How To Make Control To Browse For Image And Enter It Into The DB

Dec 24, 2006

I know everyone is going to say DONT PUT IMAGES IN YOUR DB< PUT LINKS TO THEM IN!

I am not at liberty to change the structure of what my boss wants, he wants the images stored in the DB so that is what I am giving him.

My problem is this: I have a single form for entering data into my Table, and I want to add a control that will let the User Browse for the right image, and them add that image chosen into the DB with maybe an upload button or something.

Now, if it is VERY VERY poor design to do it this way, and it is SOO much better to do the link to image way, if you could please detail how it works in both ways, I may be able to talk my boss into changing. My problem is I am not very good at this DB Designing and such, and have no experience using OLE type fields.

Thank you for ANY assistance you may give!

PS: All images will be same type and size!

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Control To Browse For An Image File

Aug 18, 2005


I'm trying to add a control to my form that I don't know how to do.

On my form, I want the user to be able to click a button which will open up the standard file open dialog box. The user then will be able to browse through the appropriate directory and select an image file which will be saved on that specific record.

Attached is a strip down database as an example.

How can I do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated - I'm trying to do this for my work.

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Browse Button To Image

Jul 3, 2005

i would like to create an browse button on my form so i can find the pictures i would like and then to been shown on the picture field on my form. i tried the northwood code from help but i could manage nothing woth it. do you have any idea to help ,me please??

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How To Embedd Image In Image Control Using Imagelist.

Feb 6, 2005

Hi all ,
Can anyone tell me about how to embedd image in image control using imagelist.
I added the 5 images in imagelist at design time and added the following code.
but iam getting error.error no :2110,cannot open the file .
thank u,

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Looking For A Browse Control

Sep 9, 2005

i'm trying to put a button on my form to browse throw the files and when select a file loads the path and name of the file into a variable on my form, but i cant find the button "Browse".
anybody knows were the hell is that thing...

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Browse To Macro Within Tab Control

Apr 23, 2015

Is it possible to use the "Browse To" macro within a subform on a Tab Control (Not a navigation form). I am trying to set up the "path to subform control" in a "Browse to" macro. I am not using a navigation form but instead am using the Tab Control feature. On my third tab I have two subforms; one that displays all of the records within a related document set in datasheet view, and a subform that displays each of these records individually. I want to be able to click on a record in my datasheet view and have it populate the main form.

I am just trying to figure out what the "Path to Subform Control" should be. All of the examples I have found are using Browse to on a navigation form and not a tab control. My Main form is called "BRC Form", The form in datasheet view that I want to make my selection from is called "Biomarker SubFrm", and the form I want the data to populate into is called "Copy of BiomarkerQry"..In the "On Click" event, I have added a browseto macro.

Here is the macro I am trying to mimic from the Contacts Web Database. Here is what I have so far. As you can see I am trying to figure out the proper code for my Path to Subform Control. again, this is not a navigation form so I need an extension that will work within this tab control.

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Reports :: Make Image Field Disappear If Null Value

May 23, 2013

I have an image field on a report that keeps showing up even if the field value is null.


How to make the white space completely disappear when that image field is empty?

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Where Is Image Control On The Toolbox?

Dec 22, 2006

I am going crazy!!. I want to use .jpg images in my Access Form (Access 2003). All the tutorials and forums talk about using Image Control to display .jpg images. But I can't find the Image Control on the toolBox??? Where is the Image Control?? I am currently useing Unbound Image Control but that only allows me to display .bmp images.


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Modules & VBA :: Identify Image Control Name?

Nov 8, 2013

I have a global function which I have hooked onto the onClick event of controls. Currently I am using commandButtons as my control of choice. In my function I can then reference Forms.ActiveControl which is no problem.

However, for lots of reasons I really need to use Image controls. Now, my problem. Image Controls have an Onclick Event, but they do not get focus so the Forms.ActiveControl will not work.

How can I identify the image control that has generated the click event if the control itself does not get focus and so cannot be referenced by ActiveControl? Working on a possibly work around, but could do with the best brains in Access on the case!

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Forms :: Make Frame Automatically Adjust To Image Width And Height

Aug 7, 2013

Is it possible to make it so that whatever the dimensions of the image i paste the OLE object's frame will also be the same? I'm having a problem, not necessarily a problem more like a preference, I'm inserting pictures of each individual inside a database and whomever last took these pictures didn't make sure there was a standard size So all the images are different sizes and when they're put inside the OLE frame you can see the image inside it but the frame itself also shows its white background because the image isn't the full dimensions of the frame. I was thinking if it's possible to make the frame automatically adjust to the image's width & height.

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Third Party Control - Kodak Image Viewer

Apr 6, 2006

I have a database that was built by some users, long before I came to my current job location (oh yes, one of those fun issues), and have run into an error that is involving a 3rd party tool, and is tough to duplicate.

There is an ocx control named "Kodak Image Thumbnail control" the path is C:winntsystem32ImgThumb32.ocx.

This is an active x control, that on the double click event, opens up the correct corresponding .pdf file. It works correct for me, on my machine. It works correctly for 3 other people on their own machines. When we had a user it worked correctly log into a user who it does not work correctly, it then worked correctly for them (appears to be user rights, and not machine specific). It does not work correctly for another 2-4 users (not sure the exact number).

But, the rights were gone over with a fine tooth comb, and nothing was found different from each user.

What is weird, is how the error occurs. There are 59 records in the database, with a linking .pdf file displayed in this .ocx control. For those users in which this does not work, the first two records open the .pdf correctly. After this (records 3 to 59) they receive the following error:

"Microsoft Access can't open the file containing the OLE object.

- You may have specified an invalid file name or an invalid unit of data (such as a range of cells from a worksheet) when the file for the OLE object.
- The file you specified may not be available because it's locked by another user or you don't have permission to use it.

Try one of the following:
- Make sure the file is available and that you used the correct file name.
- Check the OLE server's documentation for information about the syntax to use when specifiying an OLE object's data."


Since this is a third party tool, that I have never used, and do not even have on my machine (yet it works correctly for me) I am not sure what else I can do to track down the error. I just wanted to see if anyone else has run into this error, and if so how they had fixed it.

Thank you for your time.


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Forms :: Show Image Based On Another Control Value?

Nov 5, 2014

I have a text box [txtTrafficValue] that is a calculated field of two short times. I want an image to be visible if the value is >= 0.0104 (15 minutes). I have in the after update of the field:

if me.txtTrafficValue >= 0.0104 Then
Me.imgWarning.visible = true
Me.imgWarning.visible = false
End if

but when the field does the calculation and updates the image is not appearing.

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Cant Create Image Edit Control In Access Form

Oct 4, 2006


I've searched a lot and couldn't find an answer to my problem.

I want to have a field in my form that allow me to paste an image from the clipboard to, for example, a Paint field. Then, I want to save that image to a file on a specific folder in my computer via VB.

The reason for this is that I don't want to ask the user to open paint by himself and save the file, probably in the wrong location and with the wrong name.

The first approach was creating an OLE Object directly from the Insert menu and that worked partially. It allowed me to paste the image but there wasn't a way to save it to a file, neither a method for that. It was an incrusted object, and I think that is the reason for that.

Then I tried to create the object by myself via VB, with the instructions:

Dim objeto_perfil As Object
Set objeto_perfil = CreateObject("Paint.Picture") 'IT STOPS HERE

And with the variation:

Dim objeto_perfil As Object
Set objeto_perfil = CreateObject("Paint") 'IT STOPS HERE

And neither worked. The error message says it lacks an object.

Then I followed an example from msdn that used a bound frame (view here ( The code is:

visor_perfil.Class = "Paint.Picture" ' Set class name.
' Specify type of object.
visor_perfil.OLETypeAllowed = acOLELinked
' Specify source file.
visor_perfil.SourceDoc = "C:RealPathimage.BMP"
' Create linked object.
visor_perfil.Action = acOLECreateLink 'IT STOPS HERE
' Adjust control size.
visor_perfil.SizeMode = acOLESizeZoom

It stops in the action assignation, an says "error 2753 there was an error trying to communicate with the OLE server".

I google a lot and could find much of the Paint.Picture Class.

Anyone has any ideas to overcome this issue? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Examine Image Control On A Form Programmatically

Jan 3, 2015

I have an Image control on a form which I want to examine programatically. It seems there used to be a way of doing it using Point and PSet from info I have seen online. Is this contained in any of the libraries available under References in Access and if so which one...

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Reports :: Changing Image In Control Crashes Access

Sep 16, 2014

On open I change the Picture property of an image control to another image. I do it 2 places. Access crashes on the first change or on the second. In about 50 % of the cases.

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Forms :: Refresh Image After Text Box Control Updated?

Oct 14, 2013

One of the fields in my database stores a path of an image that I want to display on my form. I used the following code in the "On Current" event of my form to achieve this effect:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull(Me.text1) Then
Me.ImgPic.Picture = "C:UsersharrDesktopCupCake.jpg"
Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.text1
End If
End Sub

It works great with the exception that the image doesn't update when the path is changed. If I update the path, I have to navigate to the next record and then back again in order to see the new image. I've tried a couple of things to try to requery the image after the text control is updated, but so far none have worked. This is my most recent attempt on the after update event of my text box:

Private Sub text1_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

How I can refresh the image after the text box control is updated?

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General :: Make Mainform Field Required To Enter Data Into Subforms?

Aug 7, 2015

I need to make my mainform fields required before any data can be entered into subforms. Mainform and Subforms are linked with LinkMaster Child ID. This should only be applied in this form.

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Forms :: Linked Table - How To Assign Image To A Control In A Form

Dec 7, 2014

I have a linked table in ms access and it has a column as details. in ms access when i click on this button i will go to another form. i want to assign a picture (for opening a form) to this column but i don't know how i have to do this. my form opens as a datasheet view.

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Forms :: Save Form / WebBrowser Control - Contents To Image

May 17, 2014

I have a form that contains one WebBrowser Control. In this WebBrowser control I interact with the Google Maps API to produce a map.

I would like to save the contents of the WebBrowser Control (Google Map) to an image file. I have not been able to figure out how to do this.

The WebBrowser Control takes up all the space in the form. Perhaps the contents of the entire Form can be exported to an Image?

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General :: Control Source - Creating Image Based Off Drop Down Result

Feb 3, 2015

I am trying to create a image based off a drop down result. I have had no problem with setting up a image based off a static number. e.g 0456432 in the student id field will bring up students photo in the network share.

What I am having an issue with is the control source will look for a number instead of the name that the drop box displays. this is due to a separate table for the drop box.

what is the expression i need to make in order for the name to appear from the dropbox rather than the source id number?

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Forms :: Make Certain User Enter Records On Subform Before Attempting To Save Main Form

Dec 4, 2014

How can I make certain my user enters records on a subform before attempting to save the main form? Right now they can completely ignore the subform before saving the record.The Main form has business address, etc. on it. the subform is bound to a join table that lists the multiple categories, subcategories and sector the business is listed in for a directory.

I already have my fields set to required at the table level in the join table, and have some existing VBA in both my subform (to update edited date) and my form (to validate empty records where a certain condition is met) but that's not the issue...

How do I focus the user to enter a record on the subform to the point where they are forced to enter something and complete the subform before the record is updated.

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Control To Display Image / Icon Based On Another Field

Jan 9, 2014

I have a continuous subform which queries a table of attachments. I'm using Access 2007 but not using the Attachment datatype; this DB will grow considerably and I don't want to waste precious space by filling it with bulky files. So instead, I have code which makes a copy of the attachment and adds the hyperlink (to the copy) to the table instead.

Now - I want to add a control to the subform to display an icon / image reflecting the file type of the attachment (Word doc, Excel s/s, PDF etc.)

But not sure how to go about it.

I was thinking I could use FileSystemObject.GetFileExtension at the point in the code where the attachment is added, and add a new field to my attachments table (i.e. translate "*.xls*" to "Excel", etc.) Then store / embed a handful of images for the core types I would expect and use an image control on the subform to display the image based on the value of that field.

But is that even possible / feasible?

Or, is there a handy API which can retrieve the icon associated with a file type based on what has been installed on the local machine (even if there is, there's still the problem of setting up the image control to display the appropriate icon specific to each record...)

Or, is there another control available which would be better suited to something like this than an Image control?

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Make My Tab Control Go Away, Please!

Sep 11, 2006

I'm upgrading a form that was designed a while ago (not by me). It has various text boxes/combo boxes/etc. and one tab control that has 3 pages (TabCtl87). It works fine, I want to leave it there. My goal is to create another tab control on this form with two pages. One will include combo boxes and (hopefully) TabCtl87, which are already on the form. The other will have a new subform.
My problem is this: I set up the new tab control and cut and paste the combo boxes and TabCtl87 on the first page. When I click on the second page, which is where I want to put my subform, TabCtl87 still shows up!

I tried:

Me.TabCtl87.Visible = False

in the On Click event of the tab on my second page.

But it won't go away!

I also tried embedding my subform over top of the dreaded TabCtl87, but the tabs show through and make a mess of everything.

This is the first time I've delved into the world of Tab Controls and it's ruining my day (several days, actually).

Thank you!

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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Modules & VBA :: Make Control Invisible?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a control invisible?

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Forms :: How To Make Tab Control Stretch

Feb 2, 2015

I have an application designed for an 1280x 1024 screen working just fine. Unfortunately need hs arisen to run it on a widescreen laptop, with less than 1024 in y-direction.

On the front pge I have a form and subform. I shrink the subform vertically and then anchor it with a "stretch down" and everything is hunky dory. But, on the min operation page accessed form front page, I have a tb control with 4 subforms, and access to the bottom line under the form is essential in each case.

A tab-control has no anchoring properties, so how to make it shrink nevertheless? Essentially, imagine a form, at the bottom there is tab control, in it is a subform. How to accommodate smaller screens by shrinking the subform and the tab control?

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