How To Show Only The Current Forms Details!!

Jun 9, 2007

Hi i hope someone can help. :)

I have created a databse with three tables that are linked (customers, quotes and invoices). I have my main form (customers) with two sub forms (quotes and invoices).

Is it possible to create a query to show the data just from the current form that i am viewing?

I would appreciate if you could help.

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Forms :: Open Form To Show Full Details When Double Click On Subform

Jun 16, 2015

I have a subform 2SiteList (Datasheet View) with the field SiteName... i also have another form SiteDetails.

if possible i would like to be able to double click on a SiteName on the subform and have the SiteDetails form to open to show the full details.

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Forms :: Show Only Most Current Record?

Aug 3, 2013

i've designed a rental database (which seems to do what i want) - it's not perfect....

But i can't figure out how to accomplish this.

If i have a tenant, who has previously had a lease agreement on one of my properties, but then moves out, and then moves into one of my new properties, i can't seem to see how to get access to display just the new lease details.

I've attached a blank copy of the DB with some sample data to illustrate this.

you will see that test tenant has two leases, one expired lease, and one active lease, but on the main form it just shows the expired (original lease)....

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Forms :: Show Current And Total Record Numbers

Nov 27, 2013

This code shows current record number:


This code shows total record number:


How do I combine them in a textbox to say something like "8 of 10"?

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Queries :: Show Unfiltered Details Of Field

Oct 25, 2014

The programmer who we had used is not available and I would like to see the Unfiltered Details of the field

Code was : =DSum("Deposit_Amount","c_Deposit_Slip_Lines","Can celed=False and c_Deposit_Slip_Header_ID=" & [ID])

I want to see the Deposit amount unfiltered

i.e.: Deposit amount $1,234.56

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Forms :: Data Entry - How To Show Current Date That Doesn't Change The Next Day

Jun 27, 2013

I am extremely new to Access. I have my database up and running ok(ish) and would like to know if in my data entry form, I can have the "Date Entered in Database" box display the current date that does not change from day to day. I know you can use the "Now()" function but won't this just change everyday?

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Visual Sign To Show User Details Have Or Havent Been Entered

Nov 23, 2006

hi.. i have one table with fields 1-8

2 forms are used to fill in the details for each record using the primary key on each form.




is there a way that on FORM1, i can indicate to my user whether or not any details have been entered into FORM2

maybe a colour system.. eg

if table.pickup and table.dropoff and table.vehicle are empty
form indicator on FORM1 is red (to show that none of the details on FORM2 have been entered)

else if table.pickup or table.dropoff or table.vehicle are not empty
form indicator on FORM1 is green (to show that atleast one of the fields on FORM2 has been entered)

it doesnt have to be a colour scheme, it can be wording.. eg

Form2 Empty, or Form2 Completed...

just some kind of sign to my user..

anyone ever tried or used something like this before?

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Reports :: Report To Show Data Details Selectively For Each Field / Qualitative Data

Apr 16, 2014

I have data from a survey with qualitative responses. For a single qualitative question, I moved the ID & responses into a new table and categorized the response according to a bucket/theme, where each column is a new bucket. I now have 10 columns. Each response is represented in 1 or more columns. I used an excel formula to copy the response data into the column itself.


A1 // B1// C1 // D1// E1//... L1
ID // Response // Cats // Dogs // Elephants //.... Column 10
1 // I like cats // I like cats //(null)//(null)// ... (null)//
2 // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs //(null)//..//
3 // etc.

However, now I'm realizing that Access always wants to show data for all records, or at most I can limit using a WHERE clause in my query.I want to use Access to generate this report:

1. Section 1: Show all responses from the Cats bucket where there is data
2. Section 2: Show all responses from the Dogs bucket where there is data
3. and so on

I know how to do summary values, and I know how to do filtering that apply across the whole report, but this seems like more advanced filtering, where I want to see selective details differently for each field.

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How To Show Most Current Record Only?

Apr 9, 2006

I am creating a query based on two tables: 1) tblClient (only one primary key "ClientID") and 2) tblContactDate (with two primary keys "ClientID" and "ContactDate").

Each client may have more than one contact date.

In the query, I only want the records from the tblContactDate showing for the MOST RECENT contact date of the client only; however, right now the query is producing more than one record for those clients with more than one contact date.

Not sure if I need add some special code to the "criteria" area in the Design View, or somewhere else. Your help is appreciated. :confused:

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How Do I Only Show Current Records Image?

Oct 12, 2005


Just wondering if anyone could help me with my little problem :)

I am making a register (as in a class register of students) I have a table with the lessons on and one with students on. I have made a relationship between them etc.

I have a form where the parent allows you to choose which lesson you want to view, and the subform displays the students for that lesson. This all works fine.

My problem is that I also want a picture to be displayed for the student that is currently selected, I have managed to update the picture by using

Private Sub Form_Current()
[student_picture].Picture = [student_image]
End Sub

student_picture is the name of the image on the subform, the student_image is a row in my student database that contains the location of the image e.g. c:abc.jpg

and this works at updating the image that is show. The only problem is that the image is shown on all records/rows. Is there anyway of making it so that the image is only displayed on the current row?

Thank you


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Forms :: Goto Form With Current User And Current Date

Aug 27, 2013

What I really need is for when the form opens, it looks at todays date, then matches current user and then goes to that record for today, if no current user there, then will goto new record..

i know, sounds complicated, and probably is really easy, but my heads not with it today, as about to get drunk as its my 40th, and got people ringing and texting and still trying to get this done....

I've included a copy of this database, named Timecards..

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Report Filter To Show Only Current Record

Sep 21, 2005

Help needed again please

I have managed to link a report to a form where you can double click on the surname and the report opens automatically BUT I want the report to only show the data from the record that I have double clicked - at teh moment the report is coming up with thousands of pages - one for each record.

Can anyone help me with this - I think it's probably something simple but I can't work it out on my own :eek:

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Report Question - Best Way To Just Show Current Record?

Nov 17, 2004

Is there a way to configure a report to only show
the data from the current record I choose on my form?
Thanks in advance.

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Reports :: Query To Show Only Current Week

Dec 3, 2014

How can i make a conditional report that can give me some data from the table.

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Reports :: On Show Most Current Data On A Report

Mar 14, 2013

I have a report that shows all visit dates and the rep that did the visit. How do I only show the most current data. I use an append query to add records to a specific table. The report pulls from that table.

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Forms :: DLookup And MSGBOX With Record Details

Jun 18, 2015

I've got a form which holds data for employees, fname, lname, ..... and an entered date which defaults to now().

On the before update event, i have the following.

If DCount("*", "trainingdata", "[Empid]=" & Me!EmpID & _
" And [subjectid]=" & Me!SubjectID & _
" And [trainingdate]=#" & Me!TrainingDate & "#") > 0 Then
MsgBox ("This record already exists")
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

With the above vba code, a msgbox pops up if the record combination already exists. What I would like to do is in the same msgbox have the "entered" date display and make the msgbox say something like.

This record already exists and was entered on 6/18/2015, [entered]...

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Forms :: Editing Record Details Not Allowed

Sep 28, 2014

I have had a form working for ages. It has a main form and eight subforms at the bottom of the form. The main form can be edited in all fields.

I have taken a copy, modified the form added new fields to the main source table and updated the query that feeds the form.

Now (in the copy environment) it won't allow me to edit any of the fields. All of the form control properties are the same as the working model (in the live environment) I can run the query by itself and all is OK

There is obviously some little control that I have inadvertently changed and can't see it.

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General :: Set Text Field To Show Particular Time For Current Day

Aug 7, 2013

How can i put a fixed time for the current date in a text field.

So the field will be 06:00:00 for the current day when the form is open?

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Modules & VBA :: Show Related Record For Current User

May 11, 2014

I was creating a program using ms access. consist of 2 table of database called employee and userlevel.. in employee table have ID, name, username, password,userlevel, and others related employee profile.. and in userlevel table, it consist of admin level and normal user level.. Userlevel table allow to differenciate admin and normal user(employee) .. in my program each employee having their own loginID and pass to access their own data.. the problem with my program now is displaying the data that belong to the logged in employee. its mean that it only show the data that owned by currently user that logged in..

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Select Current Record In Datasheet And Show In Main Form?

Aug 20, 2007

Hello everyone,
I have a query that runs from the main form when the command button is clicked. It displays the results in datasheet view. I want the user to double click a specific record and jump to that specific record in the main form. How do I do this? Sorry, if this is a dumb question. Please help, my boss is breathing down my neck. :eek: The main form is called Contracts. Each record has a unique ID.


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Modules & VBA :: Current Record Does Not Show On Report - Manual Refresh?

Aug 31, 2014

I have a form that when a user fills out the information and select a submit button. It brings up that record in reports in print preview for them to print. The issue i am having when the user enter the information, the report does not show any data until i refresh it. I tried include me.refresh,etc. No luck. I attached the code to make things simpler.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Dirty Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to Submit this Contract Form? Clicking No will DELETE ALL ENTERIES,and Log You Off", vbYesNo, "CONTRACT FORM") = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
If MsgBox("PRINT FORM", vbOKOnly, "CONTRACT PRINT") = vbOK Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_Contracts_Main", acViewReport, , "[CONTRACT_ID]=" & Me!CONTRACT_ID
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

The reports comes up, but i have to manually refresh it to show the data that was enter.

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Reports :: Show Data For Current Year With A Record Count

Apr 14, 2014

I have a report that I am trying to show data for the current year, but with a record count.

So, for example: I have 3-OVI, 3-Conduct Unbecoming, and 3-Did not transport for the current year.

When I run my report, it will show the above data for the current year, but in this format;

Conduct Unbecoming-1

and so on.

What I would like is;

Conduct Unbecoming-3
Did not transport-3

If I take out the date code for the current year in my query, then I get the desired results but I get all data.

If I leave the date code in, then I get the data for the current year but I get the first example above.

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Forms :: Change Form Details Based On Two Combo Boxes

Jun 12, 2014

I have two combo boxes in the form header and command buttons in the form detail. The combos allow the user to select either a customer or a prospect, then the command buttons open forms that only show records pertaining to the customer or prospect selected. Combos are "4Custcbo" and "4Proscbo".

1.How do I change which command buttons are available depending on whether the user has selected a customer or a prospect? Do I use two different subforms or is there a better way?

2.How do I hide the other combo box once the user has selected either a customer or a prospect?

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2007 - Retrieve Current User And Show Ribbon

Oct 7, 2013

I want to show one ribbon for any user level.

Into attach file I use a UserTable to test different user/level.

I retrieve this error: Error 438"Object Doesn't Support This Property or Method" ...

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Show Current Record Value From Table In Combobox In Addition To Query Results

May 3, 2015

I have a table, with a related value in another table. E.g. A Items table with a batch value from another table.

I have a form to enter how many of these items has been used and from which batch number they belong.

The batch number is from a dropdown, and batches can be finished(exhausted) and marked such in the table so they no more show in the dropdown.

All this works fine, until, I go back to a entry which was from a batch that has been finished. The combobox is empty although the (Already finished) batch number is mentioned in the table. This is perfectly normal as my query for the combobox is :


SELECT ItemBatch.ItemId, ItemBatch.ItemBatchNumber, ItemBatch.Finished, ItemBatch.ItemName
FROM ItemBatch
WHERE (((ItemBatch.Finished)=False)
AND ((ItemBatch.ItemName)=[Forms]![ItemMasterForm]![ItemDataSheet].[Form]![ItemName]));

What I want is to show the current batch number as well. I tried to make this query get the current value, but wasn't successful. I tried to make a calculated field based on the dropdown and show its value.

Is there any way I can show the batch number in the datasheet? I have to use a datasheet and not a form, because there will be many sub records for the main form, and having a form will be very uneasy.

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Forms :: Date Control In Header Updates Appointments In Details Section

Jul 3, 2013

Working in Access 2007 - I would like to have an updatable calendar in the header section of a form, and when this is changed by the user I would like the subforms (there are several) in the details section to be updated with various appointments with dates corresponding to the date selected in the header.

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