How To Add A Print Button In The MsgBox Window?

Nov 5, 2004

I generated a pop up warning message window every time when I open a form. The problem is there are many lines information in the window. Now I want to have a Print button in the msgbox window. So the user can click that buttton to print these warning message. Is this easy to do? Any clues? Thanks.

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Surpress Database Window On Print

Dec 27, 2004

Hi all~

I have a few forms that have a command button on them which prints the form utilizing the following code:

Set MyForm = Screen.ActiveForm
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, stDocName, True
DoCmd.PrintOfut acSelection
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, MyForm.Name, False

I have the Database window hidden from the users. However, when the user clicks the button to print the current form, it prints correctly, but it also displays the Database Window.

Is there any way to disable the database window showing up when the print button is clicked?

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Msgbox Without OK Button

Aug 22, 2006

hallo everyone,

is there anyway to create a msgbox without OK button i.e., is there any way to display a window to show "data processing..." and then close it after the processing completes.

thanks in advance.



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Probably Simple...msgbox With Cmd Button

Mar 22, 2006

Hi, I have a DAP with a command button at the end that saves the record. I'd like to have a confirmation message or text box that tells them their data was saved and then close the browser when they click OK.

Sounds like a macro or procedure might be the way to go...but I am not proficient in VB and not sure how to attach it to the command button. Any help would be great!


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Reports :: Display Report In Popup Window And Maximize In Print Preview Layout

Dec 22, 2013

I have created a report with a subreport for my database. The user selects the project for which he/she wants to see a report. Once the project is selected, the report is displayed in a popup window and maximized in the print preview layout. This allows the user to view and read the report. Once this is done, there are no buttons or menus on the screen that allows the user to send the report to a printer or file.

Other than the report, there are minimize / maximize and close buttons at the top right of the window and page selection buttons at the bottom left of the window. If the user wants to print the report, they must either hit ctrl-P or right click the mouse on the screen to display a menu from which the user can select print to open a print dialog box. Is there any way to add a button or menu to the print preview that appears on the screen to make printing easier?

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Forms :: Button Opening In New Window?

Apr 30, 2014

I am using Access 2010 and creating a front-end for a customer database.

Take a look at the screen capture I added to this post.

What I want to happen is on that "Supplier" button. When I click on it, it opens a new window with the "Supplier" form and on the specific supplier for this product. There is an attached image of what that macro looks like.

The problem I am having is that I do not want the Supplier form to open in a new window, I want it to open within the Navigation Form, replacing the what is currently on the screen.

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How Can You Disable The Close (X) Button On The Database Window?

Dec 6, 2006

Hi Guys,

I have a database that uses a switchboard with a close button that runs several instructions before it exits. The problem is that some users have access to the database window and I need to prevent them from closing the database by hitting the X in the upper right.

Anyone know how to do this?

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Button To Open Windows Explorer Window

Jan 28, 2006

Hello everybody, it's been a while since i wrote on the forums and yet again I am in the need to ask for the help of this wonderful community.
I have a form on which is a button that I want when pressed to open a Windows Explorer window displaying the contents of a directory.
The exact way that I want this thing to work is like this : The user is browsing a form of lets say client details and on the form lies the button that when pressed will take the client's name and apply it to the path in order to open that Windows Explorer window and create a path like C:program filesclient name and display the contents of that window.
I would like if possible someone who can point me as to how I can construct this button to work cause I cant see to get it done.
Many thanks for your time :)

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Button Shows Verify Window Before Update?

May 17, 2006

I would like to have a button on my form that would update a record to a closed status, but I want to have an "Are You Sure?" window pop up first. I did a search on "verify," "verification," "sure," and several others but haven't found what I need. I looked through my Access bible, with no luck.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

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Displaying Database Window With Command Button

Sep 15, 2004

Is there a way to use a command button to display the database window. I changed the Startup to not show the database window and want to be able to show it using a command button. I would appreciate any help.


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Launch Windows Explorer Window From A Button (directory)

Apr 7, 2006

I would like to be able to have a button that my firm's legal assistants can click which will automatically popup the folder on the server where the client's documents are stored. What is the easiest way to write this?

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Hiding Close Button When Form Window Maximised

May 8, 2006

Anyone know in microsoft access 97 is it possible to remove the close button (top right hand corner) when a form is maximised?

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Forms :: Command Button - Stop Window From Popping Up

Sep 9, 2014

I created a command button from using the wizard so when I click to delete the record the button is for, a window pops up asking if I am sure I want to delete the record. Is there a way to not have the button pop up?

Here is the code:

Private Sub cmdCompleted_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdCompleted_Click
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdCompleted_Click

End Sub

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Pop-Up Print Button

May 4, 2005

First I should say that this is my first post, and I'm very new to this. Now on to my problem. We have a form with a bunch (like 25) of buttons that are links to specific reports. When you click on one of the buttons the report opens up along with a little pop up form with a print button on it. How can I get this print button to print the report that is open? Do I have to put in code for every possible report that may be open, or can I just say "print the current report" somehow?


Nick Jones

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Print Button On Form.

Apr 28, 2005

Hi... being extremely new to Access, i am sitting here frustrated as anything trying to make this work. I will attempt to explain what I am trying to do.

I have a form that has a combo box in it. This combo box references a table and pulls in the data depending on the company that is selected. What I am trying to do is add a print button on the form, so that the users can print off an address label. Now I can use the normal print report feature and this prints of the entire report, but what i would really like is the print button just to print the fields I want and not the whole thing. The fields I want to print are.


Ive had a look in the event field for the print button, but I have no idea of the commands to make it only select the fields that I want to print.

I truly am lost, and seeking guidance from the masters here at Access World.

My printing problem is in your hands.... cheers Paull

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Command Button Print

May 13, 2006

I have created a command button that prints a report. The thing is that if the REPORT has no data, i want that the button is INVISIBLE. Is it possible to do this??


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Print Command Button

Aug 11, 2006

I am having a minor headache with a situation, I have a command button that opens a view of the report that will be printed. The problem is if someone creates a new record and hits the button it comes up blank.

If I add me.requery before the DoCmd statement then it just restarts to the very first record and shows that in the report view =(

Any Ideas? Thanks Guys!!

Private Sub PrintForm_cmdbutton_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintForm_cmdbutton_Click

DoCmd.OpenReport "Main_frm Report", acViewPreview, , "ID Like '*" & Me.ID & "'"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintForm_cmdbutton_Click

End Sub

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How To Print On Button Click ?

Sep 6, 2006

Hi all....

I have a list box that I can select mulitple items from - I then click a search button and it runs a query that finds what I am looking for from a table and then displays the results in a subform.
In the subform I can input weights and get a percent....anyhow.

How do I set up a button so that it will print out a report or the report from the subform information that is currently being viewed.

Also, I can already do this by clicking a button on the form and pulling up the installed report program but, you need to input data to get this report.

I kinda want this button to be a "I need it now" type of print option. always my questions are probably confusing...:D

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Mouse Over Print Menu Bar Button

Sep 27, 2005

I have been running in this problem and i didnt know the cause but ive just realized now.
A mouse over the print button on the Menu Bar hangs my A2K for some Minutes. Other buttons on the menu bar dont.
A network printer is the default on my PC, but this is of as for now,it needs servicing. I dont know whether it automatically detects the printer settings on mouse over it :confused:

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Print Button Updates Subform Fields

Apr 14, 2005

I currently have a form [order] that houses a subform [orderdetails]. is there a way for me to set up a print button on form [order] that will also update the [ysnPrinted] and [dtmDatePrinted] fields in subform [orderdetails]?

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Forms :: Adding A Button To Print Form?

Feb 11, 2015

I would like to add a button to a form that will print the form with the current record in it. Also, to add a level of difficulty, there are 8 subforms attached to the form. As I already have the form developed, I don't want to reinvent the wheel and go off and create a report with 8 subreports. Is this possible? If so, Can we force all the data on the form to one page?

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VBA Print 5 Copies Of Report Via Button On The Form

Nov 1, 2011

I am trying to print 5 copies of the report via the button on the form.

I'm sure I have the code correct, however I only prints 1 copy instead of 5.

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Print Labels From Access 2007 Using Button

Apr 18, 2014

I have a form where I'd like to create a button to print labels from a labeling program called Label Matrix. I already have the label set up in Label Matrix to draw info from the Access table, and I know how to create a button. I can't figure out how I would make the button print the label.

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Load Print Wizard After Clicking Command Button

Nov 3, 2005

hey all, I am trying to load a print wizard after clicking on a command button. I am trying to use my filtered data to select specific fields to print. On the fly kind of report. I need to have the ability to use my filtered data to create a specific report. Any ideas?? Thanks

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I Need A Command Button To Print Preview And Email Two Reports

Oct 7, 2004

Like the title says I need a command button to print preview and email two reports. I tried using macros but the problem I have is that it'll send out two emails instead of one email with two attachments. The other problem is that it won't recognize current pages information so it'll show two blank reports. But If I go to next record and come back in form view, it reognizes the changes and the reports look fine. Any help would be appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Command Button To Print Report To PDF And Email

Aug 9, 2013

A command button on a form that can:

1- Open the Report called : ConsentForm
2- Print it to PDF printer (report is currently defaulted to that printer driver)
3- Save to folder: C:SOSConsentForms
4- Save as: Consent_[Last]_[First] (these are field names on the form)
Result i.e.: C:SOSConsentFormsConsent_Doe_John
5- Then send the file by email (Outlook) to :

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