How To Calculate Feed Consumed?

Nov 8, 2006

Last monday's [Feed Inv]+ this weeks [Feed Del] - this weeks [Feed Inv]= Feed Consumed


Autonumber (is PK)
Lbs Del (pounds delivered)
Lbs Inv (pounds inventoried, this is a physical inventory done at farm)

I can use Between[Start Date] And [End Date] in the criteria to show this weeks Lbs Del and Lbs Inv in a query, no problem.
How do I tell the query or report to subtract 7 from the Start Date to pull last weeks feed inventory?

The result will be displayed in a report, so calculating in a report would be ideal.


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Form Field To Feed Query

Apr 21, 2005

Simple set up,

I have a Sub form titled Training that has the the following two fields:


The jobs is a pull down select box that contains all of the job titles for the entire plant. What i would like to happen is for the user to be forced to select the appropriate department first and then use the [Department] selected to feed the criteria to the query that the [Jobs] field is located in.
In addition i have been un-able to get the fields to be locked until the [Department] field is entered.
I have tried the following unsuccessfully:

Jobs Query Criteria:

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Carriage Return/ Line Feed

Dec 31, 2006

Dim f As Form
Dim g As Form

Set f = Forms!frmInputBox
Set g = Forms!frmCalendar

g("Text" & f!InputDay) = f!InputText & vbCrLf& & f!InputText2

e.g: InputText is 123, InputText2 is abc
I wanted to display the text inside textbox of frmCalendar as:
instead of 123abc. how shall i use the vbCrLf?

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Export Fixed-width With Line Feed Only

Nov 9, 2006

Hey guys,

I searched the forums and couldnt find anything that directly related to my issue. What I am trying to do is export a fixed-width text file, but the issue is that the file has to be line feed only. By default Acces creates CR/LF and the client's import specification only allows for Line feed.

I am currently using a macro, with export specification, to create the file. Due to time constraints and other obligations, I am really trying to avoid VBA programming.

Thanks in advance,

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Modules & VBA :: Parse Email Messages - Feed Data To MDB

Jul 28, 2014

I've built an HTML web form that sends an email to me upon submission with all the field inputs. I have previously found success using VBA in Outlook to parse out these emails and feed the substrings into an Excel Sheet (hooray!), but now am looking to feed the substrings into Access, specifically into a table in an existing .mdb file. I figure the way Outlook will "talk to" Access will likely be a bit different from the way it does for Excel.

The way my previous script engaged with Excel was through a rule; every time a new email was received, the following script would run if the message had the subject line generated by my web form. The script would check whether Excel and the target workbook/sheet was open, act accordingly, and then input the substrings (I've excluded that part below), then return Excel and the wb/ws to their initial state. I imagine though, that with Access I might be able to feed the substrings into the .mdb without having to open it proper, the way a front-end talks to a back-end. But perhaps I'm mistaken on that front.

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Public Const xlUp As Integer = -4162 'I genuinely do not know what this is _
about. It came with the initial _
borrowed code.
Public Const wbPath As String = "C:...Workbook.xlsx" 'Workbook path

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Insert Half-line Feed Into Text In A Control

May 5, 2014

Any way to insert a half-line feed into text in a control?

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Modules & VBA :: Using Public Function To Feed A Variable String To Query

Feb 26, 2014

I am using a public function to feed a variable string to a query. So far I have got:

Public Function ClientStreetModule(firstLVar As Variant, streetVar As Variant, newFL As Variant) As String
Dim cslStr1 As String, newStreet As String
newStreet = Right(streetVar, Len(streetVar) - Len(newFL))


However, I only need to use newStreet as the true part of iif, in which instance all are longer. At least I think this is the problem. I realise I might need to use NZ but am not sure how. Why it is evaluating and giving errors for all records and not just when the iif criteria is true as I want it to?

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Modules & VBA :: Counting Number Of Occurrences Of Line Feed In Long String

May 1, 2015

I have to count the number of occurrences of Line feed (vbLf) in a long string. The code I am using is:

MAX = TLine.Split(vbLf).Length - 1

It does not work.

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Calculate A Value

Dec 16, 2004

How would i go about getting the field 'GMargin' (Gross Margin) to be calculated from subtracting 'SellingP' from 'PurchaseP' (Selling and Purchase Prices)?

How do i do this? Help me please :)

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Oct 6, 2005

I have a field which I enter a short time such as 3:13, 5:45, etc

Now i am creating a report which at the end of the report I would like to include an unbound text box, which displays the total amount of time for that field (pls note that the total will never exceeds 24 hours) What is the best formula to use in order to calculate this ?


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Calculate Hh:mm To Mm

Jan 18, 2006

I am trying to sum minutes from a database using an Access query, but the format in the database is hh:mm. I know the query to use in Oracle:
ROUND(SUM((substr(actual_time,1,(instr(actual_time ,':' )-1))) *60 + (substr(actual_time,(instr(actual_time,':' )+1),2)))
but not sure of the syntax to use in an Access expression.
Any ideas?:confused:

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Excel Can´t Calculate.

Aug 6, 2006


Excel is having difficulties calculating a workbook of mine. It complains about cirkular references, so I had to set the iterations manually.

The workbook holds about 5000 records and I´m using a cosinus function.

The thing is I don´t know what to do. Excel calculates the workbook, but it doesn´t do it right. What setting should I use with the iterations?

I´m thinking of running it in excel 97. Will that help?

I really need to be able to run this workbook. Does anyone have an idea?


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One PC Not Able To Calculate Formulas Ect.

Jul 10, 2007

Hello, I didn’t know how to explain this or where to post this but here we go! I have two databases and one of the PC's here at work can’t use some of the items in the database like on one of the databases there is some formulas in text boxes and that PC won’t calculate what’s needed in them and every PC in the plant will except for this one PC. Also the one PC won’t bring up the Allen Browne's Calendar. When you press the start or end button to bring up the calendar it never pops up but if I enter the start date and end dates and use it that way ect then it works. I have no clue why this is just happening to this one PC. Any ideas?

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Date Calculate

Jan 19, 2006

I want to calculate a data from anthony table, like (20 Jan 2005) + 365 days
will be 20 Jan 2006, how can i do it.

The Table setting is just like below:
Constituent (DataID,...);
Student (DataID, DOB,...);
School (DataID, 4YearsOld(As a Date Format),...)

Anyone can help me, Thank you.:)

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Calculate Age Using Queries

May 12, 2007

i have a table with fields "[DATE OF BIRTH]", "age", "temp-age"

i have a query that calculate the age:
example; the query will get user to input the "temp-age" and upon "temp-age" is input and "ok" on the query, it will calculate a person's age and store the value inside table "age".

however, the calculated value for the age have some data problem. for example, when a person whose age is yy:mm 24:05 the age inside the table will be 1924:05. there will be a additional "19" at the age.

what cause the additional "19" problem?
my query in design view is like this; (see attachment)
it uses " [temp-AGE]-[DATE OF BIRTH] " to calculate the age and store into table "age".

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Calculate Months

Nov 10, 2006


I'm trying to calculate months not days between

EX: 1/1/06 to 6/30/06
I tried to use end date (-) begin date, but is only give me the difference in days. What expression do I use to get 6 months?


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How To Calculate Total?

Nov 19, 2006

Hi, i'm trying to calculate the amount of employee for each company giving me a total in the queries.. how do i go about this? I'm not an person who uses Access to solve this. I have amount 20 Companies stored and over 800's employee.. Here are the field in the table:EmployeeIDEmployeeNameNumberofEmployeeThanks! Hope this helps.

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Calculate Commissions

Jan 15, 2007


I am very new to databases, and think i am a bit over my head. I am doing a database for vacation rentals, and am trying to calculate commissions, basically i wanted to have a set of checkboxes, labeled 10%, 15%, 2.5% and $25, with any combination of these checkboxes being able to be checked.

i want the query to work like this:

If the 10% checkbox is checked i want the query to take the SubTotal for the reservation, and calculate 10% of that number. if the 2.5% checkbox is also checked, i want the query to calculate 2,5% of the reservation and add it to the commissions total (10% + 15%)

I think(hope) that i explained that clearly? Can this be done?

Thanks for your help!


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Calculate Median Value

Mar 16, 2007

What is the easiest way to calcuate a median value for a group of values?

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Calculate Median

Apr 19, 2007

I am attempting to calculate the Average & Median on a particular field in a query.


query name is qry2007_KPI_AvgJan_A
field name is ContractSignedToReceived

I am getting #Name? error.

Any ideas why? Thanks for any help troubleshooting this.

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Calculate Percentage

Mar 22, 2008

In a report, I need to calculate the percentage of clients that respond "Yes" to a question on a survey. I need to create a query that will return the count of the number of "Yes" responses, and the number of total responses.
For example, if 10 clients complete the survey, and seven respond "Yes", I need the 2 fields in the query to be 7 and 10. So far, I have only been able to do this using multiple queries.
Thank you.

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Calculate Double OT

Aug 25, 2005

stuck in the middle of a project of employee payroll the following problems are for some suggestions:

if an employee is not taken off in a week and work on sundays, he's paid double OT; if he is not taken off he's not paid; i.e. he can take 4 days off in a month

how can i keep track of this in the db; can i use a table putting 7 days as fields and make it all yes/no so that user can check or uncheck the status against each employee(!); but for whole month how can i calculate

work period start from every month on 25th and ends on 24th in next month.

got tables for attendance and leave

help appreciated

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Calculate Value Problem

Aug 31, 2005

I cannot figure this out,

I have values that need to be calculated in a field but it will not work with null values, I’m sure this is easy but I have not found a solution.

Thanks in advance.

The attached mdb illustrates my dilemma.

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Calculate Fields.

Sep 5, 2006

Hi, can someone help me with this formula.

i have one field called notice_1 this field is a combo boxs multiple choice ( YES - NO )
Then i have 1 field called score_1 ( if notice_1 = "YES" then let score_1 = 5 else then let score_1 = 10 )

Does this make sense , I am an, amateur at access 2003,

Thank You For any help i can get...

John Calcitrai

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Calculate Stock

Dec 20, 2004

Hey Guys.

I have a sub form based on an order table. I had another table which lists products which customers can buy. In the products table I have a field named "units on order" which I'd like to update when an order is made in the form and a field named "units in stock" which upon the user opening the order form again and clicking a button to say that particular order has been delievered, the "units in stock field in the products table will had added the quantity chosen in the order form.

Any suggestions?



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Calculate On Form

Mar 9, 2005


I have a from with 3 fields on it where users can enter numbers of boxes attached to a booking.

Each field stands for a box of a certain type.


20's ==> 1
40's ==> 1
45's ==> 1

Now, I want to calculate a total based on 40 being 1, 20 being 0,5 and 45 being 1,125.
The total in this case would be:

2*20 = 0.5
1*40 = 1
1*45 = 1.125

Total: 2.625

Is this possible, and, if yes, how do I insert this calculation?

Don't know if this is clear enough, if someone has any questions on my goal here, please ask me to clarify...

Thx once more,


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