How To Design A Calendar Planner

Feb 26, 2008

I need to develop the automatization for my firm. The first stepp is the calendar planner. I am completly new in access and I have some questions:

To show you what I need I did it in excel sheet that you can see here:

So, I need all my data distributed in days separated by the line between them. I don't want to have the same date repeatedly written. If you go to T1...T5 fields you will see that there is a meny for names and in the last fields yes/no option to choose.

How can I do a table like that in acces with lines and menus?

I tried to create the table and put for eg. the field of time that has to be separated from the field of date. But there if I choose the time, i have to put Date/time format that forces me also to put the date in the same field with time. How can I do that? Many thanx!

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Access Export AA Planner Import

Jun 24, 2006

I'm new to this forum so please excuss me if my question isn't in the right format.

I'm trying to export a database to a progam by the name of AA Planer.
I did a google on the phrase "access exprort AA Planner" and I got web page that said to "export the data in CVS format where Exel would acept it." So that brought me to the asumtion to export the data in CVS to import it to AA Plannner. Would I be right in making that asumtion.

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Holiday Planner - Ambitious Project

Sep 1, 2006

Hi all I am quite new in access, and I have been looking around the forum, but have not find anything that really matches my project, I don't even know if I can achieve in access!!
There is a screen shot of what I would like to create wich is a screen that shows me the full calendar year, the year can be changed with arrow buttons next to the year, the grey area are the saturdays and sundays per each year. Finally for every they in the calendar including the saturday and sundays I can insert a letter or a number the mark as holiday or other events and the field would change color as in the picture!!!
Is this possible?

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Queries :: Crosstab Design Is Slow When Opening And Saving In Design Mode?

Oct 6, 2014

I have had to use my first crosstab queries.

I now understand that when opening and saving crosstab queries Access (2010) runs that query to ascertain the column names. Unless you hard-code them. Running the query takes at least 20 minutes.
I have hard-coded where I can, but one report takes arbitrary dates so I can't hard-code them.

I believe that turning off AutoCorrect might make a difference to whether the query runs - but I don't want to turn it off.

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DATASHEET --- Allow Design Changes: Design View Only DOES NOT WORK

May 18, 2007

I have a sub form in DataSheet view and I would like to lock the design so that the User should not change the layout

Even when I set the property of the Datasheet “Allow Design Changes: Design View Only” users are able to unhide the hidden columns and they can also change the size of the column by dragging the column end line

Does any one know how to lock the design of datasheet ( I am using this sub form datasheet for data entry but do not want users to change the layout)


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Good Design? Bad Design? Problems..

May 5, 2005

I'm going to make up names and values -- I'm interested in the structure.

Table ALPHA:

1 5 7 9
2 4 14 8

Table BETA:

1 a b c


2 d e

Table DELTA:

2 f g

Ok, the idea here is that the data in table ALPHA contains data with COLA a key such that selecting 2 would yield the data row "4, 14, 8."

Now, COLA_IND is a "COLA" key for table ALPHA (sorry, I can never remember which side is called the foreign key). So, from tables BETA, CHARLIE and DELTA, I can access any row in ALPHA based on the key "COLA_IND"

Here's the fun part. When I build my query, it wants to use an inner join on the keys from all these tables... In order words:


What I'm looking to do is expand BETA, CHARLIE and DELTA with the information from ALPHA based on the key COLA_IND. I don't think this is doing what I want.

Any comments?

Thanks in advance...

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Query Design.DB Design Question

Sep 10, 2007


I've got this problem and im 95% sure its going to need a query in order to achieve this answer im looking for.

I'm creating a Software Licensing Management db and its all working lovely. However my only problem remains is the graphical representation (text box within one of the forms) of howmany licenses are/aren't(doesnt matter if this number is a +/- number) available.

In order to achieve this answer I dont think you'l need the table structure of any of my tables other than these two:



However I would like to add a column to either of these tables named 'Availability' or something similar which will show the licenses available.

I've tried a number of Update/Append queries but all have failed. I want this Available running variable held within the table due to it not changing to much of the current db design as i baisically finished the project and they asked for it! any ideas of how to efficiently achieve this will be much appreciated!


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Design View Keyboard Shortcut - Expand Columns In Design View Of A Query

Jun 5, 2014

I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut to expand the columns in "design view" of a query.

What I mean by this is rather than selecting all of the columns and double clicking to see the entire text, I'd like to be able to a shortcut.

The entire process as I see it involves 3 steps so I will need thesolution to the 3rd step.

(1) [ctrl+spacebar] to select initial column
(2) [shift+arrows] to select all of the columns I need
(3) [keyboard shortcut] will expand all of the columns "field" names to the size of the column heading

Alternatively, if you know of a shortcut that will expand the columns without having to select them first I'll take it!!

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Jul 22, 2006


I've putted on calendar on an database but by example when I press first of June how can I make it recognise which week day is it?


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Jan 2, 2007

Hi All!
I have Access Calendar on my form. I named it txttoday. Which code and where should I put the code in order when I open my form I want the date always be on todays date. I guess it should be on Open and something like txttoday = now()....

Please advice,

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Mar 18, 2008

Using an activeX calendar. I have 2 questions.

1) Is it possible to have certain dates always highlighted in the calendar so the user can clearly see these dates. What I'm looking for specifically is to have each second thursday always highlighted with another color.

2) Using a seperate form and calendar than the one above, how would I go about using a calendar to search for old records (apply a query to it maybe, but how would I do that?) so that when I click on a date, the records for that specific date are opened.

I really appreciate any help that anyone can offer with either question. If you leave an answer in code, can you please clearly define what you named each item that I may need to replace, i.e. Calendar, Date, etc., because I'm not incredibly familar with using code.

Thanks in advance for the help, I will be able to respond quickly if you have any questions or if I didn't explain anything clearly.

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Jan 2, 2007

Hi All!
I have Access Calendar on my form. I named it txttoday. Which code and where should I put the code in order when I open my form I want the date always be on todays date. I guess it should be on Open and something like txttoday = now()....

Please advice,

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Mar 10, 2005

I am trying to use a calendar to fill the date box on a simple form, I have used the examples from various threads on here but I cannot get the calendar to pop up.

The error message I get is

Run Time Error 2110
Microsoft Access cant move the focus to the control activeXCt161

Any thoughts on how I can fix the problem?

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Pop Up Calendar - How?

Sep 28, 2005


I have seen pop up calendars in use in other databases and wondered if it was possible to put one into my current DB. (The standard little Microsoft style one).

Rather than using a direct entry date field in my form how do I go about adding in a pop up calendar. Can this be done easily?


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Calendar Help

Feb 8, 2006

i cant hide the calendar when u open the form and i cant click a date without an error appearing help please

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Calendar Help

Mar 17, 2006

Hi all.

I'm trying tosetup a pop up calendar in my Access Database for users to select start and finish dates of activities. I have a calendar from here:

Here is my problem, When I run the database "Calender2000" it works fine. The calendar is displayed, but when I import the database (using get external data), and try running the calander, I get the following error:

"The expression you entered has a function name that Microsoft Office Access can't find.@."

I am fairly new to Access, and currently using Access 2007. Any help appreciated (I can follow instructions in Access 2003 format).


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Jun 7, 2006

I am getting myself into knots trying to solve this can anyone help:

I need a calender so that the user can book and check availability of courses for each date. ie course 1 has 5 places on this date, once one is booked then there should be 4 places left.

Does anyone know if there is a graphical form available which I can use for this function and serve the dual purpose of data entry?

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Aug 27, 2006

Hi, I have find this calendar, wich is great for me as my ACCESS program is in italian and all calendars I have find gives me back date and month values in italian, this one I can set it either italian or english!!!
What I need is to make it visible on double clicking on the date on a form and once opened selecting the dae on the calendar it returns the value onto my date field on the form.

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Oct 31, 2005

I would like to create a text box that when it has focus a calendar pops up, allows the user to select a date and then disappears after a date is selected, leaving the date (mm/dd/yyyy) in the textbox. Anyone know where code may be available -- I am willing to pay for it? Thanks ...

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Calendar Property

Jun 6, 2005

Please pardon my ignorance, but how do I set up a ActiveX calendar in Access? The help files are missing from the version of Access 2000 I am using, and I really don't know what I am doing. I would be grateful for any help with this.


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Calendar Format On DAP?

Aug 3, 2005


I've created a database to keep track of schedules, and have created a report that displays like a calendar.

Similar to Pat's example here

What I would like to do now, is create a DAP that will display in a similar format. But because the report uses subreports, it doesn't just tranfer over.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to create a simlar calendar format, within a DAP?

We want to use this on our intranet, so everyone can see each others schedules, and this is the only thing left I have to do. I just can't seem to get anything to work.


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Calendar Pop-Up Version

Aug 15, 2005


I just created a calendar pop-up for data entry in Access Version 2002 and it does not work with Access 2003. Any help from anybody would be appreciated!

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Dec 5, 2005

Does anybody know if MSCAL.Calendar.7 can be set so that Sunday shows as the first day of the week instead of Monday.My company uses a timesheet with a week begginning on Sunday.

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Reference Calendar

Aug 19, 2006

Is there a way to insert a calendar on a form from which a user can select a Month year and day similar to using the calendar on Outlook or Lotus Notes to set up or view appointments or meetings?

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ActiveX Calendar

Sep 1, 2006

I use the Calendar ActiveX to select a date.
The calendar have a dropdownlistto post the selectede date?
I the calendar to dissapear after the date is selected. The selected date should remain in the drop down list.
I think that the control have a dropdownlist to show the selection, but i didn't found it.

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Calendar In Access

Sep 27, 2006

Trying to add to my DB. Looking to be able to keep track of time worked on stock parts on a weekly basis. Would like to be able to enter time at the end of the week, by week. IE; On the week of Sept 10th 29 hours were dedicated to restocking our shelves with stock parts. Is there an easy way to accomplish a calendar setup like this, as I seem top be over complicating the issue I think. If someone could point me in the basic direction on this that would be great.

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