How To Create Composite Primary Key

Sep 9, 2005

I have a rather interesting situation involving creating a primary key. Basically I have two tables.

Table 1

Date, Customer, Part Number, Work Order, Qty tested, qty failed, tech name

Table 2
Defect, reference, quantity(defect), defect cause, part number, work order

The ideal relationship I want to create is that for every Table 1 there are multiple table 2. Regular one to many relationship. The problem is that in the first table it is possible and probable that there will be duplicate records because of the process. The test parts by individual carts, but often they're exactly the same parts with same work orders and same everything else. How should I go about doing this. I don't want to just create an autonumber for each record if possible. Any suggestions?

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Composite Primary Keys

Feb 25, 2005

Is it possible that a composite primary from table A to be a foreign key in table B?
I have two tables: A and B. The A has some personal details such as first name, surname, phone number, etc.
Since no personal ID is given in my project, I am thinking to use first name + surname as the primary key of table A. But when I wanted to make the relationship between A and B (in B I need to use these 2 name fields as the composite primary keys, too) and ticked the option “enforce referential integrity”, an error message prompted out said it could not find the only primary key in table A.

What should I do with this? Or it is impossible to have a composite primary key to be foreign keys (but also primary) in another table?

It will be great if someone could answer this!

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Composite Primary Keys

May 5, 2005

I've noticed that the great and the good all seem to recommend not using composite PKs. Does that even go for join tables in the middle of a many-to-many relationship? Not sure I see what's to be gained by adding an ID and making that the PK.

Any comments?


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Tables :: Composite Primary Key

Jun 2, 2013

Composite Primary Key in Ms Access 2010. I shall try and explain my tables in detail. So my first table is "Client Database" where the field "Buyer" is primary key. This is connected to my next table "Project Database" which has fields such as Work Order #, PO #, PO Date , Buyer etc where Work Order # is the primary key. Finally "Projects Database" is connected to Order information. Now the problem is until now, I always had 1 PO # for each Work Order #. However now I am facing a situation where my client has clubbed multiple PO #'s for the same Work Order #. I need to trigger the Primary Key Violation only if both the Work Order # and the PO # are the same.

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Setting Composite Primary Key

May 29, 2012

I am trying to set a primary key on two fields. the problem is that the one field is null for some records. They will eventually fill them in. However, because it is null now it will nowt let me set it as a primary key. I tried setting the field, in the properties, with a default value; but it would not take it.

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Query Problem With Composite Primary Key

May 16, 2005

I am trying to run a query that links to tables, orders and invoice together. I am pulling fields from each table, with a relationship between Order# which is found in both tables. The only problem is, order# is a composite key in the order table and strictly a foreign key in the invoice table, referenced through a combo box drop down. When i attempt to create a query, it will not run. (Also will i find a similar problem with my combo box reference?) Any ideas on how to create a query would be appreciated.

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Bridge Tables W/composite Primary Keys

May 17, 2007

I am creating a bridge table to get rid of redundant data. I am doing it by making a composite of the primary keys from the two tables I am bridging.
The error message when I get to a certain point is "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table tblMachCent." Both the numbers I am using to create this composite key are in the tables necessary, so I am not sure why I am getting this problem. Any suggestions??

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Modules & VBA :: Sequential Numbering Dcount Dmax Composite Primary Key

Sep 23, 2014

I have a question concerning the automatically sequential numbering of a primary key as part of a composite primary key.

ID=numeric field (also in tbl_pt and in tbl_tumor)
Tumornr=numeric field (also in tbl_tumor)
Treatmentnr=numeric field

[ID] and [tumornr] are fixed and i would like to automatically number [treatmentnr] per [ID] AND [tumornr] in a way that the output will look like this:

1001 1 1
1001 1 2
1001 1 3
1001 2 1
1001 2 2
1001 3 1, etcetera.

However, when i use the SQL-formula below my output looks like this. It seems as if the function is not properly taking the composite primary key of [ID] AND [tumornr] into account or not finding the true max value:

1001 1 1
1001 1 2
1001 1 3
1001 2 2
1001 2 3
1001 3 3, etcetera.

If (DCount("[treatmentnr]", "Tbl_treatment", "[ID] = " & Me.ID & "" & "AND [tumornr] = " & Me.tumornr & "")) = 0 Then Me.treatmentnr = fRowNum(False)
Else Me.treatmentnr = (DMax("[treatmentnr]", "Tbl_treatment", "[ID] = " & Me.ID & "" & "AND [tumornr] = " & Me.tumornr & "")) + 1

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Tables :: Create Primary Key From Foreign Key?

Sep 24, 2012

I have two tables tblPatients (pkUMRN) and tblAdmissions (pkAdmissionID, fkUMRNAdmission). pkUMRN is not auto-number, but is an 8-digit alphanumeric code unique to each tblPatients record. I have set up a one-to-many relationship between tblPatients_pkUMRN and tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions (each patient can have multiple admissions).

Is it possible to allow the entry of a new tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions to create a new tblPatients_pkUMRN? IE can you create a new primary key from a new foreign key?

Along a similar line, if the primary key already exists, how would you autofill a form with data from tblPatients when the tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions is entered in to the table?

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Can Create Primary Key With Macros Automatically

Sep 2, 2015

can I create primary key with macros automatically.

I have created table with Query and I need primary key in this table. I put new field for primary key but after restarting it was delete every time.

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Create Primary Key From Values Entered In The Field

Nov 28, 2014

I have two Tables, Table A and Table B...Table A and B have a one to many relationship with A (one) and B (many).I have a Master form that displays information for Table A. Also, I have a subform within this Master that displays information for Table B.

As I scroll through the records of A, you can see the 1-many relationship elucidated in the subform with many being displayed for Table B.I run into a dilemma, though, when I try to ADD a new record to Table A (and in turn Table B).When I add a new record, there is no Primary Key left to be displayed since this primary key is generated from a query.Hence, when I move to a new record, I can not save the record because there is no primary key. Since there is no primary key, there is nothing that i can input into the subform either. I want to create the primary key from values entered in the field. However, i CAN NOT create a relationship with an expression for field values.

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Changes Not Successful; Create Duplicate Values In The Index, Primary Key, Or ...

Nov 29, 2005

This is a real mind bender.
I am running a2k. I am merging two databases. table1 is in the backend database. table2 is linked to the second database.
I run an append query to add table2 entries to table1. The append fails for 96 recs saying key violation. Turns out I can rerun the append if I drop the zip code field.
I then try to manually change the zip code and receive the duplicate values in index, primary key, or relationship.

I ran a compact & repair the databases, still no go. I can't edit the value of the zip code. I import the table to a new database. Still can't change the zip code. I drop MANY of the indexes. Even the index on the zip code field. Run compact&repair. still getting the index message. I even re-imported to a new db again. Still same error message.

I may start again by importing JUST these two tables to a new blank db and see if I get the same issues. I'll keep you posted...but maybe there is someone out there who has seen this error before.

fyi-if I enter a new record, the autonumber field correctly increments to the next available autonumber field. (I say this because of another thread on this matter w/ autonumber fields and bug in A2003)

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Create Relationship Between Multiple Field Primary Key And Another Table?

Aug 4, 2015

In table 1 fields Factor, Aggregations, Stat, and Days Back are fields that make up a multi-field primary key [URL].

I want to create a relationship between that multi-field primary key and another table, call it table 2, and make it a one-to-one relationship.

How do I do this in MS Access 2013?

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New Primary Key Entered Create New Blank Row In Related Table

Apr 13, 2011

Is there a way to create a relationship so when a new record is entered into the main table it automatically creates a new row/record in the related table with just the foreign key entered?

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Queries :: Create A Query That Strings Data Horizontally That Corresponds To Primary Key?

Aug 25, 2014

I need to create a query that strings data horizontally that corresponds to the primary key.

Example of what I am looking for


Query Columns: Part_No, Mfg_Info (Mfg_No: Mfg_Name)

Also if the part_no (primary key) has multiple values I need the data to string horizontally like this:

Part_No, Mfg_Info (Mfg_No1: Mfg_Name1),
Mfg_Info (Mfg_No2: Mfg_Name2).......

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Composite Key

Jan 23, 2006


how can i create compostie keys in access???

also how would validation rule for a text box which would allow a user to enter a date which between a certain range in relation to today's date. eg the date entered cannot be more than one week greater than the current date. i knew who i could do it using VBA but i want to know how to do to using the regular access features.

thanks you :)

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Composite Key!!! Please Help Me

Mar 10, 2007

Hi, I am in a great hurry and I need someone to help me as soon as possible. Basically, I have a table called Column, which contains 4 fields:
Column (autonumber, primary key)
Column Description (text)
Rack (number)
Rack Description (text)

There are around 30 columns, and each column has 3 racks. There are different racks for different columns, so the rack description will be different. That is why Rack and Rack Description must be in the same table as column.

The problem is that I cannot make the table have one column with three different racks. I thought perhaps the solution would be to make a composite key, where with Column and Rack, we would be able to identify everything else in the table. But the problem is that I do not know how to create this composite key. Please help me with this. I really need to get this done as soon as possible.

Thanx in advance

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Composite Key

Mar 5, 2007


I have attached the above relationship diagram as I am having a few problems with a table that uses composite keys to link to 2 other tables. The table is called subsmag and contains the fields subid and magid to link to the subscriptions (subid) and magazine (magid) tables. Basically 1 subscription can have many magazines and I am using the subsmag table to link the 2 tables. When I try to enter data in a form it doesn't like the composite key. Can anyone help, I have inherited the database design and I'm thinking it needs a redesign.


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Composite PK's

Aug 10, 2007

Is it best to have one PK in a table and that as an autonumber?
If so, why do people create composite PK's. Examples please.

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Composite Key Lookup

Dec 9, 2004

Before I start, I know there is much about "Cascading Combos" in the forums, but I'd rather not go that way.

I have a table of Servers (only field is Server ID) and a table of Domains (Server ID, Domain ID). This is one-to-many, as each server will have multiple domains within it.

I also have a table of Applications which has as part of its primary key Server ID and Domain ID (i.e. that's where the app is installed).

I have used the Lookup tab in table design to easily provide a drop-down list of Server IDs for any new Application record, coming straight from the Servers table.

I want to (simply) add a drop down to the Domain ID field to select Domain IDs that are defined *for the entered Server ID*.

I already have the referential integrity enforced, but would like this simple aid as there are heaps of Servers and lots of similarly named Domains. It's looking to me like this is not possible, as the nub of the issue is how to qualify the Server ID field in the new record i.e.

SELECT [Domain ID] FROM Domains WHERE Domains.[Server ID] = <current record>.[Server ID]

How to define <current record>?

I know some will say forms are the tool for this job, but I need to see lots of records at once as I am entering (or changing) data.

I may be hoping against hope that this lookup capability can cope with a simple composite key.

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Composite Keys

Dec 5, 2005

I have recently started a new project, on one of my tables i have a composite key for my primary key. However when i create a relationship using one of the fields in the primary key i can't "enforce referential integrity". Every time i try i get the message "No unique index found for the referenced field of the primary field"

can any one help


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Many To Many And Composite Keys

Oct 6, 2007

Many to Many

I have a basic question, I know for a fact that all many to many relationships have to be broken into two one to many relationships using a junction table. However does that mean it is (a must )to have the two foreign key of the parent tables have to be the (primary composite key) of the junction table.

For example, let’s say I have 5 tables that I need to establish many to many relationships between them. Is it correct to establish a junction table with all 5 foreign keys of the parent tables as composite primary key in the junction table to!

Hope the above making sense!!! :confused:

Many thanks :)

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Composite Keys Possible?

May 13, 2005

Can Access deal with Composite Primary Keys? or will it only let you assign a single attribute key?

If it does allow you to create composite primary keys, how do you go about doing it?

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Field Validation - Composite

Aug 29, 2006


I have a table Orders with fields InvoiceNo And Invoice Series.

I want if of course anyone can help me to Validate the next Invoice Number Not To Be Dublicate and to automatically Increment. Meaning that if Last Invoice number was 45 and Invoice Series is A the next to be A 46. If Last Invoice without Series is 40 the next to be 41, and so on. I can manage to increment the values in one field Invoice number but I can not incoporate the Invoice Series.

Any help would appreciated.

Note : I'm not good in VB so please be kind to me.

Kind regards

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Composite Keys For Table?

May 12, 2005

I need some help with developing a certain aspect of a db. I need to track the equipment list of clinics. The equipment list doesn't really change (it has 5 possible values though each clinic may only have one to all 5 of them). The db is also to track who the manufacturer is.

I was originally going to do a three piece composite key consistenting of the clinic id, the equipment id and the manufacturer id with quantity as the non pk field. Or the other possiblility that I can see is just using an autonumber as the pk with clinic id, equipment id, and manufacturer id as fk's with qty as the non-key field. So what do you think? If you can put in explanation why your suggestion would work, that would be appreciated as I'd like to increase my knowledge base on this stuff.

If I haven't made my problem clear, I'm quite willing to provide more info.



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Composite Key Or Auto-number PK

Nov 6, 2012

I have a monitoring database, the site_ID, Date and survey_type are indexed as this uniquely identifies each survey. I am not sure if how I really link the Site table to the other three, or if it would be better if I had a Survey_ID field that acted as the link. This then gives me a few problems in how to enter the data.(Note. I havent included PK's for the conditions, frog and bird survey as yet as I am not sure which is the best way to go at this point).Site

Date_SurvSurvey_Type(i.e. frog, bird)


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