How To Set Up Number Field To Autonumber On Reviews Of Application

Jan 14, 2013

Is it possible or not but Iany way to set up a number field to autonumber on reviews of an application.

To elaborate I have a review table linked to the primary application table. The pk on the review table will be an actual autonumber to list all the reviews ever to happen in the database. There will be multiple reviews on one application and there will be a review number for each review (1, 2, 3, etc...). Is it possible to set up as a 'number' field that will add the next review # for that particular application, and then start again at 1 for the next application?

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Forms :: Assign Next Number To A Field Not Using Autonumber

Apr 24, 2014

Auto number will not work for what I want to do. I am creating a simple database that will assign the user with the next incremental number in a field. The intent of the database is for the user to enter three text fields and then obtain the number. I believe that Dmax would work but do not know how to make populate the table.

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Auto Generation Of Number Without Using AutoNumber Field Type

May 5, 2005

I would like how I can generate automatic Id in a table with following structure. billid number, billdate date& time.

I don't like to use AutoNumber built in feature.


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Tables :: Autonumber Field - Cannot Add Record That Is Not High Number

Feb 18, 2013

I have a table with an autonumber field, which of course is indexed with no duplicates. Twice in recent days it has attempted to add a record with an autonumber that is not the high number - it is about 20 numbers below the high number. So we get a 'can't add this record' error.

I can fix this by copying the table to a temporary table and then copying it it back. Then the autonumber works correctly.

What can I do to prevent this? By the way we updated to Access 2010 a couple of weeks ago, but the data is still Access 2003. We are reluctant to update the data yet in case it causes more problems.

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Tables :: Autonumber From Table1 Not Coming Across In Number Field In Table2

May 5, 2013

I have created 2 tables:


Table 1 (StaffID) - contains all personal details in the form of forename + surname + position + email + contact numbers ect. Each field/person has an autonumber.

Table 2 (StaffTrainingID) - contains all mandatory training/lectures (18 fields in total). I don't wish to list each staff member again in table 2 so have put a StaffID field in (data type is number).

However, when I try to type in the StaffID number in that field so I can link that person to the relevant training he/she has taken, Access won't allow it.

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Controlling Autonumber Field - Start Autonumber From 1 Everyday (Composite Key)

Nov 21, 2013

I have two tables linked to each other in one to many relationship. Instead of auto number, the date and shift (Text) is being used as the primary keys (Composite Primary Key). Here is the tables structures,

Payouts Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night) : Primary Key

Bills Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night): Primary Key
Autonumber: Primary Key

The tables Payouts and Bills has one to many relationship. One payout row can have many bills. The problem is that I want to start the Autonumber in bills table everyday from 1. As date and shift are different for every day so even if i start bills from 1 everyday, it wont make same primary key. I can do it manually but I want to make it automatically.

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Application Version Number

Dec 4, 2006

Is there a way of specifying the version number of an Access application?

e.g. In classic Visual Basic you can specify the version number in the "Project Properties" menu option and then use these values in code by doing an app.major, app.minor etc... (or something like that).

Is there an equivalent in MS Access?


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Queries :: Create Application ID Automatically By Continuing Number

Feb 3, 2015

I am using an attendance management system with a DB in Access. Now I want to create APPLICATION_ID automatically by continuing number. For example, I have a table called "LEAVE_APPLICATION" and the structure is below:


00360 2 1
00360 2 2
00360 14 3
00360 14 4
00360 8 5
01390 8 1
01390 8 2
01390 14 3
01390 14 4

Now I want to update the table by adding the below data

00360 2
00360 2
01390 14
01390 1

How can i create the APPLICATION_ID field auto generating while pasting additional data. It should be numbering continually from the last record (Grouping to be applied for EmpID)like below:

00360 2 6
00360 2 7
01390 14 5
01390 1 6

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Autonumber Has Skipped A Number- Why?

Jan 19, 2006

I have a an 'Orders' table that records order details which has the order number field set as an autonumber. I also have a number of other tables which provide additional details for each particular order (eg Address details, invoice history etc) These each have a 1 to 1 relationship with the 'Orders' table. This has all been working fine for some time but having just added a new order the order number has jump from 10135 to 10137! For some reason it missed out 10136.

Any ideas why and what I need to do? If I create a new table based on the structure of the existing one then append the records to it won't I still have the same problem?


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Incrementing A Number Without Autonumber

Mar 26, 2006

I want to generate a unique Patient Number by using the first three letters of a particular field and then increment it by 1.

ie If the [CountryName] field is Australia I want the Patient ID to be AUS1 then AUS2 and so on.

I can do the first bit
PatientID=UCase(Left[CountryName],3) but how can I then add the number...?

(or maybe this isn't possible).

I need to avoid autonumbers becasue of the PDA program I am then transferring the database to.

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Changing The Starting Number Of The Autonumber

Apr 7, 2007

I have a table with a compound key, and one of the two fields in the compound key has to start at 100 and finish at 999 and I'd like it so that each number didn't have to be typed in individually.

So I thought about using an autonumber that somehow starts at 100 but doesn't go over 999 if thats possible? Or if you have any other ideas on how I could achieve this?

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Junction Table -number Or Autonumber?

Dec 21, 2007

Hi :)
I have solved a m:n relationship by adding a junction table. The composite primary key in the junction table is made up of primary keys from the other two tables, and both of theses primary keys are set to autonumber.

My question is this: Is it correct to set both parts f the composite key in he junction table to number rather than autonumber?
I was thinking that since autonumber should be set only once, the junction table should just take on what ever value there is in the primary keys of the other two tables.

Kind Regards

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Changing The Starting Number Of An Autonumber?

Apr 7, 2007

I have a table with a compound key, and one of the two fields in the compound key has to start at 100 and finish at 999 and I'd like it so that each number didn't have to be typed in individually.

So I thought about using an autonumber that somehow starts at 100 but doesn't go over 999 if thats possible? Or if you have any other ideas on how I could achieve this?

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General :: Using Autonumber As Order Number

Aug 13, 2015

i am going to use the autonumber as an order number but I want " SC2015 in front of it so i end up with " sc20151 , sc20152 but next year i want it to change the year SC201650 .how to put the sc2015 in my report without any input from the user

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Queries :: Cannot Copy Autonumber To Number

Jan 2, 2015

SQL does not copy the field (autonumber) of table1 to another field (number longue) of table2. Is this normal and is there a way around it? Here is the code:

"INSERT INTO TransUPDSHTbl SELECT TranSHTbl.MemID, TransSHTbl.FirstName, " & _
" TransSHTbl.LastName, " & _
" TransSHTbl.Language, TransSHTbl.Email, TransSHTbl.Federation " & _
" FROM TransSHTbl " & _
" INNER JOIN MembersTbl ON ((TransSHTbl.LastName = MembersTbl.NOM) AND " & _
" (TransSHTbl.FirstName = MembersTbl.PRENOM)) ORDER BY MembersTbl.MemID;"

Above table1 = TransSHTbl, table2 =TranshSHUPDTbl, Field1 = MemID, Field2=MemID

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After Delete Any Record, Autonumber Start With Next Number

Jan 16, 2008

I create autonumber as primary key in a table, then i tried to enter a record in that table. Then i deleted it, but when i enter a new record, auto number started with the next number. Ex: i enter a record and autonumber for it is 1. I deleted this record and entered a new record, but i found autonumber is 2. I want the number is 1,

Why is it happen? any solution ? help me pls...


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Making Dispatch Notes - Generate Reference Number Using AutoNumber

Aug 3, 2011

I have made a database for a repair workshop, where you book in and book out repairs.

I am having a problem as we need to make a Dispatch Note daily with a list of all booked out repairs for that day and for that branch.

This is all working so far. However, we need to generate a reference number using AutoNumber (Wshop0001, Wshop0002, etc) and keep a record of this - how can this be done with keeping ONE reference number per day per branch?

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How To Reset Tables To Change Data Type From Number To Autonumber

Dec 4, 2013

So I have decided that I want my ID's to be AutoNumbers, but at the moment they are currently set as Numbers. I have already inserted data, to test, which has been deleted, however I am now unable to change the ID field back to AutoNumber.

How can I duplicate the tables so that this field can be changed again?

I have like 10 tables with heaps of feild, so remaking them will take long, but I know there is a way using queries, I am just not sure how...

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Create A Database That Keeps Track Of Deficiencies In Various Logs And Reviews Of Logs

Sep 11, 2015

I am trying to create a database that keeps track of deficiencies in various logs and reviews of the logs. Each log is required to be reviewed by two individuals (determined by their title) everyday. I am trying to make the review table populate with a required review daily and then when the supervisor does his review he will update a checkbox to indicate that the review is complete. I would then query and update the calendar for which supervisors are still required to perform log reviews.

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Opening Access Application Like Desk Application Done With Java Or Vb

Jan 5, 2014

it is possible to Open access application like desk application done with java or vb, or install access application as exe or similar methods. My requirements is to giving a access application to customer with data base for printing an invoice. when he running the aplication he can see access open and tables, queries forms left hand. how to hide these thing ?

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Queries :: Extract Number Out Of Field And Update Extracted Number To Another Field

Feb 6, 2015

791335.12pack. This is the object that is in one of my access fields. I need to extract the 12 and place that in another column called qty.

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Is It Possible To Integrate MS Access Application To A Web Application??!!

Jun 11, 2007

We have an extensive reporting application in Access and would like it to be available through a web application. I've went down the road of migrating this application to SQL to use SQL Reporting Services; this is a good tool but I am wondering if MS Access has an easier solution for me other than migration to SQL.

I'm looking for a solution that will make these reports available over the web for many users. Price tag is a consideration...need to know if there is any.

Please help...thanks in advance for any thoughts!!!!

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AutoNumber Field

Mar 4, 2005

I have a table with 6000 records. The last autonumber is 8810 and now my next autonumber wants to start at 2752. Is there a way that I can renumber that entire field to number correctly? I have tried compacting and repairing the database. Your assistance is appreciated.

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Re-set AutoNumber Field

Mar 8, 2005

Good Afternoon Dudes

I have deleted all records from a database and wish to re-set an autonumber field back to 1.

At present when we start re-entering records it starts from record 769 where the old records finished.

Can you please advise how we can do this.


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Autonumber Field

Oct 19, 2006

I want to start value in autonumber field at certain number than 1
ex. start autonumber at 1000 then 1001 ......
thank you

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Help Please, AutoNumber Field

Sep 7, 2005

I have an autonumber field that somehow got reset back to one. Is there anyway to reset this number, I need it to be back around 1900.
This is a big problem because I use the auto number as an order number and also use that number to link the options selected to that order. Now that it has reset to one, it is picking up options from the original order number one.
Any suggestions?

Addtl Info. This is in an Order Table. When the order is ready for manufacturing it is assigned a serial number and the order is deleted from the order table and put into a production table.

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