How To Set Codes Linked To Products

Mar 28, 2012

I am using Access 2010. I have 4 columns in my file. They are "Code", "Item", "Qty", and "Amount" . I have 5 products with my own codes. It means the codes are set by me. For example, 00001 for ruler, 00101 for book, 00201 for pencil, 00301 for rubber, 00401 for pen. My wish is to link the code and product together. It means that when I sell a pen, I must type the code for pen (in the "code column") and I must type pen in "Item Column", so I think it really takes long to do this because I will really make a mistake because the code and item are not linked at all. What I mean is that when I fill or know the code, I will get the product automatically in the "Item Column" or vice versa.

Now I have set the code 00401 for pen.

So when I need to fill the information. I wish to fill the code in the "Code Column" and then the word pen is automatically shown in the "Item Column". In this case, I will be able to get right code linked to its product.

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Generate Data Based On Zip Codes Or Area Codes

Feb 28, 2008

Hello Don,

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Top 5 Products Per Customer

Jan 22, 2008

Hi There,
I have created this query and i want to return the top 5 suppliers per LOB. It is returning something but it is not the top 5. I want to limit only to return the top 5. Pls. help and thanks. See attached file.

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Zip Codes

Jun 5, 2006

I have a table that contains a Zip Code field. Some of the Zip Codes are missing the leading 0. Zip Codes are a 5 digit field and these codes only have four. how do I get Access to recognize the number of characters and then add the leading 0 to only the ones that have 4 numbers?


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Zip Codes

Jan 18, 2007

Has anyone had any dealings with a way to calculate distance between 2 zipcodes? Of course all the zips wouls be in the current DB.... Then need to query those within a certian distance of another zipcode. I have a feeling this will need to be linked to an external source or app........ BUT... Anybody have any experience with anything similiar?

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Bar Codes

Apr 9, 2007

I would like to print a bar code on my invoices and then have my delivery drivers run the invoice under a bar code reader when they return from delivering. I know how to print the bar code I am nit sure how to go about interfacing a bar code reader in access 2000. Any thoughts?

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Help: Attaching Several Products To One Customer

Aug 17, 2007

Hi, I'm not even sure how to describe my problem in the proper terms in order to look it up in any faq or tutorial.

I have one table, customers. Their name, number, etc.
Another table, products: Name, id, department, etc.
And the final table being orders. Customer bought product when, etc.

However, I'm only able to attach one product to each customer per order. I need to be able to attach any number of products, and I don't know how to go about doing that.

Also, when I create a form for entering all the data to these tables, the information doesn't stick. I create a form using the order table, enter the order and customer information, and have the products as a subform. The information will stick for each table, but they won't connect to each other.
If that makes any sense...

Any pointers would be great thanks, I don't even know where to start.

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Mark All Products From Subform

Dec 2, 2005

I have a form orders with a subform orderdetails where we can order more than one product. When the order is finished you save it with a save button where it will also automathically mark the products ordered as not available.
Now, this code works, the problem is that it only marks one product. how do you make it mark all the products that where ordered (in orderdetails - the subform)? :

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'set values here!
Dim stAvai As String
Dim strSetProd As String

stAvai = "= " & Me.OrderDSubform.Form!ProductIdctrl.Value & " "
strSetProd = "UPDATE Products " & _
"SET Products.[Avail]= True " & _
"WHERE Products.[ProductId]" & stAvai & " ;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSetProd

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Date Query For When Products Are Available

Apr 19, 2006

I am trying to automate a process where we have 1000's units available on a date eg 01/01/06 - 05/01/06 this is produced in a reprot via a prehistoric system we use.
The report shows the start date and the duration the unit is in use. per each order
I then use excel to populate when the unit is in use. With all of 2006 date's along the top and use an if statement to populate when the unit is in use. Then i sum all like for like units together.
Is there an easy way of doing this in access?

where i am failing is populating when an individual unit is available with out using excel. excell is on the vege of falling over now due to the volume so am desperate for alternatives

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Grouping Products In A Report - Please Help

Dec 8, 2007

Hi everyone, I am having a lot of trouble doing something that is probably very simple.

My scenario is customers order products, lots of products, now i need to know the quantities of these products for all my customers. It doesnt have to be by customer name, all i need is the product and the Quantities.

I can produce a Report that contains what i need in it but i would like to summarise it.

My report now has the PRODUCT and the QUANTITY for each product that was entered in the order, Problem is the Same product comes up all the time in the report.

For example Product= Tray Lasagne Quantity = 1
Product= Tray Lasagne Quantity = 2

And it has a continues list in the report, i would like to group the products so that it shows like this on the report:

Product=Tray Lasagne Quanity= 1, 2 etc

Is this possible? Thanks.

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Codes And Descriptions

Jul 25, 2005

Hi i have designed a database where the users use a combo box to find a particular code they want..for example dog_brown or dog_grey, on the report which i have produced this code for the type of dog shows up to. I have another table which has a column with the code and also the dog_brown...brown dog. My users have asked me if on the report which i have produced can the description be shown instead of the code. I dont know if this can be done...any help would be grateful. Thanx

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VBcolor Codes

Oct 21, 2005

I was wondering where I might get a list of code I can use to change text in my program. If there is no list what would I use to get dark green. Right now I am using the following:

[description of failure].ForeColor = vbGreen

Thank you


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The Question Of Too Many Codes?

Apr 25, 2007

I have been wanting to ask this question for long. Is it alright to put too many codes in the various events of the forms and controls? Will it affect the efficient functioning of Access? Will those codes result in any absurd behaviour? For example, I have DMax function in the BeforeInsert of form followed by three If....End If codes. I have not faced any problem so far. However, I just want to hear the opinion of the experts.

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Tables - Need Codes?

Jun 27, 2007

Hi, I have the following problem.

I have three tables, Main Table, Table A and Table B. All three tables have a field called "Cutoff Time". The Main Table will look up the info from Tables A and B. Table A has a field called "Service". In the main table, there is also a field called "Service", which is same as the field in Table A. The condition is this: The main table should use the "Service" field to match the "Service" field in Table A to get the "Cutoff Time" from Table A. If there is no such match, then the "Cutoff Time" will be taken from Table B using another field called "Station".
I was wondering, how can I perform such an operation? Do I need to write SQL statements?

Thanks in advance!

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I Need Help With My Expression Codes...

Feb 23, 2006

I would like the textbox named "text7" to show the word "keswick" when the text inside the "txtUsername" is KH and show the word "Lawrence" when the text inside the "txtUsername" is LH. What sort of codes should I write? should it be SQL or Expression Builder or Code Builder? Thank you=)

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Publish Products From Access On Website

May 28, 2006

I would love to publish my product catalog from my access database on a website. it should be a browsable catalog with search field on article number range, product group, product type and should be able to display product pictures.Within my access database i have a link to the product picture stored by filename. I'm looking for an easy solution to do this, i'm using mysql as database on my hosting provider.I can do the export to mysql myself (interfacing between access and mysql) but am looking for some hot software to display the catalog easily without programming the front website myself. I already have oscommerce installed but don't want a webshop and don't know how to disactivate all the features within oscommerce to only retain the article browsing.Thanks if you have a hint

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SQL Query That Share Products Among Storehouses

May 29, 2005


it's my first time here and the reason is because i have a problem with a query.
I have a database of a storehouse. Each storehouse can be in one city. Storehouses have 5 products A, B, C, D, and E. A storehouse may have more, less or equal quantities of a product than it needs. I want to write an SQL query that shares the quantities of a product among storehouses. I tried to write but it was to difficult than i thought, so i ask your help. I attach the database for your convinience. :)

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Modules & VBA :: Searching Products With Images

May 15, 2014

I have attached a sample database that is for searching products with images. The search works ok, but cant get the product image on form-- FRM_Carns

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Queries :: Find Data Only For 3 Products

Apr 16, 2015

I have been trying to get this to work for days and I cant get it to work correctly. I have a query that I need to search only for the records that have 12,22 and 24 so in the fields criteria I have been trying

Total: Where
Criteria: In (12,22,24)

and it works BUT it only works for the first record it finds then it seems to skip and continue to search for all records after that.

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Queries :: Available Prices At Certain Date For All Products

Dec 6, 2013

As you know, the prices are, unfortunately, dynamic "objects".

So, I have a table for products:
ID_Product - Autonumber (PK)

and a table for prices
ID_ProductPrice - Autonumber (PK)
ID_Product - Number (FK on tblProducts
Price - Double
PriceDate - Date/Time

The problem: I have a certain date. I need to know the available prices at that date for all products.

I have a solution; but, for each product, I apply an external function that use two aggregate functions: DMax and Dlookup.

For my small tables, this isn't a problem but I like to know if it is a better way.

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About MS Access And Color Codes

May 11, 2006

Sometimes the simplest of questions can be the hardest to find the answer to. I have spent the last 2 hours searching for the answer to this one. I'm sure it's on this site somewhere but the search is running way to slow for me to be of any use.

What exactly does the numeric color codes in VBA represent? I have downloaded a score of color pickers. utilities and none use these numbers in the way Access does. Ideally, I'd like to find a utility that will allow me to specify a particular color and then give me the corresponding code for that color.


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Access Error Codes

Jan 23, 2008

Does anyone out there have any ideas on how I can get a full list of the error codes and their descriptions for microsoft access?

I've set up a simple table with two fields, one for the error code and the other for the description. I've written a short bit of code (see below) to build the table for me, but it only generates 88 codes with the highest being 746.

Now I know that there are error codes up in the 3000 area because I'm trapping a few of them.

What I'm looking for is a list of the error code so I may write an extended list in my error trapping routines.

Code as follows:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim My_RecordSet As DAO.Recordset, My_DataBase As DAO.Database
Dim My_Error As Long
Dim My_Description As String

For My_Error = 0 To 4000

On Error Resume Next

Err.Raise My_Error
My_Description = Err.Description

If My_Description <> "" Then

If My_Description <> "Application-defined or object-defined error" Then

Set My_DataBase = CurrentDb
Set My_RecordSet = My_DataBase.OpenRecordset("ErrorCode_Table", dbOpenDynaset, dbAppendOnly)
With My_RecordSet
![ErrorCodes] = My_Error 'set error #
![ErrorString] = My_Description 'set error description
End With

End If

End If

Next My_Error

End Sub

Cheers muckers


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Input Mask For Zip Codes

May 23, 2005

I am working on a membership database that only has members from Canada and the United States. In the zipcode field, is it better to have two seaparate fields or is there an input mask that can handle both US and Canadian zip codes.

Thanks in advance.

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Commenting Out SQL Codes In Access

Jan 17, 2006

I was wondering, is there a way to comment out some of your SQL codes in Access querries, like you do in Oracle or SQL Server or VB?
I need to know how to write comments in my SQL codes when usingh access

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Not Include Codes That Have A Letter On The Right

Jan 17, 2005

I have a list of codes:


I want a query that displays all codes that dont have a letter on the right.

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Reports :: Format Zip Codes

Feb 25, 2014

I have a report bound to a query that includes zip codes as a field. Zip codes are formatted in the table as 99999-9999 and display in this format when the query is run. However, when I place that field in the report text box as

=[ContactCity] & ", " & [StateAbbreviation] & " " & [ContactZip]

or even as [ContactZip]

The zip is not formatted.

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