How To Delay The Processing For Seconds

Aug 1, 2007

Is there any function to delay the system processing for a number of seconds.

For the time being I am do it indirectly by using loops, however, it is un proper way, as it is not scalable.

Also I dont want to use the timer control.


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Control Tip Delay

Apr 6, 2005

I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me how to edit the control tip delay in form design: ie: so as the controltip comes up much sooner than the default set by access?
many thanks

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Combobox Delay

May 22, 2005

I have a large Access application with several forms and modules. The form works fine and quickly. I have a combobox which queries the database containing 30,000 entries. This combobox is delayed in populating. So that if the user types into it the characters don't display for a couple of seconds. Is there anything to do to spped up the combobox? There is a join in the query so I removed it. It did not improve the delay.
Any suggestions?


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Delay Form_Current() ?

Jun 8, 2005

Is it possible to delay the Form_Current event? I use the code below to duplicate records, ask for a change in teh reference number and then resort the database according to the reference numbers. This works fine until I introduce some code into a Form_Current procedure. Now whenever I activate the macro below to copy a record the data in the copy record is wiped out and the form rendered with its defaul values. I am assuming this is because the code in the Form_Current section is rendering the form whilst something else is trying to paste values in it so is ther a way to delay either the pasting of the new data or the activation of the Form_Current procedure?

I have tried using a few basic counters but to no avail! Any help would be greatly appreciatted.



Private Sub cmdCopyPrevRec_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdCopyPrevRec_Click

Dim TestNum As String

TestNum = Test_Number

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 2, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

NewTestNum = InputBox("Please enter test number:", "Test Number", TestNum + ".1")

Test_Number = NewTestNum


DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSortAscending

DoCmd.FindRecord NewTestNum, , , , , acCurrent, True

Exit Sub

Display = MsgBox("Copied without updating Test Number", vbOKOnly)
Resume Exit_cmdCopyPrevRec_Click

End Sub

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Payment Processing ERD Help

Nov 21, 2005

Hello,I'm designing a contract and payment processing database for a friends construction company. I've made an attempt at designing the data model, but wondered if anyone out there had ever come accross a similar scenario and could be of any help. I have attached a copy of my initial ERD.Entitys are as follows:CompanyHolds details of the company that are operating the system.CustomerBilling details for the customer.SiteA customer has many different sites at which work is undertaken.ContractA contract is created for all work undertaken at a customer site.PlotThe work a contract covers is carried out on various different plots at a customer site.StageWork is carried out in stages on a plot by plot basis. When a work stage is complete the stage can then be invoiced for payment.InvoiceOnce work stages are complete an invoice can be raised. An invoice can be for one or more stages (always under the same contract).Invoice_LineDetails of the different stages billed under a single invoice.PaymentStores detail of a customer payment.Payment_AllocationA single payment may be split accross multiple invoices. A single invoice may be paid through multiple payments.The main area I was hoping for help with is payment allocation, the requirements of which are listed below:1. When a payment is received it must be possible to split it accross multiple invoices (a payment will only ever be for invoices within a single contract).2. It must be possible for an invoice to be paid in part (i.e. be paid by mupltiple payments).3. If a payment isn't allocated in it's entirity, the the remainder should be put to a payment on account for allocation at a later date.4. An entire payment should be able to be put to a payment on account and then allocated later.5. It must be possible to enter credits against invoices.The reason I have Contract joined to Payment_Allocation is so that a payment on account can be created and linked back to the contract, for allocation at a later date. If a payment on account is stored as an entry in the payment_allocation table it will become difficult to then allocate the payment on account to invoices and keep an audit trail. The payment on account isn't really allocated until it is put against an invoice so I'm loathe to do it this way.On the other hand if I store the payment on account in the payment table (until allocated) it may make it harder for me to produce my statement report.I'm also having difficulty seeing how I can build a statement of account from these two I need to build up a transaction table in order to do this effectively? Or a temporary table of transations to base my report on?Any advise or pointers would be very helpful.Thanks in advance for your time.webbmatt

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Form Pre-processing

Dec 11, 2006

I have some code in a function that I want to run BEFORE a form (FormB) is displayed to the user.
FormB is called up by clicking on a button from another form (FormA), but when I display the ActiveForm . . .
Dim MyFormPO As Form
Set MyFormPO = Screen.ActiveForm
MsgBox "here!!-" & MyFormPO.Name
. . . I get the form name of FormA, and it errors-out because the objects I'm trying to reference do NOT exist in the Active form.
I've tried calling the function from every Form event ("OnOpen", "onLoad", "OnActivate" etc,,) but ActiveForm always seems to be the first form.
Anyone any ideas, please

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Pausing / Time Delay

Sep 30, 2005

I have some code that is running in a FOR NEXT loop. I am calling another form each pass of the loop. For some reason the form does not fully come up, the box and header text come up but nothing inside the Form.... Any thoughts.....

At the end I want to display another Form that confirms the updates/calculations. But I want the Form to close after say 2-3 seconds. I tried a wait function but that does not allow the form to fully open as above....the wait function is waiting for the time i want but it again does not allow the form to waits and then the form closes, never showing what is in the form?

Does anyone know how I could open a form display some information and then have it automatically close after a few seconds.

I call the Function TIMEDELAY below which is calling the Function Wait....Once in TIMEDELAY it opens the form and then supposed to wait then close....but the form never fully opens? .....

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Convert Hh:mm:ss To Seconds

Jun 1, 2005


This is my 1st post so please be gentle

I am running an Access Database for a large uk companys call centre.. I use many diffrent systems which allow me to show our centres productivity...

I have hit a wall

When i first developed the DB i used the time formatting hh:mm:ss but later down the line i found if you *the time by 86400 it converts the hh:mm:ss into a workable seconds format....

One of my old extracts that i feedinto the DB are in the old format therefor i do this calculation within an access query which *the time by 86400

however i have found an probelm.. if the time is over 24hrs it seems to double the time there or there abouts in seeconds


01/01/1900 01:42:00 which is basically 25 hrs should be around 92520 seconds

when is do this calculation in an access query it is coming out 178920 all the other times are correct so this rules out how i link 2 querys ....

any ideas???

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Minutes And Seconds

Dec 6, 2004

Here's one that I'm having difficulty on. I know just enough about code to completely confuse myself, so if you answer this, please explain in detail. I have a training database, in which a portion of it stores the scores of events of a physical fitness test. Part of this test is a times 3 mile run. I need to calculate a point value for the submitted time, but here's my dilema...If I use the time/date feature it accepts the input as hh:mm, and will not let a time of more than 24 minutes be entered, since it sees this as 2400, or midnight in military time. I need the data to be inputed as mm:ss, and I have another text box that accepts this info and converts it to a point value. I would appreciate any help you could provide. Thanks in advance.


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Credit Card Processing

Apr 18, 2005

Does anyone know of any software or have any code that would allow to process credit cards.

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Forms :: Typing Delay In Textboxes

Dec 16, 2013

When moving to a new a record in my form, i will click on a text box and the following happens:The black line will flash much faster than normal (This will happen on any text box i click on) No text will appear while this is happening When it stops al the text that was typed in that period will appear After this 5 to 10 second text delay the text box and all other textboxes will work fine, until i move to a new record and the process starts again

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Calculating Split Seconds

Feb 2, 2008


I have an Access application that calculates elapsed time to the second. It works fine with a format of hh:nn:ss and input mask 00:00:00. Now the requirement has changed and I am required to do these calculations to the tenth of a second. As far as I can see Access doesn't accommodate split seconds. I realize I could put the split second time into another integer field but this makes calculations complex.

Can anyone help me here?



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MMMM:SS Conversion To Seconds

Mar 12, 2008

Hi can someone please guide me into getting this right in a query. I have searched, but all of the solutions I have seen are HH:MM:SS.

I need to convert MMMM:ss to seconds. My pitiful attempts.

Is 5 the limit of characters and starting from 2 from the right?


e.g. 19340 = 11620 seconds.

Thanks in advance.:)


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Using Minutes & Seconds Not ShortTime

Aug 30, 2006

I am what you would consider an extreme newcommer to Access. I used to use FileMaker as my database app. I have a bunch of data in an excel workbook that now needs to be converted to DB and I want to use Access.

I have the form set up and I have a bunch of time fields entered in minutes and seconds. They show up as 12:05:32 AM. I want this to display only as minutes and seconds (5:32) drop the hours and am. Is there a mask I can use or how would I approach this?

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Order Processing & Warehouse Management

Sep 3, 2007

Hi all. I am considering developing a purchase order and warehouse management database, to be manage a cold store in my workplace.

What i have in mind is a system where the details of each pallet coming in is recorded (weight, quantity, location of pallet in warehouse etc.) is recorded, marked off against the corresponding purchase order number and then a label is printed with a barcode to quickly identify that pallet.

Handheld barcode scanners would be used to record when a pallet leaves the warhouse, and where its going to(despatch, production etc.). Ideally the scanners could be used to give forklift drivers order picking info aswell.

I'm fairly confident i can design the database, however, i have never done anything with barcodes, scanners or handheld devices. Is this even feasible with access? How do i go about doing it, any advice, example databases etc. greatly appreciated.

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Processing A Single Query In Two Databases

Nov 7, 2006

I have two identical databases in MS Access. I have created a query in the first mdb file, which retrieves the matching records in two tables.

My problem is that i want to execute the same query created in the database1, on database2, without creating the query in the database2.

I think it is possible, but the query i was trying was not working file.

select * from db1.[Query1] in 'C:DBDB2.mdb'

where db1 is the name of the first database,
db2 is the name of the second database and
Query1 is the name of the query in the db1.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Tables :: Processing All Records In Table

Dec 5, 2013

I'm working on a system for recording employee information, leave details, etc. I need to run a monthly update to increment each employees leave balance.

The two tables now in question are;

Employees - relevant fields are EmployeeID (key), Active (Boolean) and Leave (Numeric) [annual leave entitlement - eg 15 days]

The second table is LeaveTrans; Emprec, LDate, LType, PrevBal, ThisLeave, NewBal, Comments.

What I need to achieve;

For each "Active" record in the employee table, detirmine the monthly leave entitlement ("Leave" /12 - no problem here).

Append a new record to the LeaveTrans table with;

Emprec, LDate (Date of the update), LType (="Monthly allocation"), PrevBal (The NewBal from the last record in the table for this employee), ThisLeave (monthly allocation) and NewBal (PrevBal + ThisLeave)

I will need to access the last record for this employee to get the previous NewBal, before appending the new record.

The problem I'm having is appending to the LeaveTrans table, and then moving on to the next record in the Employee table, to repeat the process.

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Citrix, Opening A Database, Incurs Delay?

Jun 13, 2006

Hi Guys,

Got something which has been bugging me like mad for weeks now;

We have a MS Access Database on a Citrix server and a local copy is downloaded to the clients directory when they log on.

When they actually double click and load the database(frontend) it loads for approx 4/5mins before it eventually opens. After that it is fine, unless they log off and back on again, then the same thing happens when they double click to open the database.

The Backend is stored on a seperate server with over 5million records on it.

Before we attempted Citrix we had a normal network and the frontend has always loaded fine on this.

Any ideas?


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Modules & VBA :: DELAY FUNCTION - Opening Report

Sep 4, 2013

I am building a faux Electronic Medical Records database for the purpose of training med students. I need a command button to pull up a report , but i want to delay the opening of the report (as if waiting for "tests" to come back or be uploaded) is there a way to do this with VBA? i read about the sleep api but i dont know how to get it to work or where to put the code

so what would i add and where would i add it to delay opening the report that is called EKG W/ Subreport ...

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Modules & VBA :: 2 Minutes Delay When Code Is Within The Loop

May 15, 2015

I want to make delay, for example 2 minutes when the code is within the loop.


For i = 0 To 100
Debug.Print i
'Before go to the next to make the delay

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Adding Minutes And Seconds In Access

Jan 5, 2005

I am writing an Access program to compile Cell phone billing information for my company that has around 60 phones. I am entering the detail information and reporting on it. The problem I am having is with the minutes and seconds calculations. For instance employee A might have accumulated 630:59 minutes for the current month and employee B might have 250:12 minutes (Mins Secs) for the current month and so on. I want to be able to enter these amounts in a feild and then be able to sum them. Can you tell me how to format the field that the detail minutes will be entered into. I have been looking on the net for hours for a solution.
Also I want the sumation to be formated in minutes not hours. Example


Would = 1171:11 If this is possible, what would be the field data type and format.


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A Solution To Manually Processing 'Entry Forms'

Mar 2, 2007

Hi Guys,

I've been pondering over a problem for a couple of weeks now - We receive around 1000 paper entries to our competition, and these all need manually entered into the access database in a one-er.

Is anyone aware of any ideas of how this could be made easier, and more automated?


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Modules & VBA :: How To Read TXT File Into Array For Processing

Oct 23, 2014

I'm getting an error when trying to read a .txt file into an array for processing. The error and a snippet of the code are below.

Run-time error '9'
Subscript out of range

Dim iFileNum As String
Dim strLineInfo()
Dim i As Integer
Dim strExpensesFile As String
strExpensesFile = "c:FinanceExpensesIn.Txt"

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Return Info To Table After Processing

Nov 21, 2014

I have a table (tblInstallations) which has records of date installed (for machines).

It is calculating that "next due maintenance" is one year after installation.

Sometimes we need to visit the site to maintain or service the machine before/after the specified date in "next due maintenance" and we need this to be calculated to reflect a year after date of visit.

I have a table called "tblMaintenance" which takes information about the machine an engineer is visiting from where originally the information are kept and that is in "tblInstallations".

How can I link the new date of the visit to update the record for "next due maintenance"...

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Modules & VBA :: Cannot Complete Action Whilst Processing

Jan 16, 2014

I'm trying to setup a process of opening a form, saving to a location, emailing it as a PDF, killing the PDF, move onto the next form - rinse wash repeat until done.The below works fine on a single click, however if I try to set it as an event timer of loop, I get an error saying: This action cannot be carried out whilst processing a form or report event.

Dim outputFileName, Ref As String
Ref = Vici_URN
outputFileName = CurrentProject.Path & "Claim PackagesCICA" & Ref & " - " & Format(Date, "yyyyMMdd") & ".pdf"


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Modules & VBA :: Delay Report Opening Until Parameters Are Chosen

Dec 22, 2014

I have a command button (well, I have a few) that I would like to open a report, first opening a form that allows the user to enter a start and end date.

The code so far is:

On Error Resume Next
If Err = 2501 Then Err.Clear
DoCmd.OpenForm "DateSelect", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "All Events Report", acPreview

Now, when run, this code opens the form (DateSelect), but the report starts to run immediately - the On No Data event of the report kicks in (message box along the lines of "No data, closing report", so before the user has the opportunity to enter the dates, the report has decided that there is no data an closes.

Is there a way to pause the opening of the report until after the OK button is clicked on the pop up form?

Just for the sake of clarity, the pop-up form DateSelect is used to open various reports, so I can't add the open report command to the code for the OK button (that I know of?)

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