How To Search Using Multiple Keywords At The Same Time?
Dec 23, 2007
I would like to make an Access database for my collection of scientific papers. From that database I should be able to find articles using descriptive keywords. The problem is I haven’t figured out how I could search for the articles needed using multiple keywords at the same time (eg. papers that fill the criteria: <keyword a> AND <keyword b> AND <keyword c>).
What kind of tables and queries I have to create to do that?
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Oct 29, 2014
I managed to create a form that is able to search keywords on Access 2007. However, the keyword search must be exact to what is contained in the table.
For example, I stored "red blue yellow" into the database, and I can only search "red blue yellow", "red blue" or "blue yellow" in order to call that data.
How do I make it such that I am able to search "blue red yellow", "yellow blue red" or "red yellow blue"?
These are my current codes:
Private Sub txtSearch_AfterUpdate()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strWord As String
Dim varKeywords As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim IngLen As Long
[Code] ....
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Aug 5, 2006
Hey guys
it's been a long time since i've been here
but i again need your help
my job asked me if it's possible to have keywords highlighted in search results in report
am i clear?
meaning, when you search for keywords in one of the fields, and then your results come out in the report, can they be selected, like in Word, or in searches on the Internet, like when doing a search on Monster, all your keywords will come out in red, that way you can easily read the results
so can this be done in Acess?
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Dec 6, 2013
Currently, I am trying to search a memo field on a table by having the user enter keywords on a form (up to 10 keywords can be entered). It works when just one keyword is entered, however it doesn't work if more than one is entered. How do I account for more than one keyword being entered to search the memo field and return the recors where any of the terms show up in that field. Each one of the keywords [KW1] ...etc are in a separate unbound box.
Current formula looks as follows:
Like "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW1] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW2] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW3] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW4] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW5] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW6] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW7] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW8] & "*" OR "*" & "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW9] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW10] & "*"
Should I be using AND?
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Sep 10, 2005
i have a "library-database" with a query that allows you to search books by author/title/category/...
in the title-field i have the following criteria:
Like "*" & [enter keyword] & "*"
eg. i have two books "Roman and Greek literature" and "Roman literature"
if i type "Roman literature" in the prompt box it'll only give the second book because the criteria doesnt split up the keywordstring.
Is it possible to get both books as result of the query with only one promptbox?
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Jun 26, 2013
I am attempting to create a search form where a user can search by either employee name or company name. I have 5 tables to use. Is there a simple way of creating a search method for this? I would like to be able to have the user type in a name and click a button that says search with any records matching the search come up. However, I could definitely use a method where they type it in a box and it finds it as the person types.
How to search from all five tables at the same time.
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Nov 21, 2014
I have a database with hundreds of records in a main table called tblPARTS which has three fields - Part Number, Part Description and Category. I have another table, tblKEYWORDS, with two fields; a field called KEYWORDS which has words like "cable", "bracket", and "relay". The table has a second field called CATEGORY. The CATEGORY field has either the word ELECTRICAL or MECHANICAL associated with each of the KEYWORDS. So, for example, "bracket" would have "MECHANICAL" as its associated category. There are dozens of these entries in the KEYWORD table.
The problem: I need to auto fill the parts table (tblPARTS) with the correct category by looking at the DESCRIPTION field in the PARTS table which is made of several words, e.g. "STAINLESS STEEL BRACKET - 3" X 2" ". I need to find the word BRACKET and fill in the CATEGORY field in the parts table automatically via a query. There are several hundred parts in the main table.
I can do this easily using a standard update query, but it is limited to 10 IFF statements and there will be many more than this. Can I do this in VBA and if so, where do I start? I am an intermediate user of ACCESS.
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Sep 21, 2004
I am trying to create a simple Search form in Access where a user can select a desired record and query multiple tables using the inputs.
I would like them to be able to query Retailers, Distributors and Products.
The 6 tables are linked as follows:
Although some of these tables are not included in the query, they are required to ensure relationships.
Retailers -- Uses (RetailerID,DistributorID) -- Distributors
Retailers -- Orders (RetailerID,ProductID) -- Products
All retailers have at least one distributor BUT a retailer may or may not have ordered any products.
I have created my form but the query linked to the form is having some trouble. It is only selecting those records that have ordered products. For example, if I query a retailer name only and it does not have any ordered products, it will not display. Is there a problem with the table joins? The SQL for the query is displayed here:
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Feb 28, 2014
I'm looking for some type of custom function that will search a specified column for any keywords listed inside another table.
I can run a query on each keyword individually, however there are 50 and it takes a long time each time I do it. I was hoping to write in a function for that column and it would just select all records that match.
These would all need to be a "like" with an " * " on each end of the word.
With SQL it would look something like:
select a.address1
from main_tbl as a
where a.address1 like '* north *'
or a.address1 like '* park *'
or a.address1 like '* south *';
I just want it to read each of the table values instead of hard coding them and the column name would be the function name so it can be used in any column I specify. I'm just not sure how to incorporate this into a custom function.
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Apr 5, 2006
I have a bit of an odd request. I won't be using normal dates and times, it's a military way for date and time, called a Date Time Group (DTG). It looks like this: 052337Z APR 06
The first two characters (05) represent the day of the month. The next four characters (2337) represent the time. The sixth character (Z) stands for Zulu, which is what we call the format of the time. The next three characters (APR) is the month abbreviation and finally (06) is the current year. Zulu time is obviously a 24 hour clock and it is always daylight savings, etc...
I need some ideas on how I can store this in the database and search it as if it were an actual date, so I could get all records between two certain dates, for example. I'm not quite sure on how I would go about doing this.
A couple things I thought of maybe doing is when the user enters the criteria, converting the DTG they enter into local time and have the values in the database stored as local time. Not sure how to do that. Second I thought maybe storing each part of the DTG individually and then searching that way. Any help appreciated.
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Jan 31, 2005
I've created a search on a text and date field which has been working fine for few days now. However when I've started to search on the early days in February (i.e. 01/02/2005) it is not finding the records (but they do exist). When I create a record with 13/02/2005 or higher however it does find the record. I desperately need a solution as the DB will fall down without it.
The code I'm using is:
If Not IsNothing(Me.TxtEmpNameSearch) Then
VarWhere = (VarWhere + " AND ") & "[EmpName] ='" & Me.TxtEmpNameSearch & "'"
End If
If Not IsNothing(Me.TxtDateSearch) Then
VarWhere = (VarWhere + " AND ") & "[Dates] =#" & Me.TxtDateSearch & "#"
End If
If IsNothing(DLookup("txtempno", "tblwork", VarWhere)) Then
MsgBox Mes5, OKIn, Ti
Exit Sub
End If
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Oct 24, 2013
I have a query that contains a complete_date including time (this is automatically datestamped when the user presses a button)At the end of the day, I want to show how many records where processed that day but cannot figure out how to display records between 06:00am and 08:00pm on todays date.
Also, the same applies to selecting a range of dates (eg. the full week), How do I display the records that fall between Monday - Friday including the time.
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Aug 5, 2013
In criteria of a Query I have this SQL: Like [Forms]![FSearch].[qb1] & "*"
This SQL is to write in a textbox one parameter at a time to search in a table.I need to search for more than one parameter at a time and I have been trying to add to the SQL the operator OR or AND but does not work.
Like [Forms]![FSearch].[qb1] & "*" OR Like [Forms]![FSearch].[qb1] & "*"
Like [Forms]![FSearch].[qb1] & "*" AND Like [Forms]![FSearch].[qb1] & "*"
How can I search for more than parameters at a time?
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Nov 15, 2004
I'm getting a Run-time error 2295: Unknown Message Recepients.
I've got a DB of about 2000 clients. In testing I did a test DB with 50 random
clients. Using any search criteria, it would grab those clients and open a new email
with their email addresses no problem.
However when I do this same thing with my complete DB of 2000 clients, I get this run
time error.
I'm pretty confused here, and anxious. It looks like the program is working, I just need it
to run with all my clients. This is the last thing I must conquer to be finished with this project.
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Aug 5, 2015
I have a "Search" form that I am using to search through a query in a list box of all of my Customers. Once the record that I am wanting to view comes up I highlight it and click a "View" button to bring up another form with the customers full record. When this form is open I am able to update the customer information and add User's to it if necessary.
My problem comes after I click on my save and close button that takes me back to me search form. I want to close the search form and the error I get is "The record cannot be deleted or changed because table "tblUserProfile" includes related records." I click OK and get a SECOND error stating "You can't save this record at this time. MS Access may have encountered an error while trying to save a record. If you close this object now, the data changes you made will be lost. Do you want to close the database object anyway?"
I have already made my changes and saved them in the form with the customer record so am not sure why I am getting an error when trying to close the Search form.
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Feb 8, 2006
Is it possible to make such query which will find all records that have
name like keywords. These words are collected as s dictionary in another table in column name.
Is it possible to make just one query or vb script that will search through all records using all of keywords given in dictonary?
query find records wich name is like abaccus or dolphin or........
Thank You in Advance for any advice cause i have big problem how to figure out.....I have to do this in my job......
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Dec 3, 2013
I'm trying to complete a database.
It is to manage details of pupils with additional support needs, and plan for the extra arrangements the school will provide for assessments.
It has 2 Tables
-ScottishCandidateNumber primary key (Unique number which identifies pupils to the exams board)
-NatureOfNeed (memo)
-EvidenceOfNeed (memo)
-ID Primary key, Autonumber
-Pupil foreign key to tblPupilDetails
I currently use forms for adding new pupils, and updating pupil subjects/arrangements/levels.
I also have forms to search for specific pupils, and to create lists for faculty heads showing which pupils are taking subjects within their faculty and the arrangements we expect to provide.
I use the forms to run queries, which can then output to reports for printing.
Where I am currently having an issue is the faculty field in the tbl-SubjectLevelArrangements. (If I didn't have to report to faculty heads I would just leave it out, but management will insist.)
Currently I have a form with dropdowns for adding subject, faculty, level and arrangement manually. This is acceptable for the subject, level and arrangement because they are completely interchangeable and dynamic throughout the academic year as pupils may drop down a level, or change the type of arrangement they require.
However as faculties are inextricably linked to subjects, I want to remove the possibility of human error. i.e. when a user (me) chooses either geography, history, or RE, then the faculty will always be Humanities, likewise if the user chooses French, German, or Spanish, then the faculty can only be Modern Languages etc.
I'm convinced there must be a very simple way to ensure that the faculty field prefills based on the limited keywords available in the subject field, but I just cannot figure it out.
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Apr 26, 2005
Wonder if you guys can help me with something. I have a table with about 1200 guests, what I want to do is to search the table base on different criteria (or combination of criteria), namely phone #, name, street name, and postal code. Not everyone has all this info, and their names aren't separted into proper lastname or firstnames (old data).
What I want to do is to be able to type in a person's first name, last name, or both (an maybe other info if the first search wasn't successful).
What should I do to implement this? I was thinking of running 4 different queries, and interesect them into the final query. What do you think?
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Jul 24, 2006
I have a search form, and it has 2 combo boxes, and 3 textboxes. I would like one of the textboxes to search 10 different fields for the inputted data. Along with that search all of the others must be able to be used to narrow down the criteria. How can I do this with SQL? Right now I have a select distinct, where, and I use And to include all 5 parameters. What can I do to use the one box to search numerous fields and still return options when coupled with the other search parameters. Thanks
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Jul 25, 2005
I have a form on which I have about 6 combo-boxes and a set of 3 radio buttons.
I'm to the point that all the querys that fill these combo-boxes are in place.
What I want now is a search button that updates a datagrid under it when clicked. The query in this datagrid needs to be parameterised with the selected values in the comboboxes or radio buttons.
It should be possible to only select one combobox before pressing update.
At this point I placed a subform in the form to bind this query to. ( the datagrid I need).
Is a subform the correct object for this or are there other possibilities?
For some boxes only a line to the where clausule of the SQL statement needs to be added. For some other (one) and the radio buttons a join needs to be made with another table.
So I will have to build my sql statement dynamicaly in some vba code, run it when the search button is clicked and refresh the datagrid.
Does ab has a sample database in which such a search form is being used?
I must have downloaded like 10 sample DB's now but nothing I can use...
all help or advise greetly appreciated.
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May 1, 2006
Hey guys I need some help, I have attached my database.
I need to search multiple fields.
I need to search from field strserialone - strserialtwelve.
Thanks for taking the time..
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May 14, 2006
Hi guys,
I made a form to search some values in a table and print them in a report.
The form looks like this:
When clicking the "show report" button a macro is executed. In this macro I have the following code:
OpenReport -->
Report name: main
View: print preview
Where condition: [name]=[Forms]![searchfeedback]![namebox] And [week]=[Forms]![searchfeedback]![week]
Now what I want is a bit difficult.
I want to give users the ability to search by each option and by using multiple options.
- When filling in the name and click the show button it gives all reports for that person.
- When filling in the name and selecting the weeknumber it gives all reports for that person in a particular week.
and so on with the id field, the date field and the supervisor field.
How do I create something like that?
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Jun 29, 2006
Hi all
I have a query linked to a report that prints a worksheet specific to a individual work item. This report/query picks up the Work_ID value on a form. I have 2 other forms displaying the same work with different amounts of detail. Rather than create a new report/query to run from each form, I am trying to use the one query/report from each form.
The problem is that I cannot get Access to recognise the Work_ID value from the other forms. I have tried the following:
In the Work_ID criteria field building an SQL statement as below
[Forms]![frmVCRUpdate]![Work_ID] Or [Forms]![frmVCRShort]![Work_ID] Or [Forms]![frmVCRLong]![Work_ID] - This does not work, it keeps asking for the frmVCRUpdate Work_ID value when I try to run the query from the other forms
Adding 2 extra Work_ID Values to the query and on the 2nd and 3rd criteria lines specifying that it look for the Work_ID value from the other forms but I get the error above.
Any suggestions on how I can make this work would be appreciated, I'm not sure what else to do.
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Apr 17, 2008
Hi everyone. I have the following code attached to a text box.
Private Sub txtsearch_AfterUpdate()
Me.lstsearch.RowSource = "Select [R&D ID#], [SKU#], [Project Name], [Construction level], [Manufacturer], [Hobbico Status], [R&D Work By], [Product Manager], [Desktopper]" & _
"From [Project Main]" & _
"Where [Project Name] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [SKU#] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [R&D Work By] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [Product Manager] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [Desktopper] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'" & _
"OR [R&D ID#] like '*" & Me.txtsearch & "*'"
End Sub
This code searched for matching text strings in a few different filed. It is working really well, but it would become much more helpful if instead of searching one single text string, I could enter two in the same box and it would perform the search based on matching both strings, that is, list all the records that have xxxx and xxxx in any of the fields checked.
Can the above code be tweaked to do this?
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May 30, 2006
Hi there i am building a search form and I want it to be able to display results from multiple criteria......Currently I am able to display results in a listbox, whenever the user types in a id number in a text box. So if a user types 63 in the ID text box the record with and ID of 63 will appear in the list box or it will wont if the record does not exist..... What i want to do is be able to search on multiple criteria. Sof if a user wants to search based on a name instead of a id number they woudl be able to. What I am struggling to grasp is how to invoke a OR in the criteria box. So that the list box will display results based on either the ID text box OR the name text box.
Any thoughts?
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Dec 17, 2004
I am trying to make a multiple field search function with VB in access:
private sub search (table1.field1,table1,field2....)
end sub
I Would like to know how i can send a field of a certain table as a parameter of a function?
also how i can know that i have arrived to the end of the column in the table?
Thank you all.
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