How To Retrieve And Display A Record Based On The Value In Combo Box
Dec 5, 2005
i have a form based on a table.The key column of the table is a combo box in the form , if i select a particular value in the combo box then i have to diaplay the all the fields in the record on the form automatically based on that particular value.
Ofcourse it is a simple task, but today only i am trying my hand in VB for the first time in my life.... so i find it difficult to find the answer.......
I'm creating a database for my inventory. For now, my database have two tables namely tblSupplies and tblDetails. I have a main from (frmMain) and a subform (subDetails). On the main form i have a combobox (cboSupplies) and 5 textboxes, the cboSupplies and the five textboxes are unbound. If I select a value in cboSupplies it will populate the rest of the textboxes-OK.
What I want to accomplish is that when I select a value in cboSupplies it will grab all related records from the tblDetails and populate these records on the subform (subDetails).
SuppliesID was used as the link field from mainform to subform but its not working. Please note that SuppliesID field in tblSupplies and tblDetails has a One-to-Many relationships.
Can I look up and verify data on a "second" form based on a selected record from first (still open) form.
I am trying to allow users to select a User Name from a combo box list and then open "Change Password" form when they select "Change Password" for that selected user name.
My problem is that I can't figure out how to associate and verify the data tied to the user name selected on the previous (Login) form ( I am trying to validate the old password tied to that selected record).
I have the first login form created, and it's working just fine. I also have the change password form created (and it's displaying the user name selected from the first form using:
Code: Private Sub Form_Load() With Forms![frmLogin]![cboUserName] Me.txtPwdChgUserID = .Column(2, .ListIndex) End With EndSub
I also have the code written to validate and confirm old password, new password and validate new password (when the save button is clicked). I have yet to update the password with the new password (still trying to figure that out).
Attached zip file has screen shots of the two forms.
I want to create a combo box on a form where I can choose between 5 company names, and upon my choice, I want a list box or another combo box to display the departments under the company I chose (each company has different departments), and when I choose the department, I want to another combo box to display the limited job titles under that department.
For example: I choose company A > combo box displays the 5 departments under company A (dept.1,2,3,4) I choose dept. 4 > display job titles under dept. 4
I have a problem with my database I have a combo box that will search for my record. Actually its working I input the specific number it goes to the specific record. But I want, if there no existing record in my database it will display a Messagebox that "No record Found" I try to put a code in a macro builder in a after update property field but nothing happened.
Expression code that it will display the msgbox if there's no record found.
the given code from macro builder is attached. I try to have an if else statement but I dont know how to not equal that giver conditional expression.
I would like to write an expression (i presume) to auto fill a text box based on the selection made from a combobox...can anyone help or point me to a tutorial that deals with this??
I'm working on a wine database (for ages now...). I'm currently struggling getting the following to work. I have a form in which one can select the name and vintage of a wine using a combo box, after which also a picture will be shown of that wine. I have the pictures as attachments in a table. One can then press a button to close this form and go to another form in which one can edit all the details of the selected wine. Problem: I can't get the picture to show.
I have a reasonably simple form with a combo box, a text box, a button and an attachment field in which a picture should show.
I made a query to select the id, name and vintage from the wine table. I couldn't select the attachment field for the pic in the wizard, so I added that myself in the Design View. The Query for the combo box now reads:
Code: SELECT Wijn.Id, Wijn.Naam, Wijn.Vintage, Wijn.Plaatje FROM Wijn ORDER BY Wijn.[Naam], Wijn.[Vintage]; (translation: Naam = name | Plaatje = picture)
It neatly shows name and vintage in the drop down list. Once selected it only shows the name of the wine in the combo box and I use VBA to fill the Text Box with the vintage of the selected wine. The VBA I use is:
Code: Private Sub cmbNaamWijn_Change() Me.txtVintage.Value = Me.cmbNaamWijn.Column(2) End Sub
All works fine. Also when I pres the button, the wine I selected opens up and can be editted and the select form nicely closes. The only problem is the fact that I cannot get the picture to show!
I inserted an attachment field with the name: attImage. In the VBA code I added the line:
Doesn't work. With debugging I do see it gets the correct value form the table. I get an error message stating "Method or data member not found", so Picture is not available for the attachment object I guess. If I look at what is available, I can't select anything useful. So my next try was adding an image control with the name: ImageWine and the VBA code in the On Change property
Me.ImageWine.Picture = Me.cmbNaamWijn.Column(3)
results in the following: Run-time error '2220'. Microsoft Access can't open the file '[FilenamePicture]'. Logical in a way I guess, since there's no path in there. I also tried the Bound Object Frame, but that resulted in the same problem as the attachment try described above.
I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.
So my questions are:
1) can this be done 2)If it can be done, how can I do it?
I'm this is a simple issue. I have a combo box which can have the following status's: Not Started, In Progress, Complete. Depending on the value of the combo box i want a different image to show. So if not started is selected i want the user to see a red box. If Complete is chosen, a green box will show. i can do this easily enough but my problem comes in when i go to the next record. The boxes just stay visible regardless of what option is displayed. What event is triggered when you go to the next form?? Form Open / Load doesnt seem to work. :mad: :confused:
I have created a combo box that simulates browsing, but limits it to a single filepath. I would like to store this file path along with the filename into my database in a field. There are two ways of doing this that I have found work, but i need a less cluttered way. 1) My rowsource string is created byrowString = rowString & filePath & fileName &";"fileName = dirthat's in a loop that reads all the files in the directory.... the problem with setting this rowsource to my combobox is that its very long and cluttered looking combo boxMy secont way is: rowString = rowString & fileName &";"fileName = dirThen i make a hidden text box whose value is filePath + Me!cboBox where the cboBox has the string value of the file (Sample1.jpg) In this instance i make the text box the control source instead of the combo box... but I'm pretty sure that's a bad way of doing what I want to doboth of these ways seem ... redundant, so i was wondering if there is a way to do this otherwise ?
I have a form with cascading combo boxes pulling from a table. They work perfectly, no worries. My problem now is if I do not enter information in every combo box (i.e. only two out of four combo boxes), how can I still run the query and get the appropriate information?
For example (these are my combo box titles in order):
Product Type Customer Contract #
I don't want to necessarily look by Contract # all the time, but sometimes just by the general Product and Type to get a larger view. How do I set up expressions/criteria in my query to accurately produce that information? Right now it just produces a blank query table if I don't fill out all the boxes.
I've tried a couple of expressions with "isnull" criteria, but I must be doing it incorrectly.
I have set up a form and only want to display the date and time that will appear automatically based on when the record was created. I definitely don't know how to do this.
The format that I'm looking for is: 07/24/13 11:45:44pm
From what I can see I would need two separate fields to accomplish this. I would prefer to only use one if possible. I would like to execute the value within the new record as it is entered. That date and time from that point should never change.
I will want to use the date and time in the future for quality control.
i have a subform name(SUBSAL)in this subform i get reocrds for some employee as select combobox Name(CMBEMP).some employee having 2 record or some having 6 record as their transaction
i have sum of transaction at subform footer field but when only 2 records shows in subform it shows a major gap or blank space in subform detail section.
There is a form which the user fills in 8 fields and saves it. Once saved, a new record opens.
However, I want to modify the save button to save the previous record and display a new record with only a limited no of fields to display from previous record, say 4 fields display from previous record, and the user fills the remaining 4 and saves it. Thus, the save cmd should continue to display 4 fields from the previous record.Already tried below code for save button but it displays all data of previous record as it is, doesn't display blank space for combo.118 and text2
I have a piece of code that I'm using to display an image on a report based on a path saved to each record. the code is:
Code: Option Compare Database Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) If IsNull(Me.ImagePath) Then Me.ImgPic.Picture = "O:BellinghamIntranetProductionLabelsNo Label.bmp" Else Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath End If End Sub
It seems like every few months the code crashes access and then never works again. When I debug, the part that is highlighted is:
Code: Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.ImagePath
The only way i've found to correct it is to delete the report and the module and copy them back in from a backup database. What could be causing this code to crash or how to stabalize my database to prevent this from happening again.
My form has a listbox (lstHeatTreatments - Multi-Select disabled) that displays Heat Treatment descriptions and an unbound textbox (txtHTDetails) that I would like to have display the corresponding memo field when a description is selected from the listbox.
This is my code so far:
Code: Private Sub lstHeatTreatments_AfterUpdate() Dim myConnection As ADODB.Connection Dim myRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset Dim mySQL As String Dim selectedRequirementKey As Long Set myConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection Set myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = myConnection
I have two Tables, "staff data" (staffID, name) and "issues log" (IssueID, StaffID, 20+ fields about individual Issues). StaffIDs are linked together so each employee can have multiple issues..I have (so far) Form1 containing individual Issues that can be filled in, or retrieved one at a time / scrolled through in IssueID order
What I want is a second form, containing a combobox with all StaffIDs (+ names) listed; when a StaffID is selected, a table is loaded containing all Issues for that employee. When any of these is selected, Form1 is loaded
I have created the second form, including the combo that contains both StaffIDs and Names. I can't yet grasp how to show the set of Issues applicable to that employee when I change that combo...If I could have the combo on Form.
I have a search form with 1 combo box and a button which when the user inputs an invoice number and clicks the button, a main form is opened for that particular record.
The problem I have is to display an error message before the main form opens if the user has either left the combo box blank or they have input an invoice number that doesn't exist.
I am designing a contact management system and have hit a bit of a wall. I am farily new to Access so please advise if I am going about this the totally wrong way.
I have three tables; Contacts, Companies, Company_Addresses
Contacts: ContactID (P) CompanyID OfficeName
Companies: CompanyID (P)
Company_Addresses: CompanyID OfficeName (P)
What I want is when adding a contact, to have a drop down list in the CompanyID field showing all the companies in the Companies table, and then in the OfficeName field, have a list of only the offices related to the company selected in the previous field.
I can do the first list, but cant work out how to list only data related to the company selected in the previous field. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a form that i input information into. I have a combo box labeled Addendum, you can select "yes" or "no". What i would like to do is if user selects "yes" then a new record needs to be copied with exact information form original, with the excpetion of a field labeled "tape review #" 1403310000 for example. "-AD" needs to be added to this new record after the review number. Also the field "tape review #" is indexed not to allow duplicate numbers.
I'm trying to navigate to a record based on a series of combo boxes and a button. The user goes through the combo boxes, first picking a (let's say) Store, then Aisle, then Item. The Item combo box stores the Item's unique ID as its bound column.My code is as follows:
Code: Private Sub NavigateButton_Click() Me.Recordset.Clone.FindFirst "[ItemID] = " & Me![ItemComboBox] Me.Bookmark = Me.Recordset.Clone.Bookmark '(<-- Don't actually have this in yet, but I will need it) End Sub
The ItemID field in the ItemTable table is an Autonumber Long Integer. Why am I getting the error "Engine does not recognize 'ItemID' as a valid field name or expression"?There are no references within the form to the ItemID directly (no text boxes, hidden fields etc).
Is it possible to use combo boxes in reports? I have a report built but was wanting to use a look up box to retrieve alternate data while looking at the report.
In my database I have a table that keeps track of a package of items. The package is assigned a package type (counter display, end cap, half pallet, full pallet for example). The record of the association of the package and it's type is held in the main table.
Each of these package types is either a case or a pallet (counter display and end cap are cases and half and full pallets are pallets) This relationship is kept in another table (we will call it description table).
Now, based on the type of package and therefore it being a case or pallet a UPC and a GTIN number are assigned. The GTIN number is different if it is a case or is a pallet. I have a table that stores all of the UPC and GTIN numbers available in 3 columns, one for UPC, one for GTIN Case and one for GTIN Pallet (the UPC is a standard 12 digit and the GTINs are 14 digit -with the first 2 different to designate pallet or case. and all are based on the check digit formula necessary)
The user assigns the UPC and correct GTIN number by clicking a button which applies the next available UPC code to the package and determines if the description of the type (case or pallet) and inserts correct GTIN number into that field. I actually have all of this functioning correctly.
Now the problem. If a user changes the package type, and therefore changes the description, I need to add code to the update event of the combo box that gives the choices for package type that does the following:
Check to see if the original package type was a case or pallet (it's description) and if by changing the package type it is now changed to the other, update the record in the main table to the correct GTIN number based on the existing UPC Code.
OR as I write this, maybe the code could simply update the main table with the correct GTIN code based on the new description and the existing UPC code. This was I would not need to check for a change just do the update every time.
Hello, Please tell me if there is a way to retrieve a value from a field in the previous form record in a query that don't have ID (autonumber), using data/time ascending.The function PrevRecVal() from QrySampl can only be used for query that include ID. Thanks