How To Make A List In A Subform

Jul 23, 2014

I am trying to build a training database, I want to open a form which shows the employees details, when open I want the attached Sub form to show a list of training documents completed to be listed. I have got it so that the sub form shows a list but of all the students, but I just want a list for the the specific person.

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How Do I Make A List Of Links To My Reports?

Jul 5, 2006

I am using 97 and have been running into problems with tutorials from microsoft since they are in 2000 format. Its not a big difference so maybe I just cant figure it out...

Anyways, I wanted to make a list of the reports I had for the user to click on one and have it pop up. Anyone know how I can make this list?

My idea is to somehow create the names in the list box using a query or something and have them be links to the report somehow...

Please help...Thanks :)

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Need To Make A Report List! Nothing Seems To Work...

Jul 7, 2006

Ive been trying to make a form that has a report list for filtering. Everything I research and do just isnt working for me. Ive followed a video about it and visited these sites.

I think the code just isnt working in 97...

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Need To Make A Report List! Nothing Seems To Work...

Jul 7, 2006

Ive been trying to make a form that has a report list for filtering. Everything I research and do just isnt working for me. Ive followed a video about it and visited these sites.

I think the code just isnt working in 97...

Any Ideas? Maybe I just need more help or the code needs edited!?!?!


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Make A List Of Fields That Aren't Null

Nov 26, 2007

I have a table that has several fields that contain a date if a user is licenced to use a certain piece of equipment and is null if not. Each recor has other data in it such as name, and a unique identifier (numeric). What I want to do is make a list of the fields which have a date in them to create a licence for what they can operate. Any help on which way to go...pretty new at access.

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Select Record From List Box To Make Current

Mar 15, 2006

Hi. First of all, this is my first post, so tell me if I'm being stupid.

I have a simple form, 'BuildingID', which contains a list box and two buttons. The list box lists a field from the records in the table 'BuildingID'. The two buttons are 'Add Building' and 'Delete Building'. The 'Add Building' button works fine, but I cant figure out how to make the other one work.

I want to be able to single click one of the records in the list box, then hit the 'Delete Building' button to delete the entire record. So I'm guessing I have to somehow make the record that I click on in the list box current when I click on it, then have a standard delete record button.

If anyone can help I would be very greatful. :)

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Forms :: Make One Combo List Depend On Another

Sep 24, 2014

I have a combo: cmb_TrainingType. The sql is:

SELECT tblTrainingType.TypeID, tblTrainingType.Type FROM tblTrainingType ORDER BY tblTrainingType.Type;

My second combo (the one that should be filtered based on the Type chosen above) is cmb_Project_Title. The sql I have written (which isn't working) is:

SELECT tblCourseDetails.CDID, tblCourseDetails.Project_Title FROM tblCourseDetails WHERE (((tblCourseDetails.TypeID)=Forms!frmResourcing.cmb_Training_Type) And ((tblCourseDetails.Type)=Forms!frmResourcing.cmb_Training_Type)) ORDER BY tblCourseDetails.[Project_Title];

Both of the tables that are referenced have the fields TypeID and Type.

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Modules & VBA :: Make Multiple Tables Using Parameters From List

Jun 11, 2013

I've got a table of associate directors "t_ADnames" and want to build separate tables for each AD name that pulls a pass through query from our data warehouse. I'm thinking it's got to be done with a macro somehow? So it would run pass_query where AD name = "John" and insert into t_john, then it would check the next name in t_ADnames and run the same query for say "Mark" and insert all his data into t_mark and so on until the list (of about 12 people) has been completed.

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Lookup Table - How To Make More Than 1 Field From Query Appear In The List

Dec 1, 2014

In Access, when using Look Up function, Table/Query, how do I make more than 1 field from the query appear in the drop down list?I will be doing the same thing for students and some other tables. But for this example I am only wanting to show instructors first and last name and their ID number in the drop down.

I am using

SELECT instructors.first, instructors.last, instructors.ID FROM instructors;
in my Classes table.

What am I doing wrong?

I would like for it to show their instructor first and last name but actually put the ID in the field as I will be using that key for various relationship based functions. Show the first and last name to the person who will be using the database, but actually put the ID in the field so I can use it as a common field across other tables.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make A Calendar Form With List Boxes Having Two Columns

Jul 19, 2013

Runtime Error 3075? I have attached a copy of my database. I am trying to make a calendar form with the list boxes having two columns. It works fine with the strFieldID and strFieldName but when I try adding the strDone I run into the error.

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Limiting A Dropdown List In A Subform From Within The Subform

Jun 25, 2007

I have a subform within a main from which switches by entry. The subform is a datasheet. I have two dropdowns in the datasheet and I want to limit one off of the other. I keep getting a prompt. The prompt is Forms!CLTS Subform!Environment. To my understanding it looks like it can't find Environment. Does anyone know the proper format.

This is my code for the second drop down in the subform.
Also special note Environment is what I am referencing to and it also is in the subform.

SELECT PackageName.PackageNameID, PackageName.PackageName, PackageName.EnvironmentID
FROM PackageName
WHERE (((PackageName.EnvironmentID)=[Forms]![CLTS Subform]![Environment]))
ORDER BY PackageName.PackageName;

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Make User Select From A Drop Down List If A Number In Another Field Is Entered?

Feb 13, 2006

Hi all, i have a 2 fields in a subform named "HRS_ABSENT" & "ABSENCE_REASON" i'm trying to create some code that will display a message if the user inputs any number into the "HRS_ABSENT" field & leaves the "ABSENCE_REASON" field empty. I want to force the user to select a ABSENCE RESON (these are 3 letter codes) from the drop down list, if they enter a number in the HRS ABSENT field. Ive tried the below code but it doesnt do anything :-(

Anybody please help me out?
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox "Please select an Absence reason"
Cancel = True
End If

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Make Field On Subform Not Visible

Mar 17, 2005

I have a form with a subform. I would like to make a field on the subform not visible if a field on the primary field is null. Can anyone help? Thanks.

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Make The Subform Required In The Master Form

Mar 6, 2006


I have 2 forms, a master and a subform.
In the subform form there are some required fields. In the table behind the subform I choose the property of these fields to be required.
but in the master form, when I start enter the information I can go to the next record without even touching the subform.

How Can I make the subform required in the master form?


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How To Make Mainform View Only While Allowing To Edit On Subform

Jun 25, 2005

May be this is easy for your guys. I want to freeze or lock the mainform data fields while allowing users to input, edit, delete data on a subform. I tried to change mainform properties so it can not edit, add or delete data on mainform. By doing so, I cannot do anything with subform, it seem read only as well.

Thank you for help


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General :: How To Make Previous Rows Disabled In Subform

May 26, 2013

I want to disable the previous row in the subform the moment I do a new row to prevent the user from editing information other users put before. Is it possible.

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How To Make Autocomplete Form With Editable Subform Underneath

Apr 18, 2012

I am making a library database which would be used in a school. I need to make a form which allows me to type in the persons id number then the persons profile will come up automatically then underneath there will be the persons book loans in a subform which i dont know how to do ...

So the top bit will have the persons details like personid, surname, first name, tutor group and then below there would b a subform with fields in from two different tables like from the book table there will be author surname, author firstname, bookname then from the loan table there will be the date the book was loaned field

The subform would also have to let me edit it so that i can add new loans or remove loans which i also dont know how to do but i was thinking if i had to add new records of the book would the subform have to autocomplete too? to save time typing all the details of the book

so so far i have made the tables added some test data and made relationships between the tables

a person can have many loans
a book can have one loan

I think there is something to do with queries to make this whole thing work but I am totally lost what i have to do, I've been reading some forum posts which are similar about autocomplete forms which i have done but it wont work when i do it with the problem I have.

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Forms :: How To Make Form Refresh After Deleting A Record In Subform

Sep 3, 2014

I have been trying to figure out how to make a form refresh after deleting a record in a subform. The code in the combo box that populates the subform works fine. If you select the "Action" of "sign" from the unbound combo box above the subform, it places "Sign" in the the subform and then makes a checkbox on the main form [WillTake] = True.

But when I delete the record by right clicking on the entry, the focus is sent back to the main form so I can refresh the form and thus update the [WillTake] checkbox. I have tried just about everything. I can get the focus to a field on the form, but I cannot figure out how to refresh or requery the form.

The code to transfer focus is on the OnDelete of the subform.

I have included a watered down version of the DB.

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Forms :: Make Subform Close If Query Returns 0 Records?

Jul 17, 2013


My problem is when i use this form as a sub form, it makes the main form close as well. How can I make the main form stay and only the sub form close.

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Forms :: Make Column Invisible In Subform When Main Form Loads?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a column invisible in my subform when the main form loads?

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Forms :: How To Make Subform Filter Its Data From Date Entry Selection

Aug 17, 2014

In my main form, there is this date entry selection and a subform with data on it.

How can I make the subform filter its data from date entry selection?

I have already created a relationships for my tables

I created a query for this subform (should I need to?)

It does not refresh my subform or I do not know what to do?

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Forms :: How To Make Column Width On A Subform Match Property Settings

Mar 19, 2015

I've set the column widths properly on the subform, but the down arrow on the list box is still outside of the selection area. It may have something to do with lookups or concatenations, but I'm not finding that so in what I can think of to trace down.

I exaggerated the width of the list box to show where the down arrow actually shows itself.

See the form "frm_Class_Skills_Update" in the attached database. I need it to be visible when the list box is about 1.25" more narrow.

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Forms :: Make Certain User Enter Records On Subform Before Attempting To Save Main Form

Dec 4, 2014

How can I make certain my user enters records on a subform before attempting to save the main form? Right now they can completely ignore the subform before saving the record.The Main form has business address, etc. on it. the subform is bound to a join table that lists the multiple categories, subcategories and sector the business is listed in for a directory.

I already have my fields set to required at the table level in the join table, and have some existing VBA in both my subform (to update edited date) and my form (to validate empty records where a certain condition is met) but that's not the issue...

How do I focus the user to enter a record on the subform to the point where they are forced to enter something and complete the subform before the record is updated.

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List Box Wiht Subform

Jun 16, 2005

I have the folloowing tables in the database

tblCD/Main: CdID - autonumber, CDName - text ...anything else will be a lookup field that we will get from another table, so we will come back to this table

tblAuthorType - AuthorTypeID - autonumber, AuthorTypeName - text. author type name will have, as I see it, 3 types : Composer, Group, Artist.

tblAuthorName - AuthorNameID - autonumber, AuthorName - text, - the name of all authors, composers and artists that u will pick from later

When I select Author which can be a cdgroup which is fine it will display those cd's related to the cdname. Such as Author TypeName Composer, Group. Artist.
tblTrackNumber - -Name of Song TrackNumID - autonumber, TrackNum
I have a subform and I want it to go to the tbktrack number with Name of Song related to that CD after I select an Author from the list box.

I am fairly new to this I need the vb codes for modification

I set up these tables so then the relationships will refer back to them.

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Filtering A Subform Using A List Box

Jan 8, 2006

I've finally figured out how to populate my list box with radio buttons (3 companys listed on the radio buttons, you click one and employees for that particular company populates the list box). Now I'm trying to figure out how to click on an employee in that box and have their contact information populate the subform that holds that info.

After trying unsuccesfully with VB, I considered using a macro that would open the subform where the Last Name = the Last Name clicked in the list box, but I couldn't figure that out (couldn't figure out what the name would be for the selection in the list box) but I would prefer the subform be there permanantly in "add" mode untill a selection is made in the list box.

I'm code ignorant and rely on google and what books I have for reference / copy-past.....any ideas?

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Filtering A Subform Using A List Box

Jan 8, 2006

I've finally figured out how to populate my list box with radio buttons (3 companys listed on the radio buttons, you click one and employees for that particular company populates the list box). Now I'm trying to figure out how to click on an employee in that box and have their contact information populate the subform that holds that info.

After trying unsuccesfully with VB, I considered using a macro that would open the subform where the Last Name = the Last Name clicked in the list box, but I couldn't figure that out (couldn't figure out what the name would be for the selection in the list box) but I would prefer the subform be there permanantly in "add" mode untill a selection is made in the list box.

I'm code ignorant and rely on google and what books I have for reference / copy-past.....any ideas?

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