How To Format A Control In An ACCESS Form To Show Zeros

May 28, 2007


I have a text box in an ACCESS form that is blank. How should I format it so that zeros are visible until a digit is entered into that field? This column is for ovetime figures (e.g. 1.35 hours) that will be entered later.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions and help.


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Number Field Not Show Leading Zeros In Access 2010

Oct 16, 2011

I have read that the number field doesn't show the leading zeros in 2007... does 2010 have a way to do that, or does it still have to be a text field in order to see them..?

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Forms :: Unbound Control In Data Input Form - Auto Fill Leading Zeros

Apr 12, 2015

I have an unbound control in data input form requiring to input a 6-digit number. I have put a validation rule restricting more than 6 digits. Most users prefer to enter, say 123 and the system can enter the 3 leading zero for them.

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New Field Does Not Show In Control Source For Form Control

May 28, 2015

I have table that I had to add a new field to which we update with a form. I tried to add a control for the new field but the field does not show up in the list for the control source. I am trying to add a list box to the form with a blank and 5 options.

I have attached screen shots of the table design and the form. The table has the field in datasheet view and I have manually entered a few entries in it but it still will not show in the control source for the form control. The top section of the form is where we enter and select the data for the new records. The bottom section (circled in red) autofills the matching record, from separate tables, for updating with the new entries.

I have added form controls for modified fields in the past so I am confused about why this is happening.

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Making Zeros Show

May 1, 2008

I know this is probably a stupid question and I'm overlooking something obvious, but... I have a Long Integer field that has an input mask requirement of 7 numbers. Sometimes the number starts with a 0, but instead of showing as 0468165, it shows up as 468165. I want the 0 to show at the beginning. How can I do this? Thanks!

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Trying To Get Leading Zeros To Show

Oct 25, 2012

I have been working in Access 2007 creating a database. For the most part I've been able to figure everything out but I have a field where I'm putting a three digit code. It has an input mask, that is set as a text file, and is "000". I thought that would force all three numbers to show even if there was a zero in front.

However, the leading zeros are being removed and I can't figure out how to make them stay so that I can see them.

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Format Access To Show 0 Like Accounting In Excel

Dec 5, 2006

Is there any format that will allow a 0 to show as a - instead. It would be very useful for the situation that has arisen for me.

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Forms :: Form Control With Iif Statement To Show Specific Records?

Jul 13, 2015

I have a form based on a query in datasheet view. What i would like is to show only those records that fulfill the truepart of iif statment, and do not show the ones that fulfill the false part.

I have the following fileds in the query

currency 1 checkbox
currency 2 checkbox

In the form, the control named month contains the following code:

control source: =IIf([checkbox1]=no;[month];0)

So this gives the appropriate months, but also shows the all other records with a 0 in the month field. I would like to get only the records shown that are correct with the truepart of the statement.

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Disappearing Zeros In Mail Merge From Access

Apr 30, 2007

Hi all,

I have been trying to move some of my employer's database information from Excel to Access. The fields are simple stuff, first name, last name, address, etc. My only problem is the Amount Owed section in which I would have to put amounts such as 1270.70. In Access, I formatted the field as currency with 2 decimal places. Thus, it shows up as $1270.70 in the Access database.

However, when I mail merge the field to the letter, I only see 1270.7. I could not seem to make that last 0 appear. How could I make the 0 appear?

Further, as I have said, I have been moving records from Excel to Access. For mail merge purposes, would you recommend Excel or Access?


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Queries :: Access Split Zeros When Combine Fields Of A Table

Apr 25, 2014

I have a table "MansComps" which includes two fields, the "Index" field which contains a number, e.g "5" and the "Tabletype" field which contains a letter e.g "T". i have created a query based on this table, which combines these two fields and displays the result to a third field which I call "Components".

field: Index
1, 2, 3,....

field: Tabletype

field: "Component" has to be like this:
T00001, T00002,...

I have managed to combine the fields in my query using the expression:

Component: [Tabletype] & " " & [Index]

but the results appear without the leading zeros, like T1, T2..I have set my Index content to be a number and as a primary key and the Tabletype as a text. I also tried to change the format of Index to "00000" which works for the Index field separately but not for the Component field.Should I do something in the format of the Component field?

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Format A Textbox Only For Show

Aug 3, 2006

I have a form that will only show the data of a table.
All the fields are string.
With a combobox I select the record to show.
What I want is that when I select a record, one of the fields, that in fact is a number but storred as string, is shown formatted like 12.123.123,00.
This textbox is not to be edited and is blocked. It will only show the data.
How can I do this?

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How To Control Output Format

Aug 17, 2007

select salary, pct
from tally

I want salary to be in this format: $3211.00
pct in 23.00%

How can I do that?

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Forms :: Leading Zeros On Form But Not On Table

Apr 20, 2013

Access 2003

I have a text box control bound to a text field

I need the value to look like this 00000014 (with the leading zeros) but stored without like this 14

The user may paste the entire value in or hand enter with or without the leading zeros

Regardless of the input method I need 8 characters to be seen on the form.

I tried entering 8 zeros 00000000 in the format property of the control but that only displays what I type (no leading zeros)

I've got this on the afterUpdate event. It formats correctly regardless of the input method (displays the leading values) but also stores them

Code : Me.ARReferenceID = Format(ARReferenceID, "00000000")

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Format Date To Show Month & Year Only

Oct 22, 2006

I have a need to enter dates so that they always appear as the first of the month. These dates are used in vlookup functions in Excel and need to be constantly recorded as eg 1 Nov 06. Currently I have to rely on notes and training to make sure users only insert the date in this way.

What I would like to do is get them to enter Nov 06 only (without a day) and have that stored as 1 nov 06. I have searched for date formatting functions and nothing addresses this. Perhaps it is something that could be achieved using VB if it is possible to do it.

Thanks for the help.

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Show/not Show Control

Mar 14, 2006

how can i control a field to show/not show at the query level?
let's say i have a query (from a table) like this

[regularPrice] [isOnSale] [onSalePrice]

where [isOnSale] is checkbox. if it's checked, [onSalePrice] will show [price]*0.9; if it's not checked, [onSalePrice] show nothing.

i've tried to put "[isOnSale]=Yes" in the Criteria, the query will filter out only those records that's on sale, which i don't want...

please help :confused:

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Control Format Of Autonumber When Database Is Replicated

Mar 29, 2007

I have created a design master of my database, i want to share it on more than one PC but add data from both whilst keep developing it.

I have noticed that after replication that the ID fields now use really long random numbers and am wondering whether anyone has been able to control the 'randomness' of the autonumber?


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What Is Best Control To Display Data In Grid Format?

Jun 30, 2006

I have a search page and would like to display the search results in a grid/table format. User will be able to select a row to go to a detail screen. What is the best component type to use for this?

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Forms :: Using Format Control In Auto Number

Mar 24, 2014

I need the auto number to be in specified format as ASI-23-0001. So I added the format "ASI-23-"0000 in the formats and I got it succesfully.The fueld name is "Part Number"

I have added the Part Number field to a form as combo and I was able to list the values in the drop down combo.

I wanted to use Dlookup command in the program to auto fill the next field in the form say "Description".

I am using the following code
Me.Text30 = DLookup("[Description]", "item_master", "[Part Number] = Form![Combo36]")

But now the data in the combo is treated as text because of the prefix "ASI-23" and I get data type mismatch error.

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Tables :: Format Control On Auto Numbers

Jul 4, 2014

I would like to expand on this questions. I would like to generate a number based on a reference I use, a format like "14/000" where I use "14" with the last 2 digits of the year. However i want the auto number to generate the the last 2 digit automatically when the year changes i.e. when 2015 comes the field generates "15/000" without any prompt from the user.

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Forms :: Show Date In Specific Format In Message Box

Jan 6, 2015

I have a messagebox and want to know if it is possible that the messagebox give me a date as 15/01/2015 and not 15/01/2015. Using dailog box as messagebox

Private Sub Save_Click()
Dialog.Box "Tape # : " & Me.Tape & vbCrLf & "Sticker # : " & Me.Container1 &
vbCrLf & "Book # : " & Me.Book & vbCrLf & "Date send Out : " & Me.DateSendOut &
vbCrLf & "Date to be back : " & Me.DateToBeBack & vbCrLf & "OS : " & Me.System, ,
End Sub

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General :: Show Web Page In Access Form

Oct 18, 2013

Im working on an access 2000 application, So far I'm able to open internet explorer page and navigate to any URL and get the sorce of the page. But what I realy want to do is browsing to page inside the form, and I need to do it with access 2000.

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General :: Access 2007 Show Form On Top

Apr 10, 2013

I have a button which runs some VB, it brings up various message boxes as it prints a report to file, runs a query etc etc. I am hoping to display a basic form, which simply covers most of the screen and states "Please Wait" or something. I have already built the please wait form (frm_please_wait) and have set it to pop up. I have added it to my VB to open before I run the queries/output to file however the messages still appear on top..

How can I force the form to display on top of everything else in access ( it is only visibly for a few seconds, depending on the spec of the pc).

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Stop Access From Changing Format / Value Of Data Entered From A Form Into A Table

Oct 7, 2012

I have a database (split into front and backend). Users populate the table using a form on the front end. Recently, it has been pointed out that some of the data entered into one specific textbox is being changed on the table. The data entered is always has a minimum of a letter and number value i.e. "A1", "A2" etc. Upon examining the table, this has changed into numeric values i.e. "1291", "1061", "852"... etc. Looks like it is translating them into both 3 and 4 digit numerical values by the looks of things. Where more complex data is entered such as "2(A1, A2)" these seem unaffected.

The field is set to text, I have set no validation rule, format or input mask. Just can't see why access is changing these values. It seems to be translating them, but I can't see a pattern.

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Currency Control Won't Show Dollars

Oct 17, 2005

I have a form with various controls that reflect dollar amounts.

One of those controls, despite deleting and replacing it, despite deleting the field whose value it displays, despite changing it to 'general number', saving, then changing back, despite comparing its properties with that of numerous normal-behaving controls, refuses to show a dollar sign, nor zero cents values. I've compressed and repaired in between deleting fields and controls, too, to no avail.

Otherwise it is working correctly in that calculations based on it work fine and it shows the number of dollars it's supposed to. Just no dollar sign and refuses to show zero cents...

Can anyone suggest to me what's up with this thing?

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Forms :: Using Web Browser Control To Show PDF

Apr 2, 2013

I'm trying to use the Access 2010 web browser control to dynamically show a PDF.


and the dynamic part is two fields from the selected record:

me.txtMsdsID & "." & me.txtVersion

what is the simplest way to "bind" this so that when a record changes it automatically refreshes this control? I've tried setting it with VBA, but it's not working consistently.

I know the issues isn't the file path, as it works fine if I paste it in windows explorer.

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How To Get Header Of A List Box Show Value Of Another Control

Aug 23, 2013

Is it possible to have the header of a list box show the value of another control?

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