How To Open A Form On A Particular Record Using A Combo Box

Aug 1, 2006


I have created a combo box that allows the user to select a particular customer from the drop down list. I have managed to type in some code that opens the customer form after the user selects a customer, but how do i get it to open the customer form on that particular record selected by the user????


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Forms :: Using Combo Box Selection To Open Form And Goto Record

Jan 14, 2014

I have a combo box called Combo9 in form NavigationF, the combo box displays the results of FollowUpQ Query. What I would like to do is when the user selects a row from the combobox is closes NavigationF and opens ContactHistoryF and goes to the record selected in the combo box. I have made sure that the combobox contains CustomerID which is the primary key for my table.

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Update Combo Box While Record Open

Sep 20, 2005

I've got a combo box on my main form which lists different contractors. I've also created a command button on the main form which opens another form and allows the user to add another contractor to the contractor table which populates the contractor combo box on my main form.

However, when the user has added a new contractor and closed this form, this new contractor doesn't show up in the combo box until the main form is closed and reopened.

Is there a way to update the main form without closing and reopening it so that it shows the new contractor in the combo box?

Thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Open A Form For Adding Child Record Related To Highlighted Record In Subform

Oct 2, 2013

Is it possible to open a form to add a child record related to the highlighted record in the subform?

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Forms :: Clicking A Record On A Datasheet Form To Open Record In A Pop-up

Apr 23, 2013

I have a form "IntUnderwriterSearchByName" which is based on the query "Search by Name". This form opens with a parameter (please enter name of broker) and is set out like a datasheet with the following fields- "Broker Name", "Domicile", "Broker Code" and a couple of others. I'd like to be able to click on a record and open the form "IntUnderwriterPopUp" so that the details of that specified record are displayed.

Broker Code is what I'd like the form to look for and this Broker Code is unique for every one of the 900 or so records. This code can be numerical e.g. 01233 but also can be a mixture of both e.g. EU2885. It is also worth noting that this code is not the primary key- i have an autonumber (called ID) that does this- but this field does not appear on the form.

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Open Record In Main Form By Clicking Record ID In Subform

Dec 16, 2014

I am creating an events database. In my main form, I have all the details of a single event (billing code, fees, customer, support personnel, etc.). Then, I have a subform (form view) that lists each of the other services which share an event ID (this ID comes from a separate, unrelated events management suite). In the subform, I display the most-commonly-edited fields so that they are editable without navigating to a different record.

However, there will be instances where it becomes necessary to navigate to one of the records listed in the subform. I would like to make this a quick process by just clicking on the primary key in the subform, and have the corresponding record appear in the main form.

In my searches I've found a common suggestion to use a DoCmd.OpenForm method where the form opens to that specific record -- in effect filtering by the primary key number. I don't prefer this method because it disables the ability to navigate to other records using the previous, next, find records, (etc.) buttons without closing and re-opening the form.

Is there a way to make the main form 'jump' to a specific record by clicking on a control in the subform, without limiting the ability to navigate in the main form?

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Open A Form From A Combo Box

Aug 29, 2005

Hi all,

The title says it all; how can I make a form appear when something is selected from a combo box?

Thanks in advance,


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Open Specific Form From Combo Box

Nov 12, 2005

I have a form with a subform which has a lookup table (combo box) as a field. I want to be able, when I select a certain item in the lookup to have it automatically open a form. e.g. A field called insurance class - I select motor, I want the motor details form to open. If I select Fire, I want it to open the fire form and so on. I have already created the forms. Please help!

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Open A Form With A Combo Box Selection??

Nov 24, 2005


Please help, I am still kind of new to Access. My problem is. I need to be able to open a form from a selection of a combo box. Thank you in advance.

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Open Form On Two Combo Box Values

Sep 17, 2006

Hi I've tried to find an answer to this but having no luck.

I have a form that has two combo boxes the first box looks up the year from the project table and the second box the project number. I want to open the project details that correspondes to these two input values within the combo boxes by pressing a command box.

I've tried the following but just get a syntax error:

Private Sub cmdOpenJobDetails_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenJobDetails_Click

Dim strDocName As String
Dim strYear As String
Dim strJobno As String
Dim strFilter As String

strYear = Me.cmbYear.Value
strJobno = Me.cmbJobno.Value

strFilter = "Select [tblProjects].[intprojectyear], [tblProjects.[intprojectjobno] FROM [tblProjects]" & _
"WHERE [intprojectyear] = & strYear And [intprojectjobno] & strJobno"

strDocName = "frmProjectDetails"

DoCmd.OpenForm strDocName, , , strFilter

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOpenJobDetails_Click

End Sub

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Forms :: Open Form From Combo Box

Jun 3, 2014

Im using the below code to open a from depending on what option is selected on a combobox.


Private Sub DirectPCombo_Click()
Dim cboVal As String
Dim stDocName As String
cboVal = Me.DirectPCombo.Value
Select Case cboVal
Case "One"


If you select the first item [One] it will open the correct form [TestOne]. But when you select any of the others an error comes up saying that the name is no a form. So I added

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName

But the no items would select.I know If split the reports form the forms and make two comboboxes it would work, but it would be better it both could be in the same combobox.

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Forms :: Change Record Source Of Combo Box On Form Based On Another Combo Box

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.

So my questions are:

1) can this be done
2)If it can be done, how can I do it?

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Open Subform Based On Form With Combo Box

Oct 27, 2005

I have a main form (FRMProspects) with a combo box (ComboCoName) that has a query as it's record source to sort the records displayed in it. It is bound by the CustID (autonumber), but displays the CompanyName.

What I want to do is open a sub form FRMNotes, based on the Company name that is selected in the ComboCoName. So for Company XY, I want to click on the Notes command button to open up all the notes for that company only (filtered). FRMNotes is based on a different table, but TBLProspects and TBLNotes are linked by CustID (one to many).

What code do I need for this? I am treading water with VBA!

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Combo Box Selection To Determine Which Form To Open

Jul 13, 2005

Hi don't know if I'm trying to do something that can't be done but I'll give it a try

I have a combo box which selects a type of incident e.g. report, SIF, Phone call etc

and dependent on what is selected I would like to get access to automatically select which form to open so if report is open when the command button is clicked then the report form would be opened, when SIF is selected the SIF form would be opened etc...

How do I go about this.. I have only ever wrote code in excel, so can I have step by step if it involves code (which I guess it does) including where to put the code and even how to go about it

Thanks in advance to all

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General :: Open A Form Through Combo Boxes

Sep 19, 2013

I have designed a main form which have buttons for about 30 different companies name to open, each button opens an individual company form. Now the companies list is growing day by day so i want to create a combo box which select the company name and open the relevant company's form.

Do I need to create a table which lists all the companies and then add a combo box on a main screen which select the company name and open the form but i need a VBA code for that.

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Open Relevant Form Based On 2 Combo Boxes?

Apr 6, 2006

Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is possible, and it is the most challenging thing that I have tried to implement into my database to date.

What I have is a booking form which allows you to Add Bookings for camera kits.

When a customer comes in and would like to book a kit, the form must be filled in with the relevant details, I have 2 combo boxes on this form.

The first is the Kit selection, there are 5 camera kits.
The second is an option to book the full kit out, or just components.

So here's the tricky part...

When the first combo box selection is made (eg. Kit 3) I need the Kit3 table to be active.

Then, when the user selects "Components" from the second combo box, I need a form to open up based on both of the above.

So a form based on tblKit3 would be opened and the user can manually select the components that they require to be booked out.

Any help at all would be appreciated.

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Forms :: Open New Form Based On Combo Box Selection

May 26, 2013

I have "donations" form with a cbo called "DonationType".


Employee Match
Employer Match
Royal Crown*

The last three options need to redirect the user to a different form used for pledged donations.

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Forms :: Continuous Form With Command Button On Each Record To Open Another Form

Jul 30, 2014

I have a continuous form in which I put a command button for each record called "detail". I would like to click on the "detail" button and make it open another form containing all (and only) the info on this record.

At first I refused to use an "id" to link both forms, but finally I added the "id" in the table... however still does not work.

continuous form: "04 - GASTOS_BUSQUEDA"
id field on continuous form: "Gastid"

pop-up (details) form: "GASTOS_EDITAR"
id on pop-up (details) form: "editar_id"

This is what I have tried on the "click" properties of the "details" button field (called "btn_editgs"):

DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", acNormal, , "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid

DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , "[editar_id]=" & Me.Gastid

stLinkCriteria = "[editar_id]=" & Me![Gastid]
DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , stLinkCriteria

Private Sub btn_editgs_Click()
On Error GoTo btn_editgs_Click_Err
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid
DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , strWhere
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume btn_editgs_Click_Exit
End Sub

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Forms :: Double Click Record In One Form To Open New Form?

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to create a proposal log for my company to make things easier to track. I have made a multiple items form to list the proposals. I want to be able to double click the record to open up another form (that i have already created) that shows the information from the proposal table and the proposal details table. So.....

I want to double click the field named "Proposal Name" and have it open up to form i have called "proposals details form".

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Forms :: Open New Form With Record Data Sorted From Another Form?

Apr 2, 2014

I have a main form[frmResearchNotes] with combo box controls that filters a query populating [subfrmNotelist] containing several records from the filtered query. From there, I double click on a field within one of the remaining records, [CompanyName] for example, and it opens the new form[frmNoteDetail]. The problem is that second form is not displaying that selected record. The second form's record source has been set to the same query so when it loads, it displays the same info but it's displaying the 1st record out of the entire filtered list, not the record I clicked on in that list.

I figured I could use the strWhere function to copy the record I selected in the event procedure and then open the new form with those details. Not sure how to actually do this with VBA or if it's even the correct approach.

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Creating Form To Target Current Record Open In Another Form

Apr 17, 2014

I have three objects a Main_Table , ClientDataForm and a MapForm all three share a common ClientID number

From that Main_Table I have created a ClientDataForm form which I enter all Data

From ClientDataForm I wish to create a button on it which runs a Macro that Saves ClientDataForm Record and then populates another form named MapForm with whatever record is currently open in Form One whether a newly created one or previous record.

How would I write this code for that button? Also why I would write it that way?

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Open Form To New Record

Jan 14, 2008


i have a form that has various buttons. one button will open a form to add a payment based on the person shown on the main form. how can i open the new form to be ready for a new record but already set up for the person shown? for example:
"main form" the name shows Nigel Shaw
press button " add payment"
Payment form opens on top ready to receive info with my name already shown.

i have based my payment form on a qry and i core around ContractorID

many thanks,


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Open Record From Sub Form

Mar 19, 2005

I have a form with a sub form. The form allows users to enter data into the database and the subform displays all records in the database. I want users to be able to click on one of the records displayed in the subform and that record to display on the form in the format it was entered.

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Open Form And Go To A Specified Record

Apr 12, 2005

I have a database to keep track of my mp3 collection. Amongst my tables I have the following:

tblSingers (SingerID, Singer etc)
tblAlbums (AlbumID, Album etc)
tblSongs (SongID, Song etc)
tblSongsSingers (SingerID, SongID)
tblSongsAlbums (SongID, AlbumID)

Eventually, from these tables i created the required queries and forms.

Now i created a new form for searching purposes, so in the form header i put some unbound combo boxes which are populated from the above mentioned tables (ex. the singers combo, has this rowsource
SELECT tblSingers.SingerID, tblSingers.Singer FROM tblSingers ORDER BY tblSingers.Singer; ... with a column count of 2, widths 0cm, 2.542cm). Eventually, when i choose a singer from this combo box i will requery the form, and it will display only those songs for the singer chosen. So far so good.

My problem now is here, i want that from the records which are displayed if i will double click on them, the main songs form will be opened and it will display the record in this form as well.

In similar situations I used to do it as follows:

Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stLinkCriteria = "[txtSongID] = " & Me.SongID
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSongs", , , stLinkCriteria

However, this time first i am getting the parameter box to enter the txtSongID and then another parameter box prompting me for qrySongs.Singer and if in this boxes i will try to put some data, i get run time error 3009.

Any ideas what might be wrong pls ?


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Open Form To New Record

May 12, 2005

I want to make a form where I can only make a new record. I basically need a normal form that opens and automatically clicks the new record button. I do not want to be able to view and of the other records, only see the new record that I am putting in.

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Not Sure How To Open Form At Particular Record

May 12, 2005

My form is opened with an on click event:

DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmEnhancedEnrolment", , , , acFormEdit
MyValue = InputBox(Message, Title, Default, 100, 100)

The msgbox then gets the value of the record I wish to find(at present the form is at the next new number despite opening on edit)

I am not sure what method to use to get it to open at the selected myValue.

I am searching on studId PK so I guess I have to convert the string from input box to a long.

help would be much appreciated.

I tried this also:
DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmEnhancedEnrolment", , , "[studentid]='myvalue'", acFormEdit

but it reports docmd action cancelled.


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