How To Create A "status" Or Progress [popup] Display

Jan 8, 2006

Ok the question may sound cryptic, but I have a large database with many forms that all contains VBA code that can be iniated via a button and will perform some time consuming work.

I would like to be able to view some kind of status or progress of the work performed. Perhaps even dynamically like in from 0-100% work done.

Example send some status text to either a popup form or even the bottom "statusbar" text area. The problem with the latter is that I know how to change it via VBA, but as far as I know it requires me to access and change it using form and object. But I need this from so many forms and objects (buttons) that I would need to do a lot of code rework to actually know where I am calling my VBA code from.

Is it possible to change the status text "universally", that is without regards to a form and object?

Or how else can I go about to display some status/progress text which will work from any form and object without passing form and object name.

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Progress Bar/Status Bar

Dec 27, 2005

I have developed several applications in code which take anywhere from 15-30 minutes to run, depending on the amount of data and local server traffic. I would like my clients to be able to tell that their process is actually running through some kind of "percentage complete" status bar or progress indicator, rather than their computer sitting there with an hourglass visible for what seems like forever. I would like to set this up where it runs from the form which triggers the code or the like.....any easy way to set this up or any code repository make this easier?

Thanks. Happy new year to all!!

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Progress Status For Record Completetion...

Dec 4, 2006

hi everyone,

just wondering if it was possible to have a box that returns the % completion of the current record depending on how much data/how many of the fields of the record have been filled out.

e.g. fields with containing data / total number of fields * 100

possible or not? if is it done?

thanks, james

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General :: Display Progress Message On Screen

Jun 24, 2013

I want to display the message "Processing Record ? of ???..." on the screen while my vba code is running without interruption. Since the msgbox requires the user to click a button to continue, what is the simplest way to display this message on the screen without interrupting the program or requiring user interaction?

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Create A Tutorial That Tracks Progress For A Specialized Access Database

Apr 13, 2007

We are working on an access2000 database that will incorporate various "tutorial" or "training" elements in the db on how to use the db (mostly links to outside PDF files, etc.); the training elements guide users on how to do various data entry tasks, report generation, etc.

Is there a way, in Access, to track which "step" of the procedure a user is on? For instance, if they make it through Exercises 1-5, is there a way we can add some sort of indicator that lets them know, when they come back to it a week later, that they left off on Exercise 6? I have seen this done in various software tutorial packages, but I'm not sure how it is accomplished?

Any suggestions?

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Trying To Create A Status Query

Sep 7, 2005

Hey guys, I am trying to creat a query from my Status table, but having NO luck getting it to work. Basicly the Query is going to create brand new columns with the Status entry from the row selected. I have been able to create a query with 1 status column, but I cann't seem to figure out how to code it where it creates a 2nd. Heres what I have

SELECT SiteStatus.Status AS MailStatus
FROM SiteStatus
WHERE (([SiteStatus].[Site Component]="mail"));

Some how I need the Where statement to go along with the new Mailstatus column and then create a new column with the same effect, have it select the status from the row what contains the "component" in the "component" col. Anyone get any of this cause its starting to confuse me even now. Using Access 2003

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Create A Popup

Aug 30, 2004

I am using an Access generated number for a "ref. number" I would like to know how when im in a form shown the box that would house that number, and someone clicks on the "ref, number" box a popup "search" would appear.

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Forms :: Display Value Of Control Within Popup Form

Jul 25, 2013

I have a main form bound to a query. Within that form, I have a button which calls up another form (pop up form). I simply want value of the "claim#" field-control to display in the "claim#" field-control of the pop-up form.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Particular Record Inside Of A Tab Located On Popup

Jan 7, 2014

What is the syntax to display a particular record inside of a tab located on a pop-up?

In other words,

I have a pop-up called People_Enter.

On People_Enter is a tabbed control called TabCtl89

On tab (2) is a subform called company_contacts_attachcompany that displays a Single Form record.

I want to open that particular Single Form where EntryId = value

I know how to assign the Where but not how to call the form.

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How To Display Popup Text On Double Click Or Mouseover Of A Field

Nov 20, 2013

I know how to do an action on doubleclick or mouseover but I want some simple text to come up, possibly with a white background behind it that has some details about the specific production number that the user is clicking on. Is there something like this? I tried a dialog but it brings up an ugly form, I just want the text or something simple. Can this be done?

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Reports :: Display Report In Popup Window And Maximize In Print Preview Layout

Dec 22, 2013

I have created a report with a subreport for my database. The user selects the project for which he/she wants to see a report. Once the project is selected, the report is displayed in a popup window and maximized in the print preview layout. This allows the user to view and read the report. Once this is done, there are no buttons or menus on the screen that allows the user to send the report to a printer or file.

Other than the report, there are minimize / maximize and close buttons at the top right of the window and page selection buttons at the bottom left of the window. If the user wants to print the report, they must either hit ctrl-P or right click the mouse on the screen to display a menu from which the user can select print to open a print dialog box. Is there any way to add a button or menu to the print preview that appears on the screen to make printing easier?

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Timesheet Table To Create Popup If Timesheet Entries Is Not Entered Day Before

May 24, 2007

hiya, just posted a message today.

Problem, ive got a work database which employees logon to and enter time against certain projects they have been working on. What i need is to somehow create some code that will look at each of the employees names and sum up there total time for the previous day. If this is less than say 6 hours of timesheets or even zero entries have been made, I want a pop up message to pop up as soon as they logon to the datatbase the next day and jsut mention they need to fill in there timesheets.

At the moment each person when they log on to the database has there name they logged in as, placed into a field (called "First Name") within form (called "Employee Startup Screen"). *** maybe use this as a way to identify who is logged on and when to run the code.***

Timesheet table has the following columns:
Employee; Date; ProjectID; Timespent

PLEASE help im a noob at this and have tried using some code on a query that sums up the previous days times filter on a employee. When the "Employee Startup Screen" opens it runs the following code

Dim internal1 As Integer

internal1 = Me.SumOfTimeSpent

If internal1 < 6 Then

MsgBox " Less than 6 hours have been entered " & Chr(13) & " into your timesheet for yesterday. ", vbCritical, Title1

ElseIf DCount("*", Me.SumOfTimeSpent) <> 0 Then

end if

End Sub


BUT it doesnt work if no entries have been made on the timesheet as the query result is blank.

ANY help would be muchly appreciated.

Thanks Keith

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Create A Country Info Database With Display Field

Apr 30, 2013

I want to create a country info database. For example, Qatar (country) and the Driving info required when driving in qatar and the visa info required.

I would like a form with drop down options and when i selected which country and then driving or visa, at the bottom it would display the specific info based on my selection in a memo field lets say.

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Progress Bar?

Mar 28, 2007

I have some querys and macro command. All that executed just one click button. Now I need to set a Progress Bar with percentage option over all the process.

All the query and macro commands executed behind the progress bar till the 100%.

Can any one hv the code? plz advise.

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Progress Bar

Nov 12, 2005

any idea how I can show a progress bar when a query is running??

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Sample DB Progress Bar - Help

Jun 27, 2007

How do I link the progress as shown on screen - with that actual progress that its is supposed to represent?


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Progress Bar Query Yes I Know!

May 11, 2005

I have a form with a man that does carwheels across the form with the message please wait, i have been trying to get this to run while my other form loads and cant get it to work :( either the please wait screen freezes and doesnt do anything till the other screen has loaded... or I have to load the please wait screen and then use a button with continue on it for it to then action opening the second form which is the one that takes the time... either way I am stuck with a frozen screen....... where am I going wrong?

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Progress Meter

Nov 4, 2005

I am new to Access Forum and I have a very easy question:
I need to show a Progress Meter in a Form whilst my Dbase is running a Macro containing several Queries - these Queries are Delete, Append etc and finally a MsgBox.

Any ideas on How to do a Progess meter whilst the Macro is running??


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Progress Dialog

Nov 19, 2004

I have a report and I am doing some SQL stuff at the back end on the report open. This takes a little time and I want to show the user that its working and I want to prevent him from double clicking the report again. So is there any way to show a progress dialog or something so that the user knows that the list is being built? Thanks in advance!

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Progress Meter

Mar 30, 2005

I have a form that, when I press a button it loads another form. The second form takes about 20-25 seconds to load due to the fact that the (split)DB is running over a network, and the form itself has many fields on it. I'm thinking that my users will think that their computer is locked up and keep closing out of the DB. I would like to add a progress meter or percent meter so the user will at least see that something is happening. Has anyone ever programmed one of these things, and if so, could you please give me some insight? Thanks.


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Modules & VBA :: Progress Bar In Do While

Aug 22, 2014

How can I do a progress in bar in a do while. I export contract and during the export i want to have a progress bar.

do while
msgbox "the export runs", progress bar

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Progress Bar/Cursor Problem

May 17, 2005


I'm struggling with a very formal, not to say aesthetic, problem on one of my form used as a progress bar.

This form is very simple, it contains only one unbound control that is called "Percentage".

It displays the percentage of completion, when launching a report based on a somewhat "heavy" crosstab query (lots of records, etc.).

Anyway, the goal is to inform the user that the report is being processed, so that he knows wether he has time to get a coffee, or whatever he wants (the process may take as long as 2 or 3 mn).

As far as code is concerned, the variant "Percentage" is simply incremented in a loop included in the report design code, and refreshes the value of the "Percentage" control displayed in my form.

Everything works fine, except that I can't figure out a way to get rid of the cursor that stays in the unbound control : in fact, the percentage is displayed in reverse video, since the cursor focuses on the control at every iteration. Which gives my "progress bar" form quite an ugly look, and makes it difficult to read, whereas besides this "bug" it is perfectly satisfying.

Any idea anyone ?

Thanks in advance for this.

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General :: Progress Bar Not Showing Up

Aug 19, 2013

I am unable to print the progress bar of the syscmd, I have tried checning the progressbar too under the startup.When I put a debug point, it goes to that area and loops through it, by printing it in the immediate window, debug.print.

I have even put a msgbox, to see whether it is popping up, yes it does.I have tried Application.syscmd and syscmd, here I am gonna paste the coding.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub ProgressMeterModule()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


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Modules & VBA :: Progress Bar Not Accurate

Mar 27, 2015

I'm making a code to run a Progress Bar from different forms and as per their conditions. Have two forms:

1- Form1="frmProgressMeter"
2- Form2="frmDatabaseStwitcher"
3- Module1=for Functions

On frmDatabaseStwitcher, the code for Progress Bar is:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub sapiSleep Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "Sleep" _
(ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)


This code is working in two ways:

If I go with "SetProgressBar n / NOS" then progress bar shows 2% and then connecting process time.
If I go with "SetProgressBar n + NOS" then progress works till 100% but then connecting process time.
SetProgressBar (n / NOS) * 100 but then connecting process time.

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Access 2000 Progress Meter

Oct 29, 2006

I have a form that takes sever seconds to load, due in part to the number of records I suppose, however I would like to create a progress meter (form?) that will run while the form is loading. I have tried several different suggestions but none work. Can anyone help me?


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Modules & VBA :: Modify Progress Bar So Instead Of Saying Running Query?

Nov 8, 2013

Is there any way to modify the progress bar so instead of saying "running query" it states the name of the query?

Like: Running Query [qryFRED] <progress bar>

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