How To Eliminate A Double Quote
Nov 13, 2007
I have a string with one or more double quotes in it. How can I remove the double quotes? (I was able to remove single quotes.)
Example: Purchase "other items". (This the data in a column.)
I want to change it to Purchase other items
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Feb 28, 2006
I've been asked if I can create a database which will act as a quote generator.
There will be 5 components to make up the whole product. However, the options available for components 3, 4 and 5 will be dependant on the components chosen for 1 and 2.
i.e. there may be 5 options for each component.
If part 1a is chosen, then only parts 2c, 2d and 2e will be available. If part 1a and 2c are chosen, then only parts 3a and 3d are available and 4b, 4d and 4e are available.
...does any of this make sense?????
My question is... can anyone tell me how I should create the tables and the relationships to enable me to create a database like this. I am completely stumped.
It may be that this is completley beyond me, but i'd like to at least be able to give it a try.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Feb 17, 2005
I have been trying to create a Quote form in my Database. I have a list of products, each product then has a table that details prices based on quantity breaks (i.e 500 to 999 and 1000 to 1999 etc.).
In my Form I am unable to create a subform in datasheet view that will enable me to select a product from a combo, type in a quantity and for the price to be displayed based on the quantity?
Has anyone managed to achieve this? I would love to see the code and put it into practice.
Many thanks
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Jan 6, 2005
When trying to update an access membership db where expired members are
being set to 'inactive' the script keeps hanging up with a runtime error
when the first or last name of the member
has a single quote in their name (eg O'Neil)
Any ideas where to look to fix this would be appreciated.
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Aug 31, 2003
i have an error:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Products.Catalogs LIKE '%[a-z]%' AND (Products.ItemName LIKE '%t'ai%') AND ((Products.NewItem = True) OR (Products.HotBuy = True)) ORDER BY Products.ItemName'.
/webdev/flaghouse/NEWITEM_List_Main.asp, line 149
this results when search terms contain a ' (SINGLE QUOTE). i've tried to double up all of the SINGLE QUOTES in the code and still get an error.
heres the CODE:
' check if keywords entered, split comma-delimited list into array of keywords
If Request("Keyword") > " " Then
theKeyword = Request("Keyword")
listKeywords = split(theKeyword,",")
maxCounter = ubound(listKeywords)
whereClause = "Products.ItemName LIKE '%" & listKeywords(0) & "%'"
FOR counter=1 TO maxCounter
theKeyword = listKeywords(counter)
whereClause = whereClause & " OR Products.ItemName LIKE '%" & theKeyword & "%'"
SQLString = SQLString & " AND ("
SQLString = SQLString & whereClause & ")"
theKeyword = "None"
End If
if anyone sees anything amiss, please let me know. i'm at wit's end!!
thanks. please email me at: URL. again, thank you in advance for your help.
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Aug 25, 2004
I am after a MS Access Database that will allow me to do up quotes and invoices for my small computer business does anyone know of any free access databases that will allow me to do this
If you know of any can you please let me know via email
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Feb 2, 2006
As a basic user of Access I believe I have identified a use for the program for the purposes of a reporting task which I am charged with at the moment. We undertake the weekly tracking of proposals, which involves in brief, the action required for the bigger proposals, the teams involved in writing the proposals and follow up information as well as registration of wins and losses etc.
At the moment we use Excel but I am finding it extremely labour intensive with entries having to be removed and captured by only one person on a weekly basis and when you are talking about 40 to 50 new proposals registered nationally in a week and about 100 updates on existing jobs it becomes a perpetual case of chasing your tail.
Am I right in thinking that if we were to design a simple, effective database with a form design that all our research directors could use with ease, and we could merely run reports off each week that this would not produce a far quicker reaction time when it comes to pooling international resources but also far more effective reporting system with which to produce our management summaries?
I am aware that this will probably require quite a bit of consultation on design but before I go shouting the merits of Access to any of my superiors I wanted to make sure I could be confident of Access's capabilities first?
Can anyone advise? point me in the right direction?
Many thanks!
Lisa H.:confused:
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Mar 16, 2008
I am using DoCmd.TransferText to import a CSV file to a new table.
The problem is some of the fields contain quotation marks which really messes things up for me later on.
Is there some way I can go through the whole table and remove them?
Maybe a Query?
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Oct 24, 2013
I am trying to isolate a field with quote marks (").
but that does not work..
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Jan 3, 2006
ok basically im creating a quote system that will show users prices from one destination to the other destination based on the size of the vehicle..
you can see a similar quote system used on the following website..
there will be three main tables..
Airport Table
airportID - primary key, autonumber
airportNAME - text
the airport table will consist of 5 records..Heathrow,Gatwick,Stansted,London City, Luton
Town Table
TownID - primary key, autonumber
TownNAME - text
the town table will contain a list of postcodes, maybe 50 or so (n1,n2,n3,n4,e1,e2...)
Car Table
CarID - primary key, autonumber
CarNAME - text
the car table will consist of 4 records..Saloon,Estate,MPV,Executive
now what i need to do is create a similar quote system like there is on the url above..
my original idea would be to do something like this..
Have three tables that contain the quotes for each type of car..the first two listed here will work i think..
Airport2TownQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
airportID - the airport Pickup, foreign key
townID - the town Destination, foreign key
price - currency
Town2AirportQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
townID - the town Pickup, foreign key
airportID - the airport Destination, foreign key
price - currency
however.. for airport to airport quotes.. the resembling table would look something like this..
Airport2AirportQuotes Table
quoteID - primary key, autonumber
carID - foreign key from car table
airportID - the airport Pickup, foreign key
airportID - the airport Destination, foreign key
price - currency
but you cannot place the airport id twice in the same table..(this maybe a case of simply renaming the airport fields in this table such as airport1, and airport2.. but can you still link them and enforce integrity if the fields have different names?)
also one example may be Heathrow to n1 is £30... this does not mean however that n1 to heathrow will be £30.. this is why i need to separate the quotes in this way.. for the 3 possible journeys (airport to airport, town to airport, airport to town).. also the quotes will be different for each car type..
anyway.. i shall be using asp to create a similar quote system on my website.. but i just need to get the final layout of the database sorted.
thanks in advance for any help.
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Sep 19, 2006
Hi Folks,
I'm sorry to be stupid, here, but I can't get this to work. I have a parameter query that forms the basis for a report. To get the value for the query, I have a form on which the user selects the value they want from a combo box (cboProgram). The values in the combo box include all of the programs used in the file plus a value called "All" which means - just include all the records. My problem is that when "All" is selected in the combo box, no records are returned.
Things to mention:
"All" has a value of 1 in the lookup table.
I tried the query with the actual values and it works fine. The problem is when I try to do it from the combo box.
My first attempt was to put:
iif([forms]![frmFormName]![cboPrograms]=1, "*", [forms]![frmFormName]![cboPrograms]) in the criteria for that field in the criteria box for lngPrograms.
Access' response was that the criteria value was too complicated to resolve.
So, I noticed that I wasn't saying 'Like "*"' in the first part, but if that's the problem then I can't get the numbers of quotes right. I also tried switching the iif statement around and saying <>1,[forms]..., else some version of 'Like "*", but that didn't work either.
Then I queried around the forum and found a recommendation to make a function to return the value, so I did the following:
In the criteria for the field in the query:
And in a module:
Public Function IfAll(ProgSel)
Select Case ProgSel
Case 1
IfAll = "Like ""*"""
Case Else
IfAll = ProgSel
End Select
End Function
I'm still not getting it. If "All" is selected, value = 1, then no recorsd are returned. Can anyone help me out please?
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Apr 28, 2005
I've been searching all the forums and unable to find my answer. What I want to do is show on a form the average quote for the specific model number.
On the form there is customer info, product info, etc. I want to see the average of what we have quoted every other time we have seen this product (we do repairs). The identifer for the product is the model number, Model#, the quoted cost is PRICE. I've used this function before, DAvg("[Price]","Repairs","[Model#]='013003020'") - which of course gives me the average for one specific model number (013003020). How would I use a similar function but have it do the average for the model number that I am viewing on the form?
If I am able to do that - I also need to find a way to not include nulls and zeros from the Price field.
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Jul 8, 2013
I am creating an access database to store customer details as well as quote information. I have created a form to input quote details that our office can complete when a customer calls to complete a quote. I need to create a form that opens as a new form every time we click on the form to input a new quotation. How do I do this? At the moment when I click on the form, the form opens but the details of the last quotation are stored on the open form.
I have no training in access at all and am self taught so far so by no means an expert.I also want to create a form that allows you to search for particular quote numbers, so if someone calls and asks about a particular quote number we click on a page that says 'search quotes', input the quote number and the form opens with all the details of that quote.
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Feb 5, 2015
I know that you can insert comments and notes in VBA code using a singular quote, like the following:
'Comment about what the code does
Is there a similar way to insert comments in the SQL of queries? I found other forum posts that say this isn't possible but those were all for pre-2010 Access. Has this changed at all?
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Jul 9, 2007
another problem that I have is as follows:
I have 2 txtBoxes and a button (txtA, txtB, btn). When opening the form I fill in txtA and txtB. Now when clicking on the button "btn" (OnClick event), the program is supposed to compare the values in the 2 txtboxes. If they are equal (txtA=txtB), then I have to do something which is not relevant to my question. In the code I type:
if (Me.txtA.Value = Me.txtB.Value) then
End if
and it does not even go through the conditional statement if to do whatever I want the program to do inside the if. I would really appreciate anyone's help.
Thank you very much
PS: By the way, thank you boblarson and rainman89 for the past question, both solutions worked, I used boblarson's but I have to click on the form when it's opened in order for the changes in the table to take effect.
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Sep 13, 2007
Hello guys & gals on here.
I've been struggeling with this problem for a couple of days now and finally decided to post here and kindly ask for assistance. I've got a pretty strong OO background, but haven't worked with databases much...
I'm trying to set up a small client database for my company. The client companies have staff members (StaffClients). Client staff can attend Events and work on Projects, which I've managed via junction tables. Our own Staff can also attend Events and work on Projects.
I've uploaded my first draft of tables and relationships here:
(sorry for the blurred bits)
Now I think I've done a fairly good job in normalising the tables, but one thing that I keep stumbling across is that I need two almost identical tables: one for our Staff and one for StaffClients.
They are subtly different, e.g. StaffClients have some extra attributes, such as JobTitle, Department and one StaffClient can be the assistant of another StaffClient (also done via a junction table). The other difference is that client staff can have different roles in a project (MainContact or Assistant) compared to our own staff (Manager or TeamMember).
As a result of these differences I have set up separate junction tables for both Staff and StaffClients, but are obviously very similar.
My question is: Is that structure sound? Or can I simplify it somehow before setting up the forms for the data entry?
Your input is kindly appreciated!!
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Sep 25, 2007
I have a problem with one of my tables and don't know where to start to fix it. This is where I stand: I have a table with 5 columns, there is no single primary key. I have duplicate entries of 4 of the 5 columns and a count number as the last column. I need to eliminate the duplicates of the combination of the 4 columns but add the count of the duplicates. Let me illustrate for you to understand better:
this is the original table:
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
A B C D 1
A B C D 5
A B C D 2
W X Y Z 3
W X Y Z 5
W X Y Z 4
I need to obtain this in a new table:
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
A B C D 8
W X Y Z 12
Oh, and keep in mind that the original table has almost 6 million rows that will probably get reduced to about 500 000 after this process.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Apr 14, 2008
Hello All, I am looking for any advice on the following dilemma. I have a table with new monetary transactions that come in every day. I would like to have the transactions(one debit and one credit) that net to zero eliminated from the table automatically. What I was thinking was to have an abs amount column added and run the duplicates query as a delete query based on this column, but that would not only eliminate the amounts that net to zero...but similar debit and credit amounts. Does anyone have any thoughts on the most efficient way to do this? Im sure the answer is staring at me in the face, but I cant get my head around it. Thanks in advance!
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Oct 10, 2007
Hi i was hoping someone could help me with this. I’ve spent the last hour trying to figure it out. I'll keep trying, and let you know if i have any luck.
I have a calculation box which is based on a sub form,
(Long story short it counts stock items) when there is no stock available there is nothing to count so it returns the #Error message.
My starting expression is simply =[Child96].[Form]![QtyCalc]
I have read in this forum there is a "hasdata" function that can remove the Error#, but it may only apply to reports?
ASP Forums Link
I have tried this in an IIF statement but can't get it to work.
So far I’ve been looking at variations of the following
iif([Child96].[Form]![QtyCalc],hasdata = false,"0",[Child96].[Form]![QtyCalc])
Null can't be used, and I would prefer not to create a separate query instead of referring to the sub to calculate.
If anyone could help it would be appreciated.
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May 27, 2005
Is it posible to eliminate an append query or update, delete querey message. So that users wouldnt have to click "yes" in a msgbox that show?
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Nov 1, 2006
I have made a query from different tables; however, my query is returning about 5 rows for each person because some fields in the query return more than 1 row.
Is there anyway to fix this problem?
Thank you,
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Jun 5, 2007
I know there a many posts about eliminating duplicate records because I did search, but I did not see anything that really answers my question.
I have a query in a local Access database that is using a Linked table from an SQL database managed by our corporate IT department. I have read access to only certain tables / fields in the SQL database. My query is based on 3 tables from the database and I have them linked together in my query.
When managers move from one site to another, they are given a different TeamID number. However, until they are replaced, the manager will have more than one TeamID assigned to him in the SQL database. Evidentally, the way our IT has the SQL database structured, when I query open items it duplicates the record for that manager because he has 2 TeamID numbers. So the only field that comes up differnt in the duplicate records is the manager's TeamID number.
I would like for my Select Query to ignore the duplicate record. I know I can use an Append Query to copy the data temporarily to a local table and set the proper fields as Primary Keys to do this. However, it would be nice if I did not have to go to all that trouble.
Is there a way to eliminate duplicate in my Select Query?
As always, I appreciate the help.
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Sep 15, 2006
Hi all,
This is an intersting question that my friend ask me... hope someone can help to solve it.
In a combo box i use to list out all the company in a table that with the duplicate of the company is allowed. Do someone have a good idea to filter the combo box when detect a duplicate data and just showing one of each company only? or can i create a query with just listing one of each company from the table with all those duplicate company data?
Thank you.
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Nov 4, 2004
I recently MERGED two columns in a database file using the following code:
The RESULT field was a number which I had to change to a TEXT field since my QUALIFIER was a TEXT field. Anyway the result was the field called MERGED which depicted the data as follows:
(100) U
(500) U
I use the Find and Replace twice to get rid of the first ( and run it again to get rid of ) resulting in a field that looks like this:
100 U
500 U
My question is can I solve this through an UPDATE query statement through SQL or some other way with a function.
I would rather automate the removal of the ( ) or change my original code to NOT put brackets around my result.
Any and all help is most appreciated.
I thk you all in advance.
the raven man
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Apr 28, 2008
[Solved] I have a report that is based a query formed from 2 tables. The query pulls the address from one table for a client from the other table. This address then appears on the report. There are 6 lines for the address: Company Name, Contact Person, Person's Title, Address 1, Address 2, City/State/Zip. I have this working fine, until an address is shown where there is no Title, or Address 2. Then a blank line is shown. Any suggestions on how I can eliminate the blank line if there is no information to show?
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Feb 27, 2015
I am using Access 2013 and have created a music inventory database.I have a question about formatting some text in a table. One of my tables has the following fields:
Artist ID
DVD Number
Artist Last Name
Artist First Name
Artist Full Name
In my form, I want the artist's name to appear like this:
Mozart, Wolfgang
Dylan, Bob
I know how to format the table to do this, and I know how to construct the form for this. To format the name, in the tblArtist table, I use the following expression in the Artist Full Name field:[Artist Last Name] & ", " & [Artist First Name]
If an artist has only one name, such as Aerosmith, I enter it in the Artist Last Name column. Artists such as The Beatles or The Rolling Stones, I just omit "The."When a one-name artist's full name appears in the form, there is a comma after their name.
Is there a simple way to eliminate the comma if there is no text in the Artist First Name column? If so, what is the simplest, easiest, most practical novice-friendly way to do this?
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