How To Get A Page From Access Database With Relationship

Oct 22, 2012

I want to get a page like following through DW8+ASP



database like following

ID name profile website
1 Yageo *** ****
2 Vishay *** *****

ID name category
1 yageo resistor
2 yageo capacitor
3 vishay diode
4 vishay transistor

How can I do to get a page above?

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Viewing Database Info In A Data Access Page

Oct 18, 2004

I am very new to access and have a question which I think is very easy to answer. What I have is an access file with a listing of companies, their contacts and what services we provide for them. (each company/client/service is listed in a row with each new set of information on the row below it).

What I am looking to do it to create a data access page that anyone in our office can view. I want the access page to have a text box where they can type in the name of the company, then click a 'search' button. That will then display the results in a box below everything. The results would be the contact and the services (there are other columns in the datasource as well, but I didn't list them).

If anyone can shed some light onto my problem it would be most appreciated!


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Unable To See Relationship Diagram In Database After Upsizing From Access 2003 To SQL

Nov 9, 2011

I have upsized from Access 2003 to SQL Server 2008 R2 using upsizing wizard. Everything works fine. But I don't see relationship in SQL SErver 2008 R2 if I go to database. But I set relationship in Access 2003 before upsizing it.

Amso I don't see relationship (diagram) in Access 2003 , which I was able to see before.

So do I need to again recreate the relationship amongst the table in Access 2003 Or SQL SErver 2008 R2 ? I thought, if you link tables, everything should be taken care but i don't see relationship structure any more.

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Tables :: Relationship Is Out Of The Page / Can't Be Seen And Edited

Jan 26, 2013

I have a database, originally made in earlier version of Access, recently converted into Access 2010. Due to the high number of tables relationship page is quite crowded. My problem is that I can't move the page to the most left-upper corner of the relationwhip page where I still have relations but they simply can't be seen and edited; I can't move the page any further with the silpers.

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Data Access Page Filter Refresh The Page

Dec 30, 2007

Hi All,

I have a data access page needs a filter by a dropdownlist, the dropdownlist used is a html control and I use javascript to filter the data programmaticlly in the onchanged event of the control.

MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Filter="AppID = 3";

My problem is, when this statement runs, the page refreshes. But I don't need the page refreshes, it set the dropdownlist text to the default text, not the value user select. The browser is IE7.

How can I stop the page refresh itself?

Thanks and Happy New Year!!

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Database Relationship Diagram

May 25, 2005

I need some help. I have to design a relational database for a small bookstore that operates 3 stores.Books are sold by a sales person to a customer through an order. A order may consist of one or more books but assume that for a given order, all the books sold are all from one store and are sold by one salesperson.

Field name
Author ID
Author Name
Book ID
Book Type
Book type description
City country
Cust ID
Cust name
Cust Type
Cust type descr
On hand
Order date
Order no
phone number
phone typr
phone type descr
publisher ID
Publisher name
salesperson ID
Salesperson name
Salesperson Phone
Selling Price
Store Address
Store City
Store email

How do I start the database

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Database Results On Page

Aug 9, 2006

Hello all,

I currently have an inventory system on database and my customers can access this by clicking a link on the homepage, which in turn, pops up a search form and results table. When they enter the item number it returns the qty. available, without a problem.

The problem I am having is this; I would like to have the search form on the same page they are looking at (no pop-ups). I figure the inventory system will get used more often this way. BUT when I went ahead and tried to put the search form on the page it seemed to work out ok, except that when you click submit (to start the query) it sends me to my 404 page.

When the search form was a pop-up, it just returned the results to the same page. Is there any way that I can get the search form on the same page they would be looking at, to avoid any further windows for them to open and close??

Also, to advance this a bit, is there any way that I can have the database results posted to the page without a search form? Just posted based on the item number in the URL??

Thank you for all the help, I did a search in the forum and wasn't able to find enough information to get the job done. Hope you can help.

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Relationship Problems In Database Design.

Sep 20, 2005

I am trying to design a database that would help track the daily supply of natural gas on multiple contracts. Each contract has a supply side and a delivery side which are equal in volume (when fuel is taken into account). My problem begins with the fact that each contract has a different capacity. That capacity is a total of the capacities of each point on the contract. Some points are on multiple contracts so they have different capacities on different contracts. I can’t figure out how to setup the relationships in order to make this database successful. Any hints?

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Relationship Problems... Of The Database Kind

Nov 29, 2007

(see sig for details on what I'm capable of before you toss code at me ;P )

Here's my current setup:

Instructor <related to Instructor table, pulls data from there)
Academic Year
Fallcourse# (where # = 1, 2, 3, 4), (course pulled from Courses table)

Coursename (unique)
Coursetype (required, elective)
Courselevel (ugrad, grad, MAS)


The purpose of the database is to assign courses to various professors and append supplementary compensation and, if necessary, notes to each course assignment. Each professor can be assigned up to 4 courses (or something to take the place of a course) per quarter.

My problem. I have created a quite a few reports with this setup including an academic year schedule, compensation reports for the year, sabatical / course release listings, etc. I am having trouble with what I am hoping to be my final report.

Requirements for the final report:
List of all courses for an academic year (filter by year)
group by level (easy)
group by type (easy)
append instructor's name to the end

Report/Relationship Problem:

I can't seem to set the relationship to allow more than one field's data into the report. I can only show courses from the [Fallcourse1] because I can't relate multiple fields from the "Assisgnments" table to one field in the "Courses" table. Effectively, that's what I want to do, but my mind's burnt and can't seem to figure it out.

Maybe you guys could help me out? Suggestions, questions - all welcomed.

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Connecting The Database To The Internet/Web Page

Apr 18, 2007


I was wondering if someone could try and connect my database to the web. I would like to view the names of the CDs in her collection over the Internet.

My database is attached!


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Using HTML Page To Update Database

Apr 1, 2006

I have a scenario at work I need some help with. I'm just checking to make sure it is possible before I dive further into it.

We need a database for approximately 40 people to access at one time. They don't really need to access the database itself just be able to update it.

The question that was posed to me was this: Can we use an HTML page to update the database?

This will not be run through SQL or IIS or anything of that nature. It will just be an HTML page that is accessed through a users folder. On the HTML page will be the input boxes and a submit and reset button.

I made a data access page, but I really don't want the users to be able to go through the previous entries. I also wasn't sure if more than one person could be accessing the page at once.

Is a simple form page with a submit button possible not running on a web server?

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How To Convert Database (query) To Web Page

Feb 24, 2013

1. how to convert an access database (query) to a web page.
2. what knowleage we should learn ?(php,asp....)

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General :: Achieve Data From One To Many Relationship Database

Mar 10, 2015

I am using Access 2007, I need to achieve some data from my database, what is the best way to do this.

I have a one to many relationship database, so 1 customer could have many orders, how would you achieve this data?

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Tables :: Split Database Not Updating Relationship

Jun 2, 2014

I have a split database. I have just created anew table in the back end and created a relationship to an existing table. All done in the backend.

I have opened up my front end and imported the back end end. But when I check the relationships in front end neither the table or link is there.

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Forms :: Link One2one Relationship Database To One Form?

Dec 26, 2013

Is it possible to link One2one relationship database to one form?

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Unable To Create A Main Menu Page For Database

Jun 2, 2015

I want to create a main menu page for my database. I have tried the Navigation form and obviously I am doing something wrong....because the tabs won't open the forms. We have Access 2010 at work and I would like to create something similar to this:

Cardinal Rap - Main Menu

[button] Input Monthly data
This button would take me to another screen that would list the tables for appropriation, expenditures and revenue, each with their own respective button

[button] Reports
This button would take me to another screen that would would list the reports available each with their own respective button

[button] Monthly reconciliations

This button would take me to another screen that would list the tables necessary for my monthly reconciliations each with their own respective button that open that table.

The tabs in the Navigation form don't seem to do anything.

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Access Relationship..the Best Way...

Mar 26, 2005

Hi there

I am trying to make a simple "booking" system.

This booking system is for cars.

We have customers, cars availible and the date and time and location etc... of when to pick up the customer

So 4 tables i have so far:


a field in Bookings known as customerID is joint to the customers table, field CustomerID.
a field in the Bookings known as DriverID is joint to the Drivers table, field DriverID
a field in Bookings known as CarID is joint to the cars table, field CarID

I am wondering, does this sound ok to you? i am not great with relationships but i am improving. does this sound ok?

Another Q is, i need to know what times of bookings are availible. What is the best way of going about this?

Thanks :)

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Relationship Probs On Access

Feb 7, 2006

hi, im a a level it student and my current coursework is making a new program/system for access im making a new order form for the shop where i work and i want to link sundries on a diff order form to sundries on the main order form so it prints it all off on one sheet, basically i want to know how i can get the realtionship between ID number of the order, and the sundrie to link together, and if its possible at all, if its not ill have to change my project slightly which i dont mind, just wondered if any one could help me out a little thanks!:p

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Access Relationship Question

Nov 16, 2006

Hi all,

I'm just putting a database together, and I'm having a relationship "issue". It's fairly simple right now, but I'm not sure if you can do what I am trying to do..

Basically I have, so far, 3 tables. Each one has a primary key "Serial #".

There's a "Systems" table, a "Parts" table, and a "cash flow" table. I have a link from

Systems - Cash Flow
Parts - Cash flow
Both links are set to enforce referential integrity (with cascade update/delete enabled as well).

What I want it to do is work so that I can add new values to either the Systems or Parts table, with their own unique "Serial #" code, and then be able to add the value to the cash flow table.

Currently, I can add items to the "Systems" table, and then add the corrosponding entry into CashFlow, and that's fine. If I try and input an invalid entry, it will tell me that the appropriate entry does not exist in "Systems".

However, I cannot add anything to "Parts", since it gives the error that the appropriate entry does not exist in CashFlow. Obviously, I need to make it in Parts first, and even if I wanted to make it in CashFlow first, it wouldn't let me (entry does not exist in "Systems").

I have tried fiddling with the relationships, but I get other problems like not being able to add items to "Systems", etc. If I try and drag "Parts" to "CashFlow" the other way (in the relationship), it tells me that I cannot do that because it violates the integrity rules.

I can see WHAT the problem is, and I know WHY it's doing it, I just don't know how to fix it.

Basically, I want the field "Serial #" in the table "Cash Flow" to be able to draw from the field "Serial #" in either Parts or Systems, but reject anything else (in other words, incorrect serial numbers, since the item shouldn't be in the cash flow table until it has been registered as an item in either "Parts" or "Systems").

Any ideas? :)

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Relationship Access

Mar 15, 2007


I am having a bit of troubles in my design conceptualization i believe. I am building a database to keep track of a companies liabilities....therefore i have several liabilities that all belong to one company. I have one table that is called 'client information' that lists the corporation name which i have identified as the primary key. My other table is called 'liabilites' and i also have a corporation field in that table but i can not define it as the primary key because i want to have several payments under one company.

How should i set up my tables and relationships?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Access Report W/ One-to-many Relationship

Aug 22, 2004


Hope someone out there can help me with this.

I have a CITY table. Each city can have 1, 2, 3, or 4 technicians.

The TECH table contains (up to 7) phone #s for each technician.

I need to produce a report that displays the phone #s in a matrix type arrangement per city, some thing like:

CITY1 TECH1 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.
TECH2 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.
TECH3 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.

CITY2 TECH1 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.
TECH2 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.
TECH3 Phone1 Phone2 Phone3 Phone4 Phone5 etc.

Any ideas?


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Web Page On Access

Feb 7, 2007

Can anyone explain me what is the use of a web page on access so for me to take advantage of it?
Thanks in advance

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Reports :: Breaking To New Page If Subreport Cannot Fully Print On Current Page

Nov 12, 2013

I have a report which includes several subreports. There will be times when a subreport prints partially on one page and completes on the next. I don't always want to break to a new page with this subreport. However, I would want to break to a new page if the subreport cannot fully print on the current page.

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Section Header At Bottom Of Page And Detail Lines On Next Page

Nov 22, 2004

I have a report that lists states and cities within the states. When a state name happens to be at the end of the page the individual cities appear on the next page with no State heading. I solved the second page problem by setting the "repeatSection = Yes" in the Section Header (though I haven't shown that in the example below).

But the previous page (which just shows the State Name and no cities looks dumb. Is there some sort of solution.??
(Actually I would also like any State that continues to a next page to not just have the state name but something like
" Colorado (Continued)" Is there anything I can do in VB to make a page break if the section is going to print but therer isn't enough room for one detail line?

This is what I currently see

Prudo Bay


------------------------Page Break ---------------------------------
Colorado Springs



Thanks !

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Reports :: Page Header - Don't Display If No Detail Records - On Last Page

Jun 13, 2015

If I have a report and it has controls (labels representing column titles) in the page header. Now when I print the report - if it happens that the last page has no detail records - but there is text boxes and so forth in the report footer. Is there a way to not display the page header on the last page?

I have a report where the last page shows the page header - and the field/column labels on the page header - but for which there is no detail records left to display - on the last page. There is report footer information that should display. It just looks weird because the field/column labels show at the top of the page - but there is no data remaining to print under them on that last page.

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Access Relationship Of Table Problem

Sep 22, 2005


I have built tables in MS Access for a very simple shopping cart.

It includes:
Catergories, Item, Customer, Shipment types, and Basket (cart). (for site)
There is also a User table, but that is only used for the Backened side for login.

This is what I want the User in the backened to do:
-add/edit/del Categories.
-add/edit/del Shipment type.
-add/edit/del Items according to Categories. (in one category, it can have many items, yet one item can go into more than one category).

This is what I want a browserer to do he/she enters the Site:
-he/she can add item(s)(which are under categories) to cart[basket](no login needed).
-At the basket(1 page), the user can view all the item(s) it chose, be able to change quantity, display subtotal, VAT, Shipment price, total price and enter it's customer details (e.g. name, mobile, etc), then sends form. These details are then "added" to the database and sends notification to admin(user) email. Therefore, no payment via client/server.

My problem is the relationships in Access.
Do I need to connect all tables? I tried connected my ItemID table to the BasketID table and it got a bit confusing from there.
Also the Categories got all messed up on me.

See my screenshots:

Thanks in advanace...


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