any one could help me? i wish to create a button and that button will bring up a messagebox showing items of more than a 3 year peroid.

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Suppress Messagebox

Dec 20, 2006

Hello all:


Dim rs as object
Set rs = Me!RecordSet.Clone
rs.Find first "[Student_ID]='" & Me![Combo134] & "'"

If Me! Major_CD = "F16" or "616" or "611"
End if

End sub

A student ID number is entered into a combobox and it returns name, Major_CD(Major Code) and Degree type.
If the major code is "F16" or "616", a message is displayed.

How do I suppress this messagebox the the student has a different major code? In other words, there are students in the database with other major codes that are 111, 121, 363. I would like for the other major codes to NOT display a message box. Right now, it displays a messagebox for everyone.

Any ideas?

Many, many thanks


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Warning Messagebox From MS-Access

Sep 5, 2005

I designed a combox and also set the property of 'limited to list' to yes. I also declared the function NotInList with my own message box. But, the MS-Access default warning message box still comes up after displaying my one.

If I turned the property of 'limited to list' to no, it can trigger the function at all.

Does anyone here have any idea on how to turn the system default warning message box off?

Many thanks

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Messagebox Made By Form

Jul 12, 2005

I need a special messagebox witch returns integer value to public variable.

now I have made it the problem is how to use it.

In Sub where the messagebox form is opened the Sub should wait until it get the response from messagebox_form. That is because this sub will save it in the table.

So how to get te sub to stop and wait until the public variable is changed

(if I use some kind of loop I can't use the form at the same time)

-thans, Jalmari

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I Cant See A Table's Contents As It Is

Jan 21, 2007

sorry for the title. i didnt know what to write.
this is the situation:

i have a form where it populates a table in access (ssmdata) from an oracle table w_ssm_data). this works perfectly.

Then the form read the hole new table in access (ssmdata) to update a specific field.

If i open the access table (ssmdata) it is sorted by the flight fields. However, when the form reads the table in order to update the specific field the table seems to not to be sorted by the flight field.

More info:
The ssmdata table in access has many primary keys (flight, departure,arrival,caterer,frequency and aircraft).

If i take a look to the W_ssm_data table in oracle it is not sorted by flight and it is sorted in the same way the form is reading the ssmdata table in access.

table in access:
flight dep arr caterer aircraft frequency
1 a b a 111 67
1 a b a 222 134
2 c s c 111 5

table in oracle:
flight dep arr caterer aircraft frequency
2 c s c 111 5
1 a b a 111 67
65 t h t 252 1

when the update step starts it reads the access table as it looks in oracle. but if i open the table in access it looks sorted by flight.

thx 4 your hlp again, max

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Copying Table Contents

May 18, 2005

I am trying to copy the contents of a table with 11 fields into a new table which is the same except for an additional two fields at the end.
Any advice would be appreciated..

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Any Way To Read CD Table Of Contents?

Oct 23, 2011

Any way in MS Access to read the TOC data from an Audio CD? It is I believe in the lead-in part. I have a music database, and would like to be able to read the track data directly from the CD (Title, artist, timing), without having to type it all in again.

I know this can be done, because my CD labelling software extract the data automatically - but can Access do it?

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Table Of Contents Off By One Page

May 8, 2014

I have some code to create a table of contents/index for a report which has "chapters" which can be added or dropped depending on whether we choose to stock something or not. And I'm getting the strangest issue. The very first "chapter" starts fine on Page 1. But the next item we sell (Chap 2), then starts on Page 3, instead of Page 2. Here's what's strange. Every other item is then one page off. Below is my code.

Option Compare Database
Dim db As Database
Dim TocTable As Recordset
Dim intPageCounter As Integer
Function InitToc()
'Called from the OnOpen property of the report.

[Code] ....

The InitToc fx is called upon the opening of the pricebook, the UpdateToc fx is called upon printing. There's something in here where I think I'm calling the functions incorrectly, but I'm not sure quite what the error is.

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Selecting A Name Based On Table Contents

Apr 25, 2008

Hope this works, The table is as follows, ish

Name1 y/n1 y/n2 y/n3 y/n4 y/n5

what i need to be able to do is take a form/query answer some questions, y/n1= y/n2= y/n3= ......

Then off the back of this be able to pull out the correct item from column name1.

But i don't need an exact match on all columns. If i am only interested in y/n2=y i need to display all matches

My head says the following If y/n2=y and y/n3=y Then Name1 = e and g
or another example if y/n2=y and y/n4=y and yn5=y Then name1 = f and g

if a y appears in more columns it doesn't matter but it has to be in all those columns i am looking at

can anyone suggest the simplest way forward on this.

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Reports :: Add Table Of Contents For Each Category?

Mar 4, 2014

I am creating a report which is about 200 pages and would like to add a table of contents for each category i have with page numbers, however i have googled and tried many different things but to no avail and what it the correct way or even showing me on a sample database.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Contents Of MS Access Table?

Feb 14, 2014

I would like to ask if it is possible to use the contents of a table as a comparator? For example, I have this column in my table that has the schedules of the professor, if the professor for example failed to login within fifteen minutes after his/her supposed start of class a message will be displayed on the screen notifying that the professor has not yet logged in.

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Listbox To Show Contents Of More Than One Fields In Another Table

Jun 23, 2005

I have a field called "Bad Pc Part" which is a listbox. THe problem is I want it to display the contents of 3 other fields from another table.

I created a query for the Bad Pc Part field but the problem is it only displays the information in the first field of the table. It doesnt show the contents of the other columns. I need it to do this.

Please Advise3.

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Forms :: Open Combo Box Containing Contents From Table

Aug 8, 2013

I have a combo box containing "ProgramType". If "DDI" is selected from this combo box, I would like it to open up another combo box containing the contents from "tblDDI". Then I would like the selection to be transferred to "ProgramType". Is this possible?

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Tables :: Append That Deletes Previous Contents Of Table

Sep 14, 2012

I have Access 2010 tables linked to Sharepoint 2010 lists and my table becomes disconnected when I run a delete query on the table in Access.

I can append the table and Sharepoint stays connected.

Can I do an append that deletes the previous contents of the table?

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Queries :: Parameter Query - How To Get Table Contents Between Dates

Feb 3, 2014

I have a parameter that I need to get a table contents between dates. In the query:

Birthdate: XXTable: criteria as follows: Between [Enter Start Date] and [Enter End Date:]

When run it gives me the Error - ! This expression is type incorrectly, or its too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables

I have tried almost everything. The formatting of the Birthdate is x/x/xxxx or shortdate. Will this affect the input thus affecting the outcome of the query.

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Removing Parentheses And Its Contents From Access Table Field

Jun 18, 2014

I am very new to access less than 1 week since i started trying to build an horse racing database, i am trying to link data from 2 different sources via the horses name however one source displays this with the horses country of origin in parenthesis foe example FRANKEL(GB) and the other source displays the name as just FRANKEL, to be honest i haven't yet tried the link but guess it will fail.

I am therefore looking to get rid of the parentheses and their contents from an access table field and create another field without them.

In Excel i use the formula B1:

=TRIM(REPLACE(A1,FIND("(",A1&"("),FIND(")",A1&")")-(FIND("(",A1&"(")-1),"")) and that works fine.

I guessed the solution for Access would be newname:


But this doesn't work as in returns undefined function "FIND" in expression error.

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Put Contents Of Field Off Table On Report Based On Date

May 24, 2012

I have fairly large table called QBInvoices that consist two fields- qbinv and date . Also, I have a report that showing info off query called TotalQueryQB. The table and query have no relations except dates . I need to show on report filed qbinv off table QBInvocies on the top of the reprot based on date. The user type date on form -frmQB text box txt Date and I would like to have contest of field qbinv off table QBInvocies on the top of the report base on date that was typed.

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Modules & VBA :: Migrating Contents Of A Table - Export BMP Image To A File

Apr 24, 2014

I need to migrate the contents of a table from Access Jet or Ace to SQL Server.

The table has 2 fields, an integer and a BMP image ex

Field1 Field2
1 BMPimage
2 BMPimage
3 BMPimage
4 BMPimage

If I manage to export the images to files like 1.bmp, 2.bmp, 3.bmp, 4.bmp etc I can then import them into SQL Server.

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Creating A Table Of Contents / Index / Need Macro To Create A Field

Apr 4, 2014

I have a situation where I have a report which I will generate to print our companies pricebook. I need an index/table of contents for customers to go to the page where a product is to look up prices. The problem is that we add and subtract products on a consistent basis.

So a new product will get added, but of course, to run alphabetically, there's no way to insert it, then renumber the pages for it to be easily use a maketable query, which sorts all of the products alphabetically. Each time it is run, it will delete the previous table. I then need to have an autonumber field created to create my "page numbers". Yes, each time the pricebook is run, products can and will oftentimes get new page numbers.

So my thought is to have a macro run which creates the autonumber field to the table. This will then be the basis for the form, which will in turn utilize the "page number"/autonumber field to both serve as page numbers in the report. And of course, the table which is created each time will be the "table of contents".

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Queries :: Blank Returns - Datasheet With Table Headings But No Data Contents

Jun 2, 2014

I'm relatively new to access. I have a database i created for my school project everything works fine until I try running a query with 2 or more tables, the queries return a datasheet with all the table headings but no data content, I ensured that there is data in the tables that I'm trying to join for the query.

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Check Contents Of A Field In A Table Where Another Field

Sep 11, 2013

I am trying create some code that checks if the contents of the status field in a table is "Authorised" where the ID = something specific for multiple records. If all records witht the specific ID are "Authorised" Then generate a new record in another table. Where to start, perhaps a Dlookup?

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Tables :: Populating Several New Tables With The Contents Of Original Table

Mar 29, 2013

I have a feed from ODBC to Access DB. I need to populate several new tables with the contents of the original table. I know I'm being stupid but it's been a long week.

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Queries :: Querying Contents Of One Field Against Another Table / Field

Apr 26, 2013

I am trying to perform a search function query in access but am having trouble. I have two tables. One table has a column in which I need to search the contents of this field by referencing data in another field/table. I am able to write the query searching the data manually (not referencing the other table) but can't seem to get the query right when referencing the other table!

this query works =
FROM Sample_Data
WHERE (((Sample_Data.[Affected_Frequencies]) Like "*451.425*" Or (Sample_Data.[Affected_Frequencies]) Like "*451.400*"));

but, i put together a frequency table (Table name = Frequencies) and the column within that I am searching for is called Frequency. im trying to reference Frequencies.Frequency using a LIKE statement.

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