How To Construct Dynamically A Table Field Based On Query Criteria.

Sep 13, 2007

Hello all,

I have a temporary table with Yes/No fields (F101,F102,F103,....etc).
In another table i have a field called ProductCode with values (101,102,103,....etc)
Is it possible to append(or update) the records of the temp table with criteria on "F" &ProductCode field? (For example if ProductCode=101 then F101 sets to yes)

Thank you in advance.

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Tables :: Autopopulation Of Field From Another Table Based On Another Field Criteria

Dec 5, 2012

I have a main table which is autonumbered on unitid, I have another table which is linked via the unitid which holds items purchased for the main table, so the second table is a subform of the suppliers and will have multiple entries of the same unitid. What I would like to do is when an item is entered into the second table, check the main table to see if it exists, if it does populate the unitid field with the unitid from the main table, and if not exist create a new record in the main table with the next unitid number.

This in essence is what I want, bearing in mind that the tblinvoices is a subform and the tblmain is not open.

If ([tblinvoices]![Unit] = [tblmain]![Unit]) Then
[tblinvoices]![UnitID] = [tblinvoices]![UnitID]
End If

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Trouble Extracting Field From Table Based On 2 Criteria

Jun 30, 2005

Hi all,
Been pulling my hair out about this for a while, so i hope someone's feeling kind:

I'm using the BHRefPrefix to build part of a reference number. The Principal and Site exist on a separate form, and i need to use both as criteria in order for the correct BHRefPrefix to be returned.

I sort of get it working using two joins, but it doesn't let me add any new records. I've tried straight queries, queries with DLookup expressions, and i just can't get what i need.


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How To Set Query Criteria Based On # Of Characters In A Field

Sep 15, 2005

Maybe it's the day's 'brain drain', but I need to set a criteria in a query whereby it will select answers in a field that are a specific number of characters in length.
i.e., answers that are 5 digits long (without knowing any of the digits)


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Queries :: Dynamically Add Fields To SQL Or Query Based On Form Selection

Nov 6, 2013

Is it possible to add a field (i.e., variable) to a query (or SQL programming) based on a form selection?For instance, if I use a form to allow an end-user to specify which fields they wish to include in the query (essentially creating a UI for the query builder), how would I go about creating the query/SQL or updating the query/SQL?

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Need Help With Junction Table(s) Construct

Apr 13, 2007

I'm working in the petro-chem and industrial service industries now, and am finding there are relationships I haven't had much exposure to in the past.

Can someone please help me with constructing the tables and relationships needed here?

This is something I should probably know, yet I've never created junction tables which must take into account nested data. I have created a relationship which works, but I feel it could be done in a simpler fashion.

By the way, I cannot find Pat Hartman's many-to-many sample db. It is either missing, or the restrictions on word length in Search just aren't letting me find it.

Table: WorkOrder is the primary table I'm working with. I need to store 4
pieces of information for every WorkOrderID, two of which have subs.

Here's a picture of the data I need to collect:

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Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

Below is what I have tried but in vain and it says atmost you can atmost one criteria row in sub query

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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General :: Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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Dynamically Update Field Of A Current Record Based On Previous Record

Apr 30, 2007

I need a way to dynamically store a particular value in "field_2" of the CURRENT record depending on whether or not the value of "field_1" of the CURRENT record is identical to the value of "field_1" of the PREVIOUS record within the same table. The table is sorted on "field_1".

So, if the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is also "ABC", then store a value of "PPP" in "field_2" of the current record. IF on the other hand, the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is "XYZ", then store a value of "WWW" in "field_2" of the current record.

I have a report that will use these results to count only the number of records that have a "WWW" in "field_2".

Is this doable, maybe in a query somehow?

I should add that whatever the solution, it needs to be compatible with Access 2000.

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Need Help How To Construct Query With Conditional Statement

Mar 29, 2007

how do i use conditional statement in sql? im using access 2003 as frontend and backend.

i would like to count the number of records in a table (ex. ENROLL) where there is only 1 instance of any value in a field (ex. STUDENT_NO) plus another condition where a given value (ex. 1) should exist in another field (ex. SECTION).

Table name: ENROLL

16 ----------- 1 ------ 75
16 ----------- 2 ------ 75
17 ----------- 1 ------ 100
18 ----------- 2 ------ 125
19 ----------- 1 ------ 75
19 ----------- 2 ------ 75
19 ----------- 3 ------ 75
20 ----------- 1 ------ 150


The number of records (count) in the table where there is only one instance of the STUDENT_NO value and the corresponding SECTION value is 1

The sum of the FEE values in the table where there is only one instance of the STUDENT_NO value and the corresponding SECTION value is 1

The answer should come out like this:

count = 2
value = 250

Can anybody please help me to construct the SQL statement?

Thanks in advance!

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Queries :: Way To Construct A Query From Selected Inputs

Nov 27, 2014

I have a form with several fields and combo boxes on which the user will select different criteria to generate a report.The default value for each of these fields/cbo's is "*", so if the user changes nothing from the default, I execute a basic "SELECT *" query.

If however the user enters some value (selects a specific date range, customer number, salesman,etc), I would like to 'easily' modify my query to accommodate the entered search criteria.Trying to construct SQL when there are many search options like this is difficult. I took a stab at using QueryDefs but I'm struggling to find example VBA code as an example.

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How To Set Field / Table And Criteria In Update Query

Jan 10, 2013

I have a form that run a query to select all the students taught by a given faculty member. Once the records are loaded, the faculty enters attendance data, selects a date from a combo box and hits a save button.I change my relationship and now need to be able to store the key for the field in the combobox and not the text.

How do I set the field, table and criteria in the update query to do this. The UD query uses the FacultyStudents query as its record source. Currently the FacultyStudents querry does not have the Key or the date fields since the date is selected by the faculty once their records are loaded. As I see it there is now way to make a join, so I think I either need VBA or SQL, which I am not very good (really bad) at wriitng. Can the necessary Sql be written in the query design view?

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Queries :: Query To Run Before Report Based On Criteria Based From Two Combo Boxes On Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.

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Modules & VBA :: Construct A Query With Number Of DCounts For Summary Report

Dec 16, 2014

I am trying to construct a query with a number of DCounts for a summary report, and each of those counts is to have more than one criteria.So far, the code below is an example of the code, which returns #Error in five rows

DCount("[ID]","Attendance","[Absent]= True & " And [Date]=" Between [Forms]![DateSelect]![txtStartDate] And [Forms]![DateSelect]![txtEndDate]")

I have a feeling that it is the criteria for the date that I have got wrong, but I cannot see the wood for the trees at the moment.If it makes any difference, all of the DCounts will refer to one table and will all be within the same date range.

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Erron With Linked Table Query Using Date Field Criteria

Apr 29, 2008

Hello all

I am using Access as a front end (GUI) with a SQL 2005 database and have several linked tables. An user encountered an odd error that I cannot figure out.

He created a query that had criteria on a date. When he tries to run it the query will not do anything. If he closes out of the query and does any other operation he gets the "This Action will reset the current code in break mode." error and will have to close out access before he can do anything else.

I'm found some strange work-arounds but want to fix the problem the correct way. Attached are two examples - the first one causes the error the second one is the work-around that returns the desired results.

Any ideas?

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Queries :: How To Use Table Field As Query Criteria Access 2010

Dec 17, 2013

I have a table that has one field and I want to use this field as a query criteria . when i click on CRITERIA & BUILD, Access lets me select the table field and shows [tblBillRun]![Bill_Run] for the criteria but when I click RUN, it prompts me to ENTER PARAMETER VALUE. What am i doing wrong?

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Queries :: Update In Table From Same Table Based On Criteria Column In Same Table

Sep 29, 2013

How can I update (some columns) in a table from the same table based on a Criteria column in the same table.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Table Field Based On A Query

Nov 16, 2013

I have a table 'table1' which has various field including an ID field and a yes/no field. I then have a form based on a query originally derived from data in the original table. The form provides a list with some ID's with a yes and some with a no.

I'm trying to write a button code to convert all the no's into yes' for those ID's picked out by the query.

I've searched lots of sites and get that I need to set recordsets for both table1 and the forms' query but all my efforts crash or give an error.

I am looking for the right way to say .." for each ID in form set the yes/no field corresponding to the same ID in table1 to yes"

I'd attach my version ....

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Criteria Based On The Value In Another Field

Feb 15, 2006

Hey guys, apologies in advance for a question which you may have answered many times, I have searched the net, my textbook and these forums but to no avail.

I have a table, 'tblStock'.

I have two fields within this table, 'Stock Level' and 'Minimum Stock'.

I want to run a query on this table, finding all records where the value in 'Stock Level' is LOWER than the value in 'Minimum Stock'.

How would I go about setting up this query? What criteria would I type? I have tried typing <"Minimum Stock" in the criteria for 'Stock Level' but it didn't work.

Thanks in advance... this will be a big help. :)

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Criteria Based On Value In Another Field

Apr 3, 2012

I have a query in Access with the following fields (grouped):

"Name" "Facility" "Number of Visits"

I want to limit the query to only pull those names that have at least one visit to a specific facility (let's say facility "A"), but I also need to see all of the other facilities that those who visited Facility A visited. So in this case "= "A"" in the criteria section of the Facility field wouldn't work. I think I need to plug something in the criteria section under the Name field, but I am not sure what.

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Query Based Report Not Showing One Table In Add Field List

Jul 13, 2015

I'm an Access novice. I have a query based report that is based on several tables. All tables are joined by the same field "customer ID," but 1 table is not available under "Add Existing Fields." I cannot figure out why that table isn't available, but I need to add a field.

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Updating A Field Based On A Certain Criteria

Nov 6, 2006

Is there a way in a query (using SQL) to go to the first record to update a field based on a criteria ?
For example if my amount field shows two amounts for $300.00 I want to go to the first record that has $300.00 to update a field in that record.

Is that possible?

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How To Choose Field Based On Criteria

Jun 1, 2007


I am building a database that calculates freight costs for shipments.

I have one table that has order data with fields such as [Order Number], [Origin], [Destination], [Service Level], [Weight].

The service level is one of 4 values: PRE 9, PRE 12, NEXT DAY, NEXT DAY +1.

The origin and destination use country codes such as BE, AT, CZ, PL for Belgium, Austria, Czech, and Poland respectively.

I also have rate sheets from carriers such as DHL and UPS and they provide their rates in the following format (numbers are made-up as real rates are confidential): [Origin], [Destination], [Service Level], [0 to 0.5 kg], [0.5 to 1.0kg], [1.0 to 1.5kg], [1.5 to 2.0kg], etc all the way up to 30kg. The rate is then in the appropriate column and the row gives the origin-destination-service level combination.

(sample freight rate table uploaded as zipped excel sheet in attachment)

I need to return the rate from the appropriate row based on the [Origin], [Destination] and [Service Level] fields (easy enough), which is easy enough.

The hard part is selecting the correct field to return. I tried usign a Choose expression but Access rejected it saying it was too complex (maybe because too many choices?).

So I'm stuck. And working towards a deadline... :-)

Can anyone help please?

Many thanks,

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Insert Records Into Table Based On The Select Criteria From The First Table.

Mar 22, 2005


I have a small database with 4 tables that I am using for the current problem.
The tables are call, parents, mailman, orders.
Call and parents are related by the call ID (a primary key in the Call table.).
Mailman and orders are related by a Unique Id (a primary key in the mailman table.).

Forms involved are frmmain and frmsub.

Frmmain contains the call table information in the main form and parents information in the subform.

When a user enters a call with call ID and enters the operator name and parents information in the sub form,
When a user clicks the OK button on the main form, necessary changes should take place
if they enter the case type in the sub form part of parent information as ‘missing information’ or ‘missing link’ then the parent information with fields first name, lastname, case type, operator information should be inserted into mailman table in appropriate fields.

Simultaneously a record should be inserted into orders( after the record is first inserted into mailman, since both tables are linked with unique id) with the following information.
Orderid being autonumber.
Uniqueid from the mailman table.
Orderdate system date.
Ordertype should be “Mailman”

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Reports :: Dynamically Include Columns Based On Check Box

May 28, 2013

I have a report with many columns in the detail listing data, and their associated titles above in the page header.What I would like to accomplish is the ability for the user to check boxes off on a form which will remove/add specific columns to the report. The form will essentially be a "build your report" style, with a button on it opening the print preview of the custom report.

Im assuming this is accomplished by the "on load" part of the form through VBA. How is the sizing handled? If the user un-check's a box to remove a column of data, how is the header and detail data "moved over" or re-arranged to accomplish a relatively decent looking layout? Any example or example code to deal with one column/setup (which I can copy and modified)??

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Dynamically Create N Fields Based On User Input

May 31, 2015

I run a charity pre-school and have invoices to send out. Some of the parents cant afford to pay the whole amount in one go, so we give them a payment plan. e.g. If an invoice is for a 6 week term we let them pay weekly. So I have a check box on my form to say "are you on a payment plan".

Then - I have an free form input box..."How many payments..." and the answer may for instance be '6'.

What I want to do now is dynamically create/display 6 date fields, to record what the agreed payment dates are.

but maybe the answer is 4, or 7, etc. So I need to create/display the correct number of payment date fields.

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