How To Make Combo Box Display Data Alphabetically

Feb 13, 2015

I have an existing combo box on a form that gives me access to 297 different selections. The problem is that as things have been added to the table it sources they have become out of order alphabetically. At the time of creating the combo box, I don't believe the option to display alphabetically was selected. Can I change the properties of this combo box now so it will display the 297 options alphabetically.

If So............ How?

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Combo Data Display

Feb 2, 2006

I am fairly new to VBA, having done no fromal training. I have taught myself quite alot and I am pleased with how i am progressing. I am stuck though!

I am building a booking system for a friends business, all free of charge as I believe it's a good project to get experience in VBA.

The booking form has a 'Date' Combo box, 'Name' Combo box and a 'Time' Combo box. The 'Time' Combo box displays times in 10min intervals from 0600 to 2100, and this data is stored in a table called 'tblTimes'. I need to build a query that checks the main table 'tblBooking', for a selected date chosen in the 'Date' Combo box by the user, to see what times have been used up and thus only display, in the 'Time' Combo box, those times not yet used for that particular datedate.

I am sure, to some of you experts out there, that this is quite a simple query. I looki forward to your input.

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Forms :: DLookup - How To Get Combo Box To Display Data Into A Field In Form

May 16, 2014

My intentions are to get my combo box to display data into a field in my form, when it is changed/selection is made. So far my form has the following:

Combobox: CBOCharacters
Field: CharacterGender

Both of these are in the same table; tbl_Characters. The data type for CBOCharacters is a number and its called CharacterID in the table.

So far I have created this piece of code:

Private Sub CBOCharacters_AfterUpdate()
Me.CharacterGender = DLookup("CharacterGender", "qry_StillNeeded", "[CharacterID]= " & Me.CBOCharacters)
End Sub

When I run this event procedure i get an error:

Runtime error '2471'

The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error '[CharacterID]'

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Display Records Of Select Query After Selecting Desired Data From Single Combo Box

Nov 13, 2011

I created a subform that displays the records of a select query after selecting the desired data from a single combo box (for instructors name) and then using an OpenQuery macro attached to a button.

Only 1 record is displayed in the subform each time I hit the button. If I look at the query return there is no change. However, if I close the query and select a new instructors name, although I only get one record in the subform, the query when opened shows all the correct records.

What is wrong with my macro/subform?

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Search Alphabetically

Jul 7, 2007

I'm currently developping a database and in the process of re designing my queries for my users needs. one of these is to be able to search entries of the database determinable by their first letter (e.g. find all customers whose name begins with 'A'). Can anyone help me with how to do this. So far I have managed to create a 'Like' query, so the searches are not case sensitive, but i still need to make it search alphabetically.

Any help, much appreciated


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Sorting Alphabetically & Numerically

Mar 26, 2007

I am trying to figure out how to sort a column in access the same way it comes out in excel.
I have a text list of "buildings" ie: 89, 33, 270C, 270B, 270A etc. In excel this simply sorts alphanumerically ie 33, 89, 270A, 270B, 270C.

I made the mistake of changing the format from text to number, lost all the data and successfully scared myself into not wanting to experiment anymore so any input I could get would be very appreciated

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Sorting Months (not Alphabetically)

Mar 16, 2006

I have a series of subforms that show customer mix percentages by month. These forms will be used for data entry and to ease the process I would like to have months in order of our fiscal calendar, July through June. Right now the months are listed alphabetically. Is there a way I can list the months in order without having to resort to a naming convention such as:



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Sorting Months (not Alphabetically) In A Form

Mar 16, 2006

I have a series of subforms that show customer mix percentages by month. These forms will be used for data entry and to ease the process I would like to have months in order of our fiscal calendar, July through June. Right now the months are listed alphabetically. Is there a way I can list the months in order without having to resort to a naming convention such as:



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How To Make Input Mask Display More Than One Character

Nov 7, 2011

How to make an input mask display more than one character?I'm building a db for work, and multiple (non-IT) people will enter data. Instead of having the input mask for the date field display as ##-###-####, I would like it to display as DD-MMM-YYYY.

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Queries :: Sort Months Logically And Not Alphabetically

Mar 3, 2015

I have a report (based on a query)which informs staff of students who withdrew from our school, and the month and date they withdrew (sorted ascending). I am grouping by month and it looks like the attachment I've included.

It works well enough, but what I would really like is for the month column (Month([withdrawldate]) to show January for 1, February for 2, and so on, but I find that when I do that, the months sort alphabetically, and not logically.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make A Text Box To Show Results Of A Query To Display On Screen

Dec 4, 2014

We have a button running a SQL query via VBA, how can I make it so the results doesn't show up in a table/preview?Also, I know it's for the SQL forum but how can I make a text box to show the results of a query to display it on screen?

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Forms :: Drop Down List Linked To Table - Names Not Appearing Alphabetically

Sep 14, 2014

I have drop down list linked to table included "agent names" , the names appeared normally in the form but not Alphabetic (A-Z) although the table was alphabetic .

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Forms :: Make A Button To Search Range Of Columns In Data Table With Data Type Yes / No

Apr 15, 2013

what I want to do is make a button to search range of columns in data table with data type Yes/no and display the results if the value is yes

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How To Make One Form Combo-box Dependent On Another?

May 19, 2006

Access 2003
Database for tracking job search/applications
I have three tables: Job (includes employer, contact) and Contact (First name, Last name, employer), and Employer (Employer name)

Form.Job is the main data entry mechanism. On this form, I enter the job details. I select the employer from a combo-box that draws from the Employer table. I would like to select the contact from a combo-box that filters contacts and shows only those that match the Job.Employer selection.

:confused: 1. How can I make a bi-directional link so that a new entry in the employer combo-box creates a new entry in the employer table? At the moment, I get around this with a "New employer" button on Form.Job that just opens up the employer table, but there seems to be an updating issue - new names don't show up in the combo-box for a while

:confused: 2. How can I get the contact combo-box to show only contacts with an employer that matches the employer selected in the employer combo-box?

Note that I got this to work once by using a sub-form, but I don't really understand how (presumably Access defaults that did what I wanted), and I don't want to have to use a sub-form.


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How To Make Options Of One Combo Box Dependent On Another

May 20, 2014

I have two combo boxes in my form. The first one has the option of selecting a or b. If the user selects a, the second combo box will have the options of c and d, if b is selected the options in the second one will be e and f. How can i do this?

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Can Selecting A Combo Box Make A Text Box Visible Again

Sep 29, 2005

Is it possible when choosing a combo box to have it make a text box visible, when in this text boxes properties you've chosen visible=NO. Can an event procedure or some code be written that will make visible=YES.

Thanks any help with be greatly appreciated

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Make A Field Visable Dependant On Combo Box

Sep 18, 2006

I am very new to Access and all that it entails but I have really learned a lot viewing everyones posts. I cannot seem to get my current problem solved.
I am trying to have a combo box appear depending on a preivous combo box selection.

1st combo box is "ApplianceCombo"
2nd combo box is "SpeedCombo" Set to Visible = No

1st Combo Box has
Washing Machine etc

If they choose Washing Machine I would like my 2nd combo box to appear which they can then choose

Hope I have explained this well enough.
Thank you in advance for any help

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Can Selecting A Combo Box Make A Text Box Visible Again?

Sep 30, 2005

Is it possible when choosing a combo box to have it make a text box visible, when in this text boxes properties you've chosen visible=NO. Can an event procedure or some code be written that will make visible=YES.

Thanks any help with be greatly appreciated

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Forms :: Make One Combo List Depend On Another

Sep 24, 2014

I have a combo: cmb_TrainingType. The sql is:

SELECT tblTrainingType.TypeID, tblTrainingType.Type FROM tblTrainingType ORDER BY tblTrainingType.Type;

My second combo (the one that should be filtered based on the Type chosen above) is cmb_Project_Title. The sql I have written (which isn't working) is:

SELECT tblCourseDetails.CDID, tblCourseDetails.Project_Title FROM tblCourseDetails WHERE (((tblCourseDetails.TypeID)=Forms!frmResourcing.cmb_Training_Type) And ((tblCourseDetails.Type)=Forms!frmResourcing.cmb_Training_Type)) ORDER BY tblCourseDetails.[Project_Title];

Both of the tables that are referenced have the fields TypeID and Type.

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Forms :: How To Make Combo Box Remember Previous Value

Jun 30, 2014

Only thing left is a combobox (dropdown) with predefined values. What i want is, as soon you have picked a value from the combobox, save the record and go to the new blank record, the last picked value of that combobox auto appears in the combobox for the new record.

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How To Make A Multi-valued Combo Box In A Form

Apr 14, 2015

I have a field in a table that I want it to be multivalued. The values are stored in a different table. I tried to do that and it worked fine. But when I wanted to display a pie chart in a report based on a query, the values didn't show up.


EmployeeName: X
TermenationReasons: 1,2,3 (multivalued field - values stored in a different table)

I though of just changing the field type to a text, and create a combo box in the form that allows me to add multiple values, and appear on the table and the query, and the pie chart to make a multi-valued combo box in a form.

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Posible To Make A Hybrid Option Group W/ Combo Box?

Jul 14, 2006

Hey all, I am wondering if there is a way to do this:

Create an Option Group from a list (the Option Group would be most popular responses), and then, using the same control list in a table, have a combo box for the other possible entries?

Whatever is selected, it would be stored to one table to prevent reduncy... This would be strictly to expidite data entry.

Thanks for any replies in advance...

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Forms :: How To Make Combo Box Visible When Click On Label

Sep 28, 2014

i have a label and a combobox (the combobox is invisibile). in a form.

how do i make the combobox visibile when i click on the label?

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Modules & VBA :: If Combo Value Changed Make Checkbox True

Feb 20, 2014

I have combo box call "supervisor" and check box call "supervisorchange" basically want to make supervisor change to true if combo box is change which I have made code you can see below it work's

Private Sub Supervisor_Change()
If Me.Supervisor = "" Then
Me.SupervisorChange = False
Me.SupervisorChange = True
End If
End Sub

right now my problem, prob easy fix for you access experts

If the supervisor combo box is empty and user inputs a supervisor I would like the supervisor change check box not to change to true

only if the user changes it after the first input I would like the supervisor change check box to become true

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Combo Box Display 0

Oct 1, 2004

I have combo box # 1 with value list of "OLD" and "NEW" and combo box # 2 with its row source coming from a query. Here's the scenario - A user chooses "OLD" on the first record from combo box # 1 and the code works fine. But when the user chooses "OLD" again on the next record, what code do I write so that combo box # 2 displays a 0?
So to re-itirate, please help me write the code if the item on the list is selected again, the value of the other combo box would display 0?

Please help. Thank you.

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Forms :: Display Data In Form As Select Record In Subform In Data Sheet View

Nov 11, 2013

i have a main form named(EMP) i have a subform named(SEMP)with EMPID i have an another form Named(SDetail) with EMPID i want to open form Sdetail with filter records for data select in subform (SEMP) ,EMPID field Subform SEMP in as datasheet view. i can open sdetail for selected records only

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