How To Change Links In An MDE File

Sep 23, 2005


We've got an old database consisting of just an MDE file and its point to the UNC path of a server we need to decommission. Is there anyway I can amend the Links to an external mdb so it points to either the new server or folder?


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Automatically Change Table Links

Feb 13, 2006

I'm creating a leave (holiday) database but each year must be kept seperate for analysis. (I have split the front and backend of the database) I thought of using a dropdown on the main page which could be used to select the year which relates to the leave being dealt with. Depending on the choice selected (present financial year as default) the links would update to the required database.

Any ideas?

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How Do You Create Links And Change Colors In Report

Oct 24, 2005

I have a report that contains game and its rating, the rating goes from -10 to +10, I would like to highlight the games that have a rating 1 or more with green color, rating 0 with yellow, and -1...-10 with red color, allso I would like to make a link on the game, so that when I click on it, it will open a form where that game is registered, for example it I want to change rating.

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Is There Any Way To Change (in Bulk) The Links For Linked Tables

Mar 14, 2008

I have heaps of Linked Tables and the main data bases are in My Documents.

My Documents is also the shared name but I need to change it to MyDocuments as the space fouls up some other stuff.

I have a feeling I will need to delete all the linked tables and do it again.:D

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General :: Create Database In Access That Links To Contacts In Outlook Pst File

Nov 21, 2013

I have limited programming skills but a basic understanding of databases.I want to create a database in Access that links to contacts in an Outlook pst file, and in the Access database I want to create a series of date dependant tasks or processes that I can apply to the relevant contact.The object being to to save that collection of tasks to apply to different contacts within Access.

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Change File Format

Dec 6, 2004

Hi all,

I had a form with a command button which invokes email sending option to send a report..I am using code from a sample database . The code which I am using is here:-

'This will create the e-mail

DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "Rpt_Customer", "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", "", "", , "Customer Report", "", False, ""

'Tbis explains all the section of the e-mail see SendObject in help
Rem example from help DoCmd.SendObject [objecttype][, objectname][, outputformat][, to][, cc][, bcc][, subject][, messagetext][, editmessage][, templatefile]

The code is working perfect and my question is that can I change the file format from RichTextFormat to word format????? I tried by chaning "WordDocument (*.doc)" but it didn't worked???? Is there any way I can change that to word format (*.doc)???? any suggestions appreciated .

thanks in advance

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MDE File Still Allows Me To Change Database Design

Mar 16, 2007

I've converted my DB into an MDE file as I understand this secures all the code and doesn't allow any changes to the database (table structure, queries, etc.).

However, when I now view my MDE file, I can still delete queries and change tables. But I cannot view forms in design mode and therefore get access to the code.

Any ideas?

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Change Name Of File With Todays Date?

Dec 18, 2012

We are getting in files from a vendor that come in with today's date and different extensions and prefixes such as BA0003.20121217.pdf or MYLOOKUP.20121217.psv where the only constant is the date, there are over 100 files that I need to change the date part to today's date. I would like to find all the data before the first period and all the data after the last period and replace the date part with todays date.

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Can I Change The Default File Type For An Export... To *.xls?

Mar 8, 2007

Previously, using Windows Professional 2000 and Office Professional 2000, a Access File > Export... would always assume (default to) Excel (.xls) as the "Save type As...".

Now, my system has been upgraded to XP Professional and Office Prof 2003, and now the File > Export... always defaults to Access (*.mdb,...) as the file type. It is not a big problem, just a nuisance. I don't like repeatedly re-selecting *.xls from the drop down list every time I export. (After all, computers and even upgrades should make our life easier, not harder, right?)

Can I somehow select or configure Access to use *.xls as the default Export... file type?

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Change Output File Name During Send Object Routine

Apr 3, 2007

I have a query that runs based on a parameter a user selects on a form.

I want to dynamically create the sendobject file name based on the parameter the user selects.


My form has a parameter named medicine. When the user checks the checkbox next to medicine it runs a query for records labeled as medicine but sends the e-mail output as the query name. I want something like medicine.txt etcc...



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Modules & VBA :: How To Change Name Of File Output Report Is Being Saved As When In PDF

Jun 4, 2014

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Estimate", acFormatPDF, "c:TestMyReport.pdf"

the following code saves my report in a folder called test as a pdf file with the name MyReport. I have a string variable called RepName. How can I make the report get saved under that name.

I tried
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Estimate", acFormatPDF, "c:Test&MyReport&.pdf" but it dosent work.

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Change Excel Headings Through Access VBA Then Import The File

Sep 17, 2014

I've been able to find the code I need to import the file, but there are headers that come through from the group sending the excel file that will not import - they have a "." in them and that won't work. I need to find a way to remove the character and bring the excel header in line with the access table I'm importing to. I'm using the following to import the file:

Sub Example()
'the path to the excel workbook
Dim strExcelPath As String
strExcelPath = "C: est est esting.xls"
'import data from excel
Call DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet(acImport, _
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, "testtable", strExcelPath, _
True, "A1:AA11")
End Sub

And that work fine up until it hits the offending headers. what is a good, quick bit of code to plug in to alter the headers and what, if any references would need to be added?

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Modules & VBA :: Change Ending Of All File Paths Of Imported Files

May 26, 2015

I'm currently looking to change the ending of all filepaths of imported files whenever I run the import. I want to change the path ending from .txt to .doc. So basically, the link/path to the file should be got, the ending changed from .txt to .doc and then the path (with the .doc ending) put into the table.

Private Sub bimportinternal_Click()
On Error Resume Next
strFolderPath = "S:Foo reportsSearchable"
strFolderPathSave = "S:Foo reportsSearchableArchiveword" & objF1.Name
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strFolderPath)
Set objFiles = objFolder.files


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General :: Batch File To Allow Users To Copy Latest Version Of Front End Whenever Change Made

Aug 7, 2014

I have been trying to set up a batch file to allow users to copy the latest version of the front end whenever a change is made. The following is the code that I am trying to get to work properly. The first part works fine, the old front end is copied to a folder on the user's desktop as a backup. But I cannot get the copy of the server - the "P" drive, to overwrite the current copy on the user's desktop. Actually I cannot get the code to copy the new front end from the server and install it on the user's desktop. I think the path is correct for I seem to be able to run the new front end from the server.

When I look for the location on my computer, the server locations is listed as:

General (Servernamefiles) (P: ) (there is no space after the P: it seems to result in a smiley face when I type it and try to post it).

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%-%month%-%day%
rem echo %TODAY%

[Code] .....

This code works so I thought that the path was correct
rem this works
rem start the new DB front end
Start P:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEndDBMain.accdb

But this code does not.
echo f | xcopy /f/y/ P:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEndDBMain.accdb c:UsersUserNameDesktopDBMain.accdb

Neither does this:
echo f | xcopy /f/y/ ServerNamefilesP:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEn dDBMain.accdb c:UsersUserNameDesktopDBMain.accdb

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Odbc Links

Mar 18, 2008

sorry if thi9s is the wrong place but I thought I would try somewhere.

I would like to create links to table trough an odbc link.

whta I have is an estimation programme that creates 4 tables in a directory/folder each time you create a new estimate I have an odbc link that points to the given folder where the tables are being created. What I would like to do is to search this folder and link specific tables to my database which is a contract control programme. the tabels are given unique name for each estimate example names are: 0001_assembly, 0001_data, 0001_increment, 0001_system

so to sum up is it possible to create a lnk to these tables on the fly. any one got any ideas and possible codes samples for doing this.


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Fuzzy Links Possible?

Aug 22, 2006

Hi all,

I've got two vast tables of data which I need to link, however the field unique to each was, at it's source, a typed field, and as such both have errors, typos, formatting problems, known deviations etc.

An example would be something like this:

Table1: SFOC0912JB3
Table2: F0CO9I2JB3

(These are harware serial numbers for what it's worth). I could do with creating a link between the two tables which would return a true based on a number of possibilities, such as:
Match if:
- String matches with prepended 'S', 'C' and/or
- String matches with substituted 'I' and '1' in any or all positions and/or
- String matches with substituted 'O' and '0' and/or

I think Levenshtein had the right answer from what I've been reading, but I haven't yet found an implementation for access (freely) available.

Any ideas?


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Button Links

Feb 21, 2005

i have constructed a switchboard/main menu and have set up buttons which link to forms. i have also made a 'return to main menu' button which does as it says, the only problem is that after going back to the main menu both forms are now open...any ideas on how to stop this problem

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Access/Excel Links

Dec 20, 2005


I would like to set up a form in Access that accepts the input of an Excel spreadsheet file (browse for file) and then creates a pivot table on one of the sheets, and appends that data to an Access database table..

can you give me some ideas on how i should approach the problem?

Many thanks :)

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Removing Table Links

Mar 2, 2007

This may seem like a silly question, but I can’t find the answer to it on this forum. People only say 'Remove the table links' but never how. I can’t seem to be able to remove the table links completely, so I only have one database file (no backend or frontend). I can’t seem to do it though the Table link manager or any other way. Any help?

Thanks in advance

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Adding Links To Posts

Feb 28, 2008

Sorry, cant find this in help, and cant do it by trial and error

How do I add a link to a post/thread in a reply

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Using Links Access 2002

Aug 15, 2006

I have an existing database using access 2002 which has been split. In the part containing the data (back end I think its called) there are 3 existing tables which are clearly linked from the front end (forms queries etc.). If I now try to add another table in the back end it is not shown in the list when trying to create a link from the front end.

Anyone got the answer

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Table Name And Links ---URgent

Feb 28, 2008

i have 2 mdb and both mdb have table link

in one of the mdb , they had a link to dbf (paradox) and they have lot of queries and reports created.

Now the functionality has changed so we have created a access table and need to replace the dbf with the table.

The problem is we need to retain all the queries and reports as such but the table will be access table instead of dbf.


First.mdb has test table
Second.mdb has a table called old.dbf. and associated quries

but now test table is been linked to second.mdb and we got to rename or delete old.dbf and associated all queries and reports pointing to test table

is there a way to do it automatically or should it be done manually?

Please let me know as it is urgent

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Photo Links In Tables

Mar 5, 2008

I have recently learned how to link photos to a database using a form and a table listing the path to each photo. Is there anyway to format the records in the table so that when you click on the path the photo shows up?

I have browsed around past threads and have not found and answer.


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Query Links Dropping

Nov 8, 2005

I working on a Project in which I have a table that is being updated from the values in another table. The problem that the table is deleted and rebuilt in code before the Query is executed. Access is so smart, it drops the links between the tables when the table is deleted even if the query isn't open.

To get around this, I recreate the SQL in Code for the Named Query involved just before I execute it. This works OK but probably creates bloat and is a little slower.

Is there a better way around this problem other than recreating the SQL for the Update Query each time?

Thanks for all meaningful suggestions. :cool:

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Queries Using Tables W/o Links

Feb 20, 2008

I have a query where I am trying to set the where criteria expression using an unlinked table. The unlinked table name is INV DATES. The criteria field is [THE_DATE]. I cannot really link the fields for the two tables since I am using an expression. This design works, but it goes really slow.

Any ideas?


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DSum, Specific Links Or Anything Else?

Feb 22, 2008

Dear all, imagine a table named "Database" with fields

Par1, Par2, ... ParN, Amount,

where most of the parameters in Par1,...ParN are in text format.
The structure of another table, "Criteria", is exactly like "Database" less "Amount" field.
Suppose we want to summarise "Amounts" from "Database" according to the sets of "Criteria", for each of its records. A set does not always include all of the fields, e.g. an empty field (or sort of wildcard) may mean that any value fits.
It seems like classical application of DSum function, but I've already spent a lot of time in desperate attempts to solve this problem and will highly appreciate your suggestions.

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