After informations is entered and a button is clicked to submit the information I can use the back/up arrows and page up to see what was entered even though the form is cleared. Is there something in the properties of the button that is clicked to submit that will make it impossible to see the prior users data.
It is personal information that people do not want others to see but is a public sign in computer.
Ok, here's the scoop. I have a tournament / player score tracking database that we are developing.
1. I have a form that I would like to use to select a table number. I use a combo box to select this table number. This part is easy.
2. Once I have selected the table number, I would like to have two sets of fields automatically filled with information from two different queries (ie: player #1 and player #2). Each set of fields will include the player name and the appropriate score fields for the event. The majority of the time the data that will show up will only be the player name since we will be receiving scores and entering the information as it comes in. However, this same form could be used to edit player scores.
3. I would like to be able to tab from one field to the next when entering the information. After all of the information is entered, I would like to then hit a button that will write the information back to the two queries.
The problem that I seem to have is trying to enter information from two queries on the same form. Alas, I have been experimenting with unbound forms, subforms and unbound text fields, but have not been able to get anything to work. Would anyone have some suggestions? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have a form, which is comprised of a sub form, and some of the text box controls sided with a button, and the event had been written to the button.
Now, to give a note on how had the sub form had been created is firstly taking a clone of the "Payments" table and using it as a datasheet, and then create a sub form in the form, it works fine
I have some code that looks like this to control a form;
Private Sub btnAdd_Click() Dim UserName As String Dim Initials As String Dim Password As String Dim OutlookName As String Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Check each control, is their a value? if not, set focus to control If IsNull(txtUserName) Then MsgBox "You did not enter a new UserName nobby!" Me!txtUserName.SetFocus Exit Sub
ElseIf IsNull(txtInitials) Then ' return value of UserName variable; MsgBox "You have not entered any initials for user: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'" Me!txtInitials.SetFocus Exit Sub
ElseIf IsNull(txtPassword) Then MsgBox "You must create a password for user: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'" Me!txtPassword.SetFocus Exit Sub
ElseIf IsNull(txtOutlookName) Then MsgBox "You must enter a Outlook name for: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'" Me!txtOutlookName.SetFocus Exit Sub
End If ' Pass the variables to the table. Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(("Users"), dbOpenDynaset, [dbSeeChanges]) With rst .AddNew ![User] = Me!txtUserName ![Password] = Me!txtPassword ![Initials] = Me!txtInitials ![OutlookName] = Me!txtOutlookName ![Level] = 1 ![Select] = 0 ![dummy] = Null .Update .Close Set rst = Nothing End With DoCmd.Close End Sub
Private Sub btnCancel_Click() ' Confirm Cancellation Box If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to quit?", vbYesNo, "Caution") = vbYes Then DoCmd.Close Else DoCmd.CancelEvent End If
End Sub
What I really want to do is once the update has occured is set a label I have as hidden, to show and to clear all the controls.
Thanks, Now I can populate text fields by selecting any one of the combo box selection.
But I need to clear the form to insert next record. Currently I am inserting record by using Save_cmd button. I can insert second record but couldnot clear all the fields after inserting automatically. So I am doing clear all the fields manually or overwriting values.
I have a SQL Database that is housing my tables I have an Access Front end that is Allowing users to view and edit the data residing on the SQL Database.
I have write/modify rights on the database and as such I wrote the code , OnLoad of Form, to Automatically set the Form to "Add Record", thus clearing all the TextBoxes and ComboBoxes. That works alright.
My problem is when a user without write/modify rights opens the Form I am getting an Error "Cannot go to specified Record". If I understand this right this is happening because they do not have suffeciant rights.
How Can I get a form to load and display all the textboxes and ComboBoxes BLANK....this only way I can think of is to set the form to Add Record.
I've developed a form where users enter and select information that will be stored in another table. Currently when I open the form, the information I entered from the previous use is still in the text and combo boxes. Is there a way to clear this information when the form is opened (so all boxes are blank)?
I searched the forum and couldn't find a thread to answer my question so here goes . . .
I have a form to lookup item number information. The user enters the item number and clicks on a "refresh" button to view information related to the item. Also the user can edit some of the fields using text boxes and a save command button.
I want to create a "clear" button which the user will click that will clear all of the data off the form before going to the next item. The form is bound to a table so I do not want to delete the data in the table, only clear the form. I have read that the form can be cleared by advancing to a new record. However, we do not want the user to create new records from this form. If you can tell me how to prevent the user from creating a new record, then the "advance to a new record" method could be a solution. I welcome any other ideas that you have to clear the form.
1) I linked this module to a macro so that on clicking a button, the macro runs the module and closes it, but it's not working. in my macro, I have open module: Reset I also have clode module= Object: Module, Name: Reset But this is not working
I'm trying to create a search form with drop down boxes to select criteria.
I would like a "Clear Form" button that removes any data on the form to start a new search with. I have the following command in an "on click" event. But when I use this, it does clear the form. But from then on out, I get no results from my form. Even submitting the form with every entry blank, I get no results, when I know I have data in the form. I verified with my tables that the data in them didn't get deleted by using the code to clear the form.
From what I know, this should only clear my form, not cause it to mess with results after it's used to clear the form once. I've even deleted this line of code from my database itself and I still get 0 responses back when I search.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong, or is there a better way to clear a form with a button to click on?
I have a search form where I enter a value and click on a command button. All records that correspond to that value are displayed (continuous form). Works fine.
However, when I exit the form and then go back in, the data from the previous search still populates the screen. The search value/field is blank, but all the previous records are still displayed. How can I clear those values everytime I enter the form (or exit the form) ?
Private Sub Job_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If IsNull(DLookup("[Job Number]", "Job", "[Job Number]= " & Me.[Job Number] & " ")) Then MsgBox "Job Number doesn't exist Enter a job number that already exist." Me.[Job Number].Undo Cancel = True End If End Sub
It is not clearing the Job Number Field, and also it is not letting me to close the form without entering the Job number that already exist. If I try to close the form without entering the job number it gives me run time error " syntax error (missing operator) query expression '[Job Number] = '."
I apologize if this has probably been asked countless times; however, in my search of this forum I could not find something that seemed to work for something so simple.
I have 2 forms. The first form is my main form and the second form is my "popup" form. Both of these forms access the same table. In my main form I have it so people can not enter in a ID so it reduces accidental data entry. Therefore, I created a "popup" box that allows ID entry.
Everything works great except when I close out of the popup form, the newly entered data is not available unless I close the main form and reopen.
Million Dollar Question:
How do I refresh or requery (dunno the correct term usage here) the main form to reflect the addition I made in my popup form. I would like the refresh event to happen when I click the close button on my popup form.
My data entry form has a button that allows the record to be saved. However, after saving the record, the form doesn't allow a new record to be added. The new form just sits there with the previously entered information in it. How do I go to a new record?
I designed a Data Entry interface. I wish the system can automatically clear all the values of controls in the form after users click the 'save' button.
Is there any good solution instead of manually setting each control's value to null?
I tried Undo method, but it didn't work on either control (textbox) or form itself.
Purchase Order with main details on (Po Number, Supplier etc) with a sub form carrying the line items to be ordered.
Table PO Form PO Table POSUB Form POSUB
When entering main order details into Form PO, why do the fields in the related table(Table PO) immediately get populated when the the focus gets transfered to the sub-form (Form POSUB). with users quiting the database illegally (not by the cancel records button) the result is unwanted records in the Table PO.
What I want to do is complete the input fields in the main and sub forms without any records being commited to the tables until the "Save Record" button is pressed.
I've been working on a database (attached) for a health trust. I think the relationships are right but I'm having a problem entering data. The subform shows the correct data but I can't figure out how to enter data using a form.
Can someone point me to a tutorial - I have searched the forums - honest!!
I have couple of forms where...The users enters a name of the river where he/she was fishing in, I also have an option where the user can browse for previous entered rivers.I am wondering how this works, how do I let the information entered go automatically into the browse section and how can I prevent from duplicates will appear in the browse for previous entered rivers. thanxp.s is this something that I will work with in the table it self or can I change this in the form ???
I'm having trouble getting my form to be "blank" except for the labels upon loading. I've tried putting in some code "on load" but it doesn't clear everything. I haven't had this trouble on some of my other db's, the only difference here is it's a switchboard. I don't know if that matters.
I have a timesheet form that pulls from a query that pulls from a table I want to clear my daily charges and reset back to the default value of 0 when my form opens ...
I need help on this, from what the best concept is, to what I need to look into using:
I store Quote data from phone calls into tblQuotes. There is a seperate table that holds much of the same information except that it is for actual orders called tblOrders.
As far as function goes, I have each working much the way I need it to except for one thing... If a sales person is on the phone with a customer with a quote already in the system, right now they re-enter the data into the Order table. Most times, the order is what was quoted, but maybe with a few small changes (so I will wnt to keep a historical record of the quote). How could I copy the contents of the quote recordset into the recordset for an order, where all the sales rep does from there is edit the quote to the actual order?
Would I use VBA or an update query that is executed via VAB? Honestly, I am unsure how to do this at all, I hope someone has seen this before and has a good suggestion...
I've designed a form to enter several items at the same time, eg, I want to enter aeveral company names on one form. The trouble is that when I enter data into one box, it appears in all the other boxes with the same field names, not allowing multiple data, is there a way around this?
I am new to VBA, and i need some help in my system..... basically i am creating a appointments Form, and in this i have some txt fields and a listbox which contains the available times ... What i want my form to do is that as the user enters the values in the form and the time selected, as clicking the "set Appointment" button it should add the values to the table.
I have included a word document of my form: Just as some help... Could you guyz help me with the coding... I am not at all good at coding! Thanx alot guys.. I really appreciate your help!!
Hey, basically, i have an invoice form, and on this I need to add InvoiceDate to it. Now, on the form, I have =Date(), but this changes every time i open the form, so it dosnt actually record the date. I have to manually type the date in to the form, which is not very good usibility practice. Can anyone help? Ive tried searchin, but I couldnt fin much relevent stuff. CHeers Alex