How To Deactivate Report View

Nov 28, 2004

I am creating a report from a form. The focus jumps to the report but I want it to stay on the form. I have a macro that creates the report. How can I keep the focus on the form?

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Does MS Access Report Support Hide/Show Fields At The Report View Time?

Aug 19, 2007

Does the MS Access Report support Hide/Show specific fields according to parameters or even by click?

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Deactivate Notification

Mar 20, 2008

Dear all,

I create a make table query.
But every time I run the query, the notification will prompt out "are you sure....".
Is there any way to disable this notification?


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Tool Menu Deactivate

Sep 27, 2005

I can't use the menu TOOLS because it is deactivate for all mdb.

Is it deactivated from portion of VBA code?

How Can I restore this menu?

By Francy

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Forms :: Deactivate Page Down Key?

May 22, 2013

I'm trying to deactivate the page down key in my form with no luck. How to deactivate the page down key. Here's the steps I have already completed.

I opened the form in design view, set KeyPreview Property to Yes, selected Database Tools, Visual Basic and inserted code in lines 3 through 9 after the dash / line.

Function Update_Total()
On Error GoTo Update_Total_Err
Private Sub form_keydown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyPageDown


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Close Current Form On Deactivate?

Jun 24, 2005


Can someone pls tell me how to close a form as soon as it gets deactivate? Becouse i try with Docmd.Close but it tells me that i can not do that in this event, but thats exactly what i would like to do - close form when it gets deactivated?


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Deactivate Mouse Second Button Click On F

Mar 16, 2006

How can i deactivate mouse second button click on form?

Can anyone help me please?:)

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Forms :: Activate / Deactivate Field

Feb 25, 2014

I have a sub form that hase multiple records. What I would like to do is if my catagory field = "(1) Constrution" the deactivate 'DC to Apply', got that to work BUT it does it for all of the record..Notice in the pic that the first record = "(1) Constrution" and id deactivates ALL of the "DC to Apply"

Here is my code

Private Sub Category_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Catagory = "(1) Construction" Then
Me.DC_to_Apply.Enabled = False


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Opening A Report As A Normal View?

Mar 19, 2006

Im sorry about the stupid questions!

How can I open a report in a view which will let me test my buttons? I only seem to be able to open it in print preview!

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View Monthly Report From Access

Jan 19, 2006

My boss wanted me to develop a way for a department to do a monthly report from Access. In the beginning, I set up a login for the user, then the user would input a start date and an end date to retreive the report. However, I just put part of the report up and will need to put what ever information they needed in the report. So, I did all the queries in Access and it produces correct result. Now I have to some how put it in ASP file including all those queries but dont know exactly how I would do it since I would not have a name for each query that I did in Access. Plus, in Access I used a fix date range to check the query and it works. So, I replaced 8/1/2005 with 'txtStartDate' and replaced 8/31/2005 with 'txtEndDate' and it works for one of the query. Now I when I looked at the rest of the queries I made in Access I would have to make some adjustment including the one that calculate the percentage from 2 queries. Below are several queries I made in Access but will need to somehow incroporate in ASP file.

(I replaced 8/1/2005 with 'txtStartDate' and 8/31/2005 with 'txtEndDate' in ASP file and it works. Need to do that with the rest of the queries)
Query1 (count number of record in group A)
Code:SELECT tblNatureOfCall.NatureDesc, SUM(IIf([dateofcall]>=#8/1/2005# And [dateofcall]<=#8/31/2005#,1,0)) AS CountofLogsFROM tblNatureOfCall LEFT JOIN tblCallLog ON tblNatureOfCall.ID=tblCallLog.NatureOfCallIDGROUP BY tblNatureOfCall.NatureDesc;

Query1Total (Sum of count number of record of Query1 group)
Code:SELECT Sum(IIf([dateofcall]>=#8/1/2005# And [dateofcall]<=#8/31/2005#,1,0)) AS CountOfDispositionOfPatientID, tblDispositionOfPatient.DispositionFROM tblDispositionOfPatient INNER JOIN tblCallLog ON tblDispositionOfPatient.ID=tblCallLog.DispositionO fPatientIDWHERE tblDispositionOfPatient.Disposition="TRANS"GROUP BY tblDispositionOfPatient.Disposition;

Query1Percent (This find the % from Query1 and Query1Total. Need a code to format in % form as 34.00 not .3400)
Code:SELECT (SUM(IIf([dateofcall]>=#8/1/2005# And [dateofcall]<=#8/31/2005#,1,0)))/Total AS Expr1FROM tblNatureOfCall LEFT JOIN tblCallLog ON tblNatureOfCall.ID=tblCallLog.NatureOfCallIDGROUP BY tblNatureOfCall.NatureDesc;

Query1TotalPercent (This find the percent of a group out of the total of 2 groups)
Code:SELECT [Query1Total]![CountOfDispositionOfPatientID]/[TotalQuery]![Total] AS Expr1FROM TotalQuery, Query1Total;

Query2 (count number of record in Group B)
Code:SELECT Sum(IIf([dateofcall]>=#8/1/2005# And [dateofcall]<=#8/31/2005#,1,0)) AS CountOfDispositionOfPatientID, tblDispositionOfPatient.DispositionFROM tblDispositionOfPatient LEFT JOIN tblCallLog ON tblDispositionOfPatient.ID=tblCallLog.DispositionO fPatientIDWHERE tblDispositionOfPatient.Disposition<>"TRANS"GROUP BY tblDispositionOfPatient.Disposition;

Query2Total (Sum of count number of record in Group B)
Code:SELECT Sum(Query2.CountOfDispositionOfPatientID) AS PatientIDTotalFROM Query2;

Query3 (count number of record of group C)
Code:SELECT Sum(IIf([dateofcall]>=#8/1/2005# And [dateofcall]<=#8/31/2005#,1,0)) AS CountOfPatientDestinationID, tblHospital.HospitalNameFROM tblHospital LEFT JOIN tblCallLog ON (tblHospital.ID = tblCallLog.PatientDestinationID) AND (tblHospital.ID = tblCallLog.NotifyHospitalID)WHERE tblHospital.HospitalName <> "HCO"GROUP BY tblHospital.HospitalName;

TotalQuery (sum of Query1 count number of record and Query2 count number of records)
Code:SELECT Sum(IIf([dateofcall]>=#8/1/2005# And [dateofcall]<=#8/31/2005#,1,0)) AS TotalFROM tblNatureOfCall LEFT JOIN tblCallLog ON tblNatureOfCall.ID=tblCallLog.NatureOfCallID;

These are the queries done in Access but will need to incroporate in ASP. Query1 is already in ASP, just need to add the rest of the queries. Dont know how I would do it.

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View Current Record On A Report

Apr 19, 2006

I have a report which shows all the records in my database. I have a command button on my form which brings up that report for preview.

How can I get the button to bring up that report showing only the current record being viewed on the form?

Do I need a separate report and what criteria/VB code is required?

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How To View Access Report Before Printing It

Aug 20, 2014

I have an Access program that prints various reports with a button.I would like to view the report in full screen prior to printing, how do you do this?

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Query Opening In Report, Not Record View?

Feb 5, 2007

I have a query that searched thru records based on a person's last name. It runs fine and returns the results I want. However, the view of the results is in record-view. I'd like the results to be in a report format. Is this possible? The macro that calls the query is set to display in report view, but the query always come back showing the records. What am I missing here? Thanks a ton for your time!


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General :: Return Current View Of Report

May 23, 2013

if there is a VBA command that returns the current view of the current active report. I am running code the uses the SetFocus Action, which works fin in Report view, but when I try to go to Print Preview view, Access throws an error stating that the command or action is not available in the current view - and the GetFocus action is the culprit.I can skip the GetFocus action if I know the Report is in Print Preview mode.

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Reports :: Asking User If They Want To View Additional Report

May 23, 2014

I am having a problem with the code in the Close event on a report when asking the user if they want to view additional reports after closing the current report in preview. Report Closes after the Yes/No answer is selected. If yes selected it does nothing. If No is selected it does nothing, This code works fine in a data entry form after changing the close and open commands. Using Access 2010

Code Using Now.

Private Sub Report_Close()
Dim IntAnswer As Integer
IntAnswer = MsgBox("Would you like to View/Print additional Reports?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Yes")
If IntAnswer = vbYes Then


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Reports :: Newspaper Columns In Report View

Nov 12, 2013

How to turn a single long (page spanning) column of data into "snaking columns" or "newspaper-style columns," but all of the results are only available in Print or Print Preview. I am looking for a way to have the correct, multi-column, result visible in Report View on the screen.

The reports I am formatting will not be printed onto paper; they will be seen only on screen. The data will vary depending on the source table, some have records that are about 200 records long, and others are only 50 or so. The number of columns across the page will need to be dynamic depending the total number of records the report pulls in.

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General :: Date Is Incorrect In Report View

Jul 6, 2015

So I have to text boxes, one for month and one for year. Below is the control source for each box. When I go into Report View, I get January 1905....This is definitely NOT January 1905....I've checked the date on my clock, it says today's date...


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Forms :: Want Report View To Look Like Print Preview

Mar 13, 2013

I have the following code in the On Format Event of the report. It is used to hide duplicates which result from very loose Where parameters when I run Docmd.OpenReport. With tighter Where parameters there are no Duplicates.

I am aware that the On Format event does not fire and I am to use the On Paint event. However, the On Paint Event seems very limited. It does not have a Cancel and most code that i tried does not work.

Private strLastGen As String 'Report Module Variable
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'If a duplicate Generator
If Me.GeneratorNumber & Me.GeneratorName = strLastGen Then
Cancel = True
End If
' Save the Gen Num of this record
strLastGen = Me.GeneratorNumber & Me.GeneratorName

End Sub

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Reports :: Data Disappears In Report View

Sep 5, 2013

I have two related issues with reports. That is the data shows in report view and then disappears. The first is the simplest. I have a report that has a query recordsource and I calculate totals and populate the report in the OnLoad event using VBA code. This displays perfectly in "report view" and prints or exports fine. My issue is that after the print or export, the report has no data in my fields in "report view". It is like it is reloading the report without invoking the OnLoad event. When I close the report and re-open in report view, everything is fine again until I print.

The second issue is related. I have another report that is a bit more complicated. Due to the number of controls (I use many text boxes to display my calculations), I am using 3 subreports to get around the limitations in the number of controls. In report view, the report looks fine, but when I scroll down to the bottom and then back up, the text boxes in the subreport sections are empty. The parts of the report not in subreports is fine. By using "Msgboxes" in events, I discovered that when I scroll down, the subreports close, then re-open when I scroll back up. Again, due to an Access limitation of 22 inches per section, the I placed the subreports in the "report Header" section. It appears that my problem occurs when I scroll down to the "detail" section of the main report.

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How To Create Dynamic Report With Changing View

Jun 10, 2014

I have a master recordset containing sales data for numerous products. I'd like to create a dynamic "dashboard" (i.e. a single report or form that the user can interact with dynamically) where the user can click a product name from a ListBox and see a summary report generate in the space below. If they click a different product name from the ListBox, I'd like the report space to automatically refresh and show the next summary report.

I've created my desired report and dragged it into the form but I'm having trouble embedding it dynamically into the form: I tried using the "Link Child Fields"/"Link Master Fields" properties, but get an error message saying I can't build a link between unbound forms. Here's a screenshot what I'm trying to accomplish...

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Print Current Record - In Form View Not Report

Aug 14, 2006

i have 3 queries brought together in 1 form. i do not want a report to be printed out just the current record in form view. this is because i have a number of images per record.
if i print out the current record and it only has 1 photo in a sub-form attached to the main form record, then the main form will print on 1 page which is what i want [screenshot 1]. But if there are 2 or more photos attached to the main record then the print command button prints out 2 pages for 2 photos, 3 pages for 3 photos and so on [screenshot 2].
any ideas as to how to limit the print command button to print out only 1 page per record regardless of how many photos their are attached to each record??

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Reports :: Creating Delivery Report - Week View

May 9, 2015

Im creating a database that we can enter jobs into.A job will consist of 3 seperate parts, Called "Trusses", "Walls", "Posis". They will each have a different delivery date and possibly a delivery time.

I am having trouble creating a report that gives me a week view, Monday to Friday, that shows what deliveries are on each day.The main thing here is there is one job entry, with the 3 parts. So there will need to be 3 seperate entries on the report for each part of that job.

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Reports :: Display Grid View Images On Report

Apr 2, 2015

How can I display multi images on 1 page as a grid view in access report...

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Reports :: Can Get Image To Show In Report Print View

May 29, 2013

I have a report which gets it's records from a table which has OLE Object data type being a "file.jpg". can I get the image to show in the report print view and also print it with the report?

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Reports :: Data Correct On Report View But Not When Printed

Jan 8, 2014

I'm tracking some charges and want to report them based on month/year and an Early/Late (yes/no) flag within the query I created. When I wrote the report I grouped on mon/year then on Early/Late, then calculate averages. I then want to calculate the difference in the charges between the Early & Late rows. Here....

Jun 13
32 868 27 (Early row #, charge, avg)
11 1279 116 (Late row)

Now I want to subtract the 27 from the 116. I figured out I could assign the 27 to a field in the header and the 116 in the footer, that's the only way I could make them "stick". I then calculate the difference and things are great. Until I try to print it. When I print the difference is 0 because the group header & footer fields are both populated with the 27.

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How To Open A Report In Pivot Chart View By Default

Nov 30, 2011

I like to open a report as a pivot chart from my query. How to open a report by making the default view of report as pivot chart?.

I am able to manually create a pivot chart by clicking pivot chart view from the sql view in a report. Then I pull in the required columns to the x axis and y axis and a graph is generated. I do not know how to save it and open the report by default in pivot chart view every time I click a button.

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