How To Change Every Checkbox Value To FALSE?

Oct 28, 2006

How do!

First post, spent a long time trying to find an answer but to no avail

How would you add a simple way to turn the value of a specific checkbox in each record in the DB to false?

Very nice place you have here, I hope I will be able to return some information at a later date :D



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The Notorious Error Message: Can't Set Value To NULL When CheckBox Property = FALSE.

Sep 12, 2005


My problem is this: Whenever I enter something into the form other than first choosing the date from the DateTimePicker's drop-down list, I get the notorious error message: Can't set value to NULL when CheckBox property = FALSE.

What I can conclude is that the DateTimePicker can seemingly not return a null value to the database. A possible solution was given at this site:

I however, have no idea how to apply this to my form.

Can anyone help?

Thanks ahead!

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Set Allowedits = False On Record Change

Nov 7, 2006


I was just wondering if it was possible to set the Allowedits setting to false whenever someone moves to a new record.

I currently have Allowedits = No by default on form open, and an "Edit" button which sets allowedits to Yes. However, I want the form to go to Allowedits=No again when the user scrolls to a new record.

Also, is there a way to set the form so that if someone makes changes to a record, the change doesn't automatically save unless you press a save button.


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Reports :: Change Font Color Based On True / False Value Of Another Field

Jun 28, 2013

In access report, I'm trying to change color of text in specific records based on the true/false value in another record. Works in forms using conditional formatting, but won't seem to work in a report.

Here's what works in forms : IIf([2009 Symposium]=true, forecolor=255 ....this changes the records to red.

But using the same expression in a report doesn't change the text color.

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Forms :: Checkbox Label Color Change

Apr 21, 2013

I have several forms that each has a dozen or more checkboxes, true/false. I want to be able to change the background color of the label of each checkbox depending on if the checkbox is true or false. I have used the following code which works great:

If Me.A = True Then
Me.lblA.BackColor = vbYellow
Me.lblA.BackStyle = 1
Me.lblA.ForeColor = vbRed
Me.lblA.BackColor = vbWhite
Me.lblA.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If

Me.A refers to T/F checkbox A and Me.lblA refers to its label. This is repeated for each of the checkbox controls. If the control is [B], then its label is lblB. I have used this in the form OnCurrent event and the checkbox control OnUpdate event. I was wondering if I could use the tag property to this, saving me writing countless lines of code and having the OnCurrent event of each of the forms so long and cumbersome. And I do know that I can use conditional formatting to do this, but I would prefer not to use that method. Is there any way to do this using the tag property and not so many lines of code?

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General :: CheckBox To Change Color Of A Control

Sep 10, 2013

I have a CheckBox and a Field Date.

The latter has two conditions: If it is >=now() to be the font is RED and if <=Now() that the font is GREEN

Now, what I need is that pressing the CheckBox, ignore both conditions and that the font color is set GRAY

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Modules & VBA :: Allow User To Change Default Checkbox Values?

Jun 20, 2013

I've got a form (frmEdit) that allows users to search tblMain for records using a bunch of unbound controls and a dynamically created SQL statement. Search results are displayed in a subform (subMain), and the current record in the subform is displayed in a set of bound controls on frmEdit.

Now the important bit: There is a set of unbound checkboxes on my form that allow the user to change which fields are visible in subMain. This is accomplished by the following:

Private Sub chkName_AfterUpdate()
If Me.chkName = 0 Then
Me.subMain.Form.CorrespondingField.ColumnHidden = True
Me.subMain.Form.CorrespondingField.ColumnHidden = False
End If
End Sub

Certain fields are visible by default, but the user may want to change which fields those are. Here's what I've done so far to accomplish this:

Created a button (btnChangeDefaults) that opens a form (frmChangeDefaults)

Put checkboxes for each table field on frmChangeDefaults

Put a "Cancel" button (btnCancel)* and "Done" button (btnDone)** on frmChangeDefaults.

*btnCancel just closes frmChangeDefaults without making any changes to frmChangeDefaults or frmEdit

**btnDone changes Forms.frmEdit.Form.chkName.DefaultValue to Me.CorrespondingCheckBox.Value and then closes frmChangeDefaults

This all seems to work quite well, actually. Debugging confirms that the default values of the checkboxes on frmEdit are indeed changed when I click btnDone. But when I close frmEdit and re-open it, the default values return to what they were prior. This happens even when:

I close frmEdit using DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmEdit", acSaveYes

I close frmEdit after using DoCmd.Save acForm, "FrmEdit"

I save frmEdit manually by right-clicking and pressing save

What am I missing here?

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Modules & VBA :: Change HTML Text On Email If Checkbox Selected

Feb 18, 2014

I have the following code which works perfectly BUT I want to be able to add another line of text if users enable a checkbox. I have tried everything I can think of but can't get it to work. When using an "IF check150" statement it just adds the extra text in regardless of selection or not.


Function Mail_Radio_Outlook6(activedoc As String)
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim strbody As String
Dim acc_req As String
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

[Code] ....

This is fine most of the time but If a user ticks check150 I want to add another paragraph.

Do I use an IF statement, if so in what format? is it a separate function etc?

I am slowly getting more familiar with Access but still come unstuck on the simplest of things at times.

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Allowedits = False

Aug 6, 2007

i have a little problem, at least, i think it is little.
Within my access db form i have made a combobox for searching a number. When selected the applicable information will be shown in the detail part of the form.

I made a button in the detail section, to allow people to change the information.

However, after i placed the button with the allowedits = false and true part to autorise if people may or may not change the information, the combobox for searching a number only works when i first press the button [change] (so that the property is set on allowedits = true), then search the number by the combobox. Directly after that the combobox is not allowed to be used(!?)

What do i want?
- combobox is allowed to be used always
- information in detail section only is allowed to be changed when pressing the [change] button.

I am not sure how to do this, please help me if you want? :confused:

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Setting All To False

Jun 20, 2005

I've got a form which shows all the records in a list, with a check box next to each which is for choosing which ones to print. i have created a "de-select all" button, using a macro with simple SQL behind it -

"UPDATE companys SET print = false WHERE print = true"

when i test this button, it sets all the boxs to false except for the last one that was set to true. it also doesnt update the form straight away, sometimes the checks say until you scroll so the record is no longer on screen.

does anyone know how to rectify these problems?


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IIF Function Not Returning The False Value

Jan 16, 2006

IIF function not returning the false value. I have the following results based on the query shown below.

SELECT Trade.Ref_No, Trade.CERS_Price, Market.[USD/EUR_Rate], IIf("CERS_Price_currency = US Dollar.USD",[Trade].[CERS_Price]*[Market].[USD/EUR_Rate] , 0) AS [Price In Euro], Market.[USD/CHF_Rate], Trade.CERS_Price_Currency
FROM Status INNER JOIN (Market INNER JOIN Trade ON Market.MarketDate = Trade.Trade_Date) ON Status.StatusID = Trade.StatusID;

Price In Euro USD/CHF_Rate CERS_Price_Currency CERS_Price
35 7 US Dollar. USD 5
91 7 Euro. EUR 13
1,715.00 7 Brazil Reais. BRL 245
759.00 33 Indian Rupees. INR 23.00

As you can see returns all calculations whether is USD or not.
Can you help please?
Ultimately I want to do this for all other currencies by nesting the IIF function.



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Visible False In An Event

Aug 7, 2006

Hi guys, here is my problem. thx 4 hlping me.

i created a form to work as a menu. At this point the menu has only one option (File) which is a text box. Once the user click on the text box FILE, a list box appears below, leting the user select between a few options. When the user clicked one of the options , a new forms comes (popup and modal in yes).

The problem is that when the second form is closed, the menu still has the list box visible. I would like to make it no visible but i dont know how.

any clue?

thx, max.

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Me.Form.allowadditions = False

Nov 1, 2004

I have a subform with several records entered. When a particular entry is made in the subform
eg. chocolatebiscuit
I want the subform to not allow any more entries - records in that particular subform
Is there a easy way to do this?

I have tried to do this by saying
Me.Form.allowadditions = false

Unfortunately this works on the whole form
and stops the next subform - belonging to the next main record
from adding a new record.
How do I restrict the new records in A particular subform?

I tried
Me.Form.allowadditions = true
on entering the subform

but it doesnt work every time.

Also i put on enter
if not chocolatebiscuit then
allow entries
but for new records it takes the last entry in the subform
which could be two records back in the main form
says yes there is a chocolatebiscuit
and will not allow a new record.

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Adding A New Record Using With AllowAdditions Set To False?

Jul 17, 2005


Is it possible to add a new record thorough VBA (for a command button) with the AllowAdditions property set to false?

I only want new records created if this command button is pressed.


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True Or False Query Issue

May 12, 2006

I have a query that shows banned users (I work in a school). When a student's ban has ended, a tick box is checked in a form linked to tblBannedUsers to show they are no longer banned.

The query itself simply queries all records in tblBannedUsers with a username field (UserID) taking search criteria from a box on a form.

However, I want to filter out the students that are no longer banned (those with a tick in the checkbox). To do this, I thought it would be a simple case of editing the query, and in the Ban Lifted field criteria, use =False to say I only want those records with a tick.

This doesn't work and I still get all records given the combo box filter (which are just filtering for a username...if I leave it blank it gives all records via Is Null).

What should I be putting in the criteria to filter out those records with a ticked checkbox?


Steve Swallow

EDIT: I've just done a test query and <B>No</B> is the criteria to use, but when I use this criteria in my query which also take data from a form's combo box it ignore the <B>No</No> criteria.

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IIf Function - False Condition Problem

Dec 12, 2006

Hi, I've used the following code in the Criteria line in a query (Access 2000)and the false condition doesn't seem to work. If I replace the false condition >0 with any other single value (say 1) it works fine.


I'd be grateful for any help,

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Set Form's Visible Property To False

Feb 17, 2005

This seems really straight forward to me. I have 3 forms - FormA, FormB and FormC. When I open FormA the user inputs some information, when they tab to the last field, FormB opens (which I want to be invisible) and Form C opens.

I've tried putting this coding on the Open event of FormB:
Me.Visible = False

I've also tried putting this code on the Open event of FormC
Forms!FormB.Visible= False

Neither work. My form (FormB) still displays when eithr event occurs.

Any suggestions?


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Command Button.Enabled = False

Jun 15, 2005

I have a form with many command buttons. This form is a master for a database that keeps time for my department. One command button is a setup button that I want the user to run once and only once. What code, and where do I put it will allow my to set the command button's visible or enabled to be false. Even when the user closed the database and reopend it, if the user has run the setup once, I do not want to allow them to run it again.


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Filter On A Form True/false/neither

Jun 2, 2006

Is it possible to filter a forms records by using a boolean True/False field.
I want to show all current records for option 1, Expired records for option 2, and all records for option 3. The form is based on 'tblMembers' which has a field [Expired] which is a boolean yes/no field formatted to true/false.

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Queries :: SQL Like Returns False Records

Jul 9, 2015

SELECT tbl_Visits.vst_VisitDate, tbl_Visits.vst_Complaint, tbl_Visits.vst_Diagnosis
FROM tbl_Visits
WHERE (((tbl_Visits.vst_Complaint) Like "*asthma*")) OR (((tbl_Visits.vst_Diagnosis) Like "*asthma*"));

returns records with no occurrences of asthma. about 4 of 638 hits.

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Modules & VBA :: Set Warnings (False) Not Working

Nov 1, 2014

I have a combobox, and the 'OnNotInList' event has code to show a message box, then set focus to another control. That all works fine, however I am still getting the system generated 'Not in List Warning', despite the code for the not in list event starting with DoCmd.Setwarnings (False)

How to disable the warning?

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Modules & VBA :: Sum Up 10 Columns For Same Row Of True / False

Sep 19, 2014

There are around 100,000 records to update. Would a SQL Statement be more efficient?

It is a local table being used to sum up the results of a handful of rules.
The columns can only hold True or False (datatype)
If and only if all columns are True - then true

MyRow T T T T T T T T T T - Sum in next column is T
MyRow T T T T T T F T T T - Sum in next column is F

Speed is very important. The Recordset for a single row is still open on the Currrent Record since the Update just finished.

RS_RE_1SegStatusProfiled.Fields("Total") = (RS_RE_1SegStatusProfiled.Fields("RE_1") AND CStr(RS_RE_1SegStatusProfiled.Fields("RE_2") AND (RS_RE_1SegStatusProfiled.Fields("RE_3") ' and so on

My guess is that since the recordset is open to the current record on a local table, it will be efficient to just re-read all of the values and And them together.

Since I have code writing to each record, I could also go through all the extra assignment of a local variable.

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How To Set Up An Error Message If Criteria Is False In A Query ?

Aug 9, 2005

How to display an error message if the specified criteria is false in a query?
what function should be used for that?

I have a query which has to check 3 conditions and if the 3 conditions are true then it should display an error message.

What should be done for that?

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Query Criteria True/false Field

Apr 25, 2006

I'm trying to limit the records on a subform via an option group selection. The group has 2 options: optionTrue (option value = 1) and optionFalse (optio value = 2). I have the following code in my query criteria of the true/false field.


The false part works, but the true part doesn't. I've tried many variations using true/false, using checkboxes, etc. and nothing works.

The database is SQL Server if that matters.

Any suggestions?

Also, is their a way to have an option for True or False or ALL?


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Returning True/False To A Form When Query Is Run?

Mar 9, 2007

I'm really not sure how to go about this. I'm creating a course booking system and when creating a booking I need to check for current bookings with the same employee and course id's (i.e. the employee is already booked on the course). The query takes the employee and course id's from a form, and is initialised when the 'book' button is pressed. It correctly selects if the person is already booked on the course but I want the query to return a value to the form i.e. if it returns null/false then the booking can be created but if it returns a record/true then the booking already exists and a message box can be displayed.

I'm not sure if I'm going about this the right way, can anyone suggest how this can be done as described above or suggest a better way of doing the task?

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Show If False But Wont Let Me Make It True

Sep 16, 2005

I have a form that shows the records found in a query if the completed tick box is false. this is fine, but i have also put the tick box on the form, and wish the user to tick it when they are done how ever they, get a beeping error and wont let you change it to true. Can anyone suggest the resolutoin for this.

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