How To Run Data Macro Using VBA Code

Jun 18, 2015

I try to run Data macro using VBA Code.

Private Sub cmdRunDataMacro_Click()
DoCmd.SetParameter "prmMetalID", Me.cmbMetal
DoCmd.RunDataMacro "Metal.GetMetalParameter"
DoCmd.SetProperty txtTestMetal, acPropertyValue, [ReturnVars]![retPrice]
End Sub

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Replace Macro With Code

Nov 13, 2006


I have a macro that I used to import data into my database.
I use the transfertext action with the following specifications:

TRANSFER TYPE: Import Fixed Width

The macro also contains and ECHO Yes after that event.

Is there a way I can write the above with code and not use the macro? I would like to add this code on a cmdbutton.

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[ACCESS 2007] Use VBA Code Instead Of A Macro

Jul 26, 2007


When I add a butten using the wizard Access 2007 adds a macro instead of vba code.
How can I get the good old VBA code???

Thanks for your help in advance

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Code/macro To Do Auto Replace

Nov 22, 2004

I am looking for a way of creating the following:
I want to be able to click a command button and have it prompt the user for input.
Then take the input and replace all cases of NA with that string in field B for all records.
I would prefer to have no other prompts other that the user input and a success msg box.
Can this be done?

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How To Add A New Record In A Table By Code Or Macro?

Nov 8, 2007

I have a simple table of Customer names. It's as simple as two fields involved:


How can I use VBA code or macro to add a new record to this table? I'm a newbie, so if possible, please provide a few lines of example codes. Thanks.

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Set Web Control Scroll Bar Value - Code / Macro

Sep 8, 2014

I have a Web Browser Control which displays the location of premise from a table using Bing. The Control itself isn't large enough to show the entire Bing page, so it has vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

It's vertical position is fine, but I'd like it to by default display from the far right hand side as opposed to the left. I'm guessing there's a way to set the ScrollValue (or similar) of the horizontal bar in code, but am unsure what to do. Or perhaps there's a really simple way and I'm missing it.

I've done quite a bit of searching, but keep coming up for solutions for List / Combo boxes etc.

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Macro To Auto Filter - Show Records With Same Code

Jun 14, 2012

I have a form that has numerous fields, there is one field that is called the "Relationship Code" it gives any customers who have a certain relationship a 3 digit number. I would like a command button that you can press that will take the current record shown and filter their relationship code, to only show those records who have the same code. I know this can be done by going to the field>right clicking>and saying Equals " ". But I want a button with code that will do this automatically.

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Using A Macro To Input Data In A Field

Jul 17, 2006

I have a button that will do two different functions 1 to open a form and 2 input data into the classType field. In order to do this would I need to use a Macro with setValue? How do I do this?? When the button is clicked input “CPP” in to the classType field of the EqTable.

Please Help!!

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Stop Macro So I Can Input Data

Mar 27, 2006

I have a form that sets criteria in a series of make-table queries that go on to power a report. I've set up a macro to first open the form and then run the make-table queries and then open the final report. My trouble is that before I can set the criteria in the form I'm getting prompted by the make-table queries.

How can I stop the macro so I can input data and then re-start it? I tried using a stop macro command but that didn't work out for me.


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Access Lookup Data Macro

Nov 16, 2011

I am trying replicate the northwind web database macro called getproductname getproductlist which is on the products table. this macro has a simple lookup action which looks up a record by a parameter being sent.

the customer order form has a productid combo box. on its after update it finds the product list. this UI macro just passess the product id to the data macro on the table and looks up the price for that id. then sets the value on the form. simple right? however i consistently get an error from the data macro on the table which says the "the identifier (enter field name here) could not be found"

in my case im selecting id and productname from my table. the syntax is correct. but when i run the macro i get "the identifier productname could not be found. ive been struggling with this for hours. and im using a working sample as an example.

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Expression Builder In Data Macro

Nov 13, 2012

I'm facing an issue when I'm creating a Data Macro After Insert in Access 2010. In the value for the SetField, I use the expression builder. I wanted to use the DateAdd function but it not showing, also I cannot see my user define function (Module).

This behaviour seem to occur only in the instance of Expression Builder while in the Data Macro, everything is fine anywhere else including macro.

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Modules & VBA :: Write A More Complex Macro That Will Start Another Macro At Preset Time

Dec 8, 2013

I am trying to write a more complex macro that will start another macro at a preset time, however I am getting stopped at the first hurdle - getting a macro to run another macro.

Here is the code i am using at the moment, all I want to do currently is click the first button, then get the second macro to execute. But no luck, getting error 2157 "cannot find the procedure"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "1st macro running", vbExclamation, "Note"
Application.Run "teststart1"
' Application.OnTime TimeValue("19:55:00"), "teststart1"


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Tables :: Data Macro For Audit Trail

Sep 18, 2014

I am having a bit of trouble with one part of it. The DB I am putting together has a login form with a combo box for the user name, and a textbox for password entry. A small macro tied to a button compares the password input to a column in the combo box that pulls from a User table. If the password matches, a main nav form opens, and the login form goes to hidden. What I am trying to do is grab the User Name from the combo box, and store it in a field in the audit trail table when a user is in one of the data entry forms.

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General :: Macro To Manipulate Unstructured Data

May 5, 2015

I have some tables need to be imported to Access, which is not well structured. For example:

from SQL server
Name ID Add.....
aaa 111
bbb 222

To be more specific,I have 4 csv files, that need to be imported into Access.

1. I'm building 4 linked tables so users can update the table as needed. Then run queries based on these tables to produce report. But maybe there's a better way? the file name and location might be dymatic, so anything like 'getopenfile' would be easier instead of linked tables?

2. These data need to be clean up first to become a 'database table'. (Delete first 2 rows, delete some columns, remove duplicates etc.) I know how to do them in VBA Excel, but never used Macro in Access before.

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Macro Transfer Data For One Table To Another By Columns?

Nov 2, 2011

I have one table with the following records:

Name Surname School Date1 Date2 Date3

John Smith London 12/12/11 11/11/11 10/11/11
Mary Wayne Harvard 11/10/09 12/10/13 10/11/11

I would like to design a Macro which can create another table like this :

Name Surname School Date
John Smith London 12/12/11
John Smith London 11/11/11
John Smith London 10/11/11
Mary WAyne Harvard 11/10/09
Mary Wayne Harvard 12/10/13
Mary Wayne Harvard 10/11/11

That is duplicate the records, and create another table, with all the records and each record with just 1 date.

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Modules & VBA :: Stop Macro Error If There Is No Data To Find?

Jul 16, 2015

I completed the Op[en form and find specific data wizard and it works.

Here is my issue: If there is no data to find, I get a "Stop Macro" error.

How to change this?

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Reports :: Macro That Opens Exports The Selected Data To A Form?

Feb 23, 2015

I currently require a macro that takes the record and when clicked, it opens a form and displays this record. This is so that I can use it to click buttons and open existing reports based on the data and field that match the 'clicked' record.

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Modules & VBA :: Password Parameter For Import / Export Data Macro

Jul 16, 2014

I am creating a ImportExportData macro that will link to my tables in the BE

However the BE has a password. I was told this would require coding.

I have even tried to 'convert macro to VB' and i get this:

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "Microsoft Access", "c: est.accdb", acTable, "Table1", "Table1", False

I then tried to enter the password in the last segment (StoreLogin) ie:

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "Microsoft Access", "c: est.accdb", acTable, "Table1", "Table1", False, "PASSWORD"

but that didn't work either, i got a "An expresiions you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments"...

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Enter Data Into DB Then Upload To Client Web Portal - Macro To Check Checkbox

May 13, 2012

How to use VBA..... I have set up a simple database to enter data into then upload to a client web portal.

I have a form to enter the data and the table this data goes into has a check box at the end which I want to have ticked/checked/True after I have exported.

I have created a query that shows me all data that is unchecked (not yet exported to an xls)

I have created a simple export macro that sends the query result to an .xls

I want the macro to finish by checking the "export" checkbox once I have done this....

I am using Access 2010 attached is a screen dump of what I have so far....

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Error Message When Trying To Use Custom Macro Built To Pull Text Data From A File

Jun 4, 2012

It is my understanding that a custom macro was built to pull text data from a file and import it into Access in the appropriate fields. This macro no longer works and will return the following error message:

"License information for this component not found. You do not have an appropriate license to use this functionality in design mode."

It only gives an option to click OK. When you do it shows a box called "Action Failed" that lists the macro name, condition, action name, and arguments with three button to click on the right of the box: "Step" "Halt" and "Continue". It appears that only the "Halt" button is available to be clicked.

Does this sound like an issue with the Access license or whatever license the macro might have? We're trying to decide if it's possible to restore the functionality of the macro.

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Using External Data Wizard In Code

Jun 17, 2005

Hi all

I just to know what the command or code is to generate the External data wizard is ?
I want to import a spreadsheet, the thing this there will be a new spreadsheet everyday with a different name. I guess the easiest way is for the user to select the file themselves. instead of the user going to file, get external data, i thought i could add the code to invoke this wizard on a button.

Thanks in advance

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Code For Manual Data Entry

Sep 7, 2005

Can anyone tell me what code I can use to manually enter data from a textbox. I don't want a bound box, but want to write some code that will take the text from that text box and enter it into a field in a table when i wish it to.

How is this code written please?


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Running Code When Data Changes In A Table

Oct 25, 2005


Ive made a booking system in Access and need to convert it so it can handle multiple users on a network. The problem i have is that when someone selects a block of time on one computer i need the other systems to lock out those blocks on their screens. I have a table which records each user's activities so i could always use the On Counter event on the form to repeatedly check if there is any blocks to be locked out according to data in that table. The obvious problem with this is the huge overhead.

Is there any other way round this? or is there any way of detecting changes to data in a table so that i can run code to lock out the blocks only when theres a change?

Any help or suggestions much appreciated! :)

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Manipulating Table Data From Code

Feb 12, 2005

I’m working on an Access 2002 project where I need some help with coding. I’m a neebie to Access and Visual basic so a few pointers to get me on my way would be much appreciated.

The project is dealing with logging vehicles on and off site. I have one database that contains a list of all regular traffic in three fields – Registration Number, Company Name and Type. After the last update this contained about 300 records. I called this MAINDATABASE.mdb.

I have another database that runs as a user input screen and front end called WORK.mdb. This contains the above three fields and three others, Time In, Number of Occupants and Time Out.

I have already done the coding for Time In and Time Out where the user just double clicks the field and the system time is entered. The important field is Registration Number. What I need is the following:

When a vehicle comes on site the user double-clicks Time In on the form which inserts the present time (done). The user then tabs to or clicks on Registration Number. An input box comes up where the user types the reg number. I need the code to take this input, search the MAINDATABASE database and if the reg number is found return the values for Registration Number,Company Name and Type in that row of the database and then insert those values into the corresponding rows in the WORK database. If the reg number isn’t found then a message box comes up telling the user to enter details manually and input the string entered by the user into Registration Number field on the WORK database and leave the user to enter the values for Company Name and Type. I have the code for the Input Box and the Message Box at the end!:

Private Sub REGISTRATION_GotFocus()

InputBox("Enter Reg number...")

MsgBox "Registration number not found. Please enter details manually"

End Sub

I just need the stuff to do the work in between!!
Any pointers are very welcome……

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Modify Data Structure Using Code

May 4, 2008

I want to be able to make code that will modify a data structure in another file. Can I do it in an access application or will I need to make a VB application? I want to add some more fields to a table. :confused:

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Turning Data Entry Off Through Code

Feb 23, 2006


I have two main forms which are essentially the same apart from some command buttons, one form to enter data, one form to view data.

These forms also contain about 8 subforms, in Data Entry mode (for the data entry form, funnily enough).

Problem is, obviously when I open my form to view records, the subforms don't update as I flick through, due to them being in data entry.

What's the easiest way to prevent this problem? Obviously I'll need to turn data entry off, but was wondering whether there's a more elegant solution than either creating 8 duplicate subforms with data entry turned off, or using about 50 lines of code to turn Data Entry off/on every time.



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