How To Export A "wider" Html Page From Report?

May 30, 2005

I am new to Access so forgive me if this is a dumb question. I want to export a report to html but I want for it to be wider. Right now I can export to html but each record gets wrapped so that all the text can fit on a single screen. I would like for my webpage to scroll left-to-right so that each record only takes up a single line.

Here is an example of a report that I exported:
AudioVideo Report

As you can see the Album and Source fields are wrapped so that all the text can fit on the screen. Is there any way that I can make this same webpage but have every record appear on a single line? That way there would be a scroll bar on the bottom of the webpage and you'd just have to scroll to the right in order to read all the information.

Here is an example of how I'd like for it to look:
AudioVideo Report 2

Again, sorry if this is a stupid question. Thanks for your help.

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Can I Export A Data Access Page To Static HTML?

Jan 15, 2008

Good morning! I'm using Access to redesign our company's electronic phonebook. Our intranet uses SharePoint technology and our IT people have cranked our security settings up pretty high, so I can't use data access pages or ASP. Therefore, I'm going to use static HTML, producing a single page which the CEO's secretary will upload once a month, allowing our 800+ employees to view the entire phonebook at once. CTRL-F is their friend.

I've managed to design a data access page that looks very much like we want it to, but I don't know how to export it to static HTML. Can such a thing be done, or am I just being wacky? If so, is there a way to automate it so the secretary can just push a button to generate the page?


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Importing From Html Page

Apr 12, 2005

HI .

I have a problem thats over my head.

I use vbs to download the page from a certain URL.In order to import data I go to get external data ,html format.Wizard shows that there are 5 different tables whithin the page.I need only one of them ,and more important I need it automaticly imported everytime I open my DB.

Tnx in advance

I've visited a few forums didnt get an answer.
Here is the URL : http://www.nbs.yu/kl/today.php?vrsta=3

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Update Access Db By HTML Page

Dec 6, 2005

first i'm sorry on my english.

I have in my work some computers with network.

I want to send mail to one computer, the mail is like form in HTML
have 3 things:
1. textbox
1 select
1 submit

is it possible to get the mail and to write in the mail and send it (by submit button) then to update the access db.

I have no idea.
if there is an easy way to do it, I will happy to hear.

[I think to do it with an asp page in each computer that the HTML send the items to the ASP page (by request.get) then the asp page update the db].

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Using HTML Page To Update Database

Apr 1, 2006

I have a scenario at work I need some help with. I'm just checking to make sure it is possible before I dive further into it.

We need a database for approximately 40 people to access at one time. They don't really need to access the database itself just be able to update it.

The question that was posed to me was this: Can we use an HTML page to update the database?

This will not be run through SQL or IIS or anything of that nature. It will just be an HTML page that is accessed through a users folder. On the HTML page will be the input boxes and a submit and reset button.

I made a data access page, but I really don't want the users to be able to go through the previous entries. I also wasn't sure if more than one person could be accessing the page at once.

Is a simple form page with a submit button possible not running on a web server?

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Modules & VBA :: Find Text On Loaded HTML Page

May 5, 2015

I am simply trying to find text on a Web Browser Control htm page.

Using MS Access 2003, I have a form that includes the activeX Web Browser Control. On load of the form I initialize the web like below:

Dim strURL As String
strURL = ""
Me.WebBrowser0.Navigate strURL
Me.WebBrowser0.Silent = True

The page loads fine.

Now, also, on my form is an unbound text box I call: [txtFind] and a command button I call [cmdFind]. I want [cmdFind] to find the first occurrence of the value in [txtFind]. My code below doesn't do anything when I click the [cmdFind] button.

Public oRange As Object
Public myfindFirst As Boolean
Public intTextLength As Long
Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
Dim sSearch As String
Dim strText As String

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Static Webpage Form - Export To HTML Using Template

Mar 12, 2014

In my DB I have a query that I need to create a static webpage from, now in excel I can do the record button and bingo, but access is a lot more confusing.

I have a template named doc_tplt.html that when I do the export from the query it creates the webpage using this template.

I want to have a form with a selection of command buttons on it to export to html using the template for various queries and tables.

What is the VBA code to export the query (qry_docs) and apply the template (doc_tplt.html) and save to the same directory as the DB itself.

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Reports :: One Page Report Showing Second Blank Page

Apr 20, 2014

I have a report that should only show 1 page yet I have 2 and one is blank . I cannot find out why?

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Modules & VBA :: Vanishing Commas When Exporting Report Into HTML Email Body

Jun 17, 2013

I'm running the following code to generate an email from a report.


Function ExportHTML3()
Dim strline, strHTML
Dim OL As Outlook.Application


But I don't really know much VBA and I found that code on the internet, so I can't figure out how it's doing that and if I can stop it. Or is there another way to get the text from the HTML file into the Email body, which brings the bold formatting with it, like the following.

Incident Reference: AA99999

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Forms :: Email Using User Selected HTML Template With Optional Report As Attachment

Jun 27, 2015

I have an access form. It has

-Two textboxes with client first and last name
-Two textboxes with a contact 'email1' and 'email2' for the client
-A combobox with a list of templates to use for the email.
-A checkbox to include a copy of the statement on the email.

I want the user to be able to press a button which does the following

-Sends an email to both 'email1' and 'email2'.
-Attaches a secific report as PDF if the user has selected the checkbox
-The body of the email includes a greeting line using the clients name from the record.
-The body of the message includes below the greeting line a html email template depending on the users combobox selection.

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Sub Report - Data Stops Appearing In Sub Report After Page 2?

Dec 21, 2012

I have an asset data base to generate individual asset detail reports with a sub report on the same page listing similar assets from a separate query. I have set the master and child fields, one to many. This works perfectly for the first two assets (pages), however the sub report stops showing data on the third asset (page).

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Importing HTML Code. Not From HTML... ;)

Dec 27, 2004

I need, in some way or another, to be able to import an HTML code from an HTML file into Access. It would be ideal if the end result is a table with one memo field named "HTML".

I know is seems strange, but I need the code itself. I've managed to do a bit of duct-tape work, and import from HTML, but this results in only the text of the HTML code (Meaning the text of the web page, not the tags).

I know I'm crazy for wanting this, but is there anyone out there who can give direction/guidance?

More web-ish than vba-ish,


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Fit Report To A Page

Sep 10, 2006

I have created a report however, given the number of records it prints over 2 pages. isthere a "fit to page" option in access???

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Sub Report At Last Page?

Oct 18, 2006


Question: I have got one report showing the details and one report showing the totals of these details. How do I combine this to one report showing the totals at the end of the details, ie. not on every page?

Many thanks and regards,


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Report To Fit Page

Jun 9, 2007

I am trying (an failing) to create a report which best fits into A4 size paper. Requirement is border all arround.

I am attaching a sample report output of my db in which

See, Additional Techno-Commercial and below data are in Report footer. So problem is if there is single result in details above footer, then this footer comes up and report covers only half of page.

What is required is footer should be a fixed lower position and if data above is less it should be blank but a border should be there.

I tried forum search also but found no thread.

Please help

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Page Setup In Report

Jun 1, 2005

I have created some reports but find difficult to keep permanganate page set up for that reports. I go to design view and do page setup with required margin and Portrait or Landscape set up and preview that reports looks fine. After saving again I check still its fine but once I close that database and reopen again some of reports page setup becomes Portrait with 1" margin on all sides (Not All reports). I cannot solve this. Can any one help??
Funny part is even I copy that report and change data source of that report it changes page setup

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Report Footer On Last Page Only

Mar 11, 2005

I have a report that is several pages long, the page footer I want to show only on the last page, how can I work out a counter/indicator to know which is the last page and be able to set the footer fields to visible


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Viewing A Report From An Access Page (web)

Dec 4, 2006

Viewing a report from an Access Webpage... I can not, unlike from a form, create a button to view a report. Is there anyway around this? Is there no functionality to display the report as an html page or so?

Sam W.

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Adding Page Breaks To A Report???

Aug 16, 2007

I have a list of jobs for a report in which there are multiple jobs per page. When there is a page break in the report some jobs are being cut off and then started on the next page. I do not want any information from a job to be seperated by a page break. I just want a page break to occur after a full job listing. I don't mind if the page is short, just don't want any jobs broken up. Is there a way to accomplish this??? Thanks.

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Report Page Setup Keeps Changing

Jan 3, 2006

I have several reports in my system. Some are landscape and some are portrait. Occasionally the landcape ones switch to portrait taking up two pages each. In preview mode it is not so bad that the user can reset the page size, but when one is sent to print this is most certainly annoying.

Any advice?

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Page Breaks In Sub Report Not Working ?

Dec 15, 2004


I have a report that has 3 sub reports in the main report but for now I will just concentrate on my main report and my first sub report. My first subreport is a bit of a nightmare as it pages and pages of just text well 3 pages. I have typed all the text in labels n the sub report and I have inserted a page break control when I run the sub report without the main report the page breaks are there when I run the sub report from the main report the breaks have gone. Any idea's how to fix this one. So I have a hughe details section with 3 page breaks that only work on the sub report that has not been opened from the main report. Once I try to open the sub report from the main report I lose my page breaks in the details section of the sub report. Hope this make sense. Thanks PWF

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Report: Formatting To Fit 1/3 Page Three Times

Aug 18, 2006

I need to print data on a pre-printed letter-sized piece of paper that will be cut horizontally into three identical 8.5" x 3.667" forms.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to format a report to get the data in the right spots. I've tried messing with the margins, height of the detail area, columns...everything I can think of. It seems I can get the data to print in the right spot on the top form but neither of the other forms and/or on the top two but not on the bottom at all.

There *must* be a way to do this.

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Prinitng More Than One Record Per Page Of Report

Oct 30, 2007

I have a report detailing a summary of a patient's medical history however it is printing one patient per page whereas there is plenty of room to print multiple records per page.

I the report set to sort on surnames but have changed all the sorting and grouping criteria as far as I can see.

How can i do this?

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Reports :: How To Keep All Yes / No Fields In Report On Same Page

Sep 4, 2013

I have a few fields "yes/no" in report and I want to keep all of this in one page when I'll print it. How could I do that.

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Reports :: Centering Report On Page?

Nov 14, 2013

I'm using Access 2010.My reports are all crowding the left margin, with the reports printed in Landscape being the worst.My Page Setup shows Top and Bottom margins are 0.2 inches, Left is 0.35 and Right is 0.213.

Paper size is 8.5 x 11, in Landscape Mode.

1 column.

Column is 10.4"

I'm getting that error that says that the report is wider than the paper so I may get blank pages, but I don't. It just prints the 6 pages of the report.The Report Property Sheet says the report is 10.5104" and I cannot for the life of me get that to change.

When it prints, there is absolutely no margin on the left side (in landscape mode). When the report renders on the screen, it appears to be perfectly aligned.Reports printed in Portrait mode have extra white space at the top, with the footer being printed right along the bottom edge of the paper.

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Reports :: Limit Report To 1 Page?

Aug 2, 2013

I have a report that is generating a few pages, but I am only interested in the first page only. I have tried adding in code to cancel everything after the first page, but this just gives me a blank second page:


Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Cancel = Me.Page > 1
End Sub
Private Sub PageFooterSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Cancel = Me.Page > 1
End Sub
Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Cancel = Me.Page > 1
End Sub

I am outputting this report to PDF, and it is very annoying to have a blank page.

Is there a way to force the report to only be one page in length.

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