How To Filter Subform OnLoad

Mar 20, 2014

I have a subform inside of a form. The form has info about an entire group of parts and the subform contains a list of all the parts in that group. What I want to do is just filter out the parts in the subform whenever the form/subform loads which do not have a 'deleted' checkbox checked. (No parts in the database get deleted; if someone deletes a part I just want it to add a true to the 'deleted' flag field for the part and then that part doesnt show up in regular part lists anymore).

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Access 2007 - Multiple Subform Onload

Dec 10, 2012

I have a Form with 2 subforms. One subform has an onload property to adjust columnwidths. I am trying to do the same for the other subform - but I get the following error:

The Expression on load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while micorosft office access was communicating with the OLE server or Active X Control.

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OnLoad Property

Mar 3, 2006

What I'd like to do is for my combo boxes to say something like "Select One" when the form is first loaded, until the user opens the box and selects something. My combo boxes work fine now, but they are currently empty when the form loads.

From my google research it appeared that the OnLoad property would probably help me do what I want, but I can't seem to find this property anywhere in Access. It's not anywhere in the property window and the help search doesn't return any results.

I'm using Access 2003 from MS Office Professional Edition 2003.

Am I missing an upgrade or does my version not have this property, or am I just missing it?

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Combo To Filter Subform From Another Subform?

Feb 2, 2015

Main form frmSiteDetails

frmRooms (subform) holds Room information for the rooms on each floor. This form has LinkMasterField [SlaveFloorsID] and LinkChildFields [FloorsID]

frmFloors subform holds floor information for each floor in a property. This form has LinkMaster [SiteID] and LinkChildFields [SiteID]

Both these forms sit on a Tab Control (TabCtl57) and do work properly.

What I would like to do is to also have a Combo to pick a floor number from frmFloors and filter frmRooms. Both these forms have FloorsID fields. This would save a user having to go back to frmFloors to pick a different floor and then go back to frmRooms to view the room data for the new chosen floor.

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OnLoad? And Automatic Counter

Apr 27, 2005

a couple of questions...

1) what can i do in order to get a form to open when a database is loaded?

2) what is the automatic counter?

thanks in advance

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OnLoad View As Datasheet

Mar 9, 2005


i have created subforms and set the Default View to Datasheet
Now i have a form where i am adding command buttons on it to load those subforms but They are not Loading it as DATASHEET VIEW.
Any Clue?


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Date Comparison OnLoad Javascript Event

Aug 10, 2006

Okay, me again, on my DAP (Data Access Page) I have a piece of JavaScript that tells my page onload compare 2 dates. It's straight forward and all and my code works. That's actually where the problem is... When access loads my DAP up it builds the page, executes the javascript and THEN populates my fields with all the records. So my comparison javascript will always execute BEFORE the data loads into my DAP...

<body language=”javascript” onload=”colorBox();”>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=”javascript”>
Function colorBox(){
If (Quarter1DueDateP1 >= Quarter1CompleteddateP1){
Elseif (Quarter1CompleteddateP1>=Quarter1DueDateP1){
Else {

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Forms :: OnLoad Runs When Closing Form

Oct 9, 2013

I have an A2007 application running on XP. From main form, Form1, another form, Form2, is opened.

When I attempt to close the application by clicking in the cross in the rh-corner of Access window, I get a crash midway through the OnLoad of Form2. I cannot figure out why the heck the On Load event fires when the form is being closed, and have some difficulties stepping through the code.

I recall having heard of OnLoad firing when trying to close a Form.

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Modules & VBA :: Set Default On Control In OnLoad Event

Nov 17, 2014

I am dynamically trying to set a control default value. I have the code below in the On Load event of the form. I get an error msg that says "Run-time error '2467': The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist."

Forms(mainform)("Dyn_" & Trim(str(Project_ID)) & "_SubFrmTab03" & PT_Suffix & "_Approval").Controls("Groupid").DefaultValue = "=Forms!" & mainform & ".ClaimInfoGroupID"

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Forms :: Onload Event Doesn't Run All The Time

Aug 16, 2015

I have a form with an onload event that apparently only runs when it wants to. I've checked the onload property on the form and it is set to event procedure. Went through the code on the event and everything looks good. When i mark it in break mode and step through it it runs fine. When I take the marks off it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

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Data Access Page Onload Event Problem

Aug 8, 2006

This behavior is driving me crazy!

I have a data access page with an onload event for the window. All I want to do is go to a new record, update a date field with today's date and save the record. Here is the code:

<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onload for=window>

When I load the page, I can see the date pop into the request_date field, but then it disappears. I made sure the value update code works by putting it on a different object's click event. The problem is when it's in the onload event for the window.

Is there something I'm missing about this event that prevents this from working? Thanks!

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Use Query Results OnLoad Of Form To Conduct An Action

Jan 2, 2008

Alright. I've tried searching, but to be honest, I'm not even sure what to search for.

I want to create some VBA that onLoad of the opening form of the database, it will take info from a query that looks for data entered for a student. It will be looking to see if there is data in two date fields. If it finds data in both fields, then I want to make a change to the EnrollmentID row of another table to changed the graduated column from No to Yes.

To expand on that, I'll want to check each ClassID row and if all of the associated students of that class have the column Graduated checked as yes, it will place the date in the date column for that particular class.

This is essentially my way of auto-archiving data as the combo box selections on my forms don't allow for class data to be shown if there is a Closed Date entered for the class and you won't be able to enter more test results for a student if the Graduated Column is checked in the Enrollment table (associates memberID, ClassID, CourseID into a single table)

Any insight on how to do this would be greatly apprecaited.

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Forms :: DLookup With Linked Tables - OnLoad Event

May 26, 2015

The image below describes the scope of the issue.

The function is called upon in the onLoad event of frmMain.

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Modules & VBA :: OnLoad Event To Change Icon Of The Form

Sep 26, 2014

I currently use code in a module and code on each form in the on_load event to change the icon of the form.. the code i use is as follows..

in a module:

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Const WM_SETICON = &H80
Private Const IMAGE_ICON = 1
Private Const LR_LOADFROMFILE = &H10
Private Const SM_CXSMICON As Long = 49
Private Const SM_CYSMICON As Long = 50

[Code] ....

And on each form on load:

SetFormIcon Me.hWnd, "k: est directoryhsicon.ico"

What I am wondering is would it be possible to store the .ico file within the DB file itself (i know access can store bitmaps) and reference the .ico in the form load event code?

Overtime the db file will probably move to its own dedicated storage so using a direct reference to the file wont work..

I have tried the following but get an error (it tries to reference the .ico file as to being in the root directory of the db file)

SetFormIcon Me.hWnd, Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) - Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name))) & "hsicon.ico"

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Help With A Subform Filter

Aug 8, 2005

I am relitively new to access but I am learning ;)

I am creating a database that will hold details of hand held scanners that are sent out to various customers. This records the product and serial number etc. I have got the products and supplier tabs that I have specified on the 1st form "end_user" working fine and put in some basic error checking such as locking fields.
The orders form is to show all the orders that were placed by a particular customer, refered to by "end_user_number (autonumber) primary key" and "end_user_description (Text)"
I can now add orders to the database fine and have managed to get the subform to refresh and show details of the newly added order by tagging the requery command onto the end of the save button, so the record gets saved and then the subform refreshed.
The problem: I just cannot figure what I am doing wrong! The subform in order history displays all the orders from all the users where I want to filter the orders that the current end_user_number is related to. I have tried using the child filter and master filter with no luck and am trying to code a VB line to filter instead (currently a temporary command button on the ordershistory subform) but I am not sure of the syntax. Any ideas greatfully recieved!

Code Attached

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Filter Subform

Aug 22, 2005

How do you filter the subform so that it only returns data regarding the current week ending and no data before this date.

Many thanks,

Andy :confused:

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Filter On Subform

May 10, 2005

I have a unbound form with a bound datasheet subform on. I want to be able to change the filter on the subform from the main form i.e. on the click of a command button.

The problem I am having is setting the filter on the subform from the main form using VB. The subform does not seem to show up in the forms collection.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Filter Combox On Subform Value From Another

Oct 12, 2005

I ve searched these forums but cant for the life of me find the answer althought there are a lot of posts on combo box filters.

I have MainForm based on tblStaff. I have SubForm based on tblTimesheet.

They are linked by StaffID.

The user selects a Project from ProjectID in the Subform which is filtered to only show Projects assigned to that user. This is done by filtering the combo box by StaffID from the MainForm. Works no problem.

The problem i have is in the next combobox which displays the potential activities for the user. As there are about 80 potential activities i want to filter this based on the Project Role. There are only 5 project roles. I can refer to the project role in either the SubForm query or the ProjectID combobox query but it doesnt work.

I hope this is coherent. Could anyone suggest some code or query parameters for this!?? I'm not an idiot but im beginning to wonder.

Thanks in advance

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Subform Wont Filter

Jan 19, 2006

Hi all,

i have a subform as part of a larger form used for entering grades.

the form references a table with grades for all terms, im trying to get the form to just display the grades for this term which is identified by a field: ExamId = JsGrades2 using the filter option in the properties box for the form.

I dont have a filter applied to the main form and ive tried putting the filter on the table instead but either way doesn't work.

i could do a query and reference the table but would like to know why i cant the get the filter field to work.



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Filter A Subform Using A Combo Box

Mar 9, 2006

I have a form with a combo box on it.

I want to use the combo box to query a subform.

So basically when you click on the record in the combo box it will filter the subform based on the selection.

Is there is a simple way or do I need to be more specific about the requirements ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Filter SubForm Using Like?

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to apply a filter to a subform using the text filter Like "*text*" by setting up a dynamic SQL query for the subform, see code. The issue I have is that the SQL doesn't seem to apply to the form because it isn't filtering the form.

If Not IsNull(Me.ID) Then
pubRecCountPubs = 0
Dim strSQL, strSelectText, strWhereText, strOrderText, strFilterText, strAuthorText As String


I have this working fine in a 2010 database using the DoCmd.ApplyFilter method, but need to set up a similar database using 2003 and DoCmd.ApplyFilter doesn't work with subforms and I can't figure out why this code isn't working.

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Forms :: Onload Event - Open A Form And Update Caption Of A Label

Apr 15, 2013

I have some code on a button that opens a form and changes the caption of a label:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmRepair", , , , , , "CancelNo"
Forms![frmRepair].Form.[lblmain].Caption = "Missing Parts"

This code works well and frmRepair opens with the updated label caption. The original value was "Return/repair Information"

A few other things need to change on frmRepair depending on this caption as well as the values of some other fields, so I use the following code in the onload event (although I later tried the onopen even)

'Disable labels button if there is no RMA and the item is a repair
MsgBox Me.lblmain.Caption
If Me.lblmain.Caption = "Return/Repair Information" Then
MsgBox Me.txtRMA.Text

[Code] ....

However, I cannot get this to work as the "if" statement always returns "Return/Repair information" and not the modified caption. The message box confirms that this is the case.

I suspect that this has to do with the point in time that the frmRepair loads or opens and when my code enters the modified values.

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Form Filter Not Working In Subform

Aug 8, 2005

platform : access (adp) / sql server
Problem : form filter not executing in subforms

When I goto one of my subforms I can activate the form filter.
When executing the form filter no records show up, it just keeps showing my criteria. When disactivating the form filter I receive an error message telling that my view must be misspelled (it's about spaces). My view is called Vw_people , as a record source it works fine so it can't be misspelled.

Is the problem the adp connection or the subform? I don't know

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Filter Main Form From Subform

Nov 16, 2005

I have a main form that contains basic project information, and one of many subforms that contains project manager and contract information. (forms and subs linked by project ID) My project managers want to have the ability to only show project records that are theirs. I can make a filter based on any field in the main form without a problem using code like below.

Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "ILFID Like '*FME*'"
Me.Filter = strFilter
Me.FilterOn = True

How do I write a filter to reference the project manager field in a subform that will actually filter the main form and subform records?


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Filter Subform Based On Combo Box

Dec 13, 2005

Hello everyone!

I think I am asking the impossible, but can't think why it can't be done!

Here's the dilema:

I am working with an unbound form to search a Mobile Register.

On the form I have an unbound combo box which looks up User details from a table (LKP_User).

When I select a user, I want the subform below to filter all the details for that user and show me which mobiles they have.

Combo Box has 3 fields, User_ID, User, Dept_ID. User_ID is bound column but not displayed in combo (only User) is displayed.

I need to link the User_ID with the User_ID on the subform, but don't know how to tell it to look at column 1 of the combo box.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Do I need some fancy code to get this to work?

Cheers in anticipation

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Using An Integer From A Subform To Filter A Report.

Aug 17, 2006

THis has to be an easy issue.

I have a subform that in the on curren event i passes the ClassId out to my main for in an unbound text box

Forms![Student]![ClassID] = Me![ClassID]

I know this part works

I then have a command button that should pass ClassID to a report so that it can be filtered. Here is the on_click code

Private Sub cmdReprintAccom_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdReprintAccom_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim strReptCriteria As String

strReptCriteria = ClassID
stDocName = "Forms - Accomodations"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, , _
"[ClassID] = '" & strReptCriteria & "'"

My problem is that I keep getting a type mismatch error. I know that it is because CLassID is a number and it is getting passed as a string i just can't figure out the syntax to the highlighted code.

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