How To Create A Dashboard With MS Access?

Feb 27, 2008


I would like to get pro month and marketing campaign the values of about 12 KPIs. This dashboard will be used by different countries/marks.
My KPIS do not have the same entries. For example :
- the customer satisfaction is calculated on the number of customers "satisfied", "unsatisfied", "acceptable",
- the percentage of corrected and on-time reports is based on the number of reports "total", "late", "with failures", "late and with failures",
- the availability of the is based on the number of hours... etc.

Do you have an idea of the way to proceed?

I created the following tables :
-Tbcampaign (ID_Campaign, Campaign name)
-TbRegion (ID_Region, Region Name)
-TbTime (ID_Time, Month, Year)
-TbFact (ID_KPI, ID_Campaign, ID_Region, ID_Time, Value)

... but how can I proceed with the KPIs?
Thanks a lot in advance!

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Dashboard With Data From Last 7 Days?

Dec 16, 2014

I have Access table tblupdate that stores following fields:


Now I want to create a dashboard that will show data of last 7 days from todays dates in 3 charts :

1st chart with Red colour (That means if todays date is greater than TargetDate)

2nd Chart with Green Colour (That means if todays date is less than target date)

3rd chart with AMber colour that means if todays date is equal to Date field.

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Jan 3, 2006

I have created an Access Dashboard for a SQL Database. This is secured user Access User Level Security and works fine.

I am now looking to add some data from other Secured Access Databases but these are secured using different Workgroup Files.

Is there a way to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Splash Screen / Dashboard Progress Bar

Jul 9, 2014

I want a progress bar in a form that will increase from bottom to top . The data will from Access table. The bar will start from 0 to Maxvalue. The Maxvalue will be calculated as below:

Total number of batches in the table/ No. of working days between 14072014 and 31112014 / 2

So the above calculation will define the range of a progress indicator.

And now we have to show the % percentage that means how many batches have been scanned for today. For this the following calculations will be used:

Count total batches where scandate=today and scannedby<>null

Now this will show the percentage in the bar that means hopw much work has been completed.

The progress bar should move from bottom to top when % increases.

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Forms :: Dashboard - Calculations On Invisible Form

Apr 3, 2013

I have a dashboard that opens with my main form and it contains many textboxes with Dcounts, Dlookups and Dsums in it. I am hoping that I can put these textboxes on a separate form that is hidden unless a command button is clicked to make it visible.

I know how to do this, but my question is whether or not all of those queries will run whether or not the form is visible. Obviously if the Dsums etc.. are going to run anyway, then I won't bother.

Is there a better way to do this?

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Total Record In Each Query To Be Shown In Main Dashboard Form

May 23, 2013

I have a database with many Quires I want to create in the main form "welcome Form" many txt boxes cells

To show a total records in Each Quires

For Example I have the below list queries

Expired Employees PassportExpired Employees Work PermitExpired Employees VisasExpired Employees Insurance

In the "Welcome Forms" I will create a txt boxes Cells for Each one of those Queries to be Show only No "total Record in Each one". It is like a dashboard to monitor daily without opening the Report or Query...

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How To Create MDB-bank Without Access ?

Aug 25, 2006

Is it possible to create MDB-bank without Access ?

Thank you very much!



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Create A 97' Db Using Access 2003

Feb 18, 2007


don't know if you can help me - I have been tasked with creating a simple DB but for use on systems that have access 97 installed, I use access 2003 (reasonable standard) is this possible and are there any pitfalls I should be aware of?


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Create E-mail From Access

Aug 23, 2004

I have a field for E-mail addresses. Is there a way that when an email addresss
is entered that an e-mail can be generated using that e-mail address

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How To Create Synonyms In MS Access

Nov 22, 2006


I want to create Synonym for a Table in MS Access.
Please tell me solution ASAP.


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How To Create Dashboards In Access

Jun 13, 2012

how to create dashboards in access?

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How To Create Forms That Others Can Use WITHOUT Access

Mar 11, 2015

Everyone who will be filling out the form has access to Word, Excel, Sharepoint, and other office-type applications. But not everyone will have Access installed, and it would not be prudent to ask everyone to install it in order to fill out a form.

Is there a method for a form created in Word, Excel, PDF, or any other generally available software to automatically fill an Access database?is there a way, by creating a web database in access to be used with a Sharepoint, to create some kind of web-based form that will automatically fill the database?

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How To Create Log File In Access

Jun 11, 2012

How I can create a log file in Access?

This file will record all processing on access file

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Using Access To Create A Perpetual Schedule

Aug 10, 2005

I am trying to create a database to schedule customer visits. I would like to enter a beginning date and a frequency (IE every week or every two weeks) and then be able to print a schedule by entering a date range. Very similar to how MS Outlook calendar performs. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks Chad

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Create Help File Inside Of Access

Oct 6, 2005

I created a help file in access that lets you have text mesasge up to 1024 chars. Just press F1 key on any control that you have setup to bring up help message.

Does any one see any problems with the way I did this?

Help File: = ""
Help Context ID: = 0

For each control on the form where you would like to have a help message do the following.
Help Context ID: = Set to one of the help index numbers in the help table.

Add KeyDown Event to the control

Private Sub Text0_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'Add this line
KeyCode = DisplayHelp(KeyCode, Me.ActiveControl.HelpContextId)
End Sub


Function DisplayHelp(KeyCode As Integer, HelpContextId As Integer) As Integer
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstRecords As DAO.Recordset

If KeyCode = VBKeyF1 Then ' 112 = F1
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstRecords = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT tlbHelp.Index, tlbHelp.HelpMessage " & _
"FROM tlbHelp WHERE (((tlbHelp.Index)=" & HelpContextId & "));")

With rstRecords
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
Call MsgBox(!HelpMessage, vbInformation, "Help")
End If
End With
DisplayHelp = 0 ' Clear KeyCode
Set dbs = Nothing
DisplayHelp = KeyCode
End If
End Function

Create Table and Fields

Table Name: tlbHelp
Field Name: Index as Number
Field Name: HelpMessage as Memo
Field Name: FieldName as Text
Field Name: FormName as Text

How type in custom number and message for each help message.

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Is It Possible To Create Self Calculating Hyperlinks In Access?

Feb 27, 2007

I am creating a database that basically holds product information. The different fields I have is Supplier, Product Code, Product Description.

For each product I have a product specification in a word document the names of these specifications follow this convention: [Supplier]&[Product Code] e.g. Coca Cola012345

I need a hyperlink to link to the relevant word document, but rather than going through and setting them up one by one I want the hyperlink to be self calculating depending on the information entered in the fields.

I tried typing in the following in the hyperlink address part in the properties:
=[Supplier]&[Product Code]&".doc"

but it seems to read it exactly as I type it in and obviously does not work.

Can anyone suggest a way round this or perhaps a completely different way of doing it which may be more effective???

Thanks in anticipation of your help.

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Create A Ms Access Report Index

Jun 13, 2007

I am using MS Access 2000 to handle a help desk system. Each job is given a task number and users are able to output a report of all of there tasks, with full notes.

What I would like to do is create a index front page or section which lists just the task numbers and the page number they appear on.

Can this be done or is there somewhere to perform a search on a report?

Any help most appreciated.


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Can I Create This Excel Chart In Access?

Aug 9, 2007

Dear Access Expert

I am trying to create the Excel chart see attachments (ExcelChart.jpg) in MS Access but I don't think it's possible with the Access Wizard because it doesn't allow me to use more than one data field (step 2 in the Chart Wizard)

I created the Excel Chart using a pivot table in Excel with two data fields and they are graphed simultaneously

For the Access Chart I only managed to get the "Total Delay Series" and not the "Arrival Delay Series."

Must I use Excel to make this complex chart and link it to my Access form and if so can the chart still be dynamic? My intention is to set parameters using combo boxes and then create the chart on the fly. For example currently the user sees the series for the years 2004- 2008. I want to enable the user to be to have a choice about what years (range) they want to view.

THank you so much.

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Create VIEWS For Access Tables

Jan 20, 2005

Hi Pals,
Is it possible to create VIEWS for access Tables....
If its possible... How its pls ? :confused:

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Create And Edit Image In Access

Mar 28, 2005

Hello! All,
I need to store a customer signature in the database so that we can take a print out at a later time.
I don't know how to go about doing this and thought that creating and editing an image within an access form should be a good option. But I don't know how to go about doing that either. So could anyone please help with this and also if you have a better idea, could you suggest that too. I have the application running on a tablet PC so there's something called Stickynotes too that comes with it. It would be great if someone could suggest a solution


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Create Outlook Appointment From Access

Oct 22, 2004

How do I create an Outlook appointment from an Access database?

Thanks for the help!!

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How To Create Tool Bar Menue In Access

Jun 17, 2005

Hi guys. I want create a tool bar menue in access 2000 that is linked to indvidule forms in my access but i do not know how i to do it. Just like internet explorer tool bar menue that has file edit view ... and u can click and a drop down list comes and u can select one and ....

I want make such menue in access that each drop down list item from menue is linked to form and once it is selected that a perticuler form loads. I be happy if some one show me how to make such tool bar menue.(i want it the menue loads once i click on the mdb file).Thanks

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Noob With Access - I Need To Create A Relationship?

May 20, 2007


Im building a web application to control the stock of a small company.

I already made the database with all the items and descriptions in one table.

This table would be the main warehouse. so now i have to create 3 different departments in different tables where i have to move stuff from the main warehouse.
So if i have 10 boxes in main, and i move 4 to department1. then i would get 6 boxes in main and 4 in dep1.

My web app would be constantly updating the stuff being sold in departments 1,2,3.... so here is my question.

how do i make the database to update the quantities by itself in the main warehouse table if department X sells anything...?

Like in Excel, when you work with different sheets that can update the other ones if you change a number. the rows can be linked... can i do this in access?

Otherwise i would have to write a lot of extra SQL code in the ASP scripts and im really out of shape cause i don't program in ASP sisnce very long time ago... years.


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General :: Way To Create A Audit Log In Access?

Dec 14, 2012

Is their a way to create a audit log in access?I have a log-in screen on my db and every time a user logs in i want it to be recorded. is their away to do it?

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How To Create Multiple Records In Access

Jan 5, 2012

I am relatively new to Access and have a simple database which I use to generate Publication numbers for our new publications. I would like to have a text box and button on a form that will generate duplicate records of the current record the same number of times as specified in the text box.

E.g. If I need 6 copies of a record I would like to enter 6 in a text box, click a command button that will generate 6 duplicates of that record.

The code in order to do this 'on click'.

Table = Publications
Form = Publicationsfrm
Text Box = Lines
Command Button = Submit
Primary Key = PublicationNo

I have tried the following code but it is not working.....

Dim i as Long, myRS as Recordset
Set myRS = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset("Publications")
For i = 1 to Me![Lines]
With myRS
![PublicationNo] = Me![PublicationNo]
End With

Alternatively if I have a duplicate record button that uses a macro is there a way to run that macro the specified number of times in the 'Lines' text box.

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Create A Column Chart In Access

Jun 4, 2012

I am trying to create a chart in Access but havent done it before.

1). I have the following data:






2). I dont to create a chart where I am showing the transaction count (countoftype) in the Y axis and the code and bill_date in the Y. I want the chart to show the transaction by code and show what month it occurred. Would this be a crosstab query?

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